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Revision as of 18:19, 5 January 2006 by AlexTurner (talk | contribs)

Actually, now that I've written that about duels, I'm not sure -- can heroes be killed in a duel where a regular character would receive a serious wound? --John 4 October 2005 23:23 (CEST)

Not at the moment, but they might once actual duelling to death is implemented. --Kristian 15 November 2005 16:26 (CET)

I have a question about death. If you are executed and have, for example, 200 (+1500) gold with you, say from bounty you have just collected, what would happen to it? -- Ghostly

I got a question. An Infiltrator has the ability to wound or seriously wound a target. What would happen if that target was a hero? The reason i ask it is becasue a serious wound for a hero means death. For example a new hero, low skill is the trget for the best infiltrator in battle master, he manages to wound the target a normal TL will get a serious wound, what does the Hero get? Scott Sabin 5th Jan 06 17:45 GMT

I've never seen it happen, but I've always assumed that the Hero would die if he takes a serious wound from an assasin. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't die anyway... --Roy 5 January 2006 18:49 (CET)
Nope, infiltrators seriously wound Heros just like everyone else. AlexTurner 5 January 2006 18:51 (CET)
So only a serious wound in battle will kill a Hero? Doesn't that seem a bit...arbitrary? A serious wound is a serious wound, why would it matter where it took place? It might be worth adding this distinction to the wiki manual section about hero's, as it does sort of imply that any serious wound will kill a hero. --Roy 5 January 2006 19:15 (CET)
It is a bit arbitrary. But if a good infiltrator could actually kill charecters, it would be far too powerfull. A clarrification in the manual might be usefull. AlexTurner 5 January 2006 19:19 (CET)