Marley Family/Buba Marley

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Buba Marley

Buba Marley, is a member of the Marley Family started his career, some days after his biggest brother Marcus retired from his militar career to the silence and peace of his family residence. Buba started his career on 28/5/2011 in the Far East Island, serving to the Arcachon Realm with only 17 years, but with lots of experience from the early training he got in his family. His lazy appearance makes others not to value him lot, but he is a very intelligent and reflexive person, with great tactics and moves on the field. Continuing the family tradition, Buba is also an expert in the art of medicinal herbs, contributing to the Marley's Botanical Guide, as his sister Laia Marley and Marcus Marley


In the battlefield Buba uses Spatha, his long sword. He also has a great hability with the bow, aiming very carefully he is able to throw to the ground a running enemie from very far. Spatha is a long sword used with both hands, to gain the maximum power, but can also be used with one hand by strong nobles, as it has a medium weight, wearing a shield on the other hand.

Buba has been seen once surrounded by enemies and with a lap he used his sword to kill half of his enemies in a row, the other half fled automatically.

Arcachon's History

Buba was born in Ecsetuah, Far East, in the realm of Arcachon. During his childhood he was mentored by his sponsor, and was trained in the arts of war and sabotage. His calm and relaxed appearance, make him not to seem guilty and therefore he doesn't never seem suspicious.

As the moment came where Arcachon declared war to Arcaea and Ohnar West, Buba decided to start his career and joined the armies to help his realm to win.