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| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''31 August 1011''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''1 September 1011''
<u>Battle in Commonyr
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 200 men vs. 160 men
Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley is spotted wielding the Spiked Dagger of Bloodletting.
<b>Defender Victory!</b></u>
<i>Public Execution
Messengers bring news of a public execution in Partora earlier today.
Addonwy, a noble of Ibladesh, had been banned from Perdan as a traitor on 2011-07-26. When he was later imprisoned, the judge of Perdan decided to make him pay for his treason.
Background info on this family.</i>
<b><u>Ruler Elected
The realm of Fontan has elected Aulus Severus of the Scipii as its Chancellor.
He received 35% of the valid votes cast.</u></b>
<u>Huge Battle Fought
<u>Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[Kazakh]]:
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oc Lu Pesh:
Obsidian Islands, Sirion vs. Sultanate of Asena
Estimated strengths: 1970 men vs. 970 men
The Silver Legion (Sirion), sponsored by Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar, were led into battle by Marshal Turgon Noldorin.
The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Webin cIipt.
The Red Dragons (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Fritz Kahn.
The Iron Wolves of Asena (Sultanate of Asena), sponsored by Vanya Bluelake, Defterdar of Sultanate of Asena, Duchess of Oroya, were led into battle by Marshal Viseslav Stublic.
Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar is spotted wielding the Sacred Sword.
Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar is spotted wearing the Ucdauh's Cloak of Piety.
Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar is spotted wielding the Ruron's Shield of Protection.
Sir Ilias Thunthorn, Prime Minister of Sirion is spotted reading from the Book of Forbidden Knowledge.
Sir Didymus La Pointe (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) was captured by Isras George's unit.
Sir Viseslav Stublic, Sultan and Pasha of Sultanate of Asena, Marshal of the Iron Wolves of Asena was seriously wounded by Cimion Telerin's unit.
<b>Attacker Victory!</b></u>
<b>Battle in [[Dulbin]]
Westmoor vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 500 men vs. 150 men
The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ravier Nebehn.
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<b>Battle in [[Evora]]
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 80 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''30 August 1011''
<b>Looting Reported
Tax collectors and wealthy locals in [[Dulbin]] have been attacked and robbed by Fontan forces!
Looting Reported
The region of [[Dulbin]] has been looted by Fontan forces!
Looting Reported
Tax collectors and wealthy locals in [[Dulbin]] have been attacked and robbed by Fontan forces!</b>
Panic is spreading in [[Montijo]] after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.</i>
<b>Battle in [[Dulbin]]
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 180 men vs. 30 men
The Democratic Guard (Fontan), sponsored by Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Minister of Defense of Fontan, were led into battle by Marshal Laicch Abliarsec.
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''29 August 1011''
Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Tabost]].
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
<i>Region Takeover
Caligus has taken control of [[Tota]] (formerly part of Ibladesh). Caligus now controls 21 regions.</i>
<b>Knight temporarily absent
Rhakanvar Schumacher (Knight of [[Hagley]]) has been imprisoned by Fontan patrols while travelling through [[Krimml]].</b>
<i>Region changes duchy Mathros Hagakure, Count of [[Commonyr]], has changed the allegiance of his region [[Commonyr]] to the duchy of [[Oligarch]].</i>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''28 August 1011''
<i>Rumours of a Miracle
Rumours arrive speaking of a miraculous revival of Lash Prime (Knight of [[Igno]]), who was declared dead by the healers and about to be prepared for funeral in the mortuary, when he suddenly woke up in front of witnesses' eyes as if nothing has ever happened, with only a few rapidly healing wounds.</i>
<i>Region Revolts
The people of [[Az Zarqua]] have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!</i>
<b>Battle in [[Greatbridge]]
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 110 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u>
Battle in [[Poitiers]]
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 10 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''27 August 1011''
Guards in [[Greatbridge]] reported several attempted attacks during the night.</b>
<i>Monster Activity
Monsters are rampaging in [[Poitiers]]:
4 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.</i>
<b>Battle in [[Poitiers]]
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''26 August 1011''
<b>Battle in [[Oberndorf]]
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 210 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
Panic is spreading in [[Oberndorf]] after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.</i>
Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Montijo]].
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
<i>Region Revolts
The people of [[Nimraw]] have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!</i>
<i>New Knight
A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Sarekal Helsun is starting his career today.
He originates from [[Morshes]]. He comes from a new noble family.</i>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''25 August 1011''
<b>Battle in [[Morshes]]
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 60 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
<i>New Knight
A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Kon Duwani is starting his career today.
He originates from [[Poitiers]]. He comes from a new noble family.</i>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''24 August 1011''
<i>Undead Activity
Undead are still at large in [[Bruck]]:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 7 %.
The peasants are in panic and morale drops 15 %.</i>
<i>Region Revolts
The people of [[Leibo]] have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!</i>
<u>Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[Leibo]]:
Caligus vs. Ibladesh
Caligus vs. Ibladesh
Estimated strengths: 1100 men vs. 500 men
Estimated strengths: 1160 men vs. 1330 men
The Grand Legion of Sartan (Ibladesh), sponsored by Helena Dacara, Duchess of Ibladesh, were led into battle by Marshal Arianne Quintus Ennius.
The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur.
The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep.
The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep.
The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur.
Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life.
Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life.
Percival Prestongreen, Marquis of Viseu is spotted reading from the Brilliant Compendium.
Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Arrow of Flame.
Livia Augulus (Dame of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis.
Livia Augulus, Marchioness of Tokat is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis.
Elisedd Deytheur, Marshal of the Caligus' Golden Talons is spotted wielding the Doomed Nightblade of Parrying.
Elisedd Deytheur, Marshal of the Caligus' Golden Talons is spotted wielding the Doomed Nightblade of Parrying.
Althalos Von Ulthuan, Marquis of Igno is spotted wearing the Mysterious Brooch of Mines of Isadril.
Althalos Von Ulthuan, High Marshal of Caligus, Marquis of Igno is spotted wearing the Mysterious Brooch of Mines of Isadril.

<b>Attacker Victory!</b></u>
<b>Attacker Victory!</b></u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''23 August 1011''
<i>Undead Activity
Undead are still at large in Bruck:
2 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.
The peasants are in panic and morale drops 1 %.</i>

<i>Region Takeover
<i>Legendary hero buried
Caligus has taken control of [[Igno]] (formerly part of Ibladesh). Caligus now controls 19 regions.</i>
The [[Moore Family|Moore]] family commemorates the dead hero Bastian, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.</i>
<b>Battle in [[Troyes]]
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 20 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<i>Undead Activity
Undead are still at large in Troyes:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 5 %.
The peasants are in panic and morale drops 8 %.</i>
<b>Battle in Evora
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 100 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''22 August 1011''
<i>Undead Activity
Undead are still at large in [[Troyes]]:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 3 %.
The peasants are in panic and morale drops 7 %.</i>
<b>Battle in [[Troyes]]
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
<b>Battle in [[Dulbin]]
Westmoor vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 170 men vs. 110 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''21 August 1011''
<i>Region Takeover
Perdan has taken control of [[Woolton]] , a former rogue region. Perdan now controls 14 regions.</i>
<u>Rebel activity in [[Commonyr]]
The rebel unit Peasant Militia in Commonyr has finally surrendered.</u>
<b>Battle in [[Bruck]]
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 10 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
<i>New local lord appointed
Your ruler, Maedros, has appointed Mathros as the new Count of [[Commonyr]].</i>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''20 August 1011''
Panic is spreading in Commonyr after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.</i>
<u>Skirmish in Commonyr
The following units attacked Commonyr:
"Partisans" (militia unit)
Due to the overwhelming odds, however (11919 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender.
The attacking units were dissolved.</u>
<b>Battle in Dulbin
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 90 men vs. 10 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<i>Region changes duchy
Thomas Foxglove, Count of Oberndorf, Marshal of the Westmoorian Column has changed the allegiance of his region [[Oberndorf]] to the duchy of [[Oligarch]].</i>
Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Tabost]].
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
<b><u>Takeover succeeded
After 5 days, [[Commonyr]] has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government.
Morale in the region drops by 46 points due to the takeover, most likely caused by the brutality associated with the necessary political change.
Loyalty in the region falls 1 points.
The militia unit Peasant Militia starts a guerilla war against the usurpers.
The militia unit Partisans starts a guerilla war against the usurpers.</u></b>
Peasants upset about the brutality of the takeover in [[Commonyr]] have formed a partisan group and are starting a guerilla war against the invaders of their homeland.</u>
<b>Battle in [[Dulbin]]
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 90 men vs. 30 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot [[Commonyr]]. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
Editor: Times eight^
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''19 August 1011''
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.</b>
<u><b>New Vice-Marshal Announced
The sponsor of the Westmoorian Column, Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, has announced a new vice-marshal: Sir Ravier Nebehn (Knight of Evora).</b></u>
<b>Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Failed
An unidentified unit has attempted to loot Commonyr. Defending forces have prevented the attempt.
Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<u>Peasant Militia forming
The citizens of Commonyr have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 487 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.</u>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Sir Feoran Lionheart, Baron of Evora.</b>
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has plundered, pillaged and burned the region of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<b>Battle in Greatbridge
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 90 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
<b>Battle in Dulbin
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 20 men
<u>Attacker Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''18 August 1011''
<b>New Lady General
Your ruler, Maedros, has appointed Arica Maldives, Countess of Hagley as Lady General of the realm.</b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''17 August 1011''
<b>Religious Unrest
There is unrest in the realm after a priest of Flow of the Balance was arrested:
There is a general strike in Morshes in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 4 peasants are killed during the unrest.
Peasants in Dulbin complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 2 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.
There is a general strike in Hagley in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 8 peasants are killed during the unrest.
There is a general strike in Westmoor in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 15 peasants are killed during the unrest.
There is a general strike in Troyes in response to the arrest, and massive protests.
There is a general strike in Poitiers in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 6 peasants are killed during the unrest.
There is a general strike in Bruck in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 11 peasants are killed during the unrest.
Peasants in Oberndorf complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 1 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.
There is a general strike in Greatbridge in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 2 peasants are killed during the unrest.</b>
<i>Monster Activity
Monsters are rampaging in Morshes:
3 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.</i>
<b>Skirmish in Commonyr
The following units attacked Commonyr:
"Partisans" (militia unit)
Due to the overwhelming odds, however (10986 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender.
The attacking units were dissolved.</b>
<u><b>Battle in Morshes
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 30 men
Defender Victory!</b></u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''16 August 1011''
<u>Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oroya:
Sirion vs. Sultanate of Asena
Estimated strengths: 780 men vs. 870 men
The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Webin cIipt.
The Silver Legion (Sirion), sponsored by Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar, were led into battle by Marshal Turgon Noldorin.
The Red Dragons (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Fritz Kahn.
The Iron Wolves of Asena (Sultanate of Asena), sponsored by Vanya Bluelake, Defterdar of Sultanate of Asena, Duchess of Oroya, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Genghis D'Han.
Scarlet Mersault (Dame of Montijo, Sirion) was captured by a militia unit of Sultanate of Asena.
Peter Langdon (Knight of Slimbar, Sirion) was captured by a militia unit of Sultanate of Asena.
<b>Defender Victory!</b></u>
<u><b>Battle in Morshes
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men
Defender Victory!</b></u>
<b>Skirmish in Commonyr
The following units attacked Commonyr:
"Oporto Pioneers" (commander not present)
"Partisans" (militia unit)
Due to the overwhelming odds, however (9073 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender.
The attacking units were dissolved.</b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''15 August 1011''
<b>Looting Activity
Someone from our realm has damaged the military infrastructure of Commonyr (Fontan). </b>
<i>Region Takeover
Ibladesh has taken control of Leibo , a former rogue region. Ibladesh now controls 23 regions.</i>
Liam York's guards, in [[Commonyr]], have captured Akron Hyde, an infiltrator working for Fontan while he was sneaking around the camp of Liam York (Knight of [[Hagley]]) conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.
Lord temporarily absent
An assassination attempt on Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of [[Hagley]] has left her seriously wounded.
The ruler should appoint a new Lord General.</u></b>
<i>Temple Constructed
You hear reports of a new temple of Church of Humanity that has been erected in [[Oberndorf]].</i>
<b><u>Takeover initiated
Arica has initiated a Brutal Takeover of [[Commonyr]], currently belonging to Fontan.</u></b>
<b>Prisoner escaped
Requiem has vanished from his cell in Westmoor! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.</b>
<b><u>Battle in Commonyr
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 340 men
Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of [[Hagley]] is spotted wielding the Spiked Dagger of Bloodletting.
Defender Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''14 August 1011''
An explosion shook the fortifications in Oligarch, doing 6 % damage! Unfortunately, the guards could not catch, nor identify the culprit.</b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''13 August 1011''
The militia in Oligarch has been attacked by an infiltrator, and 7 guards were killed. Fortunately, some of those who could escape were able to identify the attacker as Zartos ut Daris, an infiltrator from Fontan.
The unit Oligarch Archers was wiped out to the last man.
Gold has vanished from the tax offices in Oligarch. The tax collectors are certain that thieves or enemy infiltrators are at work.</b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''12 August 1011''
<i>New Recruitment Center
A new Infantry center has been constructed in Dulbin.</i>
<b>Battle in Greatbridge
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 50 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u>
Battle in Greatbridge
Fontan vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 30 men vs. 100 men
<u>Defender Victory!</u></b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''11 August 1011''
<i>Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Gadlock]]. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''10 August 1011''
''Region Takeover Sultanate of Asena has taken control of [[Pedrera]] , a former rogue region. Sultanate of Asena now controls 7 regions.''
''New Realm Member Marv Puff (Noble) has become a knight of Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor and thus joined your realm. He used to be a member of Sultanate of Asena.''
''New Workshop A new Traders Supplies has been constructed in Bruck.''
<u>Ruler Elected The realm of Ibladesh has elected Abraxas Arrakis as its Pontifex. He received 25% of the valid votes cast.</u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''9 August 1011''
'''Undead! Panic is spreading in Oligarch after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.'''
<u>Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Igno: Caligus vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 930 men vs. 510 men The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Kezoku Cinereus. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. Sir Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Arrow of Flame. Sir Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wearing the Astonishing Ring of Enchanting. Livia Augulus (Dame of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis. Elisedd Deytheur, Marshal of the Caligus' Golden Talons is spotted wielding the Doomed Nightblade of Parrying. Aedan Pendragon (Knight of Hamadan, Caligus) was captured by Naoie Ukita's unit.</u>
<u>'''Defender Victory!'''</u>
''New local lord appointed Your ruler, Maedros, has appointed Thomas as the new Count of [[Oberndorf]].''
'''Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Tabost]]. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.'''
'''Peasant Revolt The people in [[Oberndorf]] are revolting! 1 gold have been stolen from various tax collector offices.'''
'''''<u>Takeover succeeded After 3 days, [[Oberndorf]] has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government. Morale in the region drops by 15 points due to the takeover, most likely caused by the brutality associated with the necessary political change. Loyalty in the region falls 7 points.</u>'''''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''8 August 1011''
'''Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Salta. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.'''
'''Prisoner escaped Murdoch has vanished from his cell in Westmoor! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.'''
<u>Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Igno: Caligus vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 750 men vs. 460 men The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. Sir Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Arrow of Flame. Sir Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wearing the Astonishing Ring of Enchanting. Livia Augulus (Dame of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis.</u>
<u>'''Attacker Victory!'''</u>
'''Battle in Evora (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 130 men'''
'''Defender Victory!'''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''7 August 1011''
'''Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Oberndorf. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.'''
'''Sabotage! Vsevolod Nasica's guards, in Greatbridge, have captured Akron Hyde, an infiltrator working for Fontan while he was trying to escape from his successful assault on Vsevolod Nasica (Knight of Morshes).'''
'''Knight temporarily absent An assassination attempt on Vsevolod Nasica (Knight of Morshes) has left him seriously wounded.'''
'''Battle in Greatbridge Fontan vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 10 men'''
'''Defender Victory!'''
'''Sabotage! Guards in Oligarch have arrested Zartos ut Daris, apparently an infiltrator from Fontan, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.'''
'''Sabotage! Gold has vanished from the tax offices in Oligarch. The tax collectors are certain that thieves or enemy infiltrators are at work.'''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''6 August 1011''
''Region Takeover Sirion has taken control of [[Al Amarah]] , a former rogue region. Sirion now controls 24 regions.''
''Region Revolts The people of [[Oberndorf]] have revolted and declared independence from Fontan!''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''5 August 1011''
'''Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Commonyr. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.'''
'''Battle in Commonyr Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 60 men'''
Defender Victory!
'''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has gone on a killing spree in Commonyr (Fontan).'''
'''Sabotage! Guards at the tax office in Oligarch spotted a dark figure entering the vaults, but they managed to drive him away.'''
'''Religious Unrest There is unrest in the realm after a priest of Flow of the Balance was arrested:'''
'''Peasants in Morshes complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 7 peasants are killed by militia to restore Peasants in Hagley complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 4 peasants are killed by militia to restore Peasants in Westmoor complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 6 peasants are killed by militia to restore There is a general strike in Troyes in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 5 peasants are killed during the Peasants in Poitiers complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 5 peasants are killed by militia to restore Peasants in Bruck complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 5 peasants are killed by militia to restore Peasants in Greatbridge complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 4 peasants are killed by militia to restore In Oligarch, the peasants are slightly upset.'''
<u>Ruler Elected The realm of Fontan has elected Basilius Decimus as its Chancellor. He received 39% of the valid votes cast.</u>
<u>Ruler Elected The realm of Sirion has elected Ilias Thunthorn as its Prime Minister. He received 59% of the valid votes cast.</u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''4 August 1011''
'''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Commonyr (Fontan).'''
'''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Commonyr (Fontan).'''
<u>Fine issued Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck has put a penalty of 75 gold on Gabrael Solostus (Knight of Greatbridge) for this reason:</u>
<u>For unlawful actions against the realm and conduct unbefitting a noble of Westmoor.</u>
'''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Commonyr (Fontan).'''
'''Sabotage! Guards in Westmoor have arrested Gabrael Solostus, apparently an infiltrator from Westmoor, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.'''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''3 August 1011''
'''New Lady General Your ruler, Maedros, has appointed Arica Maldives, Countess of Hagley as Lady General of the realm.'''
'''Battle in Commonyr Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men'''
'''Defender Victory!'''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''2 August 1011''
<u>'''Battle in Krimml Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 640 men vs. 120 men The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Thomas Foxglove.'''</u>
<u>'''Attacker Victory!'''</u>
''Region Takeover Fontan has taken control of Negev , a former rogue region. Fontan now controls 7 regions.''
'''<u>Skirmish in Greatbridge The following units attacked</u>'''
'''<u>"Arrows of Freedom" (Basilius Decimus, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, Fontan)</u>'''
'''<u>Due to the overwhelming odds, however (10187 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender. The attacking units were dissolved, and their commanders taken into custody in Westmoor.</u>'''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | 1 August 1011
''''''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Oberndorf (Fontan).''''''
<u>Battle in Greatbridge Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 320 men vs. 210 men The Manticores (Fontan), sponsored by Basilius Decimus, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, were led into battle by Marshal Basilius Decimus. Katsuyori Takeda (Royal of Fontan) was seriously wounded by Gregor Relak's unit.</u>
<u>Attacker Victory!</u>
<u>Battle in Oberndorf Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 310 men vs. 200 men Arica Maldives, Countess of Hagley is spotted wielding the Spiked Dagger of Bloodletting.</u>
<u>Attacker Victory!</u>
'''''Legendary hero buried The Gaeric family commemorates the dead hero Marcus, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.'''''
'''''Peasant Militia forming The citizens of Oberndorf have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 250 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.'''''
''''''Looting Activity Someone from our realm has gone on a killing spree in Oberndorf (Fontan). Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Rhakanvar Schumacher (Knight of Hagley).''''''

<i>New Knight
A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Luke Bakugan is starting his career today.
He originates from [[Troyes]]. He comes from a new noble family.</i>

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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Dulbin]] <i>de-invaded</i>'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''31 August 1011'''
''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Happy Independence Day!'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''1 September 1011'''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>
As we expected: Fontan has now been beaten in [[Dulbin]]. Vice Marshal Ravier [[Nebehn Family|Nebehn]] again lead the army with the king and duke Gregor also fighting fiercely on Westmoorian soil. Our army was slightly smaller than it could have been as several nobles including myself weren’t able to get to Dulbin in time, but better this then have Fontan scurry off back to [[Krimml]] , the den of infiltrators and thieves, without a good kicking.
There was also a minor battle in [[Evora]] where some fontanese archers lead by WhiteRanger [[DeGray Family|DeGray]] tried to single handedly take Evora. Baron Feoran [[Lionheart Family|Lionheart]] did a wonderful job mopping these up with support from his extensive border militia guard. Fontan go home!
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Kazakh]] falls to the elves!'''</span>
Like a swarm of locusts the combined forces of Sirion and the Obsidian islanders swarmed onto the city of Kazach. Unlike the last time where Sirion attacked [[Oroya]] they instead decided to go straight for the Sultanate’s mother city breaking down the walls of the historic capitol. Sultan Viseslav [[Stublic Family|Stublic]] was seriously wounded by the Elven hero Cimion [[Telerin Family|Telerin's]] unit. The Sultanate was out numbered two to one in this battle and although we were unable to support them we wish them well.
Now of course as you know not having a capitol (or at least a capitol you can use) can present problems. The capitol is the forefront of the realm’s activities and is symbolic of the nation’s aims whatever they are. The biggest problem of course is that if you don’t have a capitol you can’t recruit any new soldiers until a new capitol has been selected. Sirion and the obsidian islanders will undoubtedly try and take this city leaving the Sultanate with very few options. One of course is to move the capitol to Oroya and try to continue the war from there. Option two is to hack out some kind of surrender terms which of course (if at all viable at this point) will be hopelessly destructive to the Sultanate’s lands and involve giving most of its territories away. I wouldn’t want to be in the Sultanate right now.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[of the Scipii Family|Aulius Severus]] wins Chancellor election in Fontan'''</span>
On the same day as Fontan’s new defeat in [[Dulbin]] the nation has elected its new chancellor Aulius Severus of the scipii (former duke of [[Ashforth]]), whom bares the requirements of the new law passed by the previous chancellor, that any new ruler must have at least ten syllables in their names in total. We hope that Fontan and Westmoor will be able to come to some kind of an understanding with a new representative of the ancient and historic house of Fontan.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Evening News'''</span>
What a busy day this was indeed! Just a few things to report, Fontan attempted to invade [[Commonyr]] (led by General Rhidana) but were beaten by General Arica and the militia of Commonyr even though we were outnumbered. The second is that we were incorrect about Lord Addonwy (yesterday's article) not having a ban placed upon him. He was executed today bringing justice to King Nightmare and Perdan as to the attack made against him. Negotiations between Ibladesh and the Caligun/Perdanese alliance can now continue albeit strained by Lord Addonwy’s actions.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Dulbin]] invaded!'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''30 August 1011'''
The fontanese invaded [[Dulbin]] this morning where almost immediately the order for looting was given out. It seems even with a change in leadership Fontan is still determined to continue their war with us. Marshal Laicch [[Abliarsec Family|Abliarsec]] lead the attack that we believe was only against peasants in the region.
For every action however there are consequences and at this point in the war Westmoor can really choose its targets rather than be limited by the fear of defeat. Needless to say demilitarizing Fontan to stop it doing further attacks is a high priority.
In other news: both Caligus and Ibladesh have sinse found themselves new Generals to lead their armies.
High Marshal Althalos [[Von Ulthuan Family|Von Ulthua]] is in charge of the armies of King Dobromir.<br>
Paladin Primus Barzelli [[Sarracenia Family|Sarracenia]] will be in charge of Pontifex Abraxas' armies. <br>Let’s hope they both have long fulfilling careers.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''King Nightmare assassinated?'''</span>
An attempted assassination was carried out on King [[Aroo Family|Nightmare]] of Perdan yesterday much to the rage of the Perdanese government. The attack was carried out by infiltrator Addonwy [[Ap Rhodri Family|Ap Rhodri]] a noble of Ibladesh. ][osferatu [[Reapers Family|Reapers]] wrote to all the judges of East continent proclaiming Addonwy a dead man for whatever reason or reasons that he might be brought to justice again in the future. Due to the laws of the gods and in a similar vein to our problems with Zartos ut Daris the most that can be done to lord Addonwy by Perdan is a ban.
Similar attacks by Perdan have also been carried out against the former Pontifex Theuderik in the past so this is not the first or the last time that infiltrators will have left their mark on East continent. King Nightmare was severely wounded but his condition is currently stable. As our mother realm we wish Perdan all the best and hope that they catch this rogue. ][osferatu’s letter has been published on the [[New Westmoor/Archives/Letters|letters page]] for all to see.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Decimus Family|Basilius]] resigns!'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''28 August 1011'''
News has reached us that Basilius [[Decimus Family|Decimus]] has stepped down from the position of chancellor of Fontan. We don't know the exact details of what has happened but it seems clear, according funnily enough to the OI news, that he doesn't intend to stand again. So this brings about the question who is going to replace him in one of the nation's most difficult times? Fontanese politics is something we Westmoorians find a little hard to understand but the big candidates are likely to be those already within government.
Rhidhana [[Dubhaine Family|Dubhaine]] holds the position of General and is probably our desired person to take up the mantal of Fontan what with our own General Arica finding her to be a positive face for Fontan (see letters page). The other members of the government include Justice [[TithOnanka Family|Prandur]] and Fontan's Banker [[Dragul Family|Zadek]], also the dukes of [[Krimml]] and [[Ashforth]] [[Carnes Family|Ariana]] and [[Of_the_Scipii_Family|Aulus Severus]] whom was responsible for the defense of [[Ashforth]] city when we stormed it; but in Fontan's current state we could of course see a surprise at the election. The nation has been under great strain and that could result in any number of possibilities when the nobles set their ballots.
The question that Fontan really needs to address is its future. In the long term a realm with three regions and a city is not going to survive in the volatile enviroment of the east continent. Fontan also needs to start treating Westmoor as a credible threat and not ignore diplomacy if any progress is to be made. We would be interested as a paper to hear what the opionions of the Fontanese nobles are about their future on the continent.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''The Ground Shakes'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''27 August 1011'''
The Sirion army has been massing in the region of [[Tabost]] for some few days now. All as one they moved west passing through the city of [[Ashforth]] into the wasteland of [[Salta]] and are now moving up north towards [[Juazeiro]] and presumably the Sultanate’s northern city of [[Oroya]]. The army is so massive it makes the ground tremble with every step and beat of the drum.
Scout reports indicate that the Sultanate’s Sultan-General, Viseslav [[Stublic Family|Stublic]] was caught up in Salta and is now hiding in the hills. Surely the Sultanate will not be able to defend from such a huge army as this: almost nine hundred infantry backed up by over three hundred Elven archers. Sirion’s new general Zakilevo [[Lapallanch Family|Lapallanch]] seems anxious not to have a repeat of the Oroya incident back on the 16th. With such a huge army surely nothing now can stand in Sirion’s way .
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''The South Burns'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''24 August 1011'''
If one were to describe our war against Fontan as a child hitting a baby with a stick then the war of Perdan and Caligus against Ibladesh really would be two giants hitting another giant with sledge hammers. The whole of the northern front of Ibladesh is burning and the realm is currently without a General. After seizing [[Igno]] the Caligun army marched today into [[Leibo]] defeating the inferior Ibladesh force there.
That is the trouble with these battles Ibladesh keeps losing. They are all battles where Ibladesh has a smaller force, of course numbers are not the only thing that decide a battle, <i>but they certainly help!</i>
Perdan has also now managed to get a good foot hold on Woolton as well as eating up most of what used to be the diocese of Aix. The people in the south of Ibladesh remain untouched but live in fear knowing that the north crumbles. The severe devastation can be seen in the number of rogue regions bordering the three realms. Ibladesh is running out of time to save itself.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Victory in [[Dulbin]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''22 August 1011'''
Unless the situation in Fontan is even more delusional than it already is, both ourselves and Fontan would have known that their (Fontan’s) invasion of the south east of our realm was not going to work or last. Virtually no damage was done to our regions until Rhidhana [[Dubhaine Family|Dubhaine’s]] defeat by the new Vice Marshal Ravier [[Nebehn Family|Nebehn]] and the Lord Treasurer in [[Dulbin]].
Progress in [[Commonyr]] goes well with control reaching main and [[Oberndorf]] is also recovering speedily although there is still much to be done in both regions. There is still no word from Fontan (although one might have thought that there would be by now). Their stalling tactics of holding [[Ashforth]] from Sirion could possibly be an attempt to draw Sirion into this war. Due to certain legalities if we were to take [[Krimml]] from the Fontanese right now, they would no longer be able to hand over Ashforth to Sirion (see the letters page) which could damage our diplomatic standing with the elves.
However it goes without saying that this doesn’t stop us occasionally looting it and taking all the surrounding regions. Surely Sirion has a limit to its patience over such matters regarding Ashforth. However Fontan being as irrational as it currently is, what I said could be completely wrong. Maybe they just want to be suicidal.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Commonyr]] once again part of Westmoor'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''20 August 1011'''
Once again [[Commonyr]] (albeit with some heavy resistance from the peasants) has joined Westmoor leaving [[Ashforth]] a starving city in the middle of nowhere.  Ashforth is still a part of Fontan by the way. Over a month has passed since the original handover deadline. If Sirion had just performed a takeover their life would be so much easier right now. Never trust Fontan to do anything on time. Bookies are taking bets for it being done by winter festival.
Apart from the obvious advantages of another region this means we now have some of the best breweries on East continent! Let’s hope we can hold onto Commonyr this time which hasn’t been put into too bad a shape for once. Ironically this is partially due to the seven hundred peasants all of whom died or were wounded in today’s battle in Commonyr (not in regional news). These peasants stopped us looting the place yesterday and this morning.  Had we been successful we would have caused a lot more damage to the region.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Fontan Retaliates'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''19 August 1011'''
After several days of silence Fontan has retaliated against our takeovers in [[Commonyr]] and [[Oberndorf]] with a two part attack against [[Dulbin]] and [[Greatbridge]]. Surprisingly the bulk of their small army was sent against Greatbridge as you can see in regional news. Somehow we won even though we were outnumbered. Maybe this was down to disorganised line settings on the part of Fontan? Who knows in any case the presence of Fontan in Greatbridge is still large enough to be a threat to region security so some action will have to be taken either today or in the next few days to kick them back out. While Basilius lead the attack on Greatbridge minister for defence Lady Rhidana [[Dubhaine Family|Dubhaine]] lead the successful attack on Dulbin with a small group of archers, however this was against angry peasants not soldiers.
These attacks by Fontan really are an act of desperation but may succeed in doing some small amount of damage. The attack seems to be designed more as a distraction than anything else. Half of their army stayed behind to defend [[Krimml]] which ,to be honest, we could just walk in and take at any time. The WC responded with a looting of Commonyr to speed up the change in government.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Sultanate defends [[Oroya]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''16 August 1011'''
Today the Westmoorian column continues its takeover of [[Commonyr]] unopposed.  You’ll be glad to know that while still wounded from the assailant, Arica is making a recovery and its expected her wounds should heal normally. Fontan has amassed a small defensive force inside [[Krimml]] of not much more than two thousand in combat strength but this is really nothing to be worried about. The WC has ten thousand CS in [[Commonyr]] alone.
While we were busy maintaining our two Fontanese regions the war between Sirion and the Sultanate continued with Sirion making a rather surprising military blunder. Sirion forces attacked the city of [[Oroya]] where a larger force of Soa troops were awaiting them. We don’t have the exact details of what happened but the Sultanate was the clear victor taking two Sirion nobles prisoner.
This does beg the question how can Sirion still have trouble with a realm a third of its own size and power? How can a realm of its size continue to leave regions rogue? It has been three months since the Sultanate was left as the only opponent and Sirion has not managed to take even one region from them. While the Sultanate’s courage cannot be faulted in resisting Sirion rule the rest of us on East continent start to wonder about Sirion. Is there internal politics going on? Just how can such a massive realm be <i>that</i> slow?
Just in, Sultan Viseslav had this to say:
<span style="font-size: 11px"><i>"...Sultanate warriors are hardened veterans, used to pain and hardships and they have additional braveness when they are defending their own claims, and all of that give them additional boost in our battles of honor and resistance to dark powers."</i></span>
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''The 2nd invasion of [[Commonyr]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''15 August 1011'''
Once again the Westmoorian column has gone back into Commonyr, that region of countless barrels of red ale and party. The WC was virtually unopposed except for a few angry peasants who were quickly defeated. Soon after General Arica gave the order for a takeover of the region to begin.  This is mostly in response to the fact that Fontan has still not reigned in its Saboteurs and Chancellor [[Decimus_Family|Basilus]] continues to defy both Sirion and Westmoor by failing to hand over [[Ashforth]] to the Sirion empire.
From Scribe reports, New Westmoor knows that Basilus was in the city early last week but has since dispersed, antagonizing the terms of the ultimatum handed out by Arica last month. If Fontan continues to be disruptive to both Sirion and Westmoor then they will face consequences for these actions.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''General [[Maldives Family|Arica]] stabbed... <i>again!</i>'''</span>
Shortly after the successful invasion and the beginnings of the takeover General Arica was stabbed most probably by Akron [[Hyde_family|Hyde]]. Akron now resides in the dungeons of Westmoor after attempting a similar attack on Liam [[York_family|York]] shortly after. Akron has been arrested and banished from Westmoor numerous times leading Ambassador [[Tanos_Family|Jor]] to call for his execution.
<span style="font-size: 11px"><i>Twice before, Akron Hyde has been banished from our Kingdom for crimes against the Crown. More times than that he has returned when banished, from this continent as well as others.<br>
He is a life long criminal. Mercy towards Sir Akron has been expended. Let his corpse hang from the gates of either Oligarch or Westmoor.<br>
Jor Tanos, Ambassador of Westmoor</i></span>
These events come along with the news that the rogue Zartos ut Daris has been back in Olligarch for the last few days helping himself to the gold in the tax vaults along with murdering members of the city guard. No doubt the lord just Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] will have much to do this week.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Skirmish in [[Greatbridge]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''12 August 1011'''</span>''
The region of Greatbridge it seems continues to be the focal point of this pointless war Fontan is trying to wage. Fontan has next to no recruitment centres, regions in terrible shape and now that we’ve wiped out the remains of the army all they can really send is priests and infiltrators to bleed all over our dungeon floors.
Lord Treasurer Maliki [[Nautilus_Family|Nautilus]] met a couple of Fontanese nobles in Greatbridge by chance while traveling through the region. The peasants who hate Fontan even more than we do were already up in arms and gladly assisted in placing a boot firmly (and a few pitchforks) on Ralina and Katsuyori’s backsides.
<span style="font-size: 11px"><i>"While I was traveling through Greatbridge, I saw a horde of very angry, armed peasants. When I went to disperse them, my scout spotted a couple of Fontanese units, maybe lost or just despite to the point of suicide. I rallied these peasants and we smashed the Fontanese like sticks under my boot."</i></span>
Possibly Fontan overestimated their combat strength by a few digits. Whatever the reason we're happy to send them packing back to [[Krimml]].
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Closed Borders'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''11 August 1011'''</span>''

As the last few days have been quiet in the news department (Yorik has gained arthritis from twiddling his thumbs and has been prescripted a healthy dosage of leeches) it was suggested to me by Marshal [[Foxglove_Family|Foxglove]] that I should write about the recent closed border treaty we signed against Fontan aptly named the Westmoorian Sovereignty Edict. The main part of this reads:
[[Image:Banner uceek.jpg|border|right|Westmoor]] Today Westmoor is alive and well celebrating its third year of independence. It was on this day in the year 1008 that [[Uceek Family|Queen Evangeline]] ceded the duchy of Westmoor to become a new realm with the same name as that of Westmoor City. Three is a number that’s particularly special as it’s also the third month that this publication has been going for (beating the previous Westmoor newspaper record of 5 days.) Westmoor undoubtedly has become a realm in its own right with its own identity especially if you consider that the world as we know it has only existed for ten years.
<p style="text-align: center">''All Fontanese nobles, be they bureaucrats, soldiers, diplomats, or clergy, are restricted from our lands. Should they violate this edict, they are to be arrested on sight and their punish meted out as per the oversight of the Lord Justice.''</p>
That is of course presuming the Lord Justice doesn’t get stabbed or anything. So just in case anyone in Westmoor isn’t sure what to do when they see a Fontanese priest, we now have a piece of paper to tell them. Take that Fontan!

<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Bravo to our boys in [[Oberndorf]]'''</span>
The Crest you see to the right was designed by the late Queen Evangeline. Of course nobody back then had any idea that Westmoor would last so long as the continent was in a situation of extreme instability that saw the creation and destruction of a number of new realms. Corwin D'Saferate, Duke of Westmoor city, is one of the few people left alive who was at the very beginning of the realm, he had this to say:

This is really just to report the incredible rapid success we’ve had with Oberndorf. Within eight hours of taking the region the control was described as “Main” and a lord was appointed.  Reconstruction of the town and economy has been a bit slower but that’s to be expected as our soldiers aren’t great fans of civil work. None of this would have been possible without the huge response from the Westmoorian Column and our priests in the [[Church_of_Humanity|church of humanity]] on the ground Gaenm, Jor and  Malos.
<i>Indeed I was here during the founding of Westmoor. The rose upon our crest is actually one that I gave to Queen Evangeline long ago when I was but a traveling author. I was a younger man then and my heart was filled with ambitions to do good and protect the people of this continent from war. I met with Evangeline first while researching Perdan for my book, she was Queen of Perdan at the time but was very helpful.

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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Oberndorf]] joins the rose'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''9 August 1011'''</span>''

The great thing about taking a rogue region like Oberndorf from my point of view is that you don’t need to sign any death warrants. There is no local government and in the eyes of the continent any peasants that deem themselves worthy of the title ''“rogue”'' are traitors. How can peasants expect to rule themselves without the guidance of those of noble birth?
When I was visiting Perdan years later, she asked if I would accompany her in founding Westmoor based upon the ideals of Honour and Loyalty. I agreed and was given the Lordship of Poitiers and was our realm's Banker, though I made an oath never to lead troops into war (I broke that oath once when the Usurper and his rebels stole our capital, but that's another story). The early years were hard and with Perdan's support and a lot of luck we managed to secure our nation from Fontan, who rebuked our status as a sovereign nation. Eventually they surrendered and formally acknowledged Westmoor as a nation.</i>

Thankfully this proceeded a lot quicker than that chaos we had back in [[Evora]] when we had to track down and remove the Caligus government. The Fontanese court had fled days ago when the region first went rogue which meant we didn’t have to go through the sticky process of bringing them to trial and executing them all.
Corwin D'Saferate duke of [[Westmoor]]

Peasants will rebel against anything first Fontan and now they’re trying to rebel against us. Well I’ve set the ball rolling by hanging twelve rebel anarchists who want Oberndorf to be an independent region or something. Its best to get these tree hugging curs hanging from trees before they start sitting in them.

Oberndorf has long had a history of bloodshed and violence what with wars involving Rancagua, Sirion and Fontan. Not so long ago they actually declared themselves part of the Sultanate of Asena before they were handed back to Fontan. I’m hoping that Westmoor can restore some kind of a peaceful atmosphere but obviously that’s not going to happen for some time.
Perdan and Westmoor have always had a close relationship in the same way that Perdan used to have a good relationship with the long dead realm of [[Oligarch_(Realm)|Oligarch]]. The two nations stand back to back at the centre of the continent with an unspoken agreement to guarantee each other’s north and south borders.  

<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Lord Justice explains'''</span>

There has been some conflict between our General, Marshal and the Lord Justice over the past few days. Today Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] revealed that the reason Zartos escaped is that he had managed to pay the hefty ransom of one hundred and twenty three gold pieces set by Westmoor court before he’d had a chance to inflict justice.
However it’s not just our histories of war that are linked but also our history of faith in the [[Church of Humanity|church of humanity]] a religion born in Perdan City. The church of humanity has since become a very strong force in Westmoor enabling an easy and continual communication with Perdan in both the material and the spiritual. Jor Tanos former ruler of Westmoor and head of the church wrote this:

The lord justice also has responsibilities as a priest which can cause him to get wounded dealing with Flow of the balance fanatics. The Lady General Arica Maldives suggested that perhaps a Lord Justice was needed who would not be wounded as often to which the Lord Justice replied: ''“No different If I were on the battlefield with the army, I can get wounded just as easily. I don’t have any problems doing my job Lady General.”''
<i>I am blessed to be able to write as not only a Prince of Westmoor, but also as the mortal head of Holy Church, the Church of Humanity. Westmoor is and always will be my home, albeit a kingdom that has seen much turmoil in its seemingly brief existence in this ancient land. We fought Fontan for survival even on the day of our birth, as we do now.  

Pressure will no doubt be on the Lord Justice to deliver next time such a situation arises.
Yet Westmoor has always been closely tied to the Church. My friend and mentor, Evangeline Uceek, was a past Queen of Mother Perdan in addition to our own first Queen. She was long an elder of the Church, as well as our fiercest defender. King Nightmare of Perdan, whose first idea was the very spark of Westmoor's birth, has long been a senior follower of Holy Church. As have been many Kings and Queens of Westmoor.

[[Image:CoHLogo-New.png|right|100x160px|Church of Humanity]]
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Zartos escapes?'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''8 August 1011'''</span>''

In what seems to be an embarrassing blunder for Westmoor Zartos ut Daris seems to have gotten away. It seems our judge Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] was wounded without our knowing in Bruck and was unable to pass any sentence on the infiltrator. However it still remains a mystery how Westmoor's most wanted managed to get away without any of us being told.
Through Westmoor, the Church of Humanity has gained new life. Four of the five members of the current Ecclesiarchy are Westmoorian. The majority of our senior priesthood, our Clerics, are Westmoorian. As the Church has weakened, so too has Westmoor. As the Church in Westmoor has grown stronger, so too has our Kingdom.  

We wish the lord justice a swift recovery and hope he (when recovered) can shed some light on why we have never yet been able to place a ban on Zartos. There was widespread impatience across the realm that Westmoor was unable to hand our justice at such a crucial time.
Westmoorians are a proud, devout, and chivalrous people. May the Holy Light guide our path towards those ideals and towards prosperity, towards victory over our enemies.  

Divine bless Westmoor. Divine bless the King. Divine bless us all.</i>
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Zartos captured!'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''7 August 1011'''</span>''

Zartos ut Daris along with his infidel friend Akron Hyde have both been captured. Zartos must be getting over confident trying to rob Olligarch twice in one night, especially seeing as Olligarch currently has more militia in it than the whole of the WC combined. Akron definitely has a ban on him already I remember writing about him back at the end of June but I don't recall that the rogue Zartos has been caught by Westmoor before which could make handing out justice a little tricky.
Jor [[Tanos Family|Tanos]], Ambassador of Westmoor and head of the church of humanity

Lord Justice Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] has yet to emerge from court and let us know what has been decided. General Arica and much of the nobility have been calling for harsh punishment on these curs. Considering the severity of Akron's crime he is likely to get deported. Zartos would be lucky enough to get away with anything other than an execution but this depends heavily on the ban and the laws of the ancient gods.
Indeed over the course of a few months the situation in Westmoor has changed rather rapidly, from the prospect of certain destruction (when the armies of Caligus, Sirion and Fontan were all in our lands) to peace with Caligus and Sirion. We’ve gained two new regions [[Oberndorf]] and [[Commonyr]] a new king, a new newspaper and a better diplomatic situation throughout the continent. Our king addressed and congratulated the realm to this affect of which a copy is printed below.

<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Obsidian News/August 1011 - Issue|Obsidian News]] power rankings'''</span>

The Obsidian News yesterday released the latest update on the power rankings of East Continent. This is after a month gap so the last time they did this was back in May. This seems like a good chance to recap on what's happened over the continent. Surprisingly Ibladesh has still managed to hold onto the number one spot although we can't imagine this lasting forever unless they start winning some battles. Westmoor remains in 5th place while Fontan has finally hit rock bottom after the Diocese of Axis was completely wiped off the face of the map months ago.

Wait wasn't there some adventurer going round killing monsters and claiming that the Diocese was still alive? Well he's gone now along with the rest of those tree folk. Caligus and Perdan swapped places as did the Sultanate and the Obsidian islands leaving the rankings:
<i>Ladies and Gentlemen,

''"1st - Ibladesh&nbsp;:: 2ed - Sirion&nbsp;:: 3rd - Caligus&nbsp;:: 4th - Perdan&nbsp;:: 5th - Westmoor&nbsp;:: 6th - Sultanate of Asena&nbsp;:: 7th - Obsidian Islands&nbsp;:: 8th - Fontan "''
Today marks the third anniversary of Westmoor's independence! On this day, Duchess Evangeline Uceek seceded from the Kingdom of Perdan and was crowned Queen of Westmoor. The formation of our Kingdom was the climax of a long campaign by Perdan, under the leadership of King Nightmare and King Sangue. Of the founding nobles of Westmoor though, only Duke Corwin remains with us today. Sadly our founding Queen and long serving Duchess of Westmoor, Evangeline, died little more than a month ago.

Fontan looks set economically to contract further once Ashforth and Oberndorf change hands but Sirion, Perdan and Caligus all look set for some rather extreme expansion.
But while our genesis is in Perdan, nobles from numerous other realms answered the call in those first days and made their home here; including Lady Merewyn, who would become our third monarch and of course Duke Gregor. Westmoor found itself immediately at war, aptly enough against Fontan.

Since those days our fortunes have risen and fallen. I recall ocassions when we were the weakest military power on the continent; at the beginning of last month our strength was second only to Ibladesh (although its since fallen due to the lowered risk of war with Sirion). A mere three months ago, Westmoor was still reeling from our defeat in Evora, facing an unwinnable two front war. Today we find our Kingdom larger than ever and our most stubborn enemy, Basilius Decimus, has disappeared.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Back into [[Oberndorf]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''6 August 1011'''</span>''

Once again we've headed back into [[Oberndorf]] this time with the intention of taking the region which went rogue earlier on today. Sirion soldiers and Basilus [[Decimus Family|Decimus]] have been spotted in [[Ashforth]], so we can only presume that Fontan is now handing over the city to Sirion which, in turn, will finally bring a conclusion to the terms of their peace treaty. If this take over is successful Fontan will be reduced to five regions when Ashforth is handed over.
The reasons for our present good fortune are not mere chance. General Arica, Lord Chancellor Antonious and Lord Treasurer Maliki have all done their part to ensured that the administration of the Kingdom runs smoothly. Ambassador Jor's triumph in securing peace with Caligus needs no introduction. Marshal Thomas' achievements are all the more impressive when you consider he is not yet even in his twenty-second year. But this could not be achieved without the exertions of the ordinary knights, be they the warriors of the Westmoor Column or courtiers ensuring the maintainence of good governance in our home territories. For Westmoor to succeed, every noble must be zealous in completing their duties.

Had Fontan signed a reasonable peace agreement with Westmoor months ago then it is likely they would not be in such a bad situation at the moment. As it is, Westmoor will likely ask for some boon to let Fontan off the hook. Oberndorf is possibly that comodity.
I do not wish to encourage complacency, because we still have a long, long way to go. Although our efforts to achieve a ceasefire with the Kingdom of Caligus have been successful, other issues have proven more difficult to resolve. Under Chancellor Basilius, Fontan refused to make peace, believing they could persaude Sirion to fight their battles for them. Thankfully Prime Ministers Meristenzio and Ilias have refused to be used in such a manner. But to ensure the security of Westmoor, a permenant solution will need to be found by us and our neighbouring realms.

<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Apology from [[Talratheon Family|Talratheon]] family'''</span>
Today though, we shall celebrate three years of the Kingdom of Westmoor and remember those who cannot be with us today. For the cause of memories and friendship!</i>

In a bold move George Talratheon owned up to yesterdays killing spree in Commonyr submitting himself to the Lord Justice.
Lastly, you may wonder what happened to Queen Evangeline of Westmoor our first and most historically revered queen. Sadly she was assassinated by the infiltrator Guy Revan on 21st of Sept 2010 who received the largest bounty ever issued in east continent (and probably the world) 7000 gold coins. Guy Revan was a noble of Sirion at the time and Sirion wanted a large portion of that money for various reasons. To avoid paying this money Guy changed allegiance to Ibladesh. Now you expect me to say that “and now he lives there still in the luxury of wealth”. Well in truth he forgot to cash his bonds from the bank so he left all the money behind, a final revenge from the mischievous queen?
''I George the III of House Talratheon, take full responsibility for the deaths of the Fontanese peasants in the region of Commonyr...''
''...I sincerely apologize for the embarrassment this may have caused to my fellow banner men and nobility in association...''
Punishment if any has yet to be handed out.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Murder in [[Commonyr]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''5 August 1011'''</span>''
While most of us are content to simply take gold and silver from the people of Fontan there will always be those who take their hate of the enemy to a more personal level. Someone from our realm murdered a number of peasants in Commonyr today against orders which were only for looting. Looting is a touchy subject in Westmoor and something we refrained from doing against Fontan until quite recently; however it is strictly against the law to murder peasants without military cause (unlike realms such as Perdan and Caligus to the south). The Realm council was quick to condemn the unknown culprit with harsh warnings coming from Marshal [[Foxglove Family|Foxglove]] and the Lord Justice Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] who promised to catch the culprit. Realistically the chances of catching this individual in wartime are pretty low unless he's stupid enough to try such an action again but hopefully the message is now crystal clear that this kind of attack is not tolerated in Westmoor.
The debate over Gabrael's crime did continue this morning but there has been no further word from either Gabrael or the lord justice who refrained from commenting further on the fine.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Zartos in [[Oligarch]]'''</span>
Yes any excuse to get Westmoor's most wanted criminal splashed all over the front page. Zartos has been spotted in Olligarch with his usual trip to the tax office. He was fended off this time and narrowly escaped being caught. Nobles are recommended to do police work if they have time while civillians should lock and bolt their doors and windows. Infiltrators have to eat on the move and stealing food from peasants is certainly not above their despicable ways.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Priest arrested in [[Greatbridge]]'''</span>
A Fontanese priest was arrested in Greatbridge today to the dislike of flow of the balence peasants all over Westmoor after being suspected of trying to cause civil unrest. It is quite possible the priest was attempting to cause a riot and create instability in the region however being Fontanese these days is warrent enough for any kind of arrest in Westmoor.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Internal Dispute'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''4 August 1011'''</span>''
We were all rather surprised when a message was delivered to all nobles of Westmoor telling us that Gabrael Solostus Infiltrator of Westmoor had been arrested in Westmoor for attempting to count the Gold in the treasury.
Wait ''what?''
This is the man who not so long ago ran for King and now finds himself in a prison cell opposite the chancellor of Fontan. With all the trouble we had from Fontanese assassins ''(and of course one Sirion)'' another attack isn't that surprising but from our own realm? The matter is however not as bizarre as it seems. It seems Gabrael impatient with the academies wanted to test his skills by attempting to count gold in Westmoor and notice of this was given to the lord justice Antonious [[Turner-Lionheart Family|Turner]] however only one hour before the event took place.
The lord justice has reacted with a fine of 75 gold pieces on Gabrael which the knight refuses to pay:
''"I will pay no such fine. As promised I took no coin, and only took such action as a way to practice my skills whilst the academies were close, as they all too often are."''
There were mixed reactions from different nobles of the realm. More on this story as it progresses.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Arica returns'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''3 August 1011'''</span>''
General Arica today returned to active duty after recovering from the attack on her life a few days ago. In what is a bit of a shock to most of us the assassin was actualy not from Fontan but identified as Krabat van Belhanka from Sirion. The Sirion General has personally appologised to Arica for the attack and has assured us that the infiltrator will be punished for his crimes. This was however an unfortunate thing to happen while relations with Sirion and Westmoor were improving. All nobles of Westmoor are to alert the authorities if they see any suspicious figures in the realm especially the Fontanese infiltrator Zartos ut Daris who is still wanted for the attack on our king last month.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Fontan's future?'''</span>
Fontan is in a very difficult position at the moment (more so than usual). Firstly their chancellor should have signed the handing over of [[Ashforth]] to Sirion weeks ago and is now in jail in Westmoor. You may think this is slightly inconsiderate of us but we can't help pointing out that we picked him up in [[Greatbridge]] which is nowhere near Ashforth. At this point the question arises if we did release him would he actualy go to Ashforth or would he continue to try and rally armies against us? If Ashforth isn't handed over to Sirion soon what would Sirion's reaction be? Send in the Red Dragons and take it by force? Fontan's diplomatic position is really at the moment very bad. Their new big friend Sirion seems to be rather less interested in being their friend than they might have thought.
In any case thanks to Ambassador Jor we now have a copy of Basilus' speech in [[Greatbridge]] yesterday which we'll post for you on the [[New Westmoor/Archives/Letters|letter's]] page.
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''[[Krimml]] falls!'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''2 August 1011'''</span>''
In what was a slightly undramatic battle, Krimml was completely overrun within a few hours today. The Westmoorian collumn showed incredible dedication by having every single one of its units in the correct formation by the time the battle started. Similarly to the battle of [[Ashforth]] the collumn opened with archer fire but this time lacking General Arica who is still recovering from her wounding. However even though our archers were much smaller in number Fontan had no archers of its own to return fire. Some confusion broke out in Fontan's ranks and noble Erwin [[Gall family|Gall]] broke rank along with a number of peasants and performed a brave by suicidal charge at our front.
With the gate down the Collumn was able to charge straight into Krimml and massacre the remainder of the Fontanese army. Scouts reported Zadek noble of Fontan at the rear of the castle with two calvary in a wedge formation (presumably one in front of the other?).
With the city taken Marshal Thomas Foxglove gave out orders to damage the wall ready for further assaults. Westmoor has proven once more that it will not sit still while realms such as Fontan attack it in this case both politically and militarily.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Basilus in chains!'''</span>
Basilus apparently gave some kind of speech in [[Greatbridge]] today, what this contained I do not know however he was still there when our army arrived and was rather quickly captured. With Basilus safely locked away in our dungeons (before he causes any more mayhem) is it too much to ask that the people of Fontan elect themselves a new chancellor? In the meantime Basil needs to be fed while he's here (hopefully not too often) so voting will be held shortly before each mealtime about what we should feed him. I hear Rat soup is first up prepared specially in [[Salta]] (the regional dish).
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''<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span>''<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Gregor saves [[Greatbridge]]'''</span> ''<span style="font-size: 11px">'''1 August 1011'''</span>''

In what can only be described as epic Duke Gregor [[Relak Family|Relak]] took his massive unit of some 180ish infantry met with some angry peasants and defeated Fontan with some help from Feoran's unit of archers. Katsuyori [[Takeda family|Takeda]] (noble of Fontan) was seriously wounded in this battle.
As they say<br><i><b>Causarum Amicitia et Memoria.</b></i>

Basilus [[Decimus Family|Decimus]] our most cheesed off foe was also present at the battle presumably taking time out from his long and laborious journey to hand over [[Ashforth]] to Sirion. Whatever the case we can only inform you that you were going in the wrong direction! Ashforth is up north you may have had the map upside down.

Our congratulations go out to Gregor for winning the second battle of [[Greatbridge]] or as historians seem to be filing it as... ''the battle of Gregor''.

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== <span style="font-size: 11px"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif">Editor </span></span></span> ==

<span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif">Mathros </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 11px"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif">Mathros </span></span></span>

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Revision as of 12:19, 1 September 2011

New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
1 September 1011

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oc Lu Pesh: Caligus vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 1160 men vs. 1330 men The Grand Legion of Sartan (Ibladesh), sponsored by Helena Dacara, Duchess of Ibladesh, were led into battle by Marshal Arianne Quintus Ennius. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep. Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life. Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Arrow of Flame. Livia Augulus, Marchioness of Tokat is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis. Elisedd Deytheur, Marshal of the Caligus' Golden Talons is spotted wielding the Doomed Nightblade of Parrying. Althalos Von Ulthuan, High Marshal of Caligus, Marquis of Igno is spotted wearing the Mysterious Brooch of Mines of Isadril.

Attacker Victory!

Legendary hero buried The Moore family commemorates the dead hero Bastian, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.

New Knight A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Luke Bakugan is starting his career today. He originates from Troyes. He comes from a new noble family.

 Happy Independence Day! 1 September 1011

Today Westmoor is alive and well celebrating its third year of independence. It was on this day in the year 1008 that Queen Evangeline ceded the duchy of Westmoor to become a new realm with the same name as that of Westmoor City. Three is a number that’s particularly special as it’s also the third month that this publication has been going for (beating the previous Westmoor newspaper record of 5 days.) Westmoor undoubtedly has become a realm in its own right with its own identity especially if you consider that the world as we know it has only existed for ten years.

The Crest you see to the right was designed by the late Queen Evangeline. Of course nobody back then had any idea that Westmoor would last so long as the continent was in a situation of extreme instability that saw the creation and destruction of a number of new realms. Corwin D'Saferate, Duke of Westmoor city, is one of the few people left alive who was at the very beginning of the realm, he had this to say:

Indeed I was here during the founding of Westmoor. The rose upon our crest is actually one that I gave to Queen Evangeline long ago when I was but a traveling author. I was a younger man then and my heart was filled with ambitions to do good and protect the people of this continent from war. I met with Evangeline first while researching Perdan for my book, she was Queen of Perdan at the time but was very helpful.


When I was visiting Perdan years later, she asked if I would accompany her in founding Westmoor based upon the ideals of Honour and Loyalty. I agreed and was given the Lordship of Poitiers and was our realm's Banker, though I made an oath never to lead troops into war (I broke that oath once when the Usurper and his rebels stole our capital, but that's another story). The early years were hard and with Perdan's support and a lot of luck we managed to secure our nation from Fontan, who rebuked our status as a sovereign nation. Eventually they surrendered and formally acknowledged Westmoor as a nation.

Corwin D'Saferate duke of Westmoor

Perdan and Westmoor have always had a close relationship in the same way that Perdan used to have a good relationship with the long dead realm of Oligarch. The two nations stand back to back at the centre of the continent with an unspoken agreement to guarantee each other’s north and south borders.

However it’s not just our histories of war that are linked but also our history of faith in the church of humanity a religion born in Perdan City. The church of humanity has since become a very strong force in Westmoor enabling an easy and continual communication with Perdan in both the material and the spiritual. Jor Tanos former ruler of Westmoor and head of the church wrote this:

I am blessed to be able to write as not only a Prince of Westmoor, but also as the mortal head of Holy Church, the Church of Humanity. Westmoor is and always will be my home, albeit a kingdom that has seen much turmoil in its seemingly brief existence in this ancient land. We fought Fontan for survival even on the day of our birth, as we do now.

Yet Westmoor has always been closely tied to the Church. My friend and mentor, Evangeline Uceek, was a past Queen of Mother Perdan in addition to our own first Queen. She was long an elder of the Church, as well as our fiercest defender. King Nightmare of Perdan, whose first idea was the very spark of Westmoor's birth, has long been a senior follower of Holy Church. As have been many Kings and Queens of Westmoor.

Church of Humanity

Through Westmoor, the Church of Humanity has gained new life. Four of the five members of the current Ecclesiarchy are Westmoorian. The majority of our senior priesthood, our Clerics, are Westmoorian. As the Church has weakened, so too has Westmoor. As the Church in Westmoor has grown stronger, so too has our Kingdom.

Westmoorians are a proud, devout, and chivalrous people. May the Holy Light guide our path towards those ideals and towards prosperity, towards victory over our enemies.

Divine bless Westmoor. Divine bless the King. Divine bless us all.

Jor Tanos, Ambassador of Westmoor and head of the church of humanity

Indeed over the course of a few months the situation in Westmoor has changed rather rapidly, from the prospect of certain destruction (when the armies of Caligus, Sirion and Fontan were all in our lands) to peace with Caligus and Sirion. We’ve gained two new regions Oberndorf and Commonyr a new king, a new newspaper and a better diplomatic situation throughout the continent. Our king addressed and congratulated the realm to this affect of which a copy is printed below.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today marks the third anniversary of Westmoor's independence! On this day, Duchess Evangeline Uceek seceded from the Kingdom of Perdan and was crowned Queen of Westmoor. The formation of our Kingdom was the climax of a long campaign by Perdan, under the leadership of King Nightmare and King Sangue. Of the founding nobles of Westmoor though, only Duke Corwin remains with us today. Sadly our founding Queen and long serving Duchess of Westmoor, Evangeline, died little more than a month ago.

But while our genesis is in Perdan, nobles from numerous other realms answered the call in those first days and made their home here; including Lady Merewyn, who would become our third monarch and of course Duke Gregor. Westmoor found itself immediately at war, aptly enough against Fontan.

Since those days our fortunes have risen and fallen. I recall ocassions when we were the weakest military power on the continent; at the beginning of last month our strength was second only to Ibladesh (although its since fallen due to the lowered risk of war with Sirion). A mere three months ago, Westmoor was still reeling from our defeat in Evora, facing an unwinnable two front war. Today we find our Kingdom larger than ever and our most stubborn enemy, Basilius Decimus, has disappeared.

The reasons for our present good fortune are not mere chance. General Arica, Lord Chancellor Antonious and Lord Treasurer Maliki have all done their part to ensured that the administration of the Kingdom runs smoothly. Ambassador Jor's triumph in securing peace with Caligus needs no introduction. Marshal Thomas' achievements are all the more impressive when you consider he is not yet even in his twenty-second year. But this could not be achieved without the exertions of the ordinary knights, be they the warriors of the Westmoor Column or courtiers ensuring the maintainence of good governance in our home territories. For Westmoor to succeed, every noble must be zealous in completing their duties.

I do not wish to encourage complacency, because we still have a long, long way to go. Although our efforts to achieve a ceasefire with the Kingdom of Caligus have been successful, other issues have proven more difficult to resolve. Under Chancellor Basilius, Fontan refused to make peace, believing they could persaude Sirion to fight their battles for them. Thankfully Prime Ministers Meristenzio and Ilias have refused to be used in such a manner. But to ensure the security of Westmoor, a permenant solution will need to be found by us and our neighbouring realms.

Today though, we shall celebrate three years of the Kingdom of Westmoor and remember those who cannot be with us today. For the cause of memories and friendship!

Lastly, you may wonder what happened to Queen Evangeline of Westmoor our first and most historically revered queen. Sadly she was assassinated by the infiltrator Guy Revan on 21st of Sept 2010 who received the largest bounty ever issued in east continent (and probably the world) 7000 gold coins. Guy Revan was a noble of Sirion at the time and Sirion wanted a large portion of that money for various reasons. To avoid paying this money Guy changed allegiance to Ibladesh. Now you expect me to say that “and now he lives there still in the luxury of wealth”. Well in truth he forgot to cash his bonds from the bank so he left all the money behind, a final revenge from the mischievous queen?

As they say
Causarum Amicitia et Memoria.


