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Havoc Noble, Earl of Umkinnu has been captured by Might of Nuumbara (2).
Havoc Noble, Earl of Umkinnu has been captured by Might of Nuumbara (2).
The hero Aeneas Gabanus, Lord Chief of Taselak, Royal of Taselak, Marshal of the Queen's Own Dreadnoughts was killed by Nia Deytheur's unit.
|Sender=Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara drank and ate non stop ever since she returned from the front.
She was glad she could enjoy fine things in life. She had already enjoyed cooked human meat coming from areas close to the City of  Ikalak. When she was serving in the front, she could never enjoy them with a fine glass of wine.
As she was eating well cooked thighs of younger male soldier, her chef brought her a dessert.
"Nuumbara is excite to eat. What is this?"
"It is wined soaked blue eyes, milady. He came in fresh in the morning."
"Nuumbara like blue. Look yummy."
"I hope you will enjoy it. Unfortunately, Aeneas hasn't arrived yet from Sandalak. I can't wait to cook such an exquisite person. I hope Sandals will not spoil the meat."
"Nuumbara hear Sands bring Aeneas salty."
"That would make things a lot easier indeed. I will have to come up with some new ideas for you. I do not want this once in a life time opportunity to be wasted."
"Nuumbara wait happy."

Revision as of 07:25, 1 November 2015

Fresh Consumed:

  • Ingvar Grimnar, Knight of Unagae has been wounded by Might of Nuumbara (1).
    • Left ear of Ingvar
Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara approached Ingvar after the battle. Nuumbara lowered her head then quickly chewed Ingvar's left ear off.

After chewing for few minutes, Nuumbara swallowed Ingvar's left year.

"Ingvar is chewier than Nuumbara think. Ingvar become more juicy for Nuumbara."

With those words, Nuumbara left Ingvar.
Nuumbara Lapallanch

Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
It was in the middle of the day when Nuumbara found a body near her camp.

She recognized the body the moment she saw it. It was Ingvar the Short ear's body.

He seemed to have died of an infection caused by Nuumbara's bite.

Nuumbara poked the dead body to flip the face upward. Ingvar's body was already too decomposed for Nuumbara to take another bite.

"Nuumbara feel sad to see Ingvar fail to reach his full deliciousness. Me want him fed to Me dogs."

Her soldiers lifted Ingvar's body then tossed it toward Nuumbara's pet hounds. Within few moments, Ingvar's body was shredded by the hounds beyond recognition.
Nuumbara Lapallanch

  • Sandar Merrinoff, Knight of Eledrir has been captured by Might of Nuumbara (1).
    • Nose of Sandar
Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara approached Sandar before his prison cart was sent to the capital. Guards opened the door so Nuumbara could get closer to Sandar.

"Sandar look healthy than Ingvar. Sandar must be juicy and tender. Nuumbara don't know where to eat first. Me like handsome Sandar nose."

Nuumbara drew her blade and grabbed Sandar's nose. Some of Nuumbara's men grabbed Sandar so he could not resist what was coming for him.

Soon, Sandar's scream filled the air and with that, his nose was forcefully removed. Nuumbara quickly put the bloody thing into her mouth, chewing and rolling it with her teeth and tongue.

"Sandar taste saltier than Ingvar. Me like Sandar and want to eat him more but the man with smaller hammer want to see Sandar first."

The prison cart began to move once Nuumbara shut the door behind her. Nuumbara watched Sandar head toward the capital while licking her blade which was still covered in Sandar's blood.
Nuumbara Lapallanch

  • Oracle Sworde, Knight of Cirannor has been wounded by Might of Nuumbara (1).
    • Thigh of Oracle
Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara stood before wounded Oracle. She cut a small piece off of Oracle's thigh and tasted it before him.

"Nuumbara think Oracle need more fat. Maybe Me should eat Oracle from behind maybe."

As Nuumbara tried to cut Oracle again, arrows landed near Nuumbara. Her men quickly pulled Nuumbara back and distanced themselves from Oracle who was quickly saved by his men before Nuumbara could get to him.

"Nooooooo! Nuumbara's breakfast is running away! Me want Oracle now! Get him!"

Unfortunately for Nuumbara, Oracle got away too quickly before she could do anything.
Nuumbara Lapallanch

  • Torsten Gray, Noble of Taselak has been wounded by Might of Nuumbara (1).
    • Left Arm of Torsten
Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara approached injured Torsten. She could tell Torsten had no way of resisting her. She quickly put her mouth on his left arm then with a single bite, she bit flesh of Torsten off.

After chewing diligently for a minute, she swallowed Torsten's flesh.

"Mmmm. Nuumbara like Torsten. Torsten is tastier than others. Me want to keep Torsten for dinner but there are too many Tals. Me will come back for Tasty Torsten later."

With that Nuumbara departed. Leaving chewed off Torsten behind.
Nuumbara Lapallanch

Havoc Noble, Earl of Umkinnu has been captured by Might of Nuumbara (2).

The hero Aeneas Gabanus, Lord Chief of Taselak, Royal of Taselak, Marshal of the Queen's Own Dreadnoughts was killed by Nia Deytheur's unit.

Roleplay from Nuumbara Lapallanch
Nuumbara drank and ate non stop ever since she returned from the front.

She was glad she could enjoy fine things in life. She had already enjoyed cooked human meat coming from areas close to the City of Ikalak. When she was serving in the front, she could never enjoy them with a fine glass of wine.

As she was eating well cooked thighs of younger male soldier, her chef brought her a dessert.

"Nuumbara is excite to eat. What is this?"

"It is wined soaked blue eyes, milady. He came in fresh in the morning."

"Nuumbara like blue. Look yummy."

"I hope you will enjoy it. Unfortunately, Aeneas hasn't arrived yet from Sandalak. I can't wait to cook such an exquisite person. I hope Sandals will not spoil the meat."

"Nuumbara hear Sands bring Aeneas salty."

"That would make things a lot easier indeed. I will have to come up with some new ideas for you. I do not want this once in a life time opportunity to be wasted."

"Nuumbara wait happy."
Nuumbara Lapallanch