Difference between revisions of "Indirik Family/Dimian/Torture"

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m (the rest of the torture rps and messages)
m (I hacked an Event type into Template:Message2)
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''(OOC Note: Obviously the torture notices aren't really "Letters", they're events. The [[Template:Message2|Message2]] template just doesn't allow for that kind of thing, so I faked it with Letters.)''<br>
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|Sender=the Dungeons
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.<br>As you walk around your cell in the dark, you feel that your leg has been bent and you have lost 1 points of jousting skill.
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.<br>As you walk around your cell in the dark, you feel that your leg has been bent and you have lost 1 points of jousting skill.
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|Sender=the Dungeons
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
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|Sender=the Dungeons
|Content=<b>Dungeon Event</b><br>You hear the guards entering a cell nearby, and dragging its inhabitant away. His screams are heard for the next hours from where you know the torture chamber to be.
|Content=<b>Dungeon Event</b><br>You hear the guards entering a cell nearby, and dragging its inhabitant away. His screams are heard for the next hours from where you know the torture chamber to be.
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|Sender=the Dungeons
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
|Content=<b>Tortured</b><br>While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.<br>As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.

Latest revision as of 00:20, 15 October 2008

Letter from Prudent
Message sent to Dimian
While you rot in your cell, Prudent, visits you and says:
Pity you have ended up here coward...you'll receive the royal treatment, rest assured.

Event from the Dungeons
Message sent to Dimian
While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.
As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
As you walk around your cell in the dark, you feel that your leg has been bent and you have lost 1 points of jousting skill.
the Dungeons

Event from the Dungeons
Message sent to Dimian
While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.
As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
the Dungeons

Event from the Dungeons
Message sent to Dimian
Dungeon Event
You hear the guards entering a cell nearby, and dragging its inhabitant away. His screams are heard for the next hours from where you know the torture chamber to be.
the Dungeons

Event from the Dungeons
Message sent to Dimian
While you are sitting in your cell in Netherworld, one night the cell doors open and Prudent enters together with her torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.
As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
the Dungeons

Roleplay from Dimian Indirik
Message sent to All nobles in the Kingdom of Alluran
Dimian regained consciousness slowly. The pain that coursed throughout his body was excruciating. He wanted to embrace the comforting oblivion of unconsciousness, but the pain wouldn't let him. Slowly light began to coalesce out of the blackness. Awareness of the world around him brought renewed awareness of his body, and the intensification of the omnipresent pain.

There was someone there with him. A face slowly solidified out of the blur of returning reality. It was Dietrich, the Captain of his guard unit. Behind Dietrich he could see the ruins of the inside of a farmer's primitive hovel.

"m'Lord, it is good to see you back among us. We were worried that you wouldn't make it. The abominations that dumped you outside this hovel were none too gentle."

Dimian tried to remember what had happened, or where he was, or anything at all all, really. All he could remember was the endless pain. How many times was it? Three? Four? After the second or third time, it didn't really matter. The endless pain blurred it all together into an eternal hell.

"... D- Dietrich... where am I...??"

"We are still in Avengmil, m'Lord. It's been seven days since the battle when the daimons took you. We tried to stop them. Fat lot of good that did. They killed almost everyone. The healer managed to patch up some of us. Actually, he did pretty damn good. A full score of us made it, although four of them have disappeared since then. That means a full thirty men died in that hell they called a battle."

"A...week? They had me...for a week?"

"Aye, m'Lord. A full seven days. Your Highness, I... I hate to bring this up so soon, but it's the troops, you see. It's been eight days now since last I could pay them, and the daimons stole the strongbox. We don't have enough gold left to pay them. I don't suppose you happen to have any hidden away, do you?"


Dietrich sighed and shook his head. "I don't know how much longer I can keep the men together without some gold to pay them. I snuck a few coins to the healer, and told him to keep his mouth shut about it. If the men found out he had a few gold on him, they'd probably knife him in his sleep."

The exertion of the return to activity, combined with the desperation of his situation was too much. Blackness returned. But not the comforting blackness of oblivion. This blackness was filled with the returning memories of pain, of the twisted fulfillment of Prudent's mocking promises of a "Royal treatment". But somewhere in the depths of his mind, way deep down inside, thoughts of revenge began to form and give him some small measure of cold comfort, and the strength to endure...
Dimian Indirik (King of Kingdom of Alluran)
Roleplay from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to All allies in the region Avengmil
A report reaches Delvin of the return of King Dimian from the Daimons' prison, and his inability to pay his troops further. He stops the messenger, and tells him to wait a second. "I'll want you to bring something back to his Majesty once you're done delivering these reports."

Hastily, he pens a note for the King.

Your Majesty,
Having heard of your plight, I wish to invite you to join me in Athol Margos, at the Military Pigeon Post guildhouse. With any luck, there will be sufficient funds in its coffers to pay your men, and I should be able to treat you to a meal that will be fit for a King who has just returned from a week of unimaginable tortures.
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Roleplay from Dimian Indirik
Message sent to All allies in the region Avengmil
Captain Dietrich had the scribe read to the message to him a second time to make sure he understood exactly what it meant. Perhaps if the High Chancellor could come through with the offer of gold on load from the guild, he could pay the men before they stole everything they could carry and disappear into the night.

Dietrich had two of the men set the king on the single horse they could find after the battle. Packing up the remainder of their meager supplies, they set off on the road toward Athol Margos, the capital of Riombara.
Dimian Indirik (King of Kingdom of Alluran)

Roleplay from Dimian Indirik
Message sent to All allies in the region Athol Margos
Outside the Pigeon Post guildhouse in Athol Margos, Captain Dietrich helped Dimian dismount from the tired, malnourished horse. The several hours on horseback hadn't helped the pain from his wounds. His tortured body hurt just as bad as when the daimons had dumped his body outside that hovel in Avengmil.

The two men walked into guildhouse. The gold offered by the High Chancellor was waiting, as expected. The master of the guildhouse also provided a small suite of rooms for Dimian. A few minutes later Captain Dietrich left the guildhouse to pay the men their much deserved gold and see to the equipment repairs. In the guildhouse, Dimian collapsed onto the bed. As he fell into unconsciousness, the tortured dreams crept back out of the darkness to taunt him again.
Dimian Indirik (King of Kingdom of Alluran)

Roleplay from Dimian Indirik
Message sent to All allies in the region Avengmil
Dimian looked over the water separating Avengmil and Ardmore with more than a little trepidation. His last battle with the daimons had not gone very well. The memories of his recent capture and tortures still weighed heavily on his mind. Nevertheless, this attack was sure to be the best chance he would ever get to make it past the daimons that had cut him off from his home. It was now or never. He gave the order to Dietrich to sound the attack.
Dimian Indirik (King of Kingdom of Alluran)

Roleplay from Dimian Indirik
Message sent to Everyone in your realm
After many weeks in the field, including a week of hell in a daimon prison, Dimian finally caught sight of home. The walls of Eno rose above the far side of the river, with only a single, massive bridge providing access. Dimian, Captain Dietrich, and his two remaining soldiers rode across the bridge toward the city. Of the 60 men that set forth to battle the daimons, they were the only ones who survived. While the battle was over, for now, the nightmares would probably continue to haunt him for the rest of his life. Someday, if Alluran was generous, he would meet Prudent on the battlefield. Then maybe he could claim vengeance for the atrocities of the daimon armies.
Dimian Indirik (King of Kingdom of Alluran)

(OOC Note: These events and RPs precipitated Dimian's switch from Knight to Hero class.)