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Revision as of 19:48, 25 March 2009 by Indirik (talk | contribs)

Error while fetching data from URL $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.
Region Details
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Region Type Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set."Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set." is not in the list (City, Townsland, Stronghold, Rural, Mountains, Woodland, Badlands) of allowed values for the "Is regiontype" property.
Geographic Area Error: no local variable "area" has been set.
Population Error: no local variable "population" has been set."Error: no local variable "population" has been set." is not a number.
Economy Error: no local variable "economy" has been set.
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Part of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

[[Category:Error: no local variable "continent" has been set. Regions]] [[Category:Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.]]

Thanatos Stronghold

A near-impenetrable fortress, shielded from one side by the vast mountains of Moramroth, and by a 12-foot thick, 30-foot high massive granite wall on the other side. There is no way through the wall; if you want to take the fortress, you have to scale the walls. The stronghold is designed in such a way that a small force can defend it from a much larger army, something that Norland has experienced the hard way. They attacked the fortress with a vast army when it was protected by only a handful of soldiers and sentries, and they were driven off the walls time and time again. The top of the walls have only a narrow walkway, so attacking forces have to tread carefully to avoid risking a deadly plunge. Only the strongest infantrymen can defend the walls, as they are the best when it comes to pushing back attack ladders and fighting man-to-man on the narrow ledges. The fortress keep has space for up to 8 garrisons of archers, who are able to cover the entire length of the wall with archer fire, creating a second, very deadly line of defense. Thanatos Stronghold is currently governed by Duke Hades Reaver.