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Latest revision as of 17:06, 6 November 2008

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: September 1st, 2007

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

October 9th, 2007

Today a long tenure of uneasy relations between Falasan and Tara have come to an end with an announcement of peace between the two realms. Lister, Dictator of Tara, heralded the improvement of relations with a short speech:

Today is a great day in the history of Tara. We have finally made great strides in to our future and away from our past. For many decades we have had strife and angst with the peoples of Falasan, but today we have put aside our personal grudges and placed a new face on our former enemy. Today we take a step into the realm of faith. Tara and Falasan have signed a treaty of peace!!!

May the gods bless this treaty and the realms of Tara and Falasan!

May we always remember those who have fallen on the paths of war that lead to this treaty!

For The Glory of Tara!!

Written by Rojo DeVesta

Tourney in Foda!!!
October 29th, 2007

Tournament Announced Urpo Cosula, Duke of Foda has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Foda 6 days from now. There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 500 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 200 gold for the second best. All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

End of Monster Invasion
October 13th, 2007

I am pleased to report that the plague of monsters investing Darka and the Cagilan Empire appears to be at an end. The Army of Tara is now resuming its normal peacetime operations.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Monsters Everywhere!!!
October 9th, 2007

Monsters to the right, monsters to the left, monsters ahead and behind...

The Cagilan Empire and Darka are on the verge of collapse as monsters cause havok throughout their realms. Despite repeated battles, these monsters appear to have the ability to flee and fight another day. This has pinned what armies exist into a single region while other monsters devastate the countryside. Added to this the high rate of spawning and you have hell on earth.

The Army of Tara has bravely assisted our Cagilan brothers while Talerium does the same in Darka. Despite suffering massive losses, we will fight on.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Xeon, Count of Jagla, dies in Nardil
October 2nd, 2007

Our main Foda office just received the stunning news of the death of our Hero, Xeon. Here are the words of his vassal and Tara Times Reporter, Rojo:

It was with a heavy heart that I received word that my lord, Xeon the Shadow, Count of Jagla, had died fighting monsters in the region of Nardil. My messenger delivered me the news yesterday while I lay in bed recovering from a bout of the flu and of course it shattered my heart. I didn't know him well, but in the short time that he was my lord he struck me as a kind, generous and brave man. A Taran through and through and a man that others should look up to.

I was also gripped with a red hot anger, not only at the fell beasts that killed him, but at myself for not being there when he needed me. I know my presence at that fateful battle wouldn't have changed the outcome or saved his life but I still feel guilty that I lay in bed while Xeon died nobly on the battlefield.

And what a chivalrous way to die. Trying to selflessly save the helpless peasants from the evil abominations that would have murdered their children and destroyed their homes. I am positive that whatever gods are out there will take his benevolent soul to a heaven where it can rest in peace for ever more. Let our bards sing his heroic end from the rooftops of Foda to the bars of Stargard to inspire Tarans everywhere.

R.I.P. Xeon the Shadow, Count of Jagla

Rojo DeVesta (Knight of Jagla)

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Rojo, Count of Jagla
October 4th, 2007

Following the death of the great hero, Xeon the Shadow, the Dictator has selected his vassal, Rojo DeVesta, to don the mantle of Count of Jagla. Along with the title, land and resources a region has to offer, Rojo can also expect to inherit the loyalty and service of Xeon's old followers, of which Rojo himself was part.

We have great expectations for Rojo. We trust he will not fail Tara.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz