
From BattleMaster Wiki
Region Details
Continent East Continent
Region Type Mountains
Geographic Area South Highlands
Population 1150
Economy Mining, Stoneworks
Realm / Duchy Caligus / Griffin's Aerie
Local Lord Bjorn Utengar

Scio is a mountainous region that encompasses the southern foothills of the Akesh Mountains on the East Island. To the south is the city of Domus.

Hidden in the mountains, this small but strong village has been in the hands of Caligus for a long time, but was seceded to Yssaria after the end of their long war. During the war, all but 1 man of the region's small populace was exterminated by Yssarian raiders, and its infrastructure completely torn down.

The current Lord is Baron Baranak of Yssaria.

28. march 2007 A fort has been constructed in Scio. Baranak, Baron of Scio proudly opened the newly fortified garrison in a small ceremony today.

This region now belongs to Caligus.