Proud player of the legendary Abandonas Family
In real life I'm Dimitris! :-)
I have studied Statistics, did my Master's in Environmental Management and my PhD on Policies of Sustainable Water Resource Management for Urban Uses. Work as a researcher, teaching from time to time.
More than anything else, I enjoy the company of Rania (Donna Ragna) preferably on a sandy beach of Aegean!
BM is the only computer-based game I now play as my time is rather limited.
One of the things I love is to have my characters being either loved or hated. I despise the in-between solutions! :-)) And one of the things I really hate, is when I am hated, threatened, accused as player.
I have met unique players in BM, characters that I really loved to hate and others that I hated to love. But this is what made me hook on this terrific game!