Talk:Perdan (Realm)/Constitution: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 21:59, 13 February 2009

Voting Issues

Should the following items require a Senate vote?

  1. Selection of new Dukes (Added)
  2. Selection of new local lords (Added)
  3. Changes in diplomatic stances toward other realms (Added)
  4. Votes of "No Confidence" for lords and marshals (Added)

--Indirik 02:42, 14 September 2007 (CEST)

Ah another one joining the Constitutioned fold. Warms my heart--Dalakar 04:20, 20 September 2007 (CEST)

Not by choice... But since it keeps being bandied about that we're a "Constitutional Monarchy", we probably should have a Constitution. And since no one else can be bothered to write one, I volunteered to give it a try. --Indirik 14:15, 20 September 2007 (CEST)
-chuckle- Such is the way of things. It's looking good though so keep at it.--Dalakar 17:52, 20 September 2007 (CEST)
Thanks! --Indirik 18:00, 20 September 2007 (CEST)

Items still needing to be addressed

  1. Diplomacy Changes - Done!
  2. Ratification - Done!
  3. Realm-wide voting procedures
  4. Provisions for secret ballots? - probably not...
  5. Clarify and shorten the voting procedure - Done!

--Indirik 14:15, 20 September 2007 (CEST)


That's a lot of words to say everyone is free and responsible in their own roles, except for the changing diplomatic relations (not the treaty that encompass this though) and declaring a religion evil. A whole page on how to vote, yet only two things to vote on. I think you have just written a constitution for what basically sounds like an absolute monarchy. -- Uceek 04:27, 28 October 2007 (CET)

I view the major point of a constitution as being the assigning of powers and responsibilities to the various offices of the government. No coincidentally, this is also one of the most frequent points of contention in Perdan: Who has the power to make what decisions? Therefore one of my major tasks was to outline who has authority in what areas. As far as voting, there are already far more than two voting points defined. I have voting set for the following items:
  1. Confirmation of region lords (Could use some clarification on what to do if the vote fails...)
  2. Vote of no-confidence for lords and advisory members of the Senate
  3. Declaration of war or cease-fire
  4. Declaring/breaking and alliance
  5. Declaring/breaking of a federation
  6. Declaration of Anathema on a religion
  7. Determination of fines on nobles, for reasons other than those explicitly defined
  8. Banishment of nobles, for reasons other than those explicitly defined
  9. Amendment of the Constitution
Are there additional items which you would like added as requiring a vote? I'm happy to add any specific items if you'd care to list them. --Indirik 21:24, 29 October 2007 (CET)