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Romance born in a small Realm!

After the cultural development that "Doc-umentaries" C.C. has caused in the People's Republic of Avamar,the Nobility of the Realm has been made even more sensitive and the Romance has begun to grow within its Regions.

Avamar City is a City rich of History and Wealth,where Art is born and the Decorated Walls of the Fortress make this region ideal for more "complicated" and "dirty" flirting,especially at Night.

Next to Avamar is situated Montijo Town.Montijo Town is the place where Sir Paris,the one of the founding members of "Doc-umentaries" C.C. (the other one is Noble Amraedil),was born and the place where the famous Avamarian Night Club can be visited.The ruins of the destroyed,by the Fontanese Army,Old Palisade are reflecting the light of the rising sun at dawn and the songs and tales that are heard of the great Victories that Avamarians have achieved against the Fontaneses after long lasting battles,make this region ideal for more sensitive souls who seek Romance to express themselves at the Old Palisade,while also libarates the secret "dirty" wishes of the mind from any kind of oppression,letting the fantasies to come true at the Night Club of Avamar.Romance usually takes his greatest form at Dawn,during the sunrise.

The People's Republic of Avamar is the Realm where Romance is born and already many idylls have taken place within Nobility.

Sir Paris - Noble Cornilia

It was almost dawn when Cornilia approached the city walls. She couldn’t sleep this night. The news of the victory in Oporto filled her with joy... but this lasted only for a while. Sir Phillip had been wounded and couldn’t leave Oporto. In the meanwhile the Fontanese army is approaching to the area for reprisal. Everyone is getting back to Montijo. Everyone but Sir Phillip and…perhaps…Sir Paris…

The preparation for the attack of the first Legion of Avamar didn’t favour Cornilia’s and Paris’ meeting. The only chance she had to meet him was when she got to his tend to take the latest orders…although she could have sent a servant. And there she saw him for the first time.

He stood behind his desk writing a letter. He stamped it and gave it to a servant that was waiting next to him. The servant took the letter, bowed and left the room leaving them alone. Only after a while he noticed her standing there looking at him. He smiled and approached her. He took her hand and kissed it with a bow. Her heart beat so hard that she was afraid that he could hear it. He went back to the office and took a paper with her name on it. “The latest orders my Lady” he said and gave her the paper. They didn’t have much time, she knew it. They talked a little about the attack and the things that needed to be done in Montijo. After a while he saw her to the tent’s door. They stood for a while there looking at each other in silence. “Until we meet again my Lady” he said. “Until we meet again” she whispered…

As she recalls this memory the first thing she remembers is his eyes. So blue like the sky in the morning right before the sun comes out. Like…now! “Oh I hope he comes back! Will he make it? Will I ever see his eyes again?”, she thought and her look lost in the skyline, where Oporto should be…

As Sir Paris gets out of a dense forest,he watches the sun rising to the sky and he realizes that the fate had chosen that he survives and evades the battle in Oporto...

"Poor Philip!",Sir Paris' thoughts are always to Sir Philip,"I only hope you are still alive!".

And Sir Paris lowers his head looking the grass while marching on his feet alongside his unit.And keeps moving towards the sun...

"M' Lord!What bothers you?You seem rather broody to my eyes...It is a Lady?",a soldier from the unit asks Sir Paris full of interest.

"Jonathan,you have always been a real friend to me!We have grown up toghether!But I have many thoughts in my mind!It is Sir Philip,I can not deny that...though,there are also some other things in my mind!",Sir Paris answers sincerely.

"Yes,m' Lord!That is true!I know you since we were kids!But tell me,m' Lord!What else does it bother you?",soldier Jonathan seems to be really in care of his Commandant.

"Oh no,Jonathan!I can not tell you!There are some dirty thoughts in my mind!Thoughts that could spoil the pure reputation of a real Lady!Though,I can not stop from thinking of her...her skin is so smooth and her beauty is of a rarity!She is undescribable...",Sir Paris can not hold himself and lets some unattended words slip out from his lips.

"M'Lord,a Lady?!Have you fell in love,my Lord?",Jonathan inquires but Sir Paris never responds.He only looks at his friend-soldier thoughtfully.

"My Lord,why don't you send her a letter?I am almost sure that she will be looking for you already in Montijo.",soldier Jonathan continues.

Sir Paris gives it a thought until he decides...He takes out a pen from his pocket,he searches for some paper in his bag and starts writting a letter...

"Beloved Lady Cornilia,

I am alright.I am in my way to Montijo.The fate has chosen not to sacrifise my life and let me come back to Montijo.Probably she has somehow learnt of my feelings about you...Since the last time I have met you in my tent...you know...when you had come in and you asked...and you had your hair..I mean your eyes were...and your skin...and...when I kissed your hand...and...when...I...I mean that...when...you...not you...I...I mean that...oh,myLady!How silly I am!I am just not good with words!I mean...I am good...but now...I mean that...I usually am good with words,but now...I...I do not know...I...I probably...I...I think,I should not bother you any more with my prattle!Please forgive me for my incapability in writting this letter...I want to tell you only that I can not take you out of my mind!I can not stop thinking of you!

I can not stand a moment away from you,waiting the time of meeting you again!

I am thinking of your rare,kind beauty and your pure,honest glance during my travel and take courage to keep moving faster.

I am always thinking of you, kind regards,

Sir Paris"

As he finishes the letter...

"Scout!Come here!I want you to deliver a letter!",an order has been heard from Sir Paris' mouth for the first time in his unit.

And the Scout approaches devoted to his Lord...

"Yes,Sir!In your commands!",the scout obeys loyally.

"I want you to deliver this letter to Lady Cornilia and tell her that she had been my inspiration while I was on the battlefield.That her dark eyes were always on my mind as was trying to liberate Oporto.Also,you have to travel fast and get me back a copy from a scout and,if possible,a battle report of Oporto.Learn what you can for Sir Philip and come back with news.Now,go!Go!Travel fast,find the General,inform him of our position,deliver the letter to Lady Cornilia,learn about Sir Philip and come back imediately...Fast!!",Sir Paris has spoken anxiously.

And the scout galloped in a rush following the path to Montijo Town...

In Montijo Town,Lady Cornilia was still staring at the skyline...the sun had already risen a bit when she saw a man riding his horse moving in high speed,rising some dust in the air,approaching the ruins of the old palisade,entering the town...

Lord Lalakis - Donna Ragna

- I'll be a woman of shadows, a creature of the dark, a secret weapon of Avamar

- Rather intersting I would say m'Lady! Lalakis slightly bows kissing Ragna's gloved hand

- You know Lalakis, there are so many things i can do in the shadows...

- I know, I know m'Lady. You have taught me how to become a friend of the shadows, how to use them in my -our- advanatge. And I'm more than grateful for this knowledge you have offered me!

Sir Lalakis gently strokes Ragna's pitch-black and incredibly long hair

- So here we are...Finally together! When it was teh last time we had free time to share together? But before anything else...Will you allow me a minute?

- Amraedil you Idiot! If you do not know for WHAT you are voting just DO NOT VOTE AT ALL Mattheus for JUDGE!

- How stupid this boy can be?

Lalakis leaves his stupid brother thinking of what he told him and return to Ragna's much better company

- "Sorry for that my dear..." he says pinching a red rose in her magnificent hair

-It's been a long time since our last intimate meeting Lakakis... But not that long to keep me rusty...

Donna's gaze penetrates into Lalakis' lustful burning eyes

-After you, my love

She points her tent. Lalakis hastly goes into the tent, and starts removing his clothing.

-I see you remebmer how it goes,eh? Donna smiles.

Lalakis is standing naked, anxious to become one with the woman he loves

-Now...where were we? Donna takes her whip, and her loving smiles suddenly dissapears

-If you ever ever keep me waiting, just to shout at your stupid brother, you will be greatly sorry!! The whip lands on Lalakis

-Now, put your clothes back on. Come back when you learn how to respect a woman!

Lalakis did not move an inch while the leather whip violently landed on his chest. His eyes remained attached to Ragna's gaze as the flaming pain spread to his body...

Silence dominates the place, as the crackling sound of the whip has stopped. Only Donna Ragna's panting breath is heard.

Lalakis slowly lifts his hand and touches the deep scar on his chest...Blood is mixed with hair but the fire that burns inside him is much more intense than the flames that spreads from the wound.

A sudden move and Ragna is grappled by his strong arms. Their eyes in no distance, their bodies adjust, their lips almost touching each other.

- "I love you, woman of my dreams" Lalakis says and kisses Ragna with passion.

She struggles a bit in the begining only to surrender after a while. She returns the kiss biting his lips, putting her arms around him in a warm hug.

Few seconds of passion and lust passes by and Lalakis pushes Ragna away.

- "I will do as you say m'Lady! Have a nice sleep"

He takes his clothes and leaves her tent naked, blood running form his chest and lips.

-"God! I love this woman!" Lalakis says to himself as he gets away from the tent, still naked, leaving the guards astonished with their mouths wide open....

Noble Draco II - Lady Pipeta