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Countess of Ornaz<br>
Countess of Ornaz<br>

Latest revision as of 19:06, 9 October 2006

After a long string of comments made, the last of which by MAXIMUS of Soliferum...

Letter from San
(personal message)
He is referring to the noble, already forgotten in Soliferum'sbooks... a woman by the name of Freya Silva. The history there is something I regret deeply, but something I think is better explained in private, not in a busy, noisy tavern.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Letter from Crystal (2 days, 23 hours ago)
(personal message)
I am suprised she did not kill herself after being with this sexist pigs...

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
She sort of did... but that is another story...

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Letter from Crystal (2 days, 23 hours ago)
(personal message)
Stories best left unsaid?

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
Best left unsaid in a crowded tavern, but perhaps when I leave.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 22 hours ago)
(personal message)
I grow tired of sexists...and their friends...so I will leave soon as well...

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
Message sent to: Crystal
Then would you mind leaving with me now? I think this is something I should admit.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Letter from Crystal (2 days, 22 hours ago)
(personal message)
Yes I will. Take me anywhere but here...

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (85 recipients)
San drains the rest of his ale, offers the Lady Crystal his arm, and they proceed to leave the tavern together.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 22 hours ago)
(personal message)
"So my Lord San..where shall we go?"

Crystal pulls San closer a little while they pass two of the ruffians from the bar, then pulls away abit again...

"You can tell me...I dont bite."

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (85 recipients)
Well...MAXIMUS...since you do not know the definition of sexist, I will just tell you that you are one.

It seems women are nothing but slaves to you...and I am sorry you feel that way. Maybe you will find luck with men instead.

But for now, you must excuse me, I am leaving with a gentlmen, unlike you.

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
"Forgive my lack of imagination. here is a good as anywhere for what I have to confess."

San walks to a nearby fence, before taking a seat on it and resting his head in his hands.

"My lady, firstly forgive me, I should have revealed this to you earlier, but it is not something I like to talk about or even think about.

Once, not too long back, there was a fairly new noble, by the name of Freya Silva. A noble begining in Soliferum, she had made it her mission in life to endanger the Grand Lodge, and attempt to also take my life.

Back then, my skills, although not as highly developed as now, were still not to be scoffed at. Most duelists that I would come across would fall to my skills, but there were those out there that matched me or were superior.

She hunted me down, in them iddle of continued peace negotiations with Soliferum. accusing me of everthing wrong with her life, with the breakdown of her family, she challenged me to a duel till death. Provoking me and questioning my honour, she caused me to accpet.

That duel was over quickly. She lunged at me and missed, and my old swords finished the job, two slices and she fell decapitated and disarmed at my feet.

Soliferum banned her, but I have little doubt her liffe was made a misery there.

The fact that I was provoked into slaying one of noble birth, and also a woman (for she was not deserving of the title lady) is not a proud moment that I like to relive. but Renquest and his little clique there, who also seem to be connected to ~V~, remind me forcibly of her. I do not wish to lose my soul and honour to an act like that again."

San stands, and looks down at Crystal, wondering what her reaction will be to this confession.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 22 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal, who was sitting on the fence listening, jumped off and stood with San...

"You did what was neccesary. It is alright...I dont hold it against you. Dont let them get to you, as they arent the smartest people I have ever met...especially Maximus...."

Leaning on San, Crystal kisses him lightly on the cheek.

"A swordsman and a gentlemen you are Lord San. Dont let anyone say otherwise. Now, do you wish to go anywhere with me?"

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San smiles as he hears Crystals answer, and then is pleasantly surprised when Crystal kisses him lightly on the cheek. He puts his arms around her.

"Thank you for you high opinion of me. But I honestly cannot think of anywher in the world I would rather be right now."

San smiles again and kisses Crystal on her forehead, and looks up at the moon overhead.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 21 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal grins and playfully pulls San down with her into the grass, where she leans on him...

"It has been a while....since I have done this..."

Trailing off, Crystal kisses San while they stare at the moon...

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San smiled as he tumbled down into the grass with Crystal, forgeting his worries as they lay thare together in the light of the moon.


As words fail him, San falls back to kissing Crystal.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 21 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal giggles as San finishes kissing her...

"What's wrong San? Are you okay?"

She sits crosslegged across from him and smiles while she pulls her skirt back over her knees...

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San looks up at Crystal, looking so irresistably beautiful.

"Why would anything be wrong? A beautiful woman and a beautiful night to spend with her."

San sits up, and sighs.

"But what about once the tournament is over?"

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 21 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal pushed the hair out of her eyes while thinking intently...


Her eyes looked worried as she looked back up to San.

"I could always...come to the Lodge right? I mean...you are well established there arent you? I am sure you will become a leading member soon..."

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
San grinned.

"Fairly well established, provided I don't start a war... which I might have done...

But depending on what the future holds, I may seek out Renquest and MAXIMUS for duels. But I would prefer to see you before then, because in the sorts of duels I will be getting into, it will be a risky business."

San smiles again, wider this time.

"As for a leading member, well, I am supposedly the next Paladin Primus, but Luna knows when that will be.

I would like if you could come and see me there. Or I could come and see you?"

San sidled over to Crystal and put his arms around her.

"Cheer up. We'll think of something."

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"If you truly want to be with me...I could always move there."

Crystal smiled as she laid her head on San's lap...

"But...If I am to be with you...you cannot go get yourself killed you know..."

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
"I would like nothing better, but I worry from what I hear of the state of Greater Aenilia."

San stroked Crystal's head lightly.

"I'll be careful, but no promises. Perhaps trouble will find me, not the other way around."

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"Please be careful...for me?"

Crystal smiled brightly...

"Let me come to the Lodge after the tournament....Greater Aenilia wont mind..."

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San smiles

"I'll be careful. More training and no death duels good enough?"

San smiles as he hears Crystal pass off her realm so lightly, although he still worries about the reaction of Orphea, and then remembers something.

"So where will you return to immediately after the tournament? Would you mind if I sent Donnie to come and meet you? He's a friend of mine, and I'm sure he'd be happy to do so."

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"Would Orphea have a problem with me San?"

Crystal's eyes flash a little while staring deep into San's eyes...

"I will return to..Idapur I beleive."

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
"I only know Orphea by reputation, but what I do hear is not good. Hell, that whole family is a bit weird. I don't want to risk any trouble with you leaving, What I hear of Orphea is enough to make me worry for you is all."

San returns Crystals gaze, then holds Crystal close.

"Tell me if I am wrong to worry, but who wishes to lose a good thing when they have it?"

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Out-of-Character from San
(personal message)
Orphea = Orphens Homicidal controlling Aenil though, So san worries that homicidal Aenil get pissed off with Crystal.

Alex Davies

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"Orphen you mean? He's alright I suppose...but I control my own life.."

Crystal leans up to kiss San, and then returns to her seat.

"You need not worry about me love..."

Countess of Ornaz

Letter from San
(personal message)
"Yes Orphen... but I worry for you dear..."

San stifles a yawn, and listens to the sound of the music drifting over from the tavern. feeling content with the world.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"I am not part of his little regime yet...and it's part of the reason I have to leave before he takes over..and takes me as well."

Crystal breathed the night air and stretched her arms wide...

"Are you feeling tired? If so...show me where your tent is..I can take you there..."

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San smiled at Crystal.

"Yes, I am a bit tired. My tent is just down this way" San gestured down the oath towards the edge of the camp, "It's nice and quiet, I find..."

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal grinned as she helped San off the ground...

"Quiet you say? Hmm...I would like some peace...."

Walking down towards the tent, Crystal hugged San tightly..

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San has his arm around Crystal as the enter the tent together.

"Look around, make yourself at home. Sorry it's such a pit, but I'm just too tired to do much about it."

San yawned and lay back on his bed.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal nods and dissapears behind a changing screen, while San lays down...

"It is not so bad San...you should see mine!"

After a little while, Crystal emerges wearing a beautiful nightgown she kept in her pack. She sat down onto a stool and began brushing her hair while staring into the mirror...

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San sits up and looks at Crystals reflection in the mirror for a few seconds, before getting up and walking over to her.

"Crystal, do you ever manage to not look indrediibly stunning?"

So saying, San leans froward and kisses Crystal on the neck...

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
Feeling San's kiss, Crystal smiles deeply at him.

"I need all the great comments I could get right now..after being called a farm animal earlier today..."

Crystal thinks back and frowns, then gets up and kisses San lightly on his lips.

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San holds Crystal and look deep into her eyes.

"You are beautiful, what does it matter what some stuck up Sol noble says? He will get his comeupance soon enough."

He kisses Crystal and sits back down on the bed.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 19 hours ago)
(personal message)
Crystal smiles brightly as her jade eyes flash in the face of San...

"Thank you San...and I will move to the Lodge be with you...."

As San sat on the bed, Crystal laid next to him...

"This is a comfortable bed! It is much better than mine. Do you mind if I sleep here for the remainder of the tournament my Lord?"

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San grins, as the lady crystal lies down next to him.

"I will look out for your apporach to the lodge."

San smiles and lies back on the bed next to Crystal.

"Well, I don't know if it's better than yours, but you are always welcome."

San kissed Crystal lightly and lay there.

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (2 days, 15 hours ago)
(personal message)
"Shhh...dont talk. You need to be relaxed for the tournament. I have no chance of winning..but you sure do...."

Crystal stretched out on the bed next to San...

"And if you lose, you could always say its my fault."

Countess of Ornaz

Roleplay from San
(personal message)
San turned and kissed Crystal again, and then broke off with a look of puzzlement on his face.

"Blame it on you? Now why would I do that?"

Marshal of the army of Ortedail

Roleplay from Crystal (1 day, 20 hours ago)
(personal message)
"Well, if you lose, you can always say that I distracted you or something...."

Crystal smiled to herself as she adjusted her nightgown...

"But...Dont worry, I'm sure you will win."

Countess of Ornaz