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(Created page with "Glaumring had word of the arrival of a foreigner within the lands of Asylon and knew that if the foreigner was not aware he would soon be dead by monster attack before he reached...")

Latest revision as of 16:49, 25 January 2011

Glaumring had word of the arrival of a foreigner within the lands of Asylon and knew that if the foreigner was not aware he would soon be dead by monster attack before he reached the city center in Echiur. Glaumring was within the tavern and had barricaded the doors and gathered whoever was around to get into defense. He ordered a window to be unboarded, Glaumring strapped on his old armor and unsheathed his sword, he listened outside the window and heard the groaning and growling of the horde of beasts beyond as they ransacked the city, the screams and acrid smell of fires burning unchecked.

He jumped from the ledge and landed in the street, it was dark, and he knew that the man from Morek was near the entrance to the city and that was where the most monsters would be, he dashed off into the night determined to escort the Morekian safely to meet with King Moritz.

There was as expected a horde of beasts and the man from Morek was unaware and was riding calmly into their trap. Glaumring called out and lunged into the pack of ravenous beasts and beat them with his sword and whirled about like the very wind itself raising death and blood and driving back the ambush of beasts. He made his way to the side of the man on horseback and while hacking and slashing turned and smiled up to the man,

" Hail to thee and welcome to fair Asylon, sir... I am... ah hah!"

And he whirled and lopped off the head of a beast as it lunged at the horse and tried to drag the man from his saddle.

" I am ... Hurrgghh!"

another monster came now from his right side and Glaumring thrust his sword deep into the flesh of the beast and then dragged his blade upwards spilling the stinking devils intestines all about the cobblestone.

" I am... Gah! Come quick"

He pulled the horse by the bit and began to run through the streets as a fresh horde came from an alley, with more leaping from the roof, Glaumring fought hard and when they were clear of the attackers but still not safe he looked up once again to the rider, huffing and out of breath he said

"Glaumring Apasurian... At your service!"

Glaumring leapt dramatically down from the horse and sheathed his sword,

"Aye this tavern is being used as our base of operations for some time now, quickly get your horse in and help us put these barricades back up"

Glaumring lead the Ambassador hurriedly in and once the man was unmounted his horse lead away, Glaumring was pouring a glass of ale and handing it to the man. Like nothing had happened out of the ordinary. He peeled off his armor and threw it on the floor near the fire to dry.

"Eh? What brings you here across this land? You have come at a very exciting time for us in Asylon... You not being the only guest to arrive"