Greater Xavax: Difference between revisions

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'''Imperial High Command'''
'''Imperial High Command'''

'''The Knightly Order of the Black Swan'''
'''The Knightly Order of the [[Greater Xavax|Black Swan]]'''


Revision as of 16:26, 20 October 2016

Error while fetching data from URL $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "FullName" has been set.

blank caption

Island Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "Island" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
Government Error: no local variable "Government" has been set."Error: no local variable "Government" has been set." is not in the list (Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy) of allowed values for the "Government type is" property.

Duchies Error: no local variable "Duchies" has been set.
Regions 272
Population 510,757
Gold Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set."Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set." is not a number.
Food Error: no local variable "Food" has been set."Error: no local variable "Food" has been set." is not a number.
Nobles Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set."Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set." is not a number.
Error: no local variable "RulerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"RulerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "GeneralTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"GeneralName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "JudgeTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"JudgeName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "BankerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"BankerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
... further results
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaEgbert Brennaborg
Aegir's DeepSimon Bards
AixJuste Lamphear
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
Al AmarahWilliam
AlebadImrahil Mormont
Alley of Swords
AlowcaJamir Jaden
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
An NajafGuy
Ar Mosul
Ar Raqqah
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AshforthXML error: Undeclared entity error at line 2.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
AureusFendor Windbreaker
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
Bil Havil
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BragaDirk Kalamar
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandJack Hart Pryde
ChesneyAntoon Finch

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]

The Imperium of Greater Xavax is a realm centered around the city of Xavax. The Xavax are a proud amalgam of myriad origins - diligent brood awash in the memories of sunken empires whose grandeur we dare echo.

Welcome to Xavax

Of all the rulers of the East Continent, you are the only ruler to inquire as to the nature of the Xavax people. I will indulge you. We were a disparate people conglomerated from the four corners of the world. Your invasion had the welcome side-effect of forging us into a single unit. We are a warrior people. Every single one of us. But we are not a war-like people. We do nothing that is unnecessary, which includes unnecessary warfare. When this war is completed, we plan to focus inwards to further develop our own unique culture and enjoy the benefits of our academies and fairgrounds. We honestly care little for affairs beyond our borders. Most of my knights would not be able to point Perdan out on a map unless it were labeled, and those that could would find the march too far. The Xavax are not a people who enjoy being far from home. The next bit of information, however, is perhaps the most important.

I am Xavax.

I hold the personal fealty of every man, woman, and child of the Xavax. Half of my court I raised from nothing, they are the very earth of Xavax. Others followed me across the seas from the Ivory Empire I forged there. The rest rallied to me during the Xavax Civil War and called me to rule as Xerarch. This loyalty, this bond, I would die before betraying.

– -Xerarch Selenia of Xavax describing her people to King Caspian of Perdan


The realm is split into two duchies, the Duchy of Isadril, and the Duchy of Xavax.


Council of Phoenix Lords

Imperial High Command

The Knightly Order of the Black Swan


As per the Codex Legibus Xavacis, the Imperium exists to administer the lands of Greater Xavax which includes the Urbs Primus and Urbes Servientes. Peasants who take up arms against the Legiones Imperi are guilty of subversion and treason. Any foreign actors involved in these insurrections are similarly charged with conspiracy to incite subversion and treason.Those who oppose the Imperium consign themselves to death. They make themselves criminals of the Imperium. I care not for criminals nor their honor.


– Godric Tórrarin ka Habb, First Arbiter of Xavax

The laws of the Imperium of Greater Xavax are contained in the Codex of Laws.

  • The Arbiter
    • The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty. (C.1.5.1) Matters of importance to the Imperium will be tried directly by the Arbiter in a binding arbitration without privilege of appeal. In those cases only the Xerarch may break the arbitration.
  • Arbitration
    • Internal conflict within a fief, including insubordination and failure in military duties, will be judged by the liege-lord. When there is no common liege besides the Xerarch, these cases will be defaulted to arbitration. Similarly, cases may be appealed or escalated according to rules found within the codex. Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case. (C.1.5.5-8)
  • Duelling
    • Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense. (C.2.3)
  • Edicts
    • Edicts are minor laws created by the Arbiter at the request of the Xerarch. Failure to abide by the Edicts may result in a fine at the decision of the Arbiter upon review of the evidence. Unlike the laws listed in the Codex, edicts may change at any time at the request of the Xerarch.
  • The nobles in the lands of western Greater Xavax shall be referred to as rebels of Itorunt. Further west is the criminal horde around Semall. They are not realms.
  • All sworn to Vix Tramora are forbidden passage in the Imperium and are to be reported and arrested.
  • All squirrels caught holding any variety of nut, acorn, or drupe are to be killed, seared, and left as food for the owner of the property.


Rewards and Entitlements

  • Recognition of Deeds
    • Exceptional service by the Arbiter, Strategos, and Xenophon is rewarded by grant of a special title by the Xerarch that replaces their council position name. (OOC: These titles are generally phoenix related).
  • Roll Of Honor
    • For capture of the enemy city Ibladesh, Stratego Lionel Kinsey shall henceforth be known as Talon Lionel Kinsey.
  • Triumphus
    • Capture of notable enemy nobles are rewarded by a crown of laurel and a Triumphus in the capturer's honor by the Arbiter. Additional rewards and recognition may be granted by the Xerarch at their leisure, and such rewards will also be listed in the Fasti Triumphales below.
  • Fasti Triumphales

Songs and Poems

Here you will find the literary creations of Imperium nobles related to Xavax.

War Chant

Our swords are sharp
Our spears are long
Our arrows are swift
Our arms are strong
Brave is the heart that looks upon home
We will kill the bandits wherever they roam!

Oc Lu Pesh's Oath

by Aramon Abjur

Perleone, Perleone,
With Greater Xavax you wished to fight,
Where has your honor gone?
The Peasants of Pesh put your army to flight!
Perleone, Perleone,
Cowards in both word and deed!
In the great forest before our scythes,
King Deklan's manhood wilted like a weed!
Perleone, Perleone,
So says all of Oc Lu Pesh,
Come back again and instead of wheat,
it will be your soldiers we thresh!

War Song

by an Anonymous Bard in Xavax Square

Our men are all marching out over the walls,
Away we ride now!
We're pointing our blades to the northern star.
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


Then away, boys, away,
Away we ride now,
So fare thee well, my jolie young girl,
We're bound to Xavax-land.
Say was you never down in Xavax-land?
Away we ride now!
It's there that the phoenix flys o'er gold sand!
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


It's pack up your donkeys an' get underway,
Away we ride now!
Them Vixers we're fighting will ruin our day.
But we're bound to Xavax-land!


We've bully good horses & bully good shoes,
Away we ride now!
A bully good Talon and a good Xerarch too.
And we're bound to Xavax-land!


Cheer up, Mary Ellen, and don't look so glum,
Away we ride now!
When I come back home you'll be drinking hot rum
And we're bound to Xavax-land!
So lift up your glasses and sing fare thee well
Away we ride now!
There's a bonny young lass there to love you so well
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


In Victory and Defeat

Fire burns hot and fire burns cold
Ashes and bodies may fall
Everburning is the fire of my soul
And always the Phoenix rises tall
Xavax endures and Xavax thirsts
For justice vengeance and pride
Clear and ever constant purpose
That drives our every stride
Those who think they have won
Will be blinded by our light
Phoenix rises like the sun
Anew in blood and might
So be watchful those over our ashes boast
For when we rise you are the first to roast!
~Cadewyn Thunderborn

History of the Imperium
