Orim Family

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House Orim

The Orim family began thier travels in Old Omsk many moons ago.Though the realm was on the brink of destruction so they fled to what is now called Atamara.

The three brothers who have taken up the right to serve are Murat,Virath and Leshrac.There are others but they have decided that it is not yet their time or have decided to go into different professions.

Leaders of the House Orim


He is the eldest of the house at a modest 35 years of age.After taking his brothers from Old Omsk they arrived in Falasan where Murat served for 243 days until the end of the great war of lake.The war that Darka/Talerium/Eston waged against Falasan was a long hard fought war.Eventually it ended and Murat went and joined Darka.He still resides there after 898 days.Becoming a King was the highlight of his accomplishments and no one else in the House Orim has held such for near aslong.

Murat's Accomplishments

  • Darka(Monarchy)
    • Former Hammer Battlegroup leader
    • Former Banker
    • Former King(served for 189 days)
    • Former count of Xultlec
    • Former Duke of Azzal
    • Built Guildhouse for "Atamara Dueling Assocation" in Saler
    • Current Duke of Saler


He is the second oldest is also 35 years of age.He went to Beluaterra for along time and served.He started in the orginal Riombara and even served a ruler for a day before being wounded.After that realm fell he headed to MDP where he served for along time as judge and in a few other minor posts.Surviving the first invasion but not the second he then headed toward Plegoth where he also served as judge.Though greatful for taking him in Plegoth was still no MDP.After some time had he went to the Far East and resided in the Highland Empire.A rebellion was launched and the rebels won.He would not bow to the new government so he was exiled as a self proclaimed threat.He then returned to Beluaterra and joined the realm of Fronen.Hearing of a new colony being set up by Old Grehk he set out north to join them and find a new place to call home.The colony was founded and named Thalmarkin.Currently he serves as a Bureaucrat and Baron of Oepiud.

Virath's Accomplishments

  • Riombara(Republic)
  • Former ruler(one day before being wounded)
  • MDP(Monarchy)
    • Former Judge

Lommeril(Gone but not Forgotten)

Was a wanderer for pretty much most of his life.He served under many banners but always with honor and loyalty.After moving the mansion to Bisquez(Darka) he finally settled down in Minis Ithil.He enjoyed what he did and finally felt at peace with himself and those around him.His personal unit nicknamed the "HeadHunters" were always right there in the heat of battle.He was proud to lead a group of warriors such as them.Roughly two weeks before his demise he was appointed Count of Nemaha.He was very happy that King DeadAngel3 had chosen him for such a position.His joy was cutshort however when he was captured by Redspan's Juge ******* and deported from Atamara to the Colonies due to a ban placed upon him while he was a soldier in the so called goat army.Though he never made it and is thought to have been murdered in his sleep.

Lommeril's Accomplishments


The youngest of the three currently serving in any realm.At 17 he is young and inexperienced.He has taken up his brothers place within Minis Ithil.He hopes to avenge his brother's murder and bring down Redspan for such a dishonorable act.

=Leshrac's Accompishments

None as of yet