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'''[[Orchian]]'''-Deceased, former head and reason the Odinians are nobility. Master tactician, swordsman, and hunter in life, wielded a bastard sword Frozenflame, which he passed to Wyscot before his death signifying Wyscot as the new head of the family. Had one son named Roric.Encouraged them to seek activities outside of battle to broaden their horizons.
'''[[/Orchian/]]'''-Deceased, former head and reason the Odinians are nobility. Master tactician, swordsman, and hunter in life, wielded a bastard sword Frozenflame, which he passed to Wyscot before his death signifying Wyscot as the new head of the family. Had one son named Roric.Encouraged them to seek activities outside of battle to broaden their horizons.
'''[[Roric]]'''-Crippled during a battle with undead in the east continent shortly after the birth of his daughter to his second wife. Very bitter about his lose of being able to lead the family.
'''[[/Roric/]]'''-Crippled during a battle with undead in the east continent shortly after the birth of his daughter to his second wife. Very bitter about his lose of being able to lead the family.
'''[[Lian]]'''-Deceased, first wife of Roric, died during child birth of Locke. A warrior woman with a habit of trouble making. Liked having fun a goofing off.
'''[[/Lian/]]'''-Deceased, first wife of Roric, died during child birth of Locke. A warrior woman with a habit of trouble making. Liked having fun a goofing off.
'''[[Mina]]'''-Present wife of Roric. Mother of Kistis, she love all the Odinians children like their her own. Master of the battle scythe. Stays and works around the family estate taking care of Roric.
'''[[/Mina/]]'''-Present wife of Roric. Mother of Kistis, she love all the Odinians children like their her own. Master of the battle scythe. Stays and works around the family estate taking care of Roric.
'''[[Wyscot]]'''-Head of family, Very formal, and strong leader. Lives in the family estate in Lurgrod, wields the bastard sword Frozenflame.In his first year of military service during a battle between Carelia and Falasan, he and Locke were on opposing side of the  battle and duel, Locke won the fight leaving Wyscot lying beaten with a long diagonal slash from his right shoulder to his left hip, now a scar.. They have since made peace with one another. He has rather sharp eyes, but his other features are unusually soft considering his attitude. He enjoys painting, playing the cello and lute.
'''[[/Wyscot/]]'''-Head of family, Very formal, and strong leader. Lives in the family estate in Lurgrod, wields the bastard sword Frozenflame.In his first year of military service during a battle between Carelia and Falasan, he and Locke were on opposing side of the  battle and duel, Locke won the fight leaving Wyscot lying beaten with a long diagonal slash from his right shoulder to his left hip, now a scar.. They have since made peace with one another. He has rather sharp eyes, but his other features are unusually soft considering his attitude. He enjoys painting, playing the cello and lute.
'''[[Locke]]'''-Bit of a wild child, younger brother of Wyscot, Has a daughter Rebecca. His wife Lily died during the war in Itorunt, and Rebecca was sent to meet and live with her father. Locke has calmed down and begun taken responsibility's for his actions since his daughter came. Locke is a master swordsman, bowman, and halberd user, which is his weapon of choice, his halberd is named Bloodmoon. Locke used to have a hero worship with Chi Motosuwa but that has died for the most part since the arrival of Rebecca. During his first year of military service him and Wyscot came to blows during a battle leave Wyscot wound, and himself with a scar above his right eye running along his right brow. It tends to add to his already roguish good looks. His pastimes beside flirting and pranking, are playing violin, piano, and the harp.
'''[[/Locke/]]'''-Bit of a wild child, younger brother of Wyscot, Has a daughter Rebecca. His wife Lily died during the war in Itorunt, and Rebecca was sent to meet and live with her father. Locke has calmed down and begun taken responsibility's for his actions since his daughter came. Locke is a master swordsman, bowman, and halberd user, which is his weapon of choice, his halberd is named Bloodmoon. Locke used to have a hero worship with Chi Motosuwa but that has died for the most part since the arrival of Rebecca. During his first year of military service him and Wyscot came to blows during a battle leave Wyscot wound, and himself with a scar above his right eye running along his right brow. It tends to add to his already roguish good looks. His pastimes beside flirting and pranking, are playing violin, piano, and the harp.
'''[[Lily]]'''- The late wife of Locke and mother of Rebecca. She was 17 when she had Rebecca and married Locke in Aeng. He then left Lily without knowing she was pregnant intending to return for her. 4 year would pass and he did not return as he was at war at the time, Lily would die never seeing her husband again, killed by invading Ibladethian troops. Kistis would then send her niece to meet her father in Carelia.
'''[[/Lily/]]'''- The late wife of Locke and mother of Rebecca. She was 17 when she had Rebecca and married Locke in Aeng. He then left Lily without knowing she was pregnant intending to return for her. 4 year would pass and he did not return as he was at war at the time, Lily would die never seeing her husband again, killed by invading Ibladethian troops. Kistis would then send her niece to meet her father in Carelia.
'''[[Kistis]]'''-Youngest Odinians sibling, Lives in the east continent. Like Locke, she is a master in sword play and archery, but her weapon of choice is her battle scythe, which she named Mantissong. She is the most well balance of the Odinians trio, neither to overbearing like Wyscot, or to child like as Locke can be. She looks rather petite but if you believe her fragile, you'll be lying in a puddle of you own blood not knowing what happened. She prefers to spend her time gardening or playing the flute or clarinet.
'''[[/Kistis/]]'''-Youngest Odinians sibling, Lives in the east continent. Like Locke, she is a master in sword play and archery, but her weapon of choice is her battle scythe, which she named Mantissong. She is the most well balance of the Odinians trio, neither to overbearing like Wyscot, or to child like as Locke can be. She looks rather petite but if you believe her fragile, you'll be lying in a puddle of you own blood not knowing what happened. She prefers to spend her time gardening or playing the flute or clarinet.
'''[[Rebecca]]'''- Born when Locke was 16, she never met her father until when she was 3 and her mother died and her aunt, Kistis, sent her to meet Locke. She has grown rather found of her father in this short time she's known his. She is hard working, smart, she can hold her own in swordplay and archery with children 5 years her senior. She's a bit a child prodigy  much unlike her father who struggled with his studies, and had to work hard to get where he is today. She can sometime make an adult sweat because she act much older than she seems at serious moments. Her father has taught her archery, swordplay, halberd skills, violin, piano, how to hunt and sail, and many other things useful for survival.
'''[[/Rebecca/]]'''- Born when Locke was 16, she never met her father until when she was 3 and her mother died and her aunt, Kistis, sent her to meet Locke. She has grown rather found of her father in this short time she's known his. She is hard working, smart, she can hold her own in swordplay and archery with children 5 years her senior. She's a bit a child prodigy  much unlike her father who struggled with his studies, and had to work hard to get where he is today. She can sometime make an adult sweat because she act much older than she seems at serious moments. Her father has taught her archery, swordplay, halberd skills, violin, piano, how to hunt and sail, and many other things useful for survival.
'''Odinians' Trophy's'''
'''Odinians' Trophy's'''

Revision as of 17:44, 11 January 2010

The Odinians are an old somewhat nomadic family of warriors, they traveled the lands until they one day ran across a man being attacked by bandit, his escort was all but dead, so the they charged into save him and made quick work of the bandits. This man happened to be a rather rich noble who in thanks said that if they ever found land that they wanted he would purchase it for them or in his death the next in line would purchase it for them so they may join the ranks of nobility. Orchian Odinians was the head of the family at the time, and thanked the noble for his kindness. It was years latter that after Orchian died of old age, that leadership was pasted on to his eldest grandchild Wyscot, who chose to settle the family in the continent of Atamara in the Lurgrod region. The traits of Odinians are emerald green eyes and ebony colored hair. The family coat of arms is an arctic wolf holding a purple orchid in its mouth. The colors are Forest green with a dark violet outline.

The Odinians are also little known to be master blacksmiths, but they rarely make weapons or armor for anyone outside their family. Odinians made gear is considered top quality, but despite this, only the Odinians wield their weapons or armor because only a "true friend of the Orchid Wolf" may have a piece made for them, it is the Odinians highest honor to be given their weapons or armor.

The Orchid Wolf

The Orchid Wolf is said to be the guiding spirit of the Odinians that leads them down the path of justice. The first mention of the Orchid Wolf is made many hundreds of years ago when the first recorded Odinians is mentions. Bolgar Odinians was a barbaric warrior would could fell whole troops of men without tiring, he loved the battlefield, the challenge of taking on armies said to rival the power of the gods. One day he sat atop a pile of bodies that seemed to have no end in a field of orchid outside of a forest. It was winter yet the flower still lived. He looked upon a wolf coming in to the field. He stood up to challenge the wolf, and then roared to the wolf," Will you challenge me too beast?" The wolf just bowed his head and shook it, " No," is spoke, startling Bolgar, " I am but a cub, but my alpha will as you have trespassed in his home." Then a gigantic white wolf, the size of an elephant came from the forest. "You dare trespass in my home, threaten my child, and call us beasts, you are the beast human, you kill for fun, I kill for food, you fight for glory, I fight for survival." The wolf's word struck anger in him, so without thinking he charged them wolf, but it did not move, and then as Bolgar struck, the white wolf stomped its paw knocking Bolgar on his rear, bearing his teeth at his neck. Bolgar did not tremble in fear but bowed his head and laughed, "You have beaten me wolf, I have never been beaten with this sword I forged as a boy in my father's shop, you must be fearless to have done this." "No, I feared much human, I feared for my cub growing without his father, I feared for packs saftey without me to guard them and provide food for them, I feared that other creatures of the forest would come take my packs lands from them, so I must survive to guard them, they make me strong. My fear makes me strong." This struck Blogar, fear, making one strong, fear made all his foes fall in battle. Seeing Bolgar's confusion, the wolf spoke more. "Yes fear can kill anything human, but if you overcome it, and do what is right, you gain more strength than if you fight without fear. Do you human have anything you would die for because you fear losing it?" Silence stayed for a while, then Blogar spoke, " Yes, my wife and unborn child, without them, my life would mean nothing." "Then why do you make more foes for yourself human, they will just want more blood for the blood you have stolen from them, and your family will pay for you actions if you do not change." "What do I do then, to change and protect my family great wolf, what does this foolish Bolgar need to do?" "You must learn a new way to live, take you family, and I will lets you live with my pack Bolgar, if you make an honest effort to change, we will teach you how to walk among the orchid fields without destroying them, and once you can do that, you will be ready to walk among man again Blogar, and you will be able to help other like yourself become protectors of what is precious and not destroyers of it." And with that, the Orchid Wolf walked with Bolgar into he forest through the fields, and changed the fate of this man and his family.


Orchian-Deceased, former head and reason the Odinians are nobility. Master tactician, swordsman, and hunter in life, wielded a bastard sword Frozenflame, which he passed to Wyscot before his death signifying Wyscot as the new head of the family. Had one son named Roric.Encouraged them to seek activities outside of battle to broaden their horizons.

Roric-Crippled during a battle with undead in the east continent shortly after the birth of his daughter to his second wife. Very bitter about his lose of being able to lead the family.

Lian-Deceased, first wife of Roric, died during child birth of Locke. A warrior woman with a habit of trouble making. Liked having fun a goofing off.

Mina-Present wife of Roric. Mother of Kistis, she love all the Odinians children like their her own. Master of the battle scythe. Stays and works around the family estate taking care of Roric.

Wyscot-Head of family, Very formal, and strong leader. Lives in the family estate in Lurgrod, wields the bastard sword Frozenflame.In his first year of military service during a battle between Carelia and Falasan, he and Locke were on opposing side of the battle and duel, Locke won the fight leaving Wyscot lying beaten with a long diagonal slash from his right shoulder to his left hip, now a scar.. They have since made peace with one another. He has rather sharp eyes, but his other features are unusually soft considering his attitude. He enjoys painting, playing the cello and lute.

Locke-Bit of a wild child, younger brother of Wyscot, Has a daughter Rebecca. His wife Lily died during the war in Itorunt, and Rebecca was sent to meet and live with her father. Locke has calmed down and begun taken responsibility's for his actions since his daughter came. Locke is a master swordsman, bowman, and halberd user, which is his weapon of choice, his halberd is named Bloodmoon. Locke used to have a hero worship with Chi Motosuwa but that has died for the most part since the arrival of Rebecca. During his first year of military service him and Wyscot came to blows during a battle leave Wyscot wound, and himself with a scar above his right eye running along his right brow. It tends to add to his already roguish good looks. His pastimes beside flirting and pranking, are playing violin, piano, and the harp.

Lily- The late wife of Locke and mother of Rebecca. She was 17 when she had Rebecca and married Locke in Aeng. He then left Lily without knowing she was pregnant intending to return for her. 4 year would pass and he did not return as he was at war at the time, Lily would die never seeing her husband again, killed by invading Ibladethian troops. Kistis would then send her niece to meet her father in Carelia.

Kistis-Youngest Odinians sibling, Lives in the east continent. Like Locke, she is a master in sword play and archery, but her weapon of choice is her battle scythe, which she named Mantissong. She is the most well balance of the Odinians trio, neither to overbearing like Wyscot, or to child like as Locke can be. She looks rather petite but if you believe her fragile, you'll be lying in a puddle of you own blood not knowing what happened. She prefers to spend her time gardening or playing the flute or clarinet.

Rebecca- Born when Locke was 16, she never met her father until when she was 3 and her mother died and her aunt, Kistis, sent her to meet Locke. She has grown rather found of her father in this short time she's known his. She is hard working, smart, she can hold her own in swordplay and archery with children 5 years her senior. She's a bit a child prodigy much unlike her father who struggled with his studies, and had to work hard to get where he is today. She can sometime make an adult sweat because she act much older than she seems at serious moments. Her father has taught her archery, swordplay, halberd skills, violin, piano, how to hunt and sail, and many other things useful for survival.

Odinians' Trophy's

The Odinians collect weapons, armors, art, etc whenever they go to battle, takeovers, hunts, and the such. This is the known collection of artifacts that they have amassed at the family mansion.

  • A Corian War Ax- Obtained by Locke during the battles of Barad Gardor. Age 23
  • A Caligan Great Sword- Obtained by Locke during battles of Barad Gardor. Age 23
  • A Taran Kite Shield and Spear- Obtained by Locke during battles of Barad Gardor. Age 23
  • A Carelian Helmet- Obtained by Locke during war with Carelia. Age 18
  • A Falasani Short Sword- Obtained by Rebecca, taken from Taran solider while held captive.
  • A Ibladethian Scimitar- Obtained by Kistis during war with Ibladeth. Age 19
  • A Ash Sea Island Gauntlet set- Obtained by Wyscot during siege of Ser'quea. Age 20
  • A Tuchanon V Fortress Flag- Obtained by Kistis During siege of Isadril. Age 17
  • A Estonian Mace- Obtained by Wyscot during attack on Amdor. Age 23
  • A Stuffed Mountain Lion- Slayed by Locke when hunting. Age 15
  • A Stuffed Black Bear- Slayed by Kistis when hunting. Age 15
  • A Mounted Swordfish- Caught by Wyscot when fishing. Age 16
  • A Statue of the Orchid Wolf- Made by Orchian in his youth. Age 26
  • A Stuffed Elk- Slayed by Wyscot when hunting- Age 15
  • A Silk ribbon with hawks embroidered in- Given to Rebecca by Kylaine Vita. Age 7