Beluaterra/Fifth Invasion

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Fifth Invasion

The invasion began with three priests of daimon worship. These priests suddenly have shown themselves in different parts of the continent from the blighted regions. Months after the previous invasion, a war broke out in the north and south. In the north, Nothoi-Old Grehk-Sint-Thalmarkin allied with each other to attack Fronen which was strongest in terms of CS (mostly militia). Fronen had five cities under her banner at the time while realms like Thalmarkin and Nothoi only had one.

In the south, Riombara declared war on Enweil to prevent Enweil from helping her ally, Fronen.

While things were chaotic, the priests arrived and started preaching in rural regions of the realms. The priests warned humans of the coming invasion as they offered a way to survive the invasion. Many nobles did not trust daimons as daimons usually offered only two things. Slavery or Death. The south started to work on the peace treaty right away but the north could not agree on things as Old Grehk demanded too much from Fronen.

A couple weeks after the first appearance of the daimon priests, the leader of daimons has shown himself. He called himself 'Overlord' and his lieutenants appeared from the four corners of the continent. They were called 'Nightfalls' of the East, West, South, and North. NotS (Nightfall of the South) attacked Riombara, NotE attacked Fronen but soon changed his/her direction to the south to fight Enweil, and NotN attacked Thalmarkin but was quickly defeated by the allied armies of Thalmarkin and Melhed. NofW attacked Nothoi and won a battle on an open field but was defeated in the capital of Nothoi.

After some 'light' skirmishes, Overlord sent the ultimatum to all the rulers of the continent. Enweil responded the last and for that Overlord began his invasion with Enweil with most of his generals.

Known Priests so far (Sighted)

1st Son - Enweil, Riombara - Priest, Infiltrator

2nd Son - Thalmarkin, Melhed

3rd Son - Sint

Daemon Worship

With what little information we have at the moment, it does not require the presence of one of the three priests to spread the religion. It is spreading slowly but it is indeed spreading without anyone preaching in regions.

Daimons Spotted

Daimons leaders can use magic! Caution should be the first response to seeing their leaders.

'Overlord' - Netherworld Daimonlord. Drove messengers sent by other leaders mad. The creature seems to be ruthless.

'Nightfall of the East' - Netherworld troopleader. First spotted in Tey Gren leading 70 daimons, Dec 1, 1011.

'Nightfall of the North' - Netherworld troopleader. First spotted in Wailing Wood leading 100 daimons of roughly 5800 CS, Dec 2, 1011. <Death Confirmed> Executed by Melhed.

'Nightfall of the South' - Netherworld troopleader. First spotted in Glongin leading 80 daimons of roughly 5500 CS, Dec 3rd, 1011. <Death Confirmed> Killed in Action

'Nightfall of the West' - Netherworld troopleader. Seems to be leading 120 daimons in Naraka, Dec 06 1011.

'Midnight of the North' - Netherworld troopleader replacing Nightfall of the North after Nightfall was executed in Melhed.

'Midnight of the South' - Netherworld troopleader replacing Nightfall of the South was spotted in Lopa on Dec 17th.

Timeline of the 5th Invasion

A Call for Unification

At the signs of the first Daimons, Consul Soren of Melhed, called for the stop of wars and the unification of humanity against the Daimon threat. This was met with resounding agreement, though it is difficult to set aside differences. Humanity might actually work together for once.

An Oath by the Bridge

King Fingolfin, King Michael, and Consul Soren all met in Yipinalke to reaffirm their alliances and pledge to stand together against the might of any threat. Gifts were given in the form of the Elemental Compendium of the Undead, which was gifted to King Fingolfin, and the Longsword of Daemonslaying which was given to King Michael by the Consul. Soren himself, swore on his Gem of Fire.

The Ultimatum of the Overlord

Message sent to the human rulers of Beluaterra (9 recipients)

Your time for deliberation has ended. My sons report no success in their quest, just like I told them. To prove my point with certainty and laugh at them when they return, I am taking their idea up once, and only this once:

I am offering every realm that is willing to accept the Daimon Dominion as the true and justified rulers of this world a peaceful co-existence. Send your oath of fealty and you shall be spared.

Everyone who does not will see their lands burned down, their people enslaved and their souls ripped apart as we feed the soulforges with them.

You should haste with a reply, even if your reply is the stupidity I expect from your inferior race. For the last realm to reply will be the first one to be destroyed. By your actions, you choose your doom.
