McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/aftershock: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 

Lycan sat by her side in the bed. Sorsha seemed more...conscious of the reality around her but she was still confused. He took her hands and stroke her hair speaking softly to her ears alone "Sorsha look at me, please." his heart was aching just from looking at her. The fiesty woman he knew well wasn't there and he would have given anything just to see her fight back and give him one of those cold hearted replies she seemed to always have on the tip of her tongue.
When she didn't move or looked at him he lifted her chin and forced her to look at him. "Sorsha you're home and Mathias is fine."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha looked at Lycan when he lifted her chin and recognition hit her. “Lycan? You don’t … understand… I…” she didn’t say what happened because she couldn’t remember exactly what had taken place. “I got angry…. So angry, and then he was dead,” she tried to explain but her voice shook with emotion. “I keep seeing him everywhere. I see,” she closed her eyes and shook her head. “I keep seeing things, and people, and I hurt them so much,” she said softly. “And you…Lycan I’m so sorry for hurting you.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Upon hearing her words he sighed with relief at least she was responding to him now.
“Sorsha it’s alright. I’m here am I not?” he gave her an honest smile. “And you have been seeing Mathias everywhere because he’s not dead. He's here. You beat him up but you didn’t kill him. I just talked to him. Rathan is here too.” He insisted trying to make her realize his words.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha frowned, “he’s alive… Mathias is here? And Rathan?” It took her a while to understand that and she stared out for a minute. “And Conrac?” she asked hopeful and she looked to the side as if expecting him to walk through the door at any moment.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan watched the confusion in her eyes. “Conrac?” he frowned now confused. “No sweetheart, he’s been gone for a year.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha’s brow furrowed at his words and she licked her lips. Her eyes burned whenever she blinked. “A year?” she whispered in disbelief. “But I feel like I only saw him yesterday…” And then some memories resurfaced and she swallowed back a lump in her throat. She was so confused. She looked at Lycan and then to her room. “Have I been asleep this entire time? I feel like I just woke and I keep seeing these images, like they’re nightmares. Like I could see everything happening but I couldn’t do anything about it, you know like dreams are?” she tried explaining what she was seeing.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan didn’t honestly know what to reply to her. He had been there from the start. He had met her before her change, he witnessed every up and down, he saw the different personalities within her and just when he thought she had changed forever, there she was. His old friend. Or part of her.
“Hmm … Sorsha I don’t deeply understand what you have been through. I understand what you are trying to explain though. I have seen different sides of you…very different sides. I think you have been through a lot of changes emotionally and that brought about different sides of you. Maybe it was your way to deal with it?” He stopped talking for a bit trying to realize if he was making sense to her.
He got closer to her and looked into her eyes.
“Look, maybe all those sides are a part of you. You just need to find how to balance them?” he scratched his head wondering how much sense he was making.
“Just know that you have people who care for you and love you. I for one will be right here to help you go through it and if somewhere along the way you feel frustrated, confused or angry you can always beat the crap out of me. I’m sure it will make you feel better.” He gave a small laugh trying to lighten the moment.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
At his words Sorsha gave a small smile. Maybe he was right, she wasn’t entirely sure about everything she was seeing and feeling, it all felt so surreal. “Balance them?” she asked softly and wondered how she could do that.
Then she looked up, “Mathias is alive,” she breathed and gave a warm smile. “Rathan is here as well?” To which Lycan nodded with a smile. It felt like forever since she had seen both of them. She did have very mixed up feelings about both of them, and slowly she began to remember, as if seeing both of them through someone else’s eyes. She had done horrible things… “I wish to see them.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan left Mathias and headed back towards Sorsha's room to check on her before he left. He went to open it and was miffed to find it locked. bastard , he found himself thinking. He knocked and patiently waited.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha heard the knock at the door and looked back at Lycan with a small frown. Instead of asking him to go and get it, she slipped out of bed and tried to open it, and noticed it was locked. She unlocked it to open it, and on the other side stood Rathan. She gave a small smile and waved for him to enter the room. When he did she returned to her bed to stand before Lycan, “would you please give us some time alone?” she asked. To which he graciously smiled and left the room.
When Lycan had left she turned to face Rathan. “Good day, Milord,” she said shyly and looked down. “It feels like forever since I last saw your face,” she admitted honestly.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan sat down on the bed and gestured for her to sit with him.
"Sorsha, call me Rathan already. You look much better, you gave us all a scare. How are you feeling?”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“I had you worried?” she asked and then shook her head. “I’m not sure,” she said and sat down in front of him and then she looked into his eyes and her smile slipped. His dark alluring eyes beckoned and she felt drawn in, and something inside her shifted.
“Rathan,” she whispered his name and then put her arms around his neck. It was as if him sitting there called out to something inside of her and she pulled away. When she did, she grinned this time and kissed him. “This I remember,” she smiled and lowered her eyes. For a moment confusion filled her.  Was she supposed to do this? She became silent and stared, lost in thought. “I… I’m sorry,” she apologized and touched his lips. “I shouldn’t have.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan kissed her back and smiled at her.
"It's alright. You seem a little out of it. What's the last thing you remember before today?" he said, the concern evident on his face.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan was waiting outside her room when Lorlan appeared. "Lorlan, just the man I wanted to see. Lady Sorsha is doing better now." he smiled.
"That's wonderful Sir!" Lorlan gave a sigh of relief and some of the concern was gone from his eyes.
"Will you please arrange something for us to eat? Duke Mathias and Lady Sorsha haven't eaten in a while I believe...and well I'm always hungry and I'm sure the Marquis will enjoy something too." he grinned.
"Of course Sir!" Lorlan left in a hurry with a smile on his face.
Lycan turned in the direction of Duke Mathias' room to check up on him. Reaching his room he knocked and entered. "Feeling better?"
To which he nodded and asked about Sorsha.
"She's better now, responsive but still confused. She doesn't remember all of it, just bits and pieces I guess. She asked to see you."
At his words Mathias gave a wide smile and asked him to help him get there. Lycan nodded and helped him up.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha frowned and looked down, she had taken his hand in hers, somehow it felt familiar, it felt right. “I remember a lot of things but it’s all so confusing. It’s hard to put them in order, none of it makes any sense…” She looked up, “for one I remember being with you, but then not… I remember kissing you, waking up next to you.” She retold some of what she had seen or lived she couldn’t tell which. “But the one thing I remember before today is dancing with you and then killing Mathias.”
She reached up to wipe some of the dampness from her cheeks. “Well Lycan tells me he’s alive, so that’s good right?” She smiled, for the first time in a long time her entire facial expression was filled with it.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Thanks."Mathias said as Lycan helped him to his feet. "Hopefully I will be able to soon walk on my own without anyone's help." It took them a few minutes to reach the door, but once he did he decided to hold off on entry noticing that Marquis Rathan and Sorsha were in the middle of something. Deciding it was common courtesy to let them finish what they were talking about Duke Mathias and Lycan stood outside and waited.
"So. Got any food Sir Lycan?"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Well it still stands that you, my vassal attacked and nearly killed my liege, a duke of the realm." he said, his voice serious.
"I will have to take action. As soon as you have recovered, you will dine with me at my manor." he said teasingly, a sly grin on his face.
He squeezed her hand and spoke again " Maybe not so lucky. In some places if you kill a man, you take their titles. Sorsha, Duchess of Port Nebel, Marshal of the Black Lions. Sounds nice."
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan couldn’t help but smile at his question. “Uh no, not on me.” He laughed. “But I asked Lorlan to bring us some. I figured you all haven’t eaten in a while.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Upon hearing Rathan's words Mathias immediately cut the conversation off with Sir Lycan and began to try and enter the room. Lycan noticing this helped Mathias into the room, "TO hell with common courtesy!" Mathias thought to himself.
"Well Sir Rathan...In some parts even small talk about giving your lieges title to someone else is considered treason, and punishable by death..." then giving a quick smile he continued, "luckily for you I am not from there...or am I." His face now turning dead serious.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“I remember a title once, but it is not that one. I remember being Marchioness of Nebel, vividly,” she then returned his grin. “I am a bit hungry,” she smiled again and noticed his hands squeezing hers affectionately.
And then the door burst open and she jumped, startled. Her mouth dropped open seeing Mathias there and she blinked. “Mathias…” she whispered his name but then at his words she looked between Rathan and Mathias, confused again.
She remembered much of Mathias but most of her memories of them were of fighting, both verbally and physically. And a lot of tears on her part… and then strangely her antagonizing him, taunting him…
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"And in almost every place I've ever heard of or been to it is a grievous insult to call a Marquis 'sir'. Relax your grace, if I really wanted you dead you would be. I do believe eavesdropping is another breach of protocol, no?"
Rathan said, mildly irritated.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan watched as both started exchanging sarcastic remarks and when the tone changed he feared it would raise another fight. Something Sorsha did not need. The less stress and confusion was thrown at her the better.
“Gentleman please refrain from using such remarks. You should be thinking of the Lady’s best interest not your own. Do I have to ask you to leave again?” Lycan added with a frustrated sigh.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha frowned at Lycan’s words and then looked back to the two other men. She let go of Rathan’s hand and then rose out of bed. She was unsure about it, but she closed the distance between her and Mathias and put her arms around his neck.
“I’m glad you’re alive,” she whispered in his ear, “I’m so sorry I hurt you.” She backed up and looked into his eyes. She remembered his eyes and then paused. Then she got a memory of her and him getting quite intimate and she drew back. What did that mean? She looked back to Rathan with a quizzical expression and then back to Mathias. “I need to go,” she told them and left the room entirely.
She walked out into the hall and aimlessly wandered away. She was still so confused. She walked into Lorlan who was only then approaching her. "I am so glad you're well again," he expressed and bowed. "These have come for you," he told her and she took the letters he handed her.
Right there in the hallway she read the first letter on the top of the pile. She blinked and returned to the room, her face a different color. "I've just been challenged to a Duel," she said shocked. "Where have I been?" she said softly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Well then MARQUIS. If you think you can kill me you should rush off to that academy and train so you might be able to follow up on your threat... By the way weren't you leaving?" Mathias said as he attempted to stumble out the door without Lycan's help.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
As Mathias was stumbling out the door now barly able to walk he ran into Sorsha. Then hearing her say "I've just been challenged to a Duel." made his heart stop.
"My Lady" said Mathias, "You’re in no condition to fight. Give me a few days to rest and I shall take your place."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha looked to Mathias at his words and then back down to the letter. “I’m fine,” she said stoically, “just my memory is a little murky,” and then her facial expression became cold once more, and then impassive. “I will not back away from a challenge, and I will not cower in fear. I will accept and I will fight on my own.”
And there all of them could see her revert back to the cold and unemotional Sorsha they had recently grown accustomed to.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan followed them out, and stopped to give Sorsha a quick kiss.
"I do believe I was. I will see you again soon Sorsha. I have business to attend to."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
At Rathan’s kiss, Sorsha looked to his eyes, and then watched him leave. She actually had wished to fill in some of the blanks, and answer some of the questions she had, but she would save those for when she attended his dinner. She then turned to Mathias, “will you be alright?” she asked him, the question a concern, but her voice still sounded flat.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias barely being able to stabilize himself anymore decided to take a seat on the floor and then replied to Sorsha, "My love. I wish I could say that I was okay, but I cannot. Though of no fault of your own. No these wounds will heal and they are not a problem. But that man...that man just infuriates me so. But this is not appropriate discussion for a time like this."
Motioning for Lycan to come and help him up he continued, "Sorsha, it is good to see you speaking again. Last I saw you. Well you thought I was dead, and when I tried to prove to you I wasn't well...I don't know. It just does me good to see you somewhat well again."
Now back on his feet Mathias motioned towards to the door and said, "Sir Lycan didn't you say something about food?" Which not but a few seconds latter Sorsha's servant Lorlan walked into the room to announce that the food was ready. "Well speak of the devil. Well then. We don't want to let our food get cold do we? Let us continue this conversation over a nice warm meal. I feel like I haven't eaten in days."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
After they had eaten, Mathias had expressed how tired he was, and Lycan expressed the same. Sorsha smiled, she had been pretty silent during their meal. Honestly she didn’t know what to say to either of them. She was still having difficulty putting all the pieces together. She kept going from warm, emotional to cold and indifferent in the blink of an eye and that was something that would be disconcerting to anyone.
She watched Lycan leave to assist Mathias back to his bed and then sat there in silence. Looking down to the half eaten platter, she looked to her hand beside it. For a moment she looked to her skin, the open flesh that was still sore on her knuckles. She was taken back to the memory of her beating Mathias. The unbridled rage surged to the surface again and she gave a trembling sigh and bit her lip. She tried to calm herself and it took almost every effort to do so, but she slowly did.
Rising from the bench, she then returned to her bedchamber. One thing was sure, and it was something she had not forgotten. She was not allowed to sleep, she refused to. So she took to pacing in her room. She thought of what had happened that day. Foremost, she though of Mathias and Rathan and what she had witnessed between the two. She may have been slightly confused but she could see the hostility between them a mile away, it was all covered beneath sweetened words of subterfuge and she could read them both easily.
Out of it all they each brought out a different side of her, that was the most perplexing. Then there was Lycan who seemed to be thrown into the mix, but as a neutral, yet powerful voice of reason. His presence calmed her.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Mathias was back in his bed and Lycan left his room so he could rest too. It had been a long day but he was still worried about his friend Sorsha. He decided to stop by her room to see if he could talk to her if nothing else to ease his own mind.
He stopped at her door, and could hear her inside. “Sorsha I know it’s late but can I talk to you? Just for a minute…” he said on the other side of the door hoping she would allow him to enter.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha heard a knock at the door, bringing her out of her thoughts. She opened it, and smiled when she noticed Lycan there. “Please, come in,” she said softly. “I could not sleep,” she said, not really giving him the truth of it.
“Can I help you with anything?”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan smiled back when she opened the door. “Um no actually I think I can help you.” He said a bit cryptically. Sorsha frowned and offered him to sit down in her bed.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Sorsha I have seen just a little of what your life must have been like for the past months and I’m starting to understand why you changed.” The confused look on her face was now even more evident and Lycan continued. “You have Rathan and Mathias fighting for your heart. I can’t speak for them or vouch for their love for you, only they can. But right now you don’t need them confusing you even more.”
Lycan got up from the bed and started passing around. “I think you should spend some time away from them and reach your conclusions on your own. I honestly didn’t like it when Rathan kissed you just before he left.” He said flatly looking down at her.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to influence your decision but he should have not done so. By doing it he took advantage of your loss of memory. I don’t know who you love but neither do you right now.” He stopped pacing and kneeled next to her. Looking up into her eyes he added. “Find out for yourself that’s all I’m saying. And if you need me here I will stay and help you for as long as it takes.” He gave her a genuine smile as he held her hands in his.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha frowned at Lycan’s words. Decide on her own who she loved? This made her think in silence and she paced, pondering his words. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I actually love them both, at this point it didn’t even occur to me to choose,” she said honestly. “Somewhere in here,” she tapped the side of her head with her index. “I see myself with both, at different times for different reasons. You see, Rathan brings out this person in me, she is… sensual, adventurous, and highly attracted to him,” she blushed at her own words. “So far as I can see.”
Then she stopped, “Mathias… well I remember the timid little girl. He brings out the softness in me. There was deep love there once, true love… but I, I passed up the chance to be with him. I remember it like it was yesterday, but then I remember deep devotion and it is recent. Although he brings out anger at times…” She sighed with exasperation. “Argh…” she threw up her hands. “It’s all so confusing.”
She sat on the bed and looked up at Lycan. “I would very much like if you could stay with me. You need to help clarify some of what is it I have been through. I don’t truly understand how I got here. I mean deep down I know, I can still see it. I just…” her eyes saddened. “I’m confusing you aren’t I?”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan smiled at her words. She was endearing in all of her confusion and frustration. He could see his old friend there and he missed her dearly. The first friend he ever made in D’Hara and the one who truly remained his friend…even when she changed. He knew the cold hearted snappy remarks at him weren’t really her and now he knew it for sure. It was perhaps a part of her….
He looked at her and simply replied “You are confusing me a bit I admit.” He laughed lightly “But of course I’ll stay here and help.”
“Now get some rest and we can work on it when you feel better.” He grinned.
He turned around and headed for the door. He stopped and looking back he looked into her eyes “Goodnight my friend.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha gave him a warm smile. “Goodnight Lycan… and thank you,” she said softly. She watched the door close and sat on her bed for a long time. She lay down on the bed from exhaustion, but the fear within her was such, she did not dare close her eyes. She knew if she did, she would return to something horrible.
So she spent the entire night, trying to discern the truth of her memories. The good and the bad, determining why she had made some of the choices she had. A lot of the times, she reverted back to an empty shell, as if she didn’t care about it all one way or another. When she became like that, everything was so easy. But she wasn’t able to hold on to that emptiness for long. She took up some of the letters she had received, and replied to some.
She had accepted to take Dame Kara’s challenge, and would duel her in two days time. This brought out the coldness like nothing else… She made sure Duke Hexic was made aware of it as he had requested to be there. And another surprise, she found out Duke Bowie had returned and took the time to send out letters to an old friend.
Done with that, she returned to pacing and finally she ended up in the chair by her window, watching the stars in the night sky, and watched the transformation of light over the horizon that would indicate dawn.

Revision as of 13:16, 17 December 2012