Osha Family/Alfred

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The youngest son of Sera, Alfred's birth was the result of a lucrative political union between his father and another noble house. For a long time, this union alone marked the highlight of Alfred's usefulness to House Osha. Unlike other offspring of the House, Alfred remained at the family estate in Irdalni for several years beyond reaching manhood. A situation compounded by the fact of Sera's death in his early teenage years. Eventually though, having grown tired of Alfred's fecklessness, the remaining House members in Irdalni forced him into taking a ship to Dwilight to start a new life in Springdale.

Upon arriving in Springdale, Alfred was remarkably quickly caught up in a scheme that culminated in the deposition of the tyrant King Attius Miriel. This saw Alfred's ascendancy from a minor position of martial leadership to that of Adjunct to the new Emperor. Shortly after that, Alfred also became Duke of Nifelhold. Despite becoming one of the most powerful men in the Empire, Alfred found his new responsibilities too much to bear and he had none of the talent of his father. Indecisiveness and inexperience quickly saw Alfred's strength and influence diminished, especially in bruising struggles with Duke Cato De La Fere and eventually Alfred withdrew from public life altogether, renouncing his titles as he did so.

Shortly after withdrawing from public life in Springdale, Alfred emigrated to Beluaterra to join his uncle, Attila, in Valhus. There once again, Alfred was drawn into wider events culminating in his appointment as Duke of Wudenkin after the violent overthrow of Emperor Valhalla Valentine. Despite receiving this honour, he followed the lead of his uncle in abandoning Valhus for Bara'Khur just a few days later.

Since arriving in Bara'Khur, Alfred has been comprehensively overshadowed by his prestigious uncle, tending to keep a low profile. His interventions in Bara'Khurian public life are rare, and usually on religious matters as he seeks to spread the message of Estahsism. A faith he founded and to which these days he dedicates near the entirety of his time.

House Osha

Alfred | Attila | Barbar | Malice | Revan | Revan the Younger | Rinoa | Sera | Wolfram

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