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== Fisc Arylon ==
== Fisc Arylon ==
{main|Fisc Arylon}
{{main|Fisc Arylon}}
== Jaden Arylon ==
== Jaden Arylon ==

Revision as of 02:57, 27 March 2007


Currently, the only known remaining members of the Arylon family are the twin brothers, Taran and Fisc Arylon. Their father, Mannix Arylon was killed in the constant warfare experienced by the citizens of the south-east island. He was slain in battle defending the stronghold of the city Toren.

Both boys had been sent off to their ancestral home on the Atamara Continent to receive an education at the time, which is the only reason anyone from the Arylon line survives. Once each learned of what had happened to their family, the two brothers began to take very divergent paths.

Arylon family crest. The family motto was recently changed to reflect the divergence of the Arylon brothers, Taran and Fisc in recent years. After their father's death, Fisc charged off to war, to avenge his father and honor his memory. Taran remained, studying philosophy, religion and politics, in an eternal desire for peace - something that would have prevented his father's death.

The elder (by 6 minutes) brother Taran had always hated living on the south-east island, and viewed it as a haven for barbarians and mindless warfare. He took the tragic events as a sign that he should never return to the island, and as such, he stayed behind in Atamara to finish his education and pursue the paths of political power.

His brother Fisc on the other hand, felt nothing but bloodlust for revenge. All attempts by Taran to appeal to Fisc's logical mind and draw him away from vengence fell on deaf ears. Fisc decided as soon as he was old enough to effectively fight, that he would return to the south-east island and begin to work for the annihilation of those who had killed his parents.

Unbenknownst to the surviving brothers is that they have two older brothers named Jaden and Nexis, both currently on the continent of Beluaterra.

Family History

For a more detailed history of this family, see: Arylon Family History
See also: Arylon Family Tree


The Arylon family's roots are on the Atamara continent, specifically in the realm of the Cagilan Empire. Each generation of Arylon's has been born in the Empire, although at current members of the family are spread all over the world.

The nobility of this family can be traced to the patriarch of the family, Avalair Arylon who was born of two commoners, but managed to carve out a career for himself as a noble after Julienn Stanford a noble of the region of Calis in the Cagilan Empire took a fancy to him and married him. All future Arylons owe their nobility to Avaliar, and the great time and effort he went through to establish himself on Atamara.

Mannix Arylon

The family's fame and accomplishments really began to gain some notaritiy with the advancement of Taran and Fisc Arylon, twins born of the famous Mannix Arylon.

Mannix is the grandson of Avalair, and the first son of Alexis Arylon. Mannix began his life in Ravening where his father was a minor noble. His father, Alexis, forged himself a strong reputation and was granted lordship over the region of Nardil just after Mannix's seventh birthday. He moved the family immediately to Nardil and began great civil works projects to improve his land. One notable project was the creation of the Nardil Academy, a place where his sons and grandsons would later study.

Growing up, Mannix fell in love with a common girl in Nardil and against his fathers wishes, married her when he turned 20 years old. Disowned by his father, stripped of his inheritance and titles, Mannix moved to the outskirts of Nardil with his wife, where they would begin their family - his first son Jaden Arylon would be born later that year.

He began planning ways to rebuild his influence - clearly, his father would never allow him to rise the ranks of the nobility in Cagilan Empire as long as he was alive. He spent a great deal of time studying military history, tactics, strategy and the rule of law. Despite his self-education, the situation seemed dire for nearly 10 years, until word came to Mannix of the discovery of a new continent, which was being colonized by nobles all over the world.

It was then that he began making plans to go to the colonies, and begin anew in a new land.

Mannix set out in the spring, taking with him his two eldest sons, Jaden and Nexis, and leaving behind his seven year old twins Taran and Fisc to study at the Nardil Academy - Alexis did not hold the same ill will about his grandsons as he did for his own son, and so he allowed their education. Mannix planned to return to Nardil when the boys were teenagers, and bring them to an expansive territory taken over by him.

What would really happen at the colonies would be much different.

Triumph, Defeat

Fire destroys the estate of Mannix Arylon in the region of Giblot.

Mannix came to the colonies before nations had even formed yet, and immediately began carving out terrirtory for himself and his family. His name became more well known with each victory, and his land more substantive. His expansion at the colonies continued for several years after his arrival.

Unfortunately, he failed to realize that his increasing influence would make him a major target.

Several of the competing nobles in the colonies realized Mannix's potential to perhaps take over thier own lands. Out of fear, 8 nobles were gathered at the Council of Giblot, a meeting instigated by Kaendall Istar, the cheif rival of Mannix in the region. They forged a temporary alliance for the purpose of driving Mannix back.

Their efforts proved ineffective at first, but after months of constant pressure applied to all areas of Mannix's land, his armies finally crumbled. Mannix was captured, and as he was hauled away to one of Istar's prisons, he saw his wife and sons standing on a platform with nooses around their necks - he believed them killed as he was lead away to prison.

He was then kept in a cell for 3 months, treated extremely poorly. It was clear his captors intended to torture him, and leave him to die at some point. One late night, Mannix heard footsteps approach his cell, and he prepared himself for another beating. When the door opened however, the guard presented him with release papers, and told him to walk outside.

As he left the facility, a man in a long grey coat was waiting for him. He introduced himself as a noble from the south-east continent nation of Toren, and explained to Mannix that he had purchased his freedom. Apparently the noble had heard of an extremely efficient leader and warrior who had recently fell to a coalition and was being held captive. As the nation of Toren was facing enemies on all sides and constant warfare, the man was sent to seek Mannix out and recruit him to help the war effort.

Mannix did not want to go - he had heard of the island of war, and had no interest in taking part in the effort. Instead he wanted to stay and avenge his wife and son's death by attacking the ringleaders of the effort against him. The mysterious stranger who had bought his freedom did not care, and informed Mannix if he did not go with him to Toren, he would revoke his payment and have him thrown back into jail.

Reluctantly, Mannix agreed to go with the stranger.

What Mannix did not know at that point was that his wife and sons were not dead. The execution of Genesis, Jaden and Nexis was put on hold when Istar rode by the hanging platform, and saw Mannix's wife. Immediately struck by her beauty, he decided to spare her, and her sons (to curry her favor) and take her back with him to the city of Giblot. Had Mannix known this, he would never have gone with the stranger who bought his freedom.


The repercussions of Mannix's campaigns at the colonies would have a lasting effect on the family. His capture in Giblot lead to the division of the Arylon sons, with Taran and Fisc unaware that Jaden and Nexis had survived. His move to Toren would ultimately lead to his own death - which would set in motion the coming of age of the current Arylon generation.

The current head of House Arylon is now Taran. What follows is the account of all the known living members of the Arylon clan.

Taran Arylon


Fisc Arylon


Jaden Arylon

Jaden Arylon looks upon a field of battle. Painting the work of Matrim Gannon

Vital Information

  • Age: 20
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: Roughly 185 lbs
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair: Black
  • Class: Knight
  • Honour: 14
  • Prestige: 3
  • Continent: Beluaterra
  • Realm: Fronen


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The lost brother - the twins know nothing of him.


Saiga chuckled under his breath, put his hand on Jaden's shoulder and smiling he remarked, "My friend... it always is." He took a drink from his mug and continued, "tell me of your family."

"I have no family" he replied.

Saiga was taken slightly aback - to have NO family whatsoever is a rare thing to encounter among nobles. Curious, he decided to press Jaden on the matter. "None? No siblings, no parents, nothing?"

"No - nothing. My father, who was from Giblot was killed when I was only an infant. My mother and I were captured by enemies of this realm. Our captors took her as a prize, and decided that I would be raised to be a warrior. As I grew older, I learned to fight and to lead. All the while, my mother plotted our escape to return here, and she taught me my true heritage and to defy my captors when the time was right."

Stone faced, Saiga raised an eyebrow and took another drink. "Where is she now?"

"One night when I was 10 years old, she felt she had finally discovered how to escape and return here, and so she wrapped me in dark clothing and we left. Unfortunately, we were seen and recaptured. For her treachery she was publicly executed." Jaden took another deep drink.

"And being 10, you certainly couldn't go anywhere..." replied Saiga.

"Precisely. For the next 7 years I acted as though I was happy where I was, learning to be a warrior from those who had murdered both my father and mother. Biding my time, I absorbed all the knowledge I could while I gnarled my teeth in hatred toward them. They never suspected for a moment that I hadn't been indoctrinated with their garbage."

Clearly intrigued by the story, Saiga simply gave Jaden a look and a nod, a silent request to provide more information.

"Well, the long and the short of it came down to this - just after my 17th birthday, my tutors felt I was old enough to begin going on campaigns with the rest of the warriors. I saw my opportunity and began to plot how I could possibly escape.

During a skirmish on the border of Giblot territory, I became isolated from the rest of the men and saw my chance. I turned on a member of my own cavalry, knocking him from his horse. I then stole the horse and rode it as quickly as possible away from the battle and toward Giblot territory. I was ignored by both sides, as they were intent on fighting - and so I was free."

"They didn't come after you... not those who had spent so long training and attempting to brainwash you?" asked Saiga.

"I'm told they did. Apparently they were furious, but they didn't notice I was gone until the battle was over. And even then, I had fled to Giblot territory, and they could not follow. The way I describe it, I'm sure it sounded easy - but trust me it wasn't. I not only had to worry about my former captors, but the citizens of this realm didn't know me either.

I stopped at the first village I found, after already shedding any clothing that might identify me as a foreigner. There I rested, and told my story to many of the locals. Word spread and some of the young men of the town were so incensed that a child of Giblot would have been stolen in that way, they wanted to form a small force to exact revenge. I had to temper their enthusiasm a bit, but I felt I could help channel their aggression into something positive. And, those happen to be the men that you saw behind me. They are my company, and in the past few months, they have been my friends.

So now, I decided to travel here to Giblot to pledge my loyalty to the realm, and see how I can best serve it."

Absorbing the entire story, Saiga sat back. He initially had felt somewhat skeptical about the new stranger - as is prudent in such a world. But after hearing how he had come to be here, he believed Jaden's sincerity. But one further thing interested him. "Jaden - if I may ask... what WAS the realm that had captured you?"

"As interested as my companions are in vengeance, I am not. Who my captors were is unimportant. At some point, they will fall to my sword - but I do not intend to become a man consumed by pursuit of revenge. That is a path that will only lead to my own destruction. So, for now my friend, I shall keep their identity anonymous. At some future date, when the time is right - I shall reveal more to you.

But your kindness and interest are meaningful to me, and I appreciate it. Let me get the drinks". Jaden reached in his pocked and pulled out a pouch of coins and gave it to the bartender.

Just as Saiga thanked Jaden for the drinks, a courier came into the bar. He called out to Jaden, claiming to have a letter from Elros. He held out the parchment and Jaden accepted it, immediately opening it. He read the carefully scribed words:

Sir Jaden, I am glad that another brave man stepped out with a sword to defend our lands. We have been too long fighting in this conflict with our bloodthirsty neighbour Outer Tilog. As soon as you get some rest report to our General or Lord Shinu. they will give you instructions what to next. May Gods smile upon you in this time of war.

Signed, Elros Chancellor of Giblot

He showed the letter to Saiga, who smiled intently. "Welcome to the fold" he said.

"Its good to be home - now let’s get to business..." Jaden said, slapping Saiga on the back as the two men left the bar.

Nexis Arylon

Nexis Arylon fighting his way out of captivity. Painting the work of Matrim Gannon

Vital Information

  • Age: 20
  • Height: 6'6"
  • Weight: Roughly 240 lbs
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair: Blonde (shaved)
  • Class: Adventurer
  • Honour: 1
  • Prestige: 1
  • Continent: Beluaterra
  • Realm: Khthon


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The second lost brother - the twins know nothing of him.

Joined - The High Father's Valentic Order of Knights dedicated to the Highfather, Komar, and the freedom of all Souls

The Knights of The Valentic Order are the best trained and disciplined fighters in the world. They are famous and easily recognized, usually wearing a distinct golden cape, with a red crown emblazoned above the heart or on the chest, to signify their devotion to Komar. Joining this Order requires piety, obedience, and above all, courage. For the warriors of The Valentic Order, there is a cardinal rule of never surrendering, with the understanding that if they were to die in battle, their entry into the Vale of the Highfather is assured. This fearless uncompromising nature, along with excellent training, make them a feared and elite fighting force. Their goal is to free all Souls from the influences of the Betrayers, and restore the World to the way the Highfather wished.

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Arylon Family Archive

Arylon Family | Arylon Family History | Arylon Family Tree | Arylon Family Timeline | Arylon Mentor Handbook | Arylon Marshal Handbook