McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/day four: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''

When Sorsha woke she was in a bed. She sat up with a bit of confusion and then realized she was in one of the guest rooms in the Ducal Palace. Without thinking too much into it, she left the room behind, made sure to avoid the servants and left the palace entirely. She walked to the port and waited for the first ship to Port Raviel. When she looked over the horizon the night was beginning to lighten, soon the sun would rise.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had finally arrived in Port Raviel, this time when she got there, she met her Captain who was waiting for her at the docks. “It is good to see you My la..Marshal,” Johann greeted with a small correction and she gave a slight nod, completely ignoring it. “How are the men?”
“Restless, Marshal,” he informed her quickly. “Are they now? Well hopefully that will soon change. I assume you have been overseeing their training” she stated and the Captain looked at her calmly. That was the only answer she needed. “Rain or shine, from this moment they are to train from sun up to sun down.”
Her nodded again and gave her a smile. “How was your time spent home?” he asked, seemingly concerned about her and she turned to look at him slowly. Her eyes darkened, her facial expression became empty but when she spoke her voice was extremely cold, “see to their training.”
Captain Johann being used to her cold demeanor only nodded. “Yes Lady Marshal,” he said and winced as she gave him a humourless grin at the slip. “That will do, stick with it before you trip over your tongue anymore than necessary.”
He left and she was left at the docks by herself. She turned to look over the horizon, in the direction of Port Nebel. She had fallen asleep on the ship, and when she had, the nightmares that welcomed her had paled the rest she had ever experienced in comparison. As a result, she had woken confused, unbalanced, devoid of what it was she felt only the night before with Mathias.
Today, Sorsha was cold… and empty… and the world held no joy for her. Today marked the fourth day. 
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Apart from her arriving in Port Raviel, the day had been uneventful. Sorsha had recruited more men to her unit, and left orders with Johann to see to their training and assist with police work. She ordered them to remain in the Capital so they could be as close to the royals as possible, and then she took the first ship back to Port Nebel and then she would continue home to Nebel.
While she stood on the ship watching the night sky, she thought of Rathan and Mathias. She could not very well return to Mathias in Port Nebel, or rush headlong into Rathan’s arms. She did not want one to think she favored the other, she loved them both… she wanted this decision to be given a fair chance.
All she wanted was to see the weight of their love for her, to see for herself if they truly thought of her as she thought of them, without her coming to them first.
Her week was coming closely to an end…three days…She needed more time. She needed council. How she wished time would freeze until she was ready. Somehow though, she didn’t think she would ever be ready.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had arrived in Port Nebel that morning and had ridden to Nebel shortly after. When she arrived, she brought the horse to the stable, she then went out to the field and gave a distinct whistle. Upon doing so, Gaoth raised his head and threw his head back with excitement. He galloped to greet her and she held her hand to touch his nose and scratched the side of his neck. “I’ve missed you so,” she whispered and he neighed in response, trying to push his nose closer to her. “I will take you out for a long ride later,” she promised him and then left.
As she neared her mansion, a flash of spots bounded out of thin air and took its place at her side, matching her steps. She looked down to her ocelot and smiled fondly. “Lasair… have you been hunting again?” she asked, not really expecting an answer, but she could tell by the swell of his stomach, he had been more than well fed.
She entered her mansion and Lorlan greeted her, “my Lady.” She nodded in his direction and smiled. “How are you?”
“I.. I.. I’m good,” he said, seeming to be nervous and a bit confused by her question. “Good,” she nodded again. “Do you need anything?” she asked and he shook his head. “No my lady everything is in perfect order.”
“Very well, I will be in my bedchamber resting. I am unsure if I will get any visitors at this time, if I do, you may come get me.”
To this he bowed and smiled.  “Yes my Lady.”
She walked away to her bedchamber, and as always a bath was prepared just in case the lady would be arriving that day. Her servants knew her well. She took the time to bathe and wash her hair and this time instead of having it braided, she simply brushed it out where it hung loosely. Some time later she was sitting on her bed, a vial of sleep potion within her palm. She needed time to think, more so she needed rest. She drank the contents and lay down in her large bed, and was soon fast asleep.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic rode into Nebel, at the request of Marshal Sorsha. He didn't bring his men this time, but a small guard, which as Duke is well advised. The men were needed in Qubel Lighthouse for the time being, captain Hildebrand would be in charge of them until he returned.
As Hexic rode up to the manor, Lorlan exited so greet the Duke. <i>Someone must have anticipated my arrival it seems</i> he thought to himself. Allowing a servant that accompanied Lorlan to stable his horse, the duke followed Lorlan inside. Hexic was advised to wait in a sitting room while Lorlan informed the Lady Marshal of his arrival.
"Oh, Lorlan, good you have some food and drink sent up from the kitchens first? If I know Sorsha, she's likely.... indisposed at the moment, and I am rather hungry." Hexic chose his words carefully, in case Lorlan didn't know about Sorsha's condition. "Of course Duke Hexic. I will have Carlene bring you something." Lorlan headed off in the direction of the kitchens, where Carlene was supposed to be this time of day.
As Hexic waited, he feigned interest in his armour, adjusting several pieces slightly. Carlene arrived soon, and Hexic recognized her at once as the servant girl who had professed her desire to be an exotic dancer the last time he had visited. He doubted she knew what that job actually entailed, but she greeted him with a most flirtatious of smiles, so perhaps she did. Hexic used this opportunity to see just how much she knew.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha could hear his voice but she couldn’t find it. Everything was dark, empty, and her body felt so heavy. When she finally managed to open her eyes she immediately covered them with her hand to block out the bright light. “My Lady,” Lorlan’s voice was stretched, anxious.
She moaned in response and then slowly opened her eyes again, this time squinting. “What is it?” she asked and he bowed. “I apologize for waking you, but you did say to come get you, should you have visitors. Duke Hexic has just arrived. I have made sure to accommodate him for the moment, but he is waiting for you.”
“Oh…” she groaned and closed her eyes. “Right… please inform him I will be there shortly.” Lorlan left, and for a while she stayed in her bed. Staring up at nothing, just letting it all become clearer. She knew Hexic would be coming this day, she had invited him. The reason why she had taken the potion and gotten any sleep in the first place was to ensure she would be welcoming, and nice. Not the shell of emptiness she had been. It took all of her energy to drag herself out of her bed. It took even longer for her to dress into her black leathers and then braid her hair. Making sure she was completely composed, she finally made her way out to the guest area. 
When she arrived down the hall, she could hear soft giggling and whispering. When she turned the corner she stopped. What she saw before her made her blink and her mouth dropped slightly open. Carlene was sitting in Hexic’s lap, feeding him slowly with small giggles of pleasure and the Duke seemed to be famished by the looks of it.
Suddenly Carlene had no idea how grateful she should be that Sorsha had attempted to improve her mood with her small bout of sleep, had she been cold and empty, she would have had some choice words for her servant. Instead she cleared her throat to get their attention.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Both Duke and servant girl turned at the sound of Sorsha's cough, and Carlene jumped when she recognized Sorsha, nearly dropping the food to the floor. Greeting her lady, and bowing to her, Carlene made a hasty exit, glancing back briefly to the Duke. Hexic could not help but allow his eyes to wander around the corner as Carlene turned it. She'd be perfect to join my dancers Hexic thought, as he regained his own composure.
"Sorsha! It is good to see you." Hexic said as he stood, moving to embrace her in a hug. "Now, I do believe you wanted to discuss something."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Had I known the help would be more than accommodating I wouldn’t have worried that you waited so long. It seems with every appearance you make Hexic, their behavior changes.” She gave a lopsided grin, amused yet deep down slighted, especially by Carlene. This was ridiculous the Duke wasn’t hers by any means, but no less, she felt a pang of jealousy.
“I did have much to discuss, but I would rather take a moment to enjoy your company first. Would you care to ride with me?” she invited.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"What can I say? I have many admirers, and am a very likable fellow. And yes, let us ride. One of my guards will lend you their crossbow. There is an ocelot loose on the plains I have been meaning to slay...." Seeing the look of shock on Sorsha's face as Hexic implied he wanted to kill her pet, Hexic revealed it to be a joke. "Relax my lady!" Hexic said as he chuckled "Lycan told me it was your pet while I was hunting boar with him. We should still bring the crossbows for protection, or if we encounter a nice sized boar."
They exited the mansion and strode to the stables, where Hexic mounted his black mare; And Sorsha looked as if she was having difficulty deciding which horse to select. Taking a look through the stables, he could see why. She possessed several fine horses. "Do you need help deciding?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Lasair, does like to hunt,” she informed him, giving him her Ocelot’s name. And then as if he had heard her, she saw the cat sit by the stable’s door, away from Hexic’s view. “Although, I believe you would need more protection from him, than he of you,” she joked lightly not telling him why, Hexic would see the Ocelot soon enough.
She then turned her attention to the stalls. The stable hand had not brought Gaoth in yet. “I am looking for one in particular actually,” she stated and then began to walk out to the pasture. Hexic following behind and then Lasair bounding after them. Sorsha then whistled, in a specific manner and a horse’s neigh could be heard from a distance, and soon the sound of hooves. Gaoth was a lean, yet muscular silvery grey stallion. He had been bred especially for warfare but with him she also had speed. “This is Gaoth,” she told Hexic as an introduction. “It is Gaelic for Wind,” she explained and Hexic looked to the approaching animal. 
She signaled for the stable hand to saddle him and then waited. When he was done, she fetched one of her own crossbows and grinned to Hexic, “it has been a while since I’ve hunted anything but monsters. I will enjoy the change.” She climbed atop Gaoth and spoke a command in Gaelic and they began to walk away taking a trail to the depth of the forested area.
'''Letter from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"A fitting name if Gaoth is indeed a fast horse. Let us see if he can keep up to Draff here." Hexic dug his heels into the sides of the horse, and Draff started galloping at top speeds. Hexic turned his head to see Sorsha and Gaoth similarly gaining speed to match the Duke and Draff. He returned his gaze forward and saw Lasair directly in front of Draff, running just as fast. The ocelot made it look easy, as if it weren't trying. "I've got to get me one of those." Hexic said, inadvertently now within earshot of his fellow Marshal. Out of the corner of his eye, a silvery mass of muscle bounded past, heading toward a large tree in the distance. A grinning Sorsha beaming to Hexic, that her horse was superior. "I've got to get me one of those too." Hexic dug his heels again into Draff, urging her forward in an attempt to beat the stallion to the tree.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha let out laugh at his words and smiled during the entire time Gaoth ran. He had been bound in the pasture far too long and he was frisky, needing to be rid of his restless energy. It felt good to just ride and not think of it all. She smiled as Hexic approached them both and patted Gaoth’s neck. “An admirable effort by Draff,” she grinned lopsidedly. “Although not even my father’s best trained horses could beat Gaoth.”
She looked down fondly to Gaoth. “I heard your words,” she then looked out in the distance as if in thought. “You would never find another horse like Gaoth here in Dwilight. He is a McDowell bred warhorse. It is my family’s calling, they breed and train these beautiful animals from birth. I chose Gaoth when he was but a foal. Only a select few are ever bred for someone outside our family. To receive one is an extreme honor, a kingly gift. Many come yearly to plead, request for one, only a select few have ever gotten one.”
Lasair then stopped to lie down lazily on the ground before them, closing his eyes to half slits, but she knew should danger approach he would be up in a flash as his name entailed he was always alert. “As for him,” she leaned over her saddle. “I don’t think you would be able to find an ocelot like Lasair,” she said softly, “it is only by chance he came to be in my possession. He was given to me…from Mathias,” she said his name in a low voice, almost painfully. “We saved him from the torturous hands of a cruel animal handler.”
She then guided them away from the tree, and silence stretched on, and then she spoke again. “You mentioned in your letter, of my condition. I am curious to the conclusions of your chief physician… multiple personalities?” she turned to look at him.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic stood beside Sorsha, gazing out towards the ocean. "Well, common folk believe it to be demonic possession, but it is really an illness of the mind. According to my healers, there is no cure, save death. There have been reports though, of people returning to a normal life after partaking in a magic ritual, or a severe blow to the head." Shaking his head, he continued "I would not advise such a blow to the head, it could easily prove fatal. And I do not know enough about magic rituals to offer any advice."
Hexic let out a sigh. "There is little I can say on such grave business. How is your courtship going? Soon it will be time to make a decision, or have you already decided?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Magic rituals?” Immediately she thought of Rathan and wondered if he knew of such things. It would be easier than a blow to the head that was sure, or was it? “Yes…” she let trail off, not really answering a question in general. “The nightmares I get, have made me think of possession,” she said softly and looked down to her gloved hand. “I have only recently acquired a temporary cure to contain them, although I am unsure if I should continue with it.”
Then at his words of courting, Sorsha looked up, taken aback by his words. She didn’t ask how he knew, word traveled fast in D’Hara, usually in the form of servants, and she could only imagine the whispered words. At least he had the decency to ask her personally instead of listening to gossip.
“I have not chosen yet,” her voice lowered as she tried to keep it steady and calm. “Mathias and Rathan have come to an agreement on the matter. Should I choose one, the other will leave… and I will lose him forever. Once wedding vows are exchanged...” She swallowed and tried to force down the emotional lump in her throat. “I have asked for a week to decide…” her lip quivered, “and I only have three days left.” It was so hard to remain strong and unaffected with Hexic watching her. “How can one decide?” she whispered and her voice seemed to break. “How can one know the outcome and know it is the right decision, when in my heart I love them both.”
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Sorsha appeared weak in the knees, and Hexic couldn't blame her. "Have a seat, you look like you could use it." Together they sat on the grass, and he continued "There are two things to consider in this type of situation. Who possess the characteristics you can live with, and learn to love? And who completes you? If you cannot answer either question, then neither man is right for you."
Hexic accepted after their duel that his role would never be lover, but close friend, and he set all his ill feelings to Rathan aside. The last thing he wanted was to influence her into an unhappy marriage. "Whatever you decide, you have my full support."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
She could only laugh humorlessly at his last words. “I have heard those words so many times now, but do people really mean them?” She could only imagine what kind of explosion would come of it once she did decide.
“If I were to choose Rathan…” her voice wasn’t very strong and a tremble could be heard with every other word, “I will be filled with unbound passion. With him I have come to know this other side of myself. It is not what he has said or done that makes it so, it is just who I want to be with him. We fit so perfectly, I am mesmerized by him, by his every word, the sound of his voice, the smell of him, down to the way he moves. When I am with him my body trembles with the need of him, it is sometimes hard to remember how to breathe. He completes that person, that side of me, when he is not there, I yearn for him, I feel empty.” She smiled at the memory, the sudden need to be with Rathan filling her.
“But should I choose him, I will lose Mathias. And Mathias…” she lost her voice to the lump in her throat. “We have been through so much.. Together we have fought and loved one another for so long now. We have carried each other through every possible obstacle. Should I need it, I know all I have to ask and he will be there to hold me. I have loved him for as long as I can remember. And he…completes the other half, the creature of love, sweetness. I could not even begin to imagine my life without him. I feel as if we are already bound to one another. I fear that losing him will be like losing my heart, the soul within me.”
She stopped speaking, this has been the first time she had told anyone how she felt about each, rather than thinking of it. She had needed to voice it out loud. “I would give anything to know how both truly felt about me… to hear it from them. Not to tell me words they think I want to hear to please me but the truth of it, the little secrets they hold inside. But I know it would not make it any easier but a harder decision in the end.”
She wiped the tears off her cheek and tried to put on a calm demeanor. “I apologize,” she sniffed. “I am having so much difficulty dealing with my emotions now. I was always emotional but now I am becoming unbearable even to myself.” She then laughed lightly at her words and looked to the ocean. 
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
He put his arm around her, and pulled her close. "Its alright, there is no need to apologize." He kissed her on the forehead. "It’s quite understandable that you would be overwhelmed by emotion. One man represents passion, the other love." Hexic whispered, and allowed for a few moments of silence, so Sorsha could absorb his words. "But you cannot marry a man you do not love, and passion blinds you to the truth. Ponder this, and the truth will show itself."
The tall grass behind them rustled, and Hexic turned. Lasair was nowhere to be seen. "I think Lasair has picked up the scent of a boar. Care for some hunting?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
One represents passion, the other love. At these words her eyes closed tight and she leaned into him. “No love is ever the same. There is always a certain degree less of one aspect than the other, but it doesn't make it any less in my heart. That’s why it is so hard to find my way. It is only the combination of the two beings together that makes it what it is…” She then kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you Hexic, I’m glad you came to see me today.”
She sniffed again and then smiled at his observation of Lasair’s disappearance. “I supposed you are right.” She rose from the grass and he followed her. “Let’s go hunting.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
It was some time later, when Sorsha and Hexic returned from their hunt. What had started as a careful discussion and sentimental moment shared between the two grew as a bond of close friendship. She had been able to forget her worries for the time spent with him afterwards and found joy in hunting and his company.
They had followed Lasair for some time, sometimes tracking on their own, and then the cat would catch the scent once more.  Sorsha whispered commands to her Ocelot that allowed them to find and shoot down the boar before it claimed the prize for himself. Hexic being honoured with the killing shot, Sorsha was pleased by the small boyish smile on his face.
Her cat had then run off to hunt more food for itself and the two Marshals returned with a large boar.  “You know…” Sorsha mused on the return home. They had taken the time to make a makeshift plank with what they found and dragged the animal back behind their horses.  “It’s been so long since I was able to let go. This has been fun…” she told him. “I think when matters begin to settle I will make a competition at my estate, to catch the largest boar. So that more can enjoy the hunt and freedom from their daily lives. Perhaps more events will follow, but it would be nice to come together at all. I am sure we can organize a duelling event to follow.”
Hexic had smiled and showed his agreement to the tournament. Saying it would be something to look forward to. When they returned to her mansion, he said his goodbyes and left. 
Sorsha was left once more, alone. She returned to her study and watched the night sky in silence for some time. Thinking about the words Hexic had told her that day she cried softly again. Everyday felt like she was only getting closer to saying goodbye, only she didn’t know who she was saying it to.
She had wanted them to go see her, but the time apart from them, made it all that much harder. She needed to see Rathan… she yearned to be with him that night. If only to be in his company, but to feel his presence nonetheless. So it was with that thought, she took her cloak, wrapped it around her shoulders and left. She rode to his estate, but when she requested to speak with Rathan, she was informed the Marquis was still in Port Nebel. It was with utter emptiness, that she turned around to return home. It was too late to go to Port Nebel tonight…
She should have informed herself before leaving at all.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
The night was cold and Lycan lay in his cot staring at the ceiling. It had been a week since he had last seen his friend Sorsha. He had offered help and he stayed as long as she needed him to stay with her and help her with her memory loss and her troubles but time came for her to be alone and he respected her wish. He missed her though. He was worried too.
Last he saw her she wasn’t doing so well. Part of her memory had returned but then she had Mathias and Rathan to deal with. He wasn’t so sure he made the right thing by leaving her alone with the contenders. And then he heard about the duels she went through and his chest tightened. What timing they had. The last thing she needed was to be put in harm’s way and there, two duels in a row. He knew she had come out alright from both duels, in fact she had won one but he still felt restless. He sighed heavily.
This day had been a joyful though. His men could be heard outside celebrating the assignment in the Black Lions. An honor he had long wanted. They were few but great ones. He never thought he’d make it so soon, being so young, and he felt accomplished. A smiled crept across his mouth and his green eyes glinted with pride.
He had been in the King’s presence earlier that day to accept such honor. They had lunch together in form of a little celebration and afterwards he went back to his daily routine to try and keep his mind busy and worry free but now that night came and he was alone with his thoughts he couldn’t help it.
He sat straight in his cot and passed a hand through his dark wavy hair. That’s it. I’m not waiting for news by letters or by servant’s gossip. He got up and dressed. Calling his captain he ordered him to keep the men training, no slacking now. Not that they did it before but they were Black Lions now and they had to live up to their reputation. He ordered a soldier to saddle his mare Luna and left camp to travel to Nebel.

Revision as of 13:14, 17 December 2012