Metsamees Family/Ragnar

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Ragnar Metsamees


Ragnar eldest son of Raimond and Aurora.

Ragnar is physically as strong as his father was at his age, if not stronger. And under his fathers tutelage Ragnar has learned the usage of many weapons. His favorite being a gigantic blade which as is custom he made himself. Ragnar also had learned martial arts, herbalism, blacksmithing, woodsmanship and other wisdom that are passed down from generation to generation. Mentaly Ragnar is a calm person, hard to anger and quick to calm down. Similar to his father in that respect aswell. But unlike his father who always acts by his logic, Ragnar half the time acts by his instincts. Makeing him more unpredictable and chaotic, thinking ahead half the times and acting on impulse the other half. Nor is Ragnar as solitary person as his father, but both of them do share the similar fondness of nature.

At the age of 17 Ragnar ventured to the wider world inorder to become a stronger and mightier, quite similar to what his father did in his youth. Striving to become a honorable and mighty warrior Ragnar joined the realm of Ibladesh, on the East Islands, as a knight and warrior.

Once when Ragnar part took a tournament, he found a injured squirrel. Nurturing it back from the brink of death, the squirrel was reluctant to leave, and thus Ragnar made himself a pet who usually either sleeps inside Ragnars shirt, or sits on his shoulder or head. Ragnar named him Ratatoshk (Rata in short), and at times even took him to battles, thus far Ratatoshk has made no kills nor has suffered any wounds.