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Rangonio began to head toward Perdan, a fine city. One of the largest on the East Continent, shortly after Ibladesh city. Many messaengers met with him that day with messages of welcome. He was glad he noticed and pick up his pace. He wanted to meet the members of the realm as soon as he could. He had made many new friends, even in his first hour.
Rangonio began to head toward Perdan, a fine city. One of the largest on the East Continent, shortly after Ibladesh city. Many messaengers met with him that day with messages of welcome. He was glad he noticed and pick up his pace. He wanted to meet the members of the realm as soon as he could. He had made many new friends, even in his first hour.
=====Pearly Gates=====
Rangonio finally reached the pearly gates of the city of Perdan after a long journey from Dimwood passing through the dusty mines. The gates shone the sunlight into Rangonio's eyes. He had to lift his hand up to shield his eyes from the light. The huge, eluminous gates slowly creeked open, almost as if for Rangonio, of course, it was for the food carts that arrive in the city daily. Rangonio flicked a coin at the peasent escorting the carts. He picked a fruit from the bundle.<BR>
He entered the city. Chin up, ready to greet passer-bys.
"Good day, sir." repeats Rangonio several times to different people walking by. Finally he comes up to a place of interest. The pub. Nearby was the recruitment center. He heads into the pub for one pint. Its been a while and the trip was long and tiresome - time to relax a little.
After several pints, a few hours later. Rangonio stumbles out of the oub and falls into the path of a certain individual. He immediatly regains his total control and stands straight.
"You... you must be Lorraine?!" questioned Rangonio, "Your presence is... inspiring as I have been told. I hear you teach nobels the way of the Perdanite? Please teach me!"
*Meeting Lorraine
*Recruiting a unit
*Heading to the front

(OOC Note: Actually getting to Perdan, meeting Lorraine, recruiting first guard, heading to the northern front)
(OOC Note: Actually getting to Perdan, meeting Lorraine, recruiting first guard, heading to the northern front)

Revision as of 07:19, 5 February 2006

Mentor of Perdan
Weapon of Choice: Marble Staff Dyramiir

*************** WORKING ON IT! ***************

His Story

Rangonio was very cowardise as a youth. He grew in the streets of Nida, like the most of the Petterson family. He was a very healthy child in his area, but when Nida get sieged when he became old enough for the army, he fled to the East Continent and joined the mighty realm of Perdan.

Arrival to Perdan

After a long ship journey into the unknown land, at least for the Pettersons, Rangonio set foot on the East Continent, new land! He had high hopes when he entered the region of Perdan. He knew he didnt have to travel to find a realm to work for, Perdan was the perfect spot. He knew this when he saw it in the horizon of the ships view.

"I feel as if... as if Im at home here!" pondered Rangonio to his new ship mate as the ship began to anchor. A loud thud rumbled the boat swaying it side to side before it came to a halt and the boarding plank was let down. He makes his first step onto the land, in Dimwood, a place of wealth and banquets, at least his his eyes. He spent the day pondering in Dimwood seeing some glorious sites, like the Fountain of Ail and the farm lands of Dimwood.

During his walks a messanger ran to him with several notes. "Welcome to Perdan, sir! Many people are glad ot see new arrivals and wonder what you would like to get up to. Lorraine, Arch Priest of Perdan, Duke of Aix sends her recognition and invites you to be her student, she will teach you all you need to know, for she is the greatest Mentor we have to offer. That all of EC has to offer, in fact..." rants the messanger, "I was told to point you the way to Perdan City, our great capital... Sir, it is that way."

"I come in search of a new home, a new good, a new friend. Tell Lorraine I except this offer of tutorship and would love to meet her and I will head to Perdan as fast as I can. Am I expected to recruit a unit, meet with a battle group or just sit around Perdan and getting drunk?" grins Rangonio thinking of his favoured drink, Abington Whiskey.

Rangonio began to head toward Perdan, a fine city. One of the largest on the East Continent, shortly after Ibladesh city. Many messaengers met with him that day with messages of welcome. He was glad he noticed and pick up his pace. He wanted to meet the members of the realm as soon as he could. He had made many new friends, even in his first hour.

Pearly Gates

Rangonio finally reached the pearly gates of the city of Perdan after a long journey from Dimwood passing through the dusty mines. The gates shone the sunlight into Rangonio's eyes. He had to lift his hand up to shield his eyes from the light. The huge, eluminous gates slowly creeked open, almost as if for Rangonio, of course, it was for the food carts that arrive in the city daily. Rangonio flicked a coin at the peasent escorting the carts. He picked a fruit from the bundle.
He entered the city. Chin up, ready to greet passer-bys.

"Good day, sir." repeats Rangonio several times to different people walking by. Finally he comes up to a place of interest. The pub. Nearby was the recruitment center. He heads into the pub for one pint. Its been a while and the trip was long and tiresome - time to relax a little.


After several pints, a few hours later. Rangonio stumbles out of the oub and falls into the path of a certain individual. He immediatly regains his total control and stands straight. "You... you must be Lorraine?!" questioned Rangonio, "Your presence is... inspiring as I have been told. I hear you teach nobels the way of the Perdanite? Please teach me!"

  • Meeting Lorraine
  • Recruiting a unit
  • Heading to the front

(OOC Note: Actually getting to Perdan, meeting Lorraine, recruiting first guard, heading to the northern front)

Battles with Oligarch

(Battles against Coimbra, Eleador (later allied), OR)

Fall of Fallangard

Conquer of Isadril

Fontanese War

(War with Fontan in help with Caligus)

Friendly Fire

(War with Ibby, a long friend of Perdan before hand)

Sirion Assault

(Sirion entered Perdan land in a hope to weaken us)

The Black Night

Rangonio gets sick of waiting in the rough cells of Ibladesh. He ruffles around looking for any weak spots in the cell bars, walls, ceiling. None were found, at least not in his cell. Quite surprising considering the condition of Ibladesh as a whole.

Sick of the waiting Rangonio smashes his fist into the tough steel bars of the cell. His knuckles start to bleed. He makes as much noice as he can trying to draw the attention of the guards to his cell.

"Guard! Guard!" shouts Rangonio with no responce, "OI! Scumbag! Get up!"

A guard stubbles of his stool and murmers to himself... "Mummy?!"

He stands up wiping the drool from his chops and straightens himself out. He glares wearily over to Rangonio wondering what he was after, he reachs towards his weapon incase he tries anything. "Yes...?" the guard queries.

"How much is my ransom? I want outta here!" replys Rangonio.

"61G sir, but you have no money!" laughed the guard, although shocked with what he was saying.

Rangonio reaches to his sock, slightly shaken from his expierence in the call. Quite coincidently, Rangonio has exactly 61G in his purse, although it drops over the floor as his arm shakes. "I want my freedom!" he shouts, "I dont like your cell. I dont like Ibaldesh. At least in Sirion there is the occassional nice guard with a pillow spare."

With his shirt ripped and his clothing tattered and pieces of cloth falling off, Rangonio was wearing hardly anything without a coin to his name. He stumbles out of the cells rocking side to side as he walks to down the tight corridors of the dungeon and grazing his arms on the way. Rangonio is then pushed to the fields on Zwar once more, with nothing.

"What? Your leaving me here? Like this...?" questioned Rangonio, as he realised just how low Ibladesh stooped. Want even help a helpless person. An ememy that could just as easily be their friend! He falls to his knees as if all was lost before he gets up and runs off screaming.

Searching for his men, very discomforted, very tired. He heads towards his last fortification in hope to see his troops once more. Several men had fell bloody to battle with 'Runts. A man was piked to the side, a 'Runt, to scare them and keep the morale of the Perdanite soldiers up, seeing an enemy dead!

"Men! Lend me a lengthy cloth!" stummbled Rangonio "We head out now. We must continue were we left. Where did the rest of Perdan's forces go?"

"A siege on Ibladesh city sir!" squeeks a soldier, a youth, barely battle able.

"A siege?! Without me! I miss all the fun things. I bet they looted it to the ground!" Rangonio shouts as he runs toward Clermont! "ILL BE BACK! IBBY SCUM!!"


  • Guilds
  • Thought of moving
  • Count of Dimwood
  • BG Leader of Crimson Wing (Perdan Reinforcements)
  • Count of Clermont


Abington Whiskey
Fountain of Ail

Man of Faith


(Rangonio's new found religion)

Other Character Information

Books of a Life Time

Rangonio's books will be placed here


No duels to record.

Type Stratergy Opposition Stratergy Advantage Result


Host Realm Competitors Prize Money Round Beat... Defeat by...
Caligus 94 500 (200)G Semi-final ? Itthordaî

Time Line

  • 14.12.2003 - Left his home in Nida, Atamara and emmigrated to East Continent joining the realm of Perdan.
  • 14.03.2005 - Appointed as Count of Dimwood by Gadouha, King of Perdan.
  • 10.06.2005 - Stepped down as Count of Dimwood.
  • 12.11.2005 - Appointed as Count of Clermont by Nightmare, King of Perdan.
  • 22.11.2005 - Lost post as Count of Clemront, due to a region revolting.

Other OOC Information

I would like to thank all the nobels of Perdan, from when I join, till present for giving me inspiration to write this. Especially, the nobles that made the events actually happen.

Helpful Perdanites

These players have been very helpful to me during my time in Perdan. Answering many question that I had when I was new to Battle Master - and during the current times, too. (Please note that these arent the only helpful nobels. They were just the TLs that helped me)

  • Chris Cheung (Lorraine)
  • Frédérick Deslauriers (Gadouha)
  • Dionyssis Klavdianos (Nightmare)