Metsamees Family/Woodsman: Difference between revisions

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Personality traits, bolt mental and physical.
Personality traits, bolth mental and physical.
<tr><td>Heavily scared:</td><td>Has meny meny scars on his body and face, evidenting that this man is no stranger to battle or pain, earns him respect amongst others and fear some fear from enemyes.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Heavily scared:</td><td>Has meny meny scars on his body and face, evidenting that this man is no stranger to battle or pain, earns him respect amongst others and fear some fear from enemyes.</td></tr>
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<tr><td>Calm minded:</td><td>Is emotionaly in controll over himself, dosnt loose his head in confusion nor allowed emotions to over come his actions.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Calm minded:</td><td>Is emotionaly in controll over himself, dosnt loose his head in confusion nor allowed emotions to over come his actions.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Shows no weakness:</td><td>Shows no weaknesses, (when gets cut or breaks a bone, he dosnt  scream or make face impressions that would indicate that).</td></tr>
<tr><td>Shows no weakness:</td><td>Shows no weaknesses, (when gets cut or breaks a bone, he dosnt  scream or make face impressions that would indicate that).</td></tr>
<tr><td>Intimidating:</td><td>Has a intimidating look abaut him, his mere gaze can freeze a lesser man in his steps, grants him more authority over his troops ans well as fear over enemys, however he looks intimidating eaven if he dosnt wish to, thus others have hard time trusting him.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Slow to trust:</td><td>Gaining his trust is very difficult, gaining his friendship eaven more difficult.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Slow to trust:</td><td>Gaining his trust is very difficult, gaining his friendship eaven more difficult.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Carnal rage:</td><td>Is hard to anger, but when angerd there is no stoping him. Like a bear calm at first but when poked enough he will chase you down and tear you to shreds, or you can climb a tree, that way you have a nice view before the bear knocks the tree down.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Carnal rage:</td><td>Is hard to anger, but when angerd there is no stoping him. Like a bear calm at first but when poked enough he will chase you down and tear you to shreds, or you can climb a tree, that way you have a nice view before the bear knocks the tree down.</td></tr>

Revision as of 13:23, 21 January 2008

"Woodsman" Raimond Metsamees

The eldest son of Vahur named Raimond.
And twin brother to Rainor.

Rainor and Raimond although not identical twins are rather alike in theyr personalitees.
In Metsamees clan nature is held in high regard, and so do thees twins.
They are eccualy trained and educated in the traditional theachings.
Like war arts, natural phylosophys, herbalism, hunting, fishing, smithing...and suth.
Raimond is a private person, dosnt enjoy communicating, and prefers to live in solitude rather than in civilization.
Physicaly is very storng and enduring but lacks stamina and mentaly is rather inteligent.
By personality Raimond, is very cool and level headed, he dosnt anger easely, but when does it just might be more terrifieing than a stampeed of grislys.
Other wise he seems rather numb and cold person thowards most things, also he dosnt joke mutch, seldomly laughs at others jokes, a distant person.
Dosnt hold human life in higer value than anyother life, and has no problem takeing anylife should it be nessesary.
Woods and forests are for him a place refuge and tranquility, also the closest thing to a holy place, when for most people they are places where dangerious predators and mischiveous spirits lurk to claim the lives of men.
Raimond belives in strength and wisdom. And als honor, he expecialy demands the last from his folowers and payd soldiers.
His personal goal is to gain power, not money or political titles but personal power, as in strength and wisdom.
He belives and berhaps correctly that infront of true power, money is worhtless and politics are puny, and will fall to sunders and dust.
Because a man who can slauther thusands with his bare hands, need not to pay heed to kings or laws, lest he chooses to.
Golden words that escaped his lips: "A mans freedom is limited by its own strength and cunning. Not by laws or his prison guards."
Raimond picked up a career of militart troop leader, late he became known as a hero.
For in every battle he was in the front lines, only bareing his made axe and furr armor.
Eaven though he dosnt like social contact he is still a respectable commander, and commands his troop with wisdom, strength and honor.
He part takes battles for he belives that this is the extra push that will drive him for eaven greater skill and strength.
Raimond has been in midst of battles eversience child hood for the worry of his mother and joy of his father.
In childhood Raimond often hunte animals, bears, wolves, boars deers and sutch.
Often he came back coverd in his own blood, but still victorious and with a meal.

Personality traits, bolth mental and physical.

Heavily scared:Has meny meny scars on his body and face, evidenting that this man is no stranger to battle or pain, earns him respect amongst others and fear some fear from enemyes.
Very strong and sturdy:This man is very strong, capable of riping a limb from a man, and is very sturdy so takes alot of beating before goes down.
Experienced woodsman:Can easely survive in the wilderness for extended time, knows how to hunt, fish and gather food or other nesesites. Adept at moving across wilderness and ambushing or takeing camouflage in sutch terrain.
Bulky built:Big framed body earn him some respect and authority amongst his troops, but slightly lessens his authority in more noble company.
Herbalist:Knows of herbal medicines and herbs, can make poisons or other useful potions/medicin on his own.
Brutal brawler:Thanks to his great strength he can easely seriously damage or kill his opponents unarmed, upon witch the other enemys witnessing it will be frightened.
Weapon apprentice (axe):Knows how to use a great variety of weapons effectively, but not too well (best with a axe).
Unusual looks:Has white hair and blue eyes in addition to his brute body built, (but is not albino).
Gory slayer:When killing some one, he does it in the most effective and simplest way, witch often results in a messy execution, in the field of battle he makes use of his great strength and mauls enemies to left and right, granting him awe and respect amongst his troops, and fear and resentment by enemies.
Affinity to nature:Enjoys time in the wild, in turn feels out of place in citys.
Battle affinity:Enjoys battles and combat, like to test his strength and improove his skill on the field of war.
Murderous heroic aura:Has a heroic aura abaut him that drives his troops to greater achievements, inspired by the feats of great strength and and enemys powerlessness.
Solitary:Prefers no company (or select feau friends and or family). Results in poor social relations.
Silent:Dosnt speak unless it is nessesary.
Calm minded:Is emotionaly in controll over himself, dosnt loose his head in confusion nor allowed emotions to over come his actions.
Shows no weakness:Shows no weaknesses, (when gets cut or breaks a bone, he dosnt scream or make face impressions that would indicate that).
Intimidating:Has a intimidating look abaut him, his mere gaze can freeze a lesser man in his steps, grants him more authority over his troops ans well as fear over enemys, however he looks intimidating eaven if he dosnt wish to, thus others have hard time trusting him.
Slow to trust:Gaining his trust is very difficult, gaining his friendship eaven more difficult.
Carnal rage:Is hard to anger, but when angerd there is no stoping him. Like a bear calm at first but when poked enough he will chase you down and tear you to shreds, or you can climb a tree, that way you have a nice view before the bear knocks the tree down.
Poor at the market:Isnt good at bargaining, may understand the basic consept but fails to apply it.
Disciplined:Rules himself well and does so to his underlings aswell.
Regards honor:Dispite his somewhat barbaric ways, he posesses his own code of honor, witch he followes strictly and orders his underling to do so aswell.
Regards family traditions:Is unwilling to let go of his inherited traditions and faith, eaven if it is for only the surface.