McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Duel Hexic: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''

As dawn’s early light began to filter through the room, Sorsha slowly woke. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted with two large blue orbs, vigorous licking and purring. “Oh álainn,” she whispered with a light groan. She tried to move away from the tickle of his long whiskers and Mathias stirred beside her. 
Making as little noise as possible, she slipped out from beneath the covers and left the room. Out into the hallway she lowered the cat to the ground and came face to face with Duad. 
They both stopped to stare at one another. He lowered his hand from the door his mouth wide open in shock, and she stood tall once more staring him down. She did not much care for the servant, in fact had she been given the opportunity would make sure she never saw him again. Only she couldn’t very well do that, he was of the Ridder household, not hers. 
“Your lord is still asleep, leave” she warned him standing in front of the door. Duad finally closed his mouth with a pop about to insist and she crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes. “Do not make me repeat myself,” she said dangerously and his eyes shifted around. “No of course not Lady Sorsha,” he said respectfully, but she could see, he as well shared the same sentiments about her.
When he walked away, she made sure he was out of sight before she left as well. She could hear the patter of feet as the cat followed her to her room.
She dressed in fresh leathers and took up her daggers, the entire time her ocelot was not far behind. Requesting food for him, she made sure he was eating before she left the ducal palace.
She returned to the blacksmith, who this early was already working over his anvil. Before him was a long sliver of red hot iron, which he hammered into the semblance of a blade. When she approached, he looked up. “My Lady, you’re early.”
She crossed her arms and nodded. “Yes I wanted to see your progress,” she informed him and he smiled. “I have already completed it,” he said excitedly. She had given him a large sum, he had been only too happy to comply with her wishes. “A moment,” he asked and she nodded. She watched as he finished the blade he was working on, enthralled by the process required to work the iron.
When he was done, he walked to the back of the room and returned with a long wrapped package. He slowly removed the cloth and revealed a beautifully crafted spear. Both ends adorned with a deadly threat. One end was a long sharpened point as was customary. The other tip was a long gleaming blade as long as her forearm, one edge was fine, looking incredibly sharp, the other was jagged, which she realized was a signature of his work. The wooded handle was black, polished to a lustrous sheen with markings engraved into it.
“I hope I have the inscription right,” he asked and she read it. “Yes the prayer is perfect.” At her words, he beamed even more. “Oh and I have added this,” he told her as he twisted the wood to separate both pieces, so that they became two weapons linked with a chain in the center.
She was very impressed. “Fabulous work,” she said and took the spear in her hands. The weight of it was heavier than she was used to, but she figured it would be perfectly balanced for Mathias. She actually paid him extra what she had offered and took the weapon with a smile and left.
A while later she returned to Mathias' room, he was still asleep. She propped the spear beside his bed where he would immediately see it upon waking, and left.
Then taking her cat she took him outside to walk the length of the Duke’s lands, giving the cat some much needed freedom, allowing her time to think as well.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias had rode hard that day and night. In a hurry due to Sorsha staying the night before Mathias had to rush to get to the Lighthouse to make the duel in time. It would take him several hours to make it to Qubel Lighthouse but upon his arrival at the fortress he immediately rushed over to the Dukes residence and sought entry to meet with him.
After being informed that Mathias left for his duel, Sorsha wasn’t far behind. She should have mentioned to Mathias she was attending the duel, but with everything that had taken place she did not get the chance. Instead she retrieved Gaoth and hurried, trying to catch up. She never did reach Mathias, figuring she was a few hours behind him. Now all she wanted was to make sure she wouldn’t miss the duel.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl'''
It was raining as Duke Hexic stood at his window. A horseman approached the Lighthouse keep, twenty five or so infantry marching behind. Recognizing Duke Mathias' banner, Hexic yelled down to the gate guards to open for the Duke. Mathias rode inside and proceeded immediately for the stables, and much needed shelter. Hexic proceeded down the tower to greet his friend and to offer him lodgings in one of his finest guest quarters.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Having been ushered out of the rain and into shelter by some of the fortress servants Mathias sat and waited patiently for the Duke to greet him personally.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic entered the entrance hall to greet his fellow Duke. "Mathias my friend, lets get you in front of a fire and a set of dry clothes! My servants have started a fire in your room, and have laid out some of my wardrobe in case you have nothing dry with you. After you're dressed, you can join me for dinner with Arthur, the foreman that was in charge of constructing Lighthouse Heights, our dueling venue for the morning. I'd show you to your room, but I have a few things to attend to before we eat. My servant will show you." Hexic gestured with his hand for a servant to lead the way up the stairs. After conferring with his chamberlain, Hexic proceeded down the stairs, into the tower basement.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had made good time, but when she approached Qubel she was hit with a drizzle of rain. Without stopping, she pulled out a long cape from her saddlebags. Draping it over her shoulders, she tied it at her neck and lifted the large hood over her head.
It wasn’t long before she reached Qubel Lighthouse, when she did, the light rain changed to a heavy downpour and she could barely see ahead of her. It was good that she was alone and made excellent time. This meant she wouldn’t be out in the rain much longer. The mixture of cold wind and rain had made her fingers and hands numb.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had not been too late, she arrived in Qubel Lighthouse with some time to spare. Finding a small inn, she warmed next to the fire while she waited for a room. When she was led inside, she quickly requested a bath to warm herself. Her skin smelling of almonds, lavender and roses she then slipped into her ink black leathers. Brushed her wet hair out, she slicked it back into a braided bun, a thick braid falling through its center to trail down to her small waist. Her daggers were tucked back into her belt and her armored gloves on where they belonged.
She did not go to sleep, even if she tried she had many reasons why she couldn’t. Instead she waited in the silence of her room.
When she arrived to the dueling ring that morning she did not announce herself but sat in one of the front boxes, reserved for the nobles, intent only on watching without distraction.
When both Duke Hexic, and Duke Mathias came out, she leaned forward. It wasn’t long the duel started and she watched impassively. A long time ago she would have cringed at the idea of Mathias in another duel, feared for his well being, but now not only was she interested in the test of strength, it was beginning to settle as who Mathias was and she accepted it.
She could see Duke Hexic was very practiced in battle, his every movement calculated, backed with strength and expertise as if he breathed the dance of death, a quality that not only earned him rank of Marshal but fit him like a glove. Something she had to admit, had come to admire from a distance.
Duke Mathias on the other hand was ruthlessly cunning, matching the calculated moves with instinctual ease. The same type of battle hardened expertise graced his movements. It was no surprise Hexic had chosen Mathias as his Second in Command.
They were both well matched which made it all the better to watch.
Since she had been present to several of his duels, she was used to Mathias' technique, expected the usual, but then to her surprise and pleasure he changed it. She did not expect the change and she figured neither had Hexic. This made it all the more interesting.
The duel was over with Mathias the victor. At this Sorsha gave a genuine smile, pleased. As of yet, he had not lost a duel that she could remember, her eyes shone as she watched him from her seat.
Duke Hexic was wounded and taken away by the healers. She would wait and make a point to see him when they allowed her to.
It had been a worthy fight.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
After staying the say in the fortress the time came for the duel. After a short climb to the top of a guard house where the arena had been built he awaited his opponent eagerly. Carrying the new spear that he had found next to his bed as his weapon of choice and his side arm a gladius he waited.
Soon on the other side of the arena Duke Hexic was seen climbing to the top of the guardhouse and entering the arena. Upon his entry into the arena Mathias began, "Duke Hexic! I Sir Mathias Ridder, Duke of Port Nebel, exiled Duke of Paisly, second in command of the D'Haran Guard, grasshopper with 0 wins and 0 loses challenge you."
To which Duke Hexic replied, "I, Hexic Jeckyl, Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard, former Royal High Commander of Everguard, hailing from the Qubel Chapter, Wooden Sword with 1 wins and 0 losses accept your challenge Duke Mathias Ridder, Grasshopper from Port Nebel, 0/0."
Mathias then leveled his spear pointing directly at his opponents chest, and as well Duke Hexic drew his sword. However before anything could be done Hexic charged his opponent attempting to overrun Mathias. One could only assume that this was because of Mathias' use of the spear and that at a distance he would have the advantage.
Duke Hexic was closing ground quickly and as such Mathias began to twist and whirl his spear in an attempt to ward of his assailant and keep him at a distance. However it had been too many years since Mathias had used the spear and had grown rusty with its use. So then abandoning the weapon Mathias drew his gladius and without shield charged his opponent.
The two went at it for nearly 20 minutes exchanging over what must have been 100 bouts. However as with so many of Mathias other duels it would he his endurance that would win him the fight. Mathias saw his opponent beginning to tire and as such took one last powerful up swing to Hexics right arm. Catching the duke in one of the weak parts of his armor, his sword cut threw part of the Duke arm and had the two truly been fighting to the death Mathias would have severed it right there.
The fight was over and Duke Hexic had surrendered. The healers quickly climbed the guard tower and took the injured duke into their custody so that they may care for him.
Mathias then picking up his dropped spear, descended the tower and prepared to leave the lighthouse.

Revision as of 13:21, 17 December 2012