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How or when can Dukes call out the Vigilantes?

Minor point; what are Imperial Knights?

I'm not sure about Vigilantes, as neither of my Dukes have seen them before, but an Imperial Knight is essentially someone who comes under the 'Freeman and unaligned nobles' section in the hierarchy page, but is actually sworn to the King. For example, a Duke who loses his position due to inactivity automatically becomes an Imperial Knight. I'm pretty sure the General gets some of the same options to do with them in the same way that a Marshal does the soldiers within a Ducal Army. --Roy 31 December 2005 13:37 (CET)


Okay, here's another question - is there any way to remove a Duke of Royal blood from power? Say, for example, an ex-King buys himself the title whilst the current Duke was absent, how would one get rid of him? You can't ban him or strip him of the title, and you can't protest him, so is assassinating him really the only option? --Roy 31 December 2005 13:37 (CET)

Yes we have an infil who assasinated the king. Took the position. Got protested out of office. He was a royal then and when our duke was inactive he stole the title. Dan raymond December 31, 2005 18:40 (CET)

lol, yeah, that's be the same situation that I was talking about in Ethiala then? I was just being slightly circumspect and trying not to name names ;) Still, it is a pain in the ass that there's nothing we can do about it...unless anyone has any suggestions? --Roy 1 January 2006 13:34 (CET)

I think I heard that Tom said something about infils not being allowed to hold government positions anymore, or something like that might be implemented soon. Not sure though. Vellos 1 January 2006 16:41 (CET)

Yes, this is implemented now. Olik 1 January 2006 18:47 (CET)

The problem is that he's not King anymore. A Duke probably doesn't count as a government position, so it leaves us back at square one. --Roy 1 January 2006 16:50 (CET)