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Latest revision as of 17:47, 14 December 2010

It was Mine, because it couldn't walk away...

Cailin sat on the cold abandoned warehouses wooden floor. he has checked and check again, and they was no stairs/latter to a basement. But the wooden floor, told a hidden truth. Cracks in the floor, that you could drop a pebble, and the pebble would fall, nine seconds and it would hit stone. This room, indeed had a basement. That or it was build on top of a cave. Cailin wondered how he should explore this cut-off basement. What would he find? A hidden ritual ground? A stash of gold? a cave filled with monsters he could take control over????

That last one, Cailin knew wasn't going to happen, the three blood marks of command on his left hand could not take control over any beast with out the help of Epic or one of his peers...Sita, can't talk, so she can't do the spell. He shoves that thought away, the thought of the the energy of rage breathed from the monsters in battle. The screams of the human soldiers under their hands... his hands. Cailin sighs.

He has been in this moment before, but before he called him self a monster, just before the first event that put him on this path. He came to a house, with no basement. And found the Sword of Doom, in a dead adventurers hand. Cailin activated the swords curse, And he let it go, to end more lives. Every day it spends in some ones hands, it steals more and more time of their lives, and it comes back to the person who activated it, and gives him the stolen time. Cailin takes his shirt off. Cailin hands begin to shake, his heart beat grows fast, the sweat on his chest moves like tears from a cry maiden. Cailin rips the floor apart in a corner. And he jumps down, shirtless,Fearless and blood thirsty. Cailin didn't need light to see that this basement had nothing he wanted. Not even a place to stay. Because he has landed on a pile of dogs gathered to see what was ripping apart their ceiling.