McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Nightmares/Nightmares2: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' Mathias was awoken in the middle of the night by a slap to the face. his fist clinched he quickly laid up and looked around the room to see what had do...)
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'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias was awoken in the middle of the night by a slap to the face. his fist clinched he quickly laid up and looked around the room to see what had done this. It was then he saw Sorsha next to him flailing around like someone who was possessed. Mathias then grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake her in an attempt to wake her up all the while screaming, "SORSHA! WAKE UP! SORSHA!"

'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
The pain was intolerable and Sorsha cried out, but then her body shook and her eyes snapped open. She scrambled back on the bed, away from Mathias not recognizing him, and looked around the room lost. Her eyes returned to Mathias, “Mathias?” she said his name weakly and finally breathed.  Reaching up she touched her lips expecting blood but there was nothing. Her limbs felt the invisible pain only her psyche had picked up and she whimpered at the memory.
“It was so real,” she whispered to herself, shaking her head as if to chase away the images.  “It was just a nightmare,” she said fearfully, she did the same thing every time she woke, and tried to convince herself it was just a dream, but the pain was too real. She needed help, but where was she going to find it?
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias lay back down on the bed and waited for Sorsha to finish gathering herself. once she did asked, "My Lady what is wrong? I was awoken by your flailing. Is everything alright?"
After asking the question, and while waiting for her response Mathias walked over to a small mirror in the cabin near which he found a straight razor and gave himself a quick trim of his beard. By the time he was done Sorsha had still yet to say anything almost as if she was still in shock.
Mathias then walked up to her and said, "It seems as if you don't wish to talk about it but we have arrived in Port Raviel my lady. Should we depart?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha barely noticed Mathias’ questions and didn’t realize when he got up. Instead she sat in the bed, silently going over her dream. Was the madness within growing?
Mathias then returned to inform her they had arrived and she nodded. “No I will not speak of it,” she told him, but the coldness was not there, her voice was weak. “You would not understand.”
She rose from the bed and blocked his way. “Do you have any idea why I brought you to Port Raviel?” she asked him, trying to return to the coldness.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias thought for a second as to why Sorsha might have brought him to the Capital, but after a few seconds he responded, "Would assume it would have something to do with the royal conception? however if that is not the reason then I have no clue."
Mathias then sat down on the bed and thought, "She is suffering... I can't let her go through whatever this is alone."
Then standing up Mathias walked over to Sorsha put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Are you sure there is nothing I can do? I might be able to help. Please just tell me what is wrong."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha felt his hand on her shoulder but after her dream, the touch simply felt violating. She moved away and he was forced to drop his hand. She regarded him and then remembered his own bout with his dual personality, Alexander. It had been a while since she had heard of him, which made her wonder if time had cured him. Maybe time was all she needed?
There was a long pause on her part, where she almost told him what was happening, but when she opened her mouth she snapped at him instead. “Get your things ready, we’re leaving now. I have something to give to the Princess,” she told him, remembering what had kept her from the birthday celebration...Rathan.
For some reason every time she thought of the Marquis and his dark eyes, a strange sensation coursed through her body. Trying to ignore it, she focused on Mathias’ blue eyes. “I hope for your sake you have gotten the Princess something, the Queen as well.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
After Sorsha had moved away from him Mathias walked over to a near by table that a servant had just dropped a breakfast tray on and proceeded to grab himself a bagel while listening to Sorsha talk. then she said, "I hope for your sake you have gotten the Princess something, the Queen as well."
Hearing this Mathias dropped the half eaten bagel and responded, "Uhhh...." Then shrugging his shoulders he proceeded, "Sorry?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha shook her head at him. “Hopeless,” she said and rolled her eyes. She walked near him as he chewed his bread. Removing her glove, she picked at the fruit. She found a large strawberry from the tray and nibbled on it for a second, savoring the taste. “You are a Duke of this realm are you not?” she asked rhetorically.  “When your King announces a celebration of his daughter’s birthday no less, you should be running to greet him and the child, bestowing gifts…”
Sitting on the bed she finished her strawberry and licked her fingers. Taking her other glove off, she set it on the bed and untied her long braid. Taking up her brush nearby, she slowly brushed out her hair, pensive.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias then walked over to Sorsha and sat next to her, "I am sorry my lady, I won't let it happen again. Though one could not really think as to what to get a demon spawn. For the child is biologically Sir Bowie's." Mathias then quickly threw his hand over his mouth and awaited the obvious punishment that would be coming his way for insult a member of the royal family.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At his words she didn’t think and backhanded so hard he flew back. Almost immediately her hand was upon his throat and she pushed him back onto the bed. “How dare you insult a member of the royal family?!” Her knees then pressed onto his arms to keep him from moving.
Straddling him, her long hair trailed over her shoulders, caressing her blood red leathers. “That demon spawn,” she hissed dangerously, “whether by blood or title, is still a royal. When I swore protection to my King, I swore protection to every member of their family,” she was but an inch from his face now. Her blue violet eyes furious. “And my King outranks you by far, <i>Duke</i>,” she sneered. “Will I have to kill you for the insult?” she cocked her head.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias mind was fully on the pain he had received but a second ago and was currently ignoring every word that came out of Sorsha mouth. "That woman just hit me...What to do? Hit back? No that would just spark more violence...ah to humiliate her! Let’s try that." he thought to himself.
At that very moment one of the sailors walked into the room he thought to be empty so he could retrieve the noble’s luggage. Upon him entering the room he saw Sorsha straddling Mathias. Mathias thinking fast released his arms from Sorsha grabbed her back and pulled her as close as he could. "OH MY!" He screamed, "Please leave, can't you see we are having a private....meeting?! Mathias said in as snobbish a voice he could muster.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s eyes grew round at his words and she withdrew. Then catching on to his ploy she looked over her shoulder to the sailor. “No by all means, stay. You may learn something,” she pushed Mathias back on the bed, now internally livid, and glared back at him. The damage was already done, no sense in trying to save face.
The sailor not really knowing what to do, stood with his mouth open watching the display. Sorsha knowing this sensually licked the Duke’s mouth making sure the Sailor saw it and winked evily to Mathias. “Now let’s try this again,” she whispered to him and squeezed her fingers around his throat tighter. “This time show the nice sailor how well you can moan.” The Sorsha she used to be would have been mortified at the idea, she would have run out unable to face the world again, but Mathias was forgetting too quickly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias then grinned back to Sorsha, "Two can play this game," he thought to himself. He was however strangely aroused by her actions though, yet he would have to put those thought aside until later. First, humiliation. Mathias then let a long and load moan after which he turned to the sailor and said, "This might be where you would want to leave." Mathias then quickly forced Sorsha on to her back, her hand still on his throat and looked back to sailor, "That is of course unless you would like to join us?" Mathias then looked back into Sorsha's eyes and made the largest grin he could, sure that he saw the sailor running out the door.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At being manhandled, Sorsha felt a hint of desire race through her, but she refused to give in to weakness. Her nostrils flared with anger and she released her hand, to elbow his chin. “You’re going to pay for that,” she told him scathingly and rolled over again to gain the upper hand but this time he was ready for her.
They struggled this way and that, rolling around, he groaning and her hissing. At one point she could have swore she heard him laugh which only made her angrier and then suddenly running out of space they both rolled off the bed with a thud.
She was unlucky to break their fall, and her head hit the floor. All the air rushed out of her lungs, she did manage to see stars before she went limp beneath him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"HA! Well wasn't that fun? It is good you convinced me to not wear my armor else wise we might have a problem here." Sorsha eyes were still closed but Mathias was unaware as to her being slightly unconscious. All he saw a face and a pair of puckered lips. Mathias proceeded to kiss Sorsha deeply and passionately only to have her quickly awaken to this.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha felt Mathias kiss her, but the pain of her injury raced through her head and she moaned. Mathias pulled away with a satisfied grin on his face and she glared back. “Get off,” she warned him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias stood up yet still not finished with her then proceeded to pick Sorsha up and fled out the door before anything could be done to stop him. As he was carrying her off the ship he told the sailor who had walked in on them that he could now gather their belongings. Upon exiting the ship and stepping back on to dry land he set Sorsha down and with a smile on his face awaited her angry response.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was not impressed, and she still felt light headed, as he set her down she lost her footing and fell to her knees. She couldn’t, didn’t have any rational thought in her to deal with him. Mathias had been too preoccupied to notice, she was in fact injured.
Her hands slapped the ground as she held herself up. When the ground stopped spinning, she calmly looked up at him and the look in her eyes was frightening. “I’m very displeased,” she hissed and weakly rose from the ground. She neared him and this time she didn’t hit him, but instead she sneered. “Think long and hard on this moment and we’ll see how much you get from me this time.”
She then turned around and left him there, heading towards the palace. At least she did as best she could while the stars kept crossing her path to get in her way.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias stood there arms crossed thinking on what had happened. Soon after though the sailor came walking up behind him with his luggage. "Here you are my Lord. Yours and the Ladies luggage." The sailor then dropped the bags next to him and returned to the ship.
Mathias thought to him self, "No then why would the lady leave her stuff here? Oh no....If she left her stuff here that means she also left her gifts to the royal family here. I can be made the fool to the royal family and I will accept the consequences. But my lady doesn't deserve such a fate."
Mathias then grabbed all the bags and threw them over his shoulder and began to slowly move towards the palace while attempting to carry everything. Along the way He passed a kiosk that was selling toy weapons, and Mathias decided to purchase a wooden sword and shield with his last two gold.
Once he finally got within eyes sight of the Palace he saw Sorsha enter still without her stuff. Mathias then motioned to a guard to come and aid him. "Take my bags to one of the palace servants and tell him to keep them in a safe place." "What about the other bags?" replied the guard. "I am sorry but these I must make sure they make it to their destination myself. They can't be trusted to anyone but myself." With the much lighter load Mathias was able to begin running in an attempt to catch up with Sorsha before she made a fool of herself.

Revision as of 13:24, 17 December 2012