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The Longsword was found by Gorgranz, an adventurer of dubious repute and even dubiouser sanity, in the midst of a pile of dead monsters in the Seven Rivers district.
The Longsword was found by Gorgranz, an adventurer of dubious repute and even dubiouser sanity, in the midst of a pile of dead monsters in the Seven Rivers district.
[[Category: Unique Item]]
[[Category: Unique Items]]

Revision as of 17:02, 15 August 2007

The Mysterious Longsword of Blood, is, as it's name aptly says, Mysterious. Despite the rampant legends surrounding other Unique Items, the Mysterious Longsword of Blood has somehow managed to stay aloof from this situation, having no mention in any obscure legends, no place in ancient Gnostic texts, and no special curses or boons.

It is, very simply, a Longsword. An instrument of war, designed to kill, maim, or failing that, brutally incapacitate monsters, undead and men alike. Its name comes from its great power at this task, for it is always covered with a fresh sheen of blood from enemies of the wielder. It has a fearsome reputation, granting its wielder a +2 bonus to prestige.

However, due ot its sheer mystery, nobody seems to know who has forged it, or who has wielded it in the past. The weapon's utilitarian design gives no help as to this task. Strangely enough, most wielders seem not to care.

The Longsword was found by Gorgranz, an adventurer of dubious repute and even dubiouser sanity, in the midst of a pile of dead monsters in the Seven Rivers district.