McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/escape: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''' The Prince sat in his cell washing himself before trial. Suddenly, a loud boom shook the whole dungeon followed by an explosion right above Bowie's ...)
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'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''' 

The Prince sat in his cell washing himself before trial. Suddenly, a loud boom shook the whole dungeon followed by an explosion right above Bowie's head. The stone floor dropped down into rubble about his cell and Bowie dove for cover.
Above from the hole, a hand reached down and a familiar voice called down.
"Prince! Come on, we're busting you out!"
Bowie reached up and saw the face of his rescuer. It was Volkrad, Captain of the Black Army.
"Volkrad! I am supposed to wait for the Confessor."
Pulling the Prince out of the hole, Volkrad laughs,
"Since when did you wait for anyone? What, are you in love with her or something?"
Bowie blushes, then says.
"Well, I never had a chance in trial anyway. Have you seen the ton of letters Rathan inked? Alright boys this is your show. Let's start dancing."
Bowie exited the next hole in the wall and saw the whole Black Army restraining guards and clearing the street for their exit. He was deeply pleased to see the sight. Bowie stopped and grabbed a piece of paper and some ink.
"Hang on a second, let me do this first."
He quickly wrote a note, tossed it back into his cell, then jumped onto a horse and rode with his army towards the gates of the capital as fast as possible. They succeeded in a very good jail break.
While fleeing, he looked back hoping to catch one last glimpse of his love. The note was addressed to Duchess Kisharianda....
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
The commotion of the blast brought Kisharianda nearly to her knees as she was still making her way back up the long staircase on the east side of the palace.
"CONFESSOR!" a guard came rushing to her side "Are you okay?" he looked at her checking her making sure she was unarmed.
"What was that" she stood up and looked at the guard "Bowie has escaped!, the two guards guarding him were crushed by the fallen blocks of the cell, they are dead my Queen." he waited
"Find him and bring him to me, if he is not brought back in the next ten minutes I will issue a full ban is that understood!" she yelled and barked orders as she made her way back down the stairs to his cell to inspect the injured men. "Have healers sent to the dungeon immediately, anyone caught in the presence of Bowie is to be brought in for questioning, and bring me Kratos I wish to speak to him on this day!" the guards stood listening to her "Well what are you waiting for the longer you wait the further he gets MOVE!"
She reached the cells Bowie was held in after climbing a few blocks that lay in her way. Inspecting the debris of the fallen stones she notice a crumble piece of paper on the ground. She leaned over and grabbed it with much difficulty, sand was still falling inside the cell around her covering her head in dirt.
She straightened the letter and began to read. Her eyes filled with water and she crumbled the note in her hand "Be Damn Bowie Ironsides, we will see each other again this I promise you" she yelled with watery eyes
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
Kisharianda made her way back to the open hall of the palace where two guards waited for her. She called for a scribe and ordered the King be made aware of the situation right away.
A young scribe presented himself readied to pen her demands. "Send this realm wide to orders" and the scribe began to write as she spoke
A prisoner has escaped his cell the name is Bowie Ironsides. The person who brings him back will be well rewarded for their efforts. You are to arrest him immediately and bring him to the palace. Anyone caught helping him will face immediate sentencing for helping a prisoner escape from the court.
She turned around infuriated to be faced with Sorsha daggers in hand.
"Bowie has escaped someone blasted him out of his cell" she paced around Sorsha
"Do you believe the nerve of that man, not only did I have to go through this with Rathan but now him! What possesses this man into believing this is where it will end for him. He may think he has gotten the best of me in all this but the truth is he just sealed his own fate!" she looked at Sorsha who seemed to be speechless
"I'm sorry you have to see me this way Marshal I have had my share of troubles the last few days" she tried to calm herself by taking a few deep breaths "Given the circumstances I haven't had the opportunity to see you, I was just making my way out of the dungeon to greet you and this happens" she grabbed her hair and gave it a quick twist and tucked it into a bun at the top of her head
"I know you have but just returned but I wish to ask for your assistance in this matter, I need you to put your best men on Bowie's trail, I need someone who can hunt without being seen. Given the fact that the only man I know who would be suited for the job is himself being held for court" she shook her head "Why does everything have to be so.. so... dramatic when it comes to those two, if I had half my senses I would ban them both right now for giving me such troubles" she closed her eyes and waited for her reply.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched people run down the hall and followed the same direction until she met the Queen. She had heard whispered words of Bowie escaping and her face darkened to a frightening shade of red and she screamed. “ARGH!,” she reached out and grabbed the first Black Lion she could find, holding him by the collar.
Kisharianda stammered something but she ignored her. The soldier gulped and his eyes widened at the look on her face. “I want every Black Lion on his pursuit now!” she screamed at him and shoved him into the wall. “Get my Captain on the double, if you so much as waste my time I will have both of your feet removed.” He paused and she grabbed his collar tighter, “If I find out he gets the best of you, I will have each and every one of you flogged and then skinned in the TOWN SQUARE! NOW MOVE!” He swallowed and grabbed at his shirt and left in a hurry.
She had reverted so quickly into anger she saw black. She then walked past a door with two guards in front of it. It didn’t even occur to her to ask Kisharianda who was in the room, instead she stopped and looked one in the face. “Who is in this room?”
“The Marquis Rathan,” he stammered having seen how she treated the last soldier. “You better pray that he’s still in there as well. Open this door now!”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan opened the door, and was faced with Sorsha.
"My lady, what is going on? I've heard a large explosion... Don't tell me Bowie has escaped?"
He noticed the expression on her face, and scowled.
"I didn't have anything to do with it."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared with anger. “Had you had anything to do with it Rathan, you wouldn’t be here,” she hissed. She then turned to Kisharianda, “I am going after Bowie myself this instant. I don’t trust anyone to remain in their cells or their rooms at this point. Rathan you’ve wanted to sink your knife in a mark, Bowie’s yours, because if you don’t do this now, you will negate any chances of your own survival. Now’s your chance, if the Queen allows it, you’re coming with me. “We’re going to hunt him down now. If you so much as dare cross me in this and plan your own escape I will hunt you down for the rest of your miserable life. Now do you wish to make yourself useful?” She was not the usual Sorsha, she was all anger.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien'''
Kisharianda watched as the Marshal's anger unfolded on the soldier and she didn't concentrate much on what was being said, Sorsha went about screaming at him and she quickly fled up the stairs. Suddenly she gasped at watching Sorsha run up the staircase and the thought of the whole escape and she quickly made her way up to Rathan's room to make sure he was still there. Arriving around the corner she exhaled in relief to find Sorsha before Rathan talking and she caught part of the conversation as she approached them.
“I am going after Bowie myself this instant. I don’t trust anyone to remain in their cells or their rooms at this point. Rathan you’ve wanted to sink your knife in a mark, Bowie’s yours, because if you don’t do this now, you will negate any chances of your own survival. Now’s your chance, if the Queen allows it, you’re coming with me. “We’re going to hunt him down now.”
Kisharianda took a deep breath and pulled Sorsha aside "Have you lost your mind! I cannot let the man who orchestrated this whole mess with the Duke leave with his prize! Do you not realize the reason he has done all this is to get to you, he cares not for Mathias the reasoning behind all his doing is because he wants you Sorsha nothing else. I cannot let you leave with him and the King would never allow this either, I'm sorry Sorsha I cannot" she shook her head and noticed the hesitation in Sorsha as she looked back to Rathan and pulled Kisharianda aside. Kisharianda looked at her and waited.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha pulled Kisharianda aside, she was so infuriated she had to really focus to hear what the Queen was telling her. “I know that my Queen…but do you prefer leaving him here while he very well is one of the best men to get Bowie for us?” She then looked away to glance at Rathan. He would be getting what he wanted, and deep down she was beginning to doubt her own words, they were right.
Pulling away, she bit her lower lip, and turned. When she did, she realized Mathias had been watching the entire scene quietly. His blue eyes storming with anger, he was not happy.
“I won’t let you leave with him, without me,” he told her and her face changed almost instantly. “I’m not handing you back to them,” she hissed, not out of anger at him, but at what had recently taken place.
“I’m not putting you back in harm’s way either,” he countered. She sighed with frustration and made a decision. “Very well, Rathan will stay here, you stay with him. I’m sure the two of you will have much to discuss,” she said and Mathias smirked in Rathan’s direction. “He still has a trial to attend and he’s not missing it.”
Sorsha gave Mathias a nod and kissed him. “I’ll be back soon and when I do, we’ll finish what we started,” she whispered and then looked directly at Rathan, “nothing will stop me.”
She then left and her hand lingered in Mathias’, her fingertips brushing his. Kisharianda, Rathan and Mathias watched her leave and she ran out of the Palace. As she left someone ran up to her and handed her a letter. She quickly opened it and read it as she walked out.
She stopped in her steps and her hand dropped the letter to the ground. “Bowie… if you had only come to me first,” she whispered.
She then met with Captain Johann and gave orders to have them stop and block passage at the port, and to stop any ship from leaving, no matter who was on board. She wanted Black Lions posted around the entire city, and to stop anyone who even appeared suspicious. Her initial anger had been such that she wanted to hunt him down herself, but she didn’t. Now able to think clearer, she refrained from doing so. He would get exactly what he wanted, her distraction. She had more than enough men to take care of the situation. Besides, deep down she knew Bowie would meet his maker soon enough it was just a matter of time.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''' 
As the Black Army crossed the water into Port Nebel, Captain Volkrad rode over to the Prince.
"Prince, you don't seem happy. Usually in all our other escapades you are usually laughing your lungs out. What is eating you?"
The Prince sighed as the men remounted their horses and continued their escape.
"This time is different Volkrad. I feel like I am losing something."
"Sallowtown is ahead of us Prince, not behind. You have so much to look forward to. Come on now, we can steal some rum from the tavern if you want to."
"...Yes, yes we could...and that does sound like a good idea, but I don't think I should try to escape myself this time. This time I have to let it sting."
Volkrad was silenced. He had never seen the Prince in this way before. It was unsettling. Almost as if there really was a human in there. Bowie, in a voice that sunk with no confidence, turned to Volkrad and said,
"Maybe you should get the rum anyway."
Volkrad smiled weakly and left to arrange the Prince's order.
Alone, Bowie looked back to the water, shaking his head and looking down. Who really wanted this, he wondered, the demon or the man?
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"I don't care for used goods." Rathan said to Sorsha as she left, spitting at her feet.
"You won, we have nothing further to discuss. I'll be in my room preparing my defense." and he went back to his room, the hate on his face obvious.
'''Roleplay from Alden Clarke''' 
The sudden blast made me jump right out of my hammock and land face down the the hard stone. I picked myself up, cursing, and scrambled over to Dawson, my second in command.
"What the bloody crows was that?"
"Explosion at the palace, blew a hole right in the dungeon wall."
"About time, get the men into position," I ordered whilst belting on my sword, "The Marquis is going to need us to cover his escape. Send a man to lead him to the ship and see if anyone can find Drakos. Have him get his men to the docks to delay any force sent in pursuit and..."
"SIR, those aren't Rathan's men."
"Not his men. Looks to me like the Black Army."
"Black army? The Prince's troops?"
"Yes sir. Orders?"
I looked over the confusion that had overtaken the palace grounds.
"After this mess the Marquis would have to be an idiot to attempt an escape. We can't do anymore for him here. Get everyone down to the ship and make ready to cast off."
"Yes sir. If I may, where are we going?"
"If Rathan is to be subject to the justice of the realm then he's going to need a good hand. Information about Bowie could be just the ace in the hole he needs.
Several hours later
I waited impatiently on the docks in Port Nebel for Dawson to return with the reports from the region. Footsteps the boardwalk shatter the silence and my hand came to rest on the sword I wore in reflex.
"Live by the dagger..." someone called from the dark.
I sighed and gave the counter call, "...die by the axe; whats the word from our scouts?"
"Seems we made better time that Bowie, he is yet to arrive in port."
"Good. Round up some horses so that we can keep making better time that him, then set up some watch rotations so the men can get some rack time. I want them mounted the second the prince's ship touches the dock."
"Already done, sir. We also learned that Duke Hexic just returned from Port Raviel and was last seen moving towards Nebel. Our agents say the duke and prince are known associates so it could be something."
"Could just be a coincidence too, a lot of people meet with Bowie and travel to and from the capital."
"Right you are, sir. Shall I put some men on Hexic?"
"Do it, and send those reports to our men in Port Raviel and tell them to make sure they make it to Rathan's hands."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
It was some time later Sorsha returned from the port to the Palace. When she walked in the rest of the guards and servants seemed to have calmed since the afternoon’s dramatic unfolding. People greeted her as she walked back, nodding, others saluting but she ignored them all.
She had switched from the angry persona back to softness and now replayed everything that had occurred that day. She wasn’t happy with herself. If anything she felt such an awful sensation in the pit of her stomach, she wanted to vomit. She recalled her rage, running down the halls, her furious threats to good men, and then out of it all, one thing kept returning to her. <i> “I don’t care for used goods. </i> The words had not touched her then, but now that she’d had time to allow them to replay over and over in her mind, the words hurt more every time. She continued down the halls until she walked into her room. When she entered Mathias was nowhere to be seen. She didn’t even bother going out looking for him.
Her breathing had become erratic and she walked to the dresser and leaned her hands over it, swallowing the bile in her throat.
Only the night before she had coldly and mercilessly led a slaughter of men – men who most likely had loved ones and children of their own. Today she had become something so unlike herself, someone so unrecognizable she couldn’t even make any clarity of it.
Bowie’s words returned to her, <i>How possessed can I be if I am able to love my friend Sorsha? No matter my end, you will be missed.</i> The sensation of vomiting was overpowering. What was she becoming, a creature of hate, spite, and vengeance?
The look Rathan had given her returned and she closed her eyes and swallowed again. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she kicked the dresser furiously. “DAMN YOU!” she yelled and picked up Síoraí throwing it at the door and slid to the ground. And now it came… the shame, the remorse and guilt over what she had done. She was not a creature of hate, but slowly she was becoming one…

Revision as of 13:10, 17 December 2012