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'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 

The men on the vessel watched as the party boat turned back into port. Then men sailed back into port and moved to greet the Duke as he got off. They all were armed and dressed like members of the Black Lions, and still bore their forged documents. Their leader looked at his twenty some men, and nodded.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
As Mathias walked off the boat and onto the dock he noticed the twenty something men standing there waiting for him. One of them seemingly their leader walked up to present his documents claim to be one of the black lions and requesting that Mathias would follow him.
Looking down at the documents Mathias quickly noticed them to be fake, but having grown tired from the nights activities decided to just give in. "Heh, your no black lion...." To which he then noticed the men draw their blades. Then holding up his hand, "Please put away your weapons. I can but whistle and have my men arrive in a few minutes. However I have grown curious as to who your leader is. So I will come with you willingly. Though if you dare touch me I will have you killed be it by my own blade or the executioners." Mathias then straightened his clothing and followed the pretenders to their destination.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha pressed her lips together at his words and then looked back to Rathan. The pain he felt was obvious now, he seemed to think she wasn’t paying attention but she was.
What had she been thinking going out by herself? She had been so wrapped into the void she had not thought of anything but to kill the men who had taken Mathias away. “What will you do now? I am here, and so are you… the last time we saw one another I seemed to be the very embodiment of plague for you. Are you still anger Milord?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan looked over at her.
He said, looking confused for a moment. He let the question hang for a moment.
"No. I could never be angry with you." he said, his voice still barely audible.
"Good, that makes our job a lot easier. Come this way your grace."
And the men led him back towards the palace, taking back roads and alleyways. As they turned a corner, a bag was thrust over Mathias's head and a blade pressed against his back.
"Not a sound, or you bleed. You will see our leader, but we have to take a little trip."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Letting out a slight chuckle Mathias daringly said, "Ha, my friend you better hope I don't find out which one of you has dared touched your better. I shall personally torture you till you’re near death and then...HA! then I shall help you recover before I do it all over." Mathias then began to hysterically laugh as he followed along with the group not knowing where he was going.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
“Your actions suggest otherwise,” she say as she laid her head back onto the bed and turned to her side facing away from him.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Shut 'im up, will ya?" came a voice, and something came cracking down on Mathias's head. They quickly tied him, gagged him, and threw him in a large trunk and carried him to a boat in the harbor, and prepared to leave.
"Torture me will ya?" said the man as he pulled Mathias from the box and threw him on a bed in one of the cabins. He turned and left, locking the door behind him, and gave his orders to the guards.
"The employer wants 'im alive. Damage him some if 'e tries to escape, but do not kill 'im."
also elsewhere
Rathan shifted and sat on the bed, his back to her.
"A Thaisce, I am truly sorry for what I've done tonight... If you want me to leave... I understand. I'm also sorry for lying... I didn't want you to overreact, and hurt yourself further."
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"Any word on Sorsha yet?" Cenarious asked impatiently. "It’s not like her to disregard her duties."
Cenarious' Spy Master looked up from his notes and spoke rapidly, "Your Majesty, I have grave news I fear. A couple of dockworkers reported a burning boat and that a noble woman matching the Lady Marshal's description was apparently accosted and kidnapped at the scene. The workers claim that the men involved identified themselves as Black Lions so no one got involved despite their actions."
"I've heard enough!" Cenarious growled. "Send out the orders for the Black Lion units that I stationed around the port to initiate the raid immediately! Lock down every boat, every dock, every skiff, and every hovel! They are to find Sorsha, locate the Dukes, and then bring everyone to me immediately. If anyone resists charge them with treason, arrest them, and prepare them for the Confessor. And if anyone sees Rathan I expect him to be detained for questioning by what ever force deemed necessary."
"Why aren't you moving yet?!" Cenarious barked loud enough to make even the guards jump. "I want results now!"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
The man walked to the upper deck, and took the wheel. They disembarked and sailed off, shortly before the port was closed off. They slipped away, and off along the coast of Port Nebel, to a small island, and docked.
"What now?"
"We wait lad. We wait."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
His words stabbed her in the heart and she closed her eyes. She didn’t answer him and brought her legs up to her chest. She could still feel him there, behind her and after a while she spoke again. “And now that you have me here, what will you do? It isn’t to say goodbye, we have already been through it and you didn’t leave me with much…”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias eyes slowly began to open. He didn't know how long he had been laying there but he didn't care. Mathias quickly realized the situation he was in and began to laugh. "HA! oh I will have my revenge,"
Mathias then wormed his way up to a seated position on the bed and continued to laugh at what he planed to do to the men who had captured him while he waited to arrive at his destination.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"I just want to make sure you'll be okay... I never meant to... To hurt you... Or Lorlan. I lost myself. Flew into a rage. They've been lasting longer, days at a time... I haven't been able to control it anymore. After knocking you out, I came to my senses. I was sick. Please... Don't be angry with me."
He said, turning to face her and taking her hand in his.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
One of the guards banged on the door, and shouted at him
"Oi! Shaddup in there or I'll cut your throat out and feed it to the fish!"
The man grumbled and looked at his partner.
"Bloody nobility, with their pomp and attitude. Least they pay well."
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
Guards were moving around the palace and she noticed some of the Black Lions make their way to the gate rather quickly and her curiosity got the best of her. She turned to Pillar and put Alistair in her arms.
"Bring him back to his room, I have some things I need to tend to" she kissed her son and walked out the room to go see Cenarious.
Pushing the door opened she caught the last of the orders Cenarious was giving out. "If anyone resists charge them with treason, arrest them, and prepare them for the Confessor. And if anyone sees Rathan I expect him to be detained for questioning by what ever force deemed necessary." She pushed the door further and watch the man almost trip over his own feet as Cenarious' voice echoed in the room.
"My love is there something wrong?" she looked back at the man and to Cenarious
Cenarious shook his head and grabbed his glass and sat back in his chair sighing. She knew her husband well enough to know not to push any issues but she was still curious to know why he would mention anyone having to be brought forth to her and she bite the inside of her lip and frowned as she sat across from Cenarious.
The silence was thick and Kisharianda couldn't help but ask again. "Is there something I should be made aware of my Lord?" she looked at him and both their eyes met.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"HA! I would like to see you try. I could defeat you with my hand tied behind my back and my eyes blindfolded. Oh Wait...they are! Muahahaha!" Mathias said taunting his assailants.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She knew what being sick was like, and she felt like her own words were being repeated at her. “I offered to help you,” she told him softly, “but you refused me.” Now it seemed the tables were turned and he eyes shut tightly. She then wondered if any of his words held any truth to them. “Where is Mathias?” she asked coldly.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"I know... I'm sorry. I wasn't ready to see you again just yet. Please understand..."
He said, his voice trailing off.
"I have no idea where Mathias is."
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" a guard shouted as he ran into the room.
'Saved by the yell!' Cenarious thought himself as he listened to the guards report.
"A boat escaped the port, Your Majesty!" the guard sputtered.
"Then what in the bloody hell are you doing here lad? Get me that boat!" Cenarious growled.
"The Black Lions will not fail you Your Majesty! The fastest ships in the harbor were immediately commandeered and sent in pursuit of the blockade runner. Last report has them moored at a small island, and by now your Lions should be storming the ship as we speak. Everyone on that island will be arrested and on the way here very soon Your Majesty." the soldier said as he grinned proudly at the good news.
Ignoring the soldier Cenarious finally turned to his wife. "Everything will be well my dear. Have no fear, Sorsha may be missing but every Lion in D'Hara is hunting for her. The Dukes seem to be in trouble as well but the Lions are hunting for them too. You know that none can stand before my Lions in combat. We will get to the bottom of this soon enough."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
“And now you’re ready to see me?” she turned to face him, on the outside she appeared soft and warm, but inside she had grabbed hold of the void. Her hand reached her tender head, two areas hurt, not only one. “Has your healer left anything for me to take? I suddenly feel extremely ill.” She covered her mouth and her face blanched.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
The men disembarked again, they stood a far better chance against their attackers on the high seas. Kerosene barrels were piled high in the lower decks, and they were prepared to burn the ship, killing the Duke. A guard entered Mathias's room, and spoke.
"We're being pursued. Black lions. You are going to call them off, or burn to death. Write a letter, and we'll deliver it." the man demanded of Mathias.
"Either way, you won't get to meet our leader like this."
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan handed her a small vial.
"Take this, it will ease your pain. I'm so sorry... I never meant for this to happen."
He said, his voice cracking as he did so, his pain evident.
"I didn't plan on seeing you for a little longer... The pain was too much. I couldn't stand the thought of it."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Heh, oh I will write a letter for you, but you do understand that to do so I must be able to see. Guess your just going to have to show me who your are. Ha! your damned if you do, and your damned if you don't." Mathias' legs then began to kick as he leaned back and continued to hysterically laugh. "Muahaha!"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
The man ripped his mask off.
"What the 'ell do I care? I'm not even from around 'ere! I'll be long gone before you can get your hands on me. Now write it, and hurry."
He said, setting parchment, ink and a quill on the desk.
"No funny business. I'm untying your hands."
The brutish man cut the bonds around Mathias's hands and quickly backed away, glaring at him.
"You tell the King to call off his Black Lions, and do it now."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Reminded of what she did, Sorsha put her hand to her abdomen and forced herself to breathe normally through her nose and ignore the pain in her abdomen. But it was no use, she grabbed the vial and drank the contents. She lay back down and closed her eyes, hoping the dull pain on the back of her skull would dissipate. “When did you plan on seeing me?” she said softly, “and what then?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Before I left... And... Well... I don't know. I don't. I don't know who I am anymore, Everything has just kind of fallen apart."
He sighed, and shifted, lying next to her.
"I never thought one person meant so much."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias sat down and began to write his letter.
<i>My King,
I understand that I accidentally ran a blockade that you set up. I would like to apologize for this. I am currently on a search for my wife to be, and I hope that you will allow me to continue my search. However if you were to call me in I must admit that I shall not until I find my love. Once I find her I shall return to you to accept my punishment.
"There is that good?" Mathias said to his captor whiling doing his best to remember his face.
Snatching the letter Mathias signed the letter and forced it back to the man. Then laying back down on the bed he began to laugh as he waited for his fate.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
The man snatched the note, and walked out, locking the door behind him, bellowing for 'Jonesy'. A short while later he came back in, and thrust the note before him.
The man locked the door, and handed the note to the messenger, who disembarked on a small craft to see the message delivered. Their leader, a brutish man known as Reichart, grinned.
"They'll bugger off any minute now lads."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha’s eyes closed slowly. “I know…” she whispered, “I know exactly what it feels like. I’m sorry,” she apologized numbly. Maybe she just needed to sleep. Her eyes felt so heavy and her head hurt so much.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Just... Please... Don't tell anyone what happened. I don't want Mathias and Cenarious trying to kill me. I know Cen wants to badly enough as it is..."
He squeezed her hand.
"Get some rest. I'm really sorry."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
This was all just a really bad nightmare and Sorsha felt like she would soon open her eyes and she would be returned to her bed with Mathias lovingly watching over her, his kiss upon her brow.
He didn’t want her to tell anyone? This made her curl up even more, a dear friend's words now replaying in her mind. When the union is put to the test, and it will be, you will be faced with a heartbreaking decision. Either choice will have you betray someone you love - either your husband or his opponents.
She hadn’t even wed Mathias yet and already she was being put to the test. She just wanted to die… Part of her was so angry and the other felt so much guilt.
She didn't say anything to his words and just closed her eyes. Maybe it would all just fade away if she tried hard enough.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan gave her hand a squeeze, and whispered.
"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
And he left. He slipped back to where he was staying, and no sooner than he had arrived, there was a knock on the door. Since Chadwick was still with Sorsha, he opened the door.
"Marquis Himoura, we have instructions to detain you, using whatever amount of force is necessary. I suggest you come quietly."
Rathan clubbed the man over the head with a nearby cane.
"You dare disrespect me with a threat? I'll come, but know that I'd gut all of you before anyone of you could draw a blade on me."
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"Fools and blackguards! Who do they think they are dealing with?!" Cenarious roared upon reading the letter from Mathias. "Why would Mathias run a blockade on his own port? What idiocy is this? Is this supposed to fool me into complacency?"
Focusing his anger towards something productive, Cenarious caressed his sword hilt as he called out his orders. "Send the ship this letter.."
<i>Duke Mathias,
Until such time as the Lady Sorsha rests soundly in her bed in the Royal Palace of D'Hara I'm afraid your ship will have to remain detained. You would not place your freedom before the life of your future wife now would you? If your boat is capable I would suggest returning to Port Nebel where your crew can be disembarked and sent on their way while we deal with this matter privately.
Cenarious Stormrage, Dragon King of D'Hara </i>
"And then," Cenarious continued. "Clear one of the central docks and block off the rest. Sneak Lions into all the buildings surrounding that dock's street access. As soon as all the 'sailors' are off that boat they shall ambush and arrest the whole lot of them. If any of those blackguards fight back feel free to issue kill orders, it matters not to me as long as Sorsha and the Dukes are returned safely. Those idiots had better realize that they aren't getting out of this alive unless they give me Sorsha.. if they fail to realize that then I am afraid that death will be a happy respite from the agony that I will reign upon them. Let them see their brethren die on the blades of my Lions, and we shall see how much resolve these fools really have."
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''' 
Just after the first attempt to kidnap Duke Mathias, the legitimate attempt, Prince Bowie met one of the female entertainers. Her name was Chainne. He liked her very much and she knew he paid well...
<i>Much Later,</i>
Bowie and Chainne left one of the storage rooms to find the boat at port and empty. Everyone had left and the party was already over. They decided that they would divide up the leftover alcohol and go their separate ways.
On the way off, as the Prince began to stroll away from the boat he was grabbed and put against the wall fiercely. He realized the accosting man was a Black Lion, one part of an entire unit hiding in various places on the pier.
"Hey! Let go of those!" He said as some of the soldiers ransacked his bag of booze.
"Who are you and what was your business on that boat!" One of the soldiers demanded.
"First off, get your hoofs off me you fowl swine I am your Prince!"
They looked at each other, shrugging.
"Prince Bowie!"
They got it.
"Second, drop my loot immediately. I don't want any of your muddy hands ruining my collection."
"Please answer our questions, Sir." The soldier asked.
"Prince to you!"
"I was on that boat for...a Ducal gathering. Confidential. You are below the need to know requirement. Let me go home."
"Are you aware that there is trouble? An attempt at kidnapping, perhaps an insurrection. The King demands answers. Duke Mathias and Lady Sorsha may be in danger."
"Danger? Really? I know very little about that. Tell you what. You can have one bottle from my loot if you will let me go without anymore questions."
"I better check with the King first. We have very specific orders."
"Oh no, not him...." the Prince groaned.
Another Black Lion ran over from the other side of the port and spoke to the first soldier, the one blocking Bowie from leaving. After they finished their conversation, the main soldier grabbed Bowie's arm and began twisting it.
He said,
"We have been authorized to use whatever force necessary. I must ask you why there were so many corpses on the boat you just left."
Bowie was very much in pain, and did not have an explanation, but he did his best.
"Ow! Let go of me!...Ouch, stop! I don't know what happened on the boat. After we left the port I met up with one of Duke Hexic's dancing girls. I missed the whole party. We were in one of the storage rooms, we heard nothing. I didn't even see any bodies on my way out. You can ask her. I don't know what happened!"
The soldier gave a signal for another Black Lion to find the woman. Then he said,
"What was the purpose of this kidnapping, tell me everything you know!" He twisted harder.
"We were planning on throwing a party for Duke Mathias, on a count of his engagement and all. It was necessary for us to take drastic means to acquire the man, he is very occupied. Along the way something must have gone awry."
"What about Lady Sorsha, where is she?"
"Lady Sorsha, what about her?"
"She has gone missing. Was she part of your plan too?"
"No. Not at all. It was a party by invitation only. Plus it was a bachelor party - men only. Is that enough?"
The soldier released Bowie's arm. Bowie launched spit onto the man's boot. It was his way of getting even. Then the Prince took his booze sack and left. The soldiers returned their attention to the boats.
Walking through the city he asked around to find the woman he was with on the boat, hoping she had some idea of what happened. Maybe she was sent to distract Bowie while the mayhem took place. If Bowie's suspicion was true, he wanted his gold back.
He found out from a shopkeeper that she had last been seen on the way to another client in the Dizzy Duck inn, near the harbour of Port Nebel. He decided to crash her other party and recover what was his.
Finally, after getting lost and after half a bottle of red rum (which may have caused the misdirection) he found the place he was looking for. He walked in and asked where Chainne was. No one had heard of her. He described her and told of her business at the inn. The reply was that this inn had never been and would never be associated with such professions. A dead lead. The shopkeeper had lied, Bowie would have to go back there.
Turning to leave he noticed a cloak on the chair that looked similar to one a friend of his owned...a deep blue one, almost black, and thick. A female garment. One that he suspected belonged to...Lady Sorsha! His blood rushed as his mind raced. What was that item doing here? Where was its owner? Ignoring the innkeepers refusals Bowie began to search the rooms until he found a woman lying with a wrapped head and a stranger sitting nearby. Bowie recognized the woman's hair and entered the room.
"You, move out of the way. Who is that woman?"
Chadwick, the healer looked surprised.
"This is Lady Sorsha. Who are you?"
"I am Prince Bowie, here to rescue the Marshal."
Bowie punched out Chadwick, for no good reason really, then softly placed the cloak from downstairs over her. He sat down in Chadwick's chair and tried to wake up Sorsha.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha moaned lightly as someone shook her. The heaviness around her was debilitating. She knew the sensation well for she had experienced it many times now with the sleep tonic Rathan had given her in the past. She then took a sharp breath as the pain in her skull returned, and she realized she had a bag over her head. Had Chadwick put it there while she slept?
In a dazed panic, she tried to grab at it to remove it but she was so disoriented. It was then it was pulled over her head and she was able to breathe fresh air and came face to face with… “Bowie?” she asked confused. Everything from the previous night returned to her and she became extremely nauseous. Putting her hand out to stop Bowie from moving further, she turned to the side and vomited over the edge of the bed. It was a combination of the intense pain on the back of her skull, the turmoil and the fear she felt, but mostly from what she knew.
When she was done, she wiped her mouth with a trembling arm and cursed, “Bloody..." her voice was hoarse and she heaved, "ahhh hell...” she tried to scramble up on the bed but she was sick again. It was a few moments before she could catch her breath and when she did she looked over her shoulder. “Where in blazes is Mathias?!” she asked angrily and turned to look at Bowie. It seemed everyone she loved and trusted would turn on her, was he any different? She looked at him waiting for an answer, but her blue eyes narrowed and she then looked to the ground to notice Chadwick was unconscious.
The guard was nowhere to be seen and she looked again to Bowie. “I have to get out of here,” she snapped. Gritting her teeth she moved away from him and scrambled off the bed. She stood up and the room wavered again, she stepped over Chadwick’s unconscious form and then she started to fall, barely managing to catch herself on the doorframe. “I need a sword,” she hissed, “better yet, I want my daggers, and I will take care of this myself,” she said weakly and slid against the frame to the floor. She closed her eyes, she knew she wouldn’t be able to do anything, she could barely stand on her own. Despite what Rathan had told her about a party, and Mathias being out to sea, she could not bring herself to believe it. She was still panicked. Then she started to cry, not out of pain or pity but out of anger and kicked the door before her. She was poison…
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage'''
"Your Majesty," the Lion said with a bow. "We caught the princeling leaving one of the boats where the original incidents took place. He claims it was a bachelor party for Duke Mathias and that he has no idea what happened to Sorsha."
"A bachelor party?" Cenarious replied, more to himself then to the waiting guard. "Assuming this is true then why did I receive no word of this sooner? Seems foolish to throw a secret party and snub the King.. then again Bowie isn't the sharpest knife but he is an accomplished liar. Why would he make up such a ridiculous story unless it is true.. Bring that fool to me immediately! I'll hear his answers from his forked tongue not second hand."
"... he.. ahh.. was released.. Your Majesty.." the guard stuttered.
"What kind of idiot releases a suspect after I explicit told you to arrest EVERYONE!!!" Cenarious roared as he involuntarily reached for his sword hilt. "I'm fed up with this nonsense and with your failures. Lets see if this is clear enough for you idiots! Arrest everyone involved! Bring me the nobles! And find Sorsha before I decide that the best method of doing so is for me to carve a bloody swath across the city until I find her myself!!"
After calming himself by thinking for a few moments about how he was going to get even for being snubbed in regards to the bachelor party, Cenarious returned to the matter at hand and began barking orders. "Maintain the guard on Mathias' boat and rotate in some fresh soldiers to man the trap for him at the harbor. Then double the city patrols and pass the word out amongst the men that I am offering three weeks pay to which ever squad brings me Sorsha, alive and unhurt mind you. If so much as a hair is out of place then I want those responsible, whomever they are, dead or alive."

Revision as of 13:12, 17 December 2012