Adventurer Theories: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 09:53, 4 March 2007

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This is the page for the community to use to list their theories on adventurer actions, and what effect they have. Feel free to help out.


Gathering items can be a very profitable endeavor for an adventurer. Instead of wasting time running around and chasing rumours of monsters, you can look for rare and valuable items without the risk of getting a sword in your gut. The items you find can be sold for silver, and sometimes even few gold coins. Sages require items in order to repair unique items and restore their condition. It is even rumoured that if you locate the right sage, and have the right items with you, he can create a new item. While such an item would surely be worth all the time and effort required to create it, no one has yet reported success at this most difficult of tasks.

Item Gathering Results

The following events may occur when gathering items.

  • You find yourself too tired to concentrate well enough.
  • You are disturbed by peasants and militia and can not gather anything.
  • You find nothing.
  • You find nothing of value.
  • You find [item description]

Item Gathering Tips

Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results while gathering.

  • Always gather with low fatigue. The lower the fatigue you have, the less likely you are to waste hours because you are too tired.
  • Gather in regions with few militia, preferably none. Getting a report of militia interference is an hour wasted.
  • Gather in regions with few population. You will get disturbed more often with less people about. (Note: Some items may only be able to be found in high population regions, so it's a trade off.)
  • Move around. After gathering in one region for a while, it will get more and more difficult to find items. Move on to the next region and continue from there.
  • Don't get discouraged, you'll have your good days and your bad days.


I've only run into one kind of sage in the region I'm in, but run into this one a number of times. Perhaps only one kind of sage per region?

-Is it possible that sages are only to be found in certain scattered regions around the map? Then there could be the Mysterious Wise Sage of the Great ABC Plains, who you've heard about from other adventurers who saw him once. You go to find him to see if he'll make you a unique item, but he's nowhere to be found (perhaps they're only available randomly in their regions). And perhaps the Sage of one region always requires the same items from adventurers who want him to make them a unique item. Is there any way to test this idea?

Hint from Tom: The same sage will stay in the same region for a few days, during which you can encounter him more than once. "Same sage" here meaning that he will offer the same services each time you find him. After a few days, he will move on. You might later find a different sage in that same region, though.

Sage Encounter Texts

  • You have encountered a sage, a wise man, rumoured by many to have magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing unique items. He also offers you to make an item for you, a very rare opportunity indeed. He will need special ingredients for this, and he can only help you if you bring these:
  • You have encountered a sage, a wise man, rumoured by many to have magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing unique items.
  • Since you do not have any unique items, the sage can not offer you any repairs.

Sage Result Texts

  • You do not have all of these, so he shakes his head and tells you there is nothing he can do. Maybe if you could acquire them, within the hour?
  • Since you do not have any unique items, the sage can not offer you any repairs.
  • The sage takes your items and tinkers with them for an hour, then comes back and shakes his head. The gods are not with him, or something to that effect. He leaves you behind baffled.
  • The sage takes your items and tinkers with them for an hour, then comes back and shakes his head. The gods are not with him, or something to that effect. He leaves you behind baffled. It is only after he left that you realize that his tinkering has destroyed your (common item).

Investigation and Hunting

Just starting some research on this.

  • What are the various texts one can see on investigation? Which is the order of "less to most"?
  • What are the various sizes of monster/undead you can encounter? How do they relate to the investigation report?
  • When do you meet large monsters or undead champions? Any correlation to any of the above?

Investigation Texts


  • You hear of no monster activity.
  • There are some rumours of monsters.
  • There are rare rumors of monsters.
  • There are rumours of monsters and some apparently reliable reports.


  • You hear nothing about undead.
  • The few rumours you hear about undead are unreliable and old.
  • There are some rumours about undead.
  • You hear rumours about undead and a few who claim to have seen them from afar.
  • There are many rumours about the undead, and you encounter several eye witnesses of recent appearances.
  • Undead are roaming the countryside, and the locals stay within the settlements. You have seen signs of undead activity yourself.
  • It's an invasion! There are undead wherever you look!

Skill Texts


  • Your experience allows you to skip the less interesting monsters and start at group #2.


  • Your experience allows you to skip the less interesting undead and start at group #2.

Encounter Texts


  • you finally encounter a few monsters.
  • you finally encounter a small group of monsters.
  • you finally encounter a large group of monsters.
  • you finally encounter a warband of monsters.
  • you finally encounter several groups of monsters. You notice that they have a leader, an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever you want to call it.


  • you finally find a few disorganized undead.
  • you finally find a small group of undead.
  • you finally find a large group of undead.
  • you finally find a large and organized undead group.
  • you finally find an organized unit of undead.
  • you finally find a small undead army.
  • you finally find an organized undead army. They are lead by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot.

Battle Texts


  • The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee.
  • The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee. The big one is the last to fall, but after an exhausting fight you manage to take him down, too. In the lair of the big one, you find treasures worth a total of 1 gold, 9 silver.
  • You fight with everything you've got - but the monsters turn out too strong or too many for you. And then things start to go badly. You can not get away from them, and find yourself surrounded! You fight on, and they beat on you. You finally manage to break free and run for your life. You are exhausted and have suffered bruises and minor injuries, but nothing serious. A little rest and you will be ready again.


  • The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Finally, you manage to break free. You run for your life - and escape.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Then you give up trying to defeat them and you only try to get away - but you find yourself surrounded! You fight on, desperately trying, and they beat on you without end. After what seems like eternity, you manage to break through their ranks. Exhausted and bleeding from many small cuts, you escape. A little rest and you will be ready again.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Then you give up trying to defeat them and you only try to get away - but you find yourself surrounded! They beat you and you feel bones break in your body. You finally escape, bleeding and dazed. You have been wounded.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Then you give up trying to defeat them and you only try to get away - but you find yourself surrounded! There are too many of them, they corner you and then the champion comes for you. It is a hard fight, and you put down a couple of them. But it is no use. Then, you feel a sharp pain as the rusty blade of the champion enters your abdomen. You don't feel it leaving you through the other side, thankfully. He stares at you with that undead grin on his face and watches you slowly bleed to death. You have been killed. Alone and outnumbered, you are dead.

Monsters and Undead

The text differences between monsters and undead might indicate that there are important differences between the two. What are they?


Is the rest for each hour a linear function or a polynomial? Supposedly resting is more effective when done for longer, and Tom insists the formula is not linear. Anyone is welcome to help out with recording different effectiveness.


The results are somewhat variable. Different results have been reported for the same hours/conditions.

Nr. of hours resting: On the Floor On a Bedroll In a small Tent In an old Tent Primitive Room Common Room Private Room
3 4-5 5-6 5 6 8-9 9 11-12
4 6-7 6-7 7 7 10-11+ 12 14-16
5 7-8 8-9 10+ 9-10 12-13+ 15 21+
6 8 10-11 11-12 12 15-16 19-20+ 23
7 8-11 11-12 13 13-14 17-20+ 23 31
8 11-12 13-14 14-15 14-15 22 25-28+ 32+
9 13 14 16-17+ 16-17 23-24+ 38
10 14-15 16 19 25 32 37
11 16 18+ 21 27-29
12 18 29-30+ 36
13 34
14 20 42
15 27 35+
16 22 39
Linear Progression? 1.5/hour -.5 2/hour -1 Y^2-(Y x Y-2)-1 1.8/hour -.2 2.33/hour +1?
2.5/hour ?
3.33/hour -1.33 4/hour

Bath & Massage

1 hour 2 hours 3 hours
9-12 fatigue 14 fatigue 17+ fatigue