
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 19:23, 17 February 2009 by Ignatius (talk | contribs) (RCP infobox update)

Please consider using Template:Infobox RegionData instead, which automatically fetches the relevant and always-correct data from the game engine itself. Use this template for historical pages where the region data is no longer available (e.g. the sunk south islands).

To convert, use the "image" property - the first number is the world-id, the second the region-id.

Region Details
Continent Far East
Region Type Mountains
Geographic Area South Mainland
Population 7300
Realm Cathay


Pates is the third most populated region in the League of Anacan, and is home to weathered coastal mountains and hills which yield much wealth in mining gold, copper, iron and other minerals. The people here are generally miners employed by local lords, instead of farmers or peasants, and as such they have a rough and ready lifestyle and culture. Soldiers from this area tend to be very handy in the use of axes and military picks as a result of their upbringing.