McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Mathias changing: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Letter from Mathias Ridder ''' Mathias' ship had just docked in Port Raviel. In an attempt to make it to the city before Sorsha arrival he hired the fastest ship he could and was abl...)
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'''Letter from Mathias Ridder  '''

Mathias' ship had just docked in Port Raviel. In an attempt to make it to the city before Sorsha arrival he hired the fastest ship he could and was able to cross the channel in next to no time. Upon his arrival he saw that the ship Sorsha and the others had left on not too long ago had already arrived back in port. Cursing his luck at being too late to greet Sorsha on her arrival Mathias decided it would be a good time to go and visit the Palace.
Once he arrived Mathias stopped in the courtyard to ask one of the palace servants about the items he had left here during his last stay.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She left Kisharianda on the balcony and walked out of the Palace. Once outside, she looked up to the clouds once more, and then felt a droplet of water on her cheek. She wiped it and when she looked back, she came face to face with Mathias. At first she stood motionless, surprised to see him there at all. She had planned to see him, but here he was. “Duke Mathias,” she greeted. “I was coming to see you, I did not know you were here in the City. We have much to discuss.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Somewhat surprised to hear Sorsha voice behind him he was never-the-less thankful to hear it. After all where else would she be in Port Raviel other than the palace. Then turning to face her, "My love, you flatter me so. For you see I myself in fact tried to beat your ship into harbor so that I could greet you as you left the ship. It saddens me so that I arrived too late to give you that wonderful surprise."
Completely forgetting about his belongings and the conversation he was having with the servant, Mathias walked up next to Sorsha and continued, "Well now that we are reunited is there anywhere you would like to go?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha looked him from head to toe, and grinned. She didn’t even realize she was doing it. She felt more raindrops and watched as he looked up feeling the rain. He was in his armor again. How predictable. “You have still managed to surprise me,” she told him, “therefore your attempt worked. The armor again,” she noted. “Since I don’t have to travel, let’s get us a room and get you out of it once more."
She slipped her arm in his and they began to walk away towards the City. She didn’t care for the luxury of the palace, she actually wanted to walk. “So was there something else to this surprise?” she asked him pointedly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
As the two continued to walk in the rain Sorsha asked if there was anything else that was going to be a surprise. "Why yes, I have decided I shall join you on the next wave into Ordenstaat." Then continuing to look at Sorsha he began to notice that the water was starting to make her shiver. Quickly clearing an area at a table under an outcropping the two sat and continued their conversation. "My love, if I am to join you however in the next incursion I would like to know all about the area I am heading to. For you see it has been quite some time since I was last in those lands and that was long before Ordenstaat even existed. Would you mind telling me some stories of your journey?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha nodded at his words, “very well, you were my first choice,” she admitted and he smiled at her words. He sat beside her and his hands reached in to touch hers and she looked down, waiting for the feeling to set in, it never came.
Instead she answered him, “there isn’t much to say. Much traveling, and the battles,” she told him about the fighting but there wasn’t much more to add. “I did not speak with anyone other than Dame Jordan and Marshal Carlos. Dame Jordan will go far,” she added. “She is dedicated.”
She then looked up to the stars. “What of you? I return and I discover some disturbing news… Should I be concerned?” she asked looking deep into his blue eyes.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias let out a long sigh at Sorsha's question, "No my love, I don’t think there is anything really to worry about for it seems disaster may have been avoided. But I must admit both sides had their rights and wrongs, Rathan of course took the same action I would have taken with the king’s request and refused large payment until he knew what the project was. However he was completely out of line with the tone of voice he used against our king. Also these claims of tyranny...I don't understand them he so far has been a fair and just king, and his request other than the fact he refused to inform us as to the destination of the funds was not out of place."
Then looking around the area thinking on the past couple of days and all that had taken place he saw a street vendor right across the way. Motioning for Sorsha to stay where she was he quickly crossed the street and bought a cheap bottle of wine and some bread from the salesman. Then returning to Sorsha he broke the bread in half giving the larger half to Sorsha. After which Mathias opened the bottle of wine and offered some to Sorsha, "I am sorry I don't have a glass to pour you some wine but I am sure that you have no problem drinking after me."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She removed her gloves and set them aside and took the half of bread and bit into it quickly, she was famished. She had not actually stopped since arriving. To answer his question she took the bottle from his hands and took a drink. She had already had some this night, she handed him the bottle again.
“Yes,” she agreed with his words. “No matter we both know this isn’t the first time Rathan has overreacted,” she leaned closer. “Remember your duel,” she reminded and he grinned, his eyes pleased.
“I need to know something…” she started softly. “Had I chosen a side, would you have been with me?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias leaned in and responded, "My love, perhaps even if your side had gone against my core principles I would have joined you. As I have said so many times in the past, I will do whatever you desire."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
This time she did smile, if only for his benefit, and leaned her head on his shoulder. She took the bottle again and he watched her as she drank more wine to wash the bread down. “I’m pleased,” she said and watched him silently.
His eyes were filled with her and her only. It was time for the truth. “Speaking of which,” she leaned in slowly whispering into his ear. Her warm breath gave him shivers at first, but then he sat rigidly. When she was done, she pulled back, took his hands firmly within hers. “Remember, I am here with you.” her words were soft, yet her eyes displayed nothing and she waited for his reaction.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
There was a smirk on Mathias' face at what Sorsha had whispered into his ears. "My Love, I always thought that was the case with that individual. But no longer!" Mathias then stood up and held out his hand to Sorsha, "The past is the past, now we must look to the future. If we but dwell on our past experiences and nothing more then we can't move on to experience the new. What he and you have done in the past together should hold no bearing on us. As I am yours, and hopefully you mine."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha watched him curiously and blinked. His reaction was not very characteristic. He stood up and she heard his words, yet she grew suspicious.
“Mathias?… What? You’re not…” she stopped speaking and cocked her head, going back to the moment she saw him that night. Was she a blind fool? She took back her hand and stood before him. “You act nothing like <i>my</i> Mathias… What has happened to you?” she asked numbly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias gave a confused look at Sorsha, "What do you mean?...Oh the new words I have been using. Well. Was this not what you wanted? Did you not want me to show how much I loved and cared for you? For me to be"
Then retracting his hand and taking his seat he continued on with a smirk, "I guess it was a little much. Sorry if I came off a little weird but I thought that is what you wanted." Then giving off a very embarrassed look he slapped his hand on his face and tried to calm down from the embarrassment he was feeling.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha’s brow furrowed. “Yes, this is what I would have wanted… would I still be the same woman you met a few years ago… the point has been taken, <i>Duke</i>.” The comment made her retract and she found the void again. She pushed him back down to sit and set her foot beside him. Leaning over her knee, she reached and cupped his face. “Are you trying to teach <i>me</i> lessons now?”
It was not like him to be embarrassed either… The reaction of it would hit him soon enough, it was only a matter of time.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"No my lady, you are perfect. There would be nothing I could teach you. I was but merely trying to be what you wanted me to be. I once said I would change for you. Well my lady I am trying to do just that. Though I can see that my efforts have but ruined the day..."
Mathias then slowly stood up sulking in his error and misjudgement. "I assume you wish to have some privacy after that, so I shall take my leave to find a place for the night....please forgive me." Mathias then bowed and began to walk away slowly.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha watched him go, and let him walk away thinking she was letting him. When Mathias was almost out of the garden, she began to walk behind him. Her steps were faster and she caught up to him as he was walking into the nearest street.
When she reached him, her hand slid along his arm to his, and she entwined her fingers with his. “Yes I wish for some privacy,” she leaned into his ear and whispered, “but with you. I’m not letting you leave so easily.”
Then her hand tightened around his and she stopped walking, pulling him so he would stop. “Drop the charade,” she told him coldly. The fact that he was so easily submissive threw her off, a part of her wanted to fight him, she needed it, she needed him to defy her.
Roleplay from Mathias Ridder 
Turning to face Sorsha, Mathias responded, "Of course, whatever you desire. If you want me to go back to the person who drove you away so many times in the past then so be it." Mathias faced away from Sorsha and began walking practically dragging her along with him. A mixture of emotions could be seen on his face, confusion, anger, disappointment, embarrassment. "He had been the person that she wanted all along yet that person always drove her away. What did she want from him?" he thought to himself.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha dug in her heels and let go of his arm. “You misunderstand me Duke,” she said coldly. “Do I stand before you as the same Sorsha who requested those things?”
She crossed her arms defensively. “Have you seen the person before you? Or are you still pursuing the sweet, naïve woman? Maybe now you can see and understand why she never wanted to tell you how to love her, you have not grown into it on your own, therefore there is no balance within you.”
He had stopped walking to look at her and he then turned to face her and she waited… hoped for his explosion.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Of course," was all Mathias was able to say to Sorsha's statement. In the past Mathias would have become enraged at someone telling him such things no matter who they were, but now he could not. The woman was somehow able to calm Mathias to the point that he was no longer offended by anything she said.
Mathias then noticed that the two had stopped outside a high class inn near the palace and seeing as how the rain was beginning to pick up Mathias walked up to the door and then opened it waiting for Sorsha to enter.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha uncrossed her arms and walked through the door of the Inn. The air was immediately warmed, but she ignored the effect, all of her attention was on Mathias. She was perplexed by his persona, his lack of character so to speak. She followed out of need to know what would happen next, no matter that her intentions had been to find an Inn in the first place. She allowed him to take the lead, and watched.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
As the pair entered the inn Mathias walked up to the inn keep and purchased one of his finest rooms for the night. The couple then walking up the stairs to the room continued, "Sorsha, I understand that you have become different. Yet sometimes I cannot seem to notice the difference you seem to revert to your old self from time to time as if you are fighting to hold up this wall of hatred around you." At which point the couple then reached the room and set up inside of it.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Hearing his words, she waited until they were both inside the room. Did he expect her to show emotion to his observation? Telling her she was still weak as if putting up a front. If he was goading her then he would be disappointed. She had to admit, at first she was having difficulty controlling herself, going into small fits of anger, but as time passed it was becoming easier.
She did not react, instead she stood and watched as he moved further into the room and began to remove his armor. On her side, she leaned on the edge of a cabinet. “And tell me… what exactly do you see when I revert back?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan sat in the dark corner, unnoticed as of yet by the couple. He twirled a short sword carelessly in his hand. He felt a stab of hatred run through him, and then buried it.
"Oh my my. Here I thought I'd get a word in with the Lady Sorsha about my mission, only to find out it was cancelled... Too preoccupied here m’lady? Or perhaps you care for another to accompany you tonight?"
He said with a smirk. He wasn't dressed in his normal finery, but instead in tight fitting leather armor, black as night and housing a bandoleer of knives.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha looked away from Mathias to the new voice in the room and slowly stood straighter. Mathias’ back was to them and she took the opportunity to admire Rathan’s appearance, giving him an appreciative grin, making sure he saw her do it. A rare glimmer flared in her eyes and they momentarily followed the movement of his shrt sword.  She could hear the silent warning in his voice as Mathias turned around and her face became impassive once more.
Her attraction to his aura was so incredible even she could not ignore it. She looked to Mathias and then Rathan again. “What kind of company are you offering?” she asked, wondering if <i>he</i> would give her what she wanted, wondering how Mathias would react <i>this</i> time.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan was basking in appreciation of the irony of the moment, a sadistic glee filled him.
"I'm offering exactly the type of company you want right now." he said, teasing, but the tone in his voice was still dark... Almost menacing even.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s gaze never left Rathan’s and she bit her lower lip at his words. She had been playing a dangerous game for a while now. One desperate attempt after another on her part, to feel something…
“Well then…” she purred “and you would know exactly the type I need?” she questioned and walked over to Mathias. Her hand trailed along his neck, she leaned in closer teasing him with her nearness and turned around to lean into him instead. Her hand trailed down his arm to his hand and she looked back to Rathan. “Are you going to make it worth my while?”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
As silence seemed to fill the room at her question, Sorsha cocked her head and walked away from Mathias, letting go of his hand. She looked back to the man she had once claimed to love and back to the man who claimed he would be hers, should she ask…
It seemed the aura in the air wasn’t just the one she felt between her and Rathan, but also between Mathias and Rathan. She licked her lips and stood before Rathan who had not… or better could not answer her question.
“Well,” she said with something close to disappointment. “You’re wasting my time…” she told him and looked to Mathias, “and it seems so are you.” With that she walked away from both of them and out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Revision as of 13:22, 17 December 2012