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:::Yep brutality is probly what you need. If you ahve noticed your TO failed....what just after 1 day? Even the Irombro TO took longer than one day to fail. [[User:ScottSabin|ScottSabin]] 18:23, 26 November 2006 (CET)
:::Yep brutality is probly what you need. If you ahve noticed your TO failed....what just after 1 day? Even the Irombro TO took longer than one day to fail. [[User:ScottSabin|ScottSabin]] 18:23, 26 November 2006 (CET)
::::I would just like to take a moment to congratulate LdB on reaching 0% fortification damage.
::::Admittedly, that's cos of the walls only being level 2... in their capital... Oh, and the TO took 3 turns before failing... but you seem not to have grasped that it made it's impact anyway - what we started it for.. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 19:04, 26 November 2006 (CET)

Revision as of 18:04, 26 November 2006

Hey I have a great idea! How about you learn to write propaganda better? :D Vellos 00:18, 11 November 2006 (CET)

  - You're a sad little person Vellos...

OR You could stop writing propaganda altogether and report the news in the newspaper! (this goes for you too Vellos), what a novel idea! -Balewind

OOC: But that's boring... if you just want news, there's a link for game generated ticker news. --The1exile 01:09, 11 November 2006 (CET)

News is news, it's not meant to be exciting and action packed, it's meant to be informative. Have you ever actually read a newspaper in reality? -Balewind

OOC- Balewind, was your comment IC, or OOC? Plus, in case you aren't aware of this, newspapers are always propaganda, 100% of the time. Even in real life. If any opinion is expressed, if any prediction is made, if anything other than statistics and perfunctory data is communicated, then it is propaganda, albeit benign propaganda. It's fine if you call Hireshmont a sad little person (Hireshmont VELLOS, hence the name), but thats kind of funny if you're calling ME a sad little person. Also, you'll note that most papers DO report the news. They just offer their opinions about it as well. Lastly, it's FUN to have newspaper wars. If your comment was IC, then okay. if your comment was OOC, then may I recomend you relax, take a walk, and eat a nice refreshing chocolate chip cookie? Vellos 01:32, 11 November 2006 (CET)

A number of things: If it was in character I would have one of my character's names preceeding Balewind, I did not write the comment in the box and newspapers report news, not propaganda, while editorails are opinions in papers. While propaganda wars may be fun for those writing it the general populace who would like to hear news from around the world are either mildly entertained or nauseated by the foolishness of it (I am both, though I would like to see real news occasionally which is very rare thus far). Is there none out there with journalistic integrity? -Balewind

Articles almost always (though not always BLATANTLY) express opinions. Go pick up any article in any newspaper, and I will show you propaganda, ways words have been twisted to influence peoples' opinions, things like that. Also, the Free South Times reports the news, generally speaking. It gives pretty much a play-by-play, with some time delay so it doesn't become an asset to the Luz de Bians. Also, journalistic integrity... oh what a loaded phrase. Firstly, one does NOT have integrity of ANY kind if, say, one's realm is being burnt to the ground and all you report is, "Enemy forces raping and killing." Why? Because one is doing less than one could to possibly bring aid to one's plight. If all you want is to know what's going on in purely statistical means, I offer you four sources: 1. The statistics graphs IG 2. Irombrozia/Honor War 3. The Riombara Great War page, I forget the exact link. 4. Game generated ticker news. You see, the BM newspapers primarily focus on MORE than just news: they focus on elaborating the situation of the people, of the nobles, of the beliefs of the nobles. Its a way to develop the culture and character of a realm; and to use creativity. Vellos 02:25, 11 November 2006 (CET)

Couldn't have said it better than Vellos myself. Balewind, tyhe writing in the newspaper is roleplaying in an unconventional sense- it lends character, reality, thoughts and so on to our realms actions. It is infinitely more fun, IMHO, to read arousing speech on declaring war and to have a newspaper then elaborate and say "These people have violated *X nobles* right to remain unharmed, and will therefore be punished!" than the IG mesage saying "WAR! The ruler has declared war upon Hated realm".

Peope do find it amusing that we can write in the newspaper, for example, if we mock the enemy (*cough* Vellos) the satire can be humourous and make us smile. Other times I've been told that the newspaper is what people read after hey unpaused to see how things had been going - you can look at regions and at reports of where battles were, but you can't see how the things played out, what RP went with them, why they fought etc.

"Newspapers" here on the wiki don't serve to give "news" as such - more to make the IG actions go deeper and become more enjoyable for those of us playing them. --The1exile 12:30, 11 November 2006 (CET)


Do remember, oh good little Sam, that Irombro had a few distinct advantages over Grehk.

1. You couldn't maintain a large force there for a long time, you had to watch your back door.
2. Irombrozia is a small realm, thus, it's regions are inherently harder to TO.
3. Irombrozia is a recently seceded realm (or, at least, was recently seceded back then), thus, the people are inflamed with patriotism.
4. Irombrozia is almost 100% Qyrvaggian, and Irombrozia happens to have a very, very good Qyrvaggian priest.

Now then. Luz de Bia is not a small realm, it is not recently seceded, Rio doesn't have to watch their back (much), and, while Grehk is about 65% Qyrvaggian according to Amekal, Luz de Bia does not have a priest, because none of the Luz de Bian Qyrvaggian believers have chosen to become one. Thus, I conclude that Grehk will be much easier to take than Irombro. Hireshmont Vellos 21:43, 25 November 2006 (CET)

Not only did I fight in that battle, I helped plan for it. With that authority established, I would like to point some things out:
1. Although the battle was hard we managed to kill off a lot of their troops. This is rubbish. You had 10350 CS there defending, and we had about 17 and a half thousand CS attacking. When the dust cleared, we still had well over 10K CS, even before the wounded soldiers that healed in the time after the assault.
2. Grekh's walls. Dunno if you noticed, but they're gone. Our assault, in and of itself, was enough to bring down the walls a whole level and even now my archers are present razing any further defenses we find.
3.The first people are already switching loyalty in the TO. Shows how much loyalty your leadership inspires in the people - that some are already joing Rio even when your government is breathing down their necks.
But, by all means, keep trying. I am sure we'll have many more laughs at your expense - particularly given your failure to see what the TO does most importantly. Gorch Exiled--The1exile 22:20, 25 November 2006 (CET)

Please enjoy your short time success. But the fact that we can fight off 4 realms both north and south of our realm means we have to keep moving about and can be in one place all the time. And if you think the walls are gone take a look againb they were at level 3 last time i checked. Gone means vanished...poof...not there anymore. But they are, all you efforts to destroy them will be to no avail, we will just build them back up with your corpses as mortar.
And there are a few people switvhing loyalty? out of 24000 peasents living in the city...only a few? not much to brag about is it. The city still ahs 100% loyalty and 99% morale. You will have to work harder if you wan them to switch to you. ScottSabin 16:58, 26 November 2006 (CET)
Level 3 is no more walls, it's the keep alone - and even that is about to be torn down. Also, dunno if you noticed, but there wasn't 24000 peasants when we got here - probably you starving your own peasants once again. Our TO doen;t need mroale and loyalty to be low, or high - it runs off a totally different set of values. --The1exile 17:52, 26 November 2006 (CET)
Yep brutality is probly what you need. If you ahve noticed your TO failed....what just after 1 day? Even the Irombro TO took longer than one day to fail. ScottSabin 18:23, 26 November 2006 (CET)
I would just like to take a moment to congratulate LdB on reaching 0% fortification damage.
Admittedly, that's cos of the walls only being level 2... in their capital... Oh, and the TO took 3 turns before failing... but you seem not to have grasped that it made it's impact anyway - what we started it for.. --The1exile 19:04, 26 November 2006 (CET)