McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Gifts: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' The morning had been quite eventful with Selena and Misha took her back to her room for a long deserved nap. Kisharianda sat in the library lookin...)
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"My Lord" she looked at the King "I think it would be suitable to have dinner prepared for our guest since they have traveled all this way to see us and maybe accommodation for the night?" she looked at her husband and waited for his reply
"My Lord" she looked at the King "I think it would be suitable to have dinner prepared for our guest since they have traveled all this way to see us and maybe accommodation for the night?" she looked at her husband and waited for his reply
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage'''
"Of course my dear!" Turning to speak over his shoulder to his servant Maurice Cenarious continued, "Prepare suites for our guests and check on supper wont you."
Looking back to his wife Cenarious brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes before speaking again. "Dinner will be quite a treat my dear. I made the arrangements personally so I know you will love it.." Looking down at her belly Cenarious continued lovingly, "you'll both love it."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha sat in silence watching the exchange between Cenarious and Kisharianda and a part of her bled inside… not for what was happening but for seeing something she may have very well lost herself and would never find. She gave Mathias a cold look but refrained from speaking.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias noticing that Sorsha was doing her best to ignore him, yet still clearly failing at stepped forward and presented him self to his King and Queen. Bowing to a near 90 degree angle Mathias presented out a wooden sword in his left hand and a wooden shield in his right. "My Lords, I have brought these gifts for your adopted daughter Selena. Though I know you plan to raise her to be a fine young lady one can never be unprepared. I bought these toy weapons so that she may begin training as soon as she is able to hold them. If you would be willing I would teach her myself. I am no master at swordsmanship this is true, but I am skilled, and would be honored if you allowed me this privilege."
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien'''
Looking at the Duke offer his gifts she couldn't help but chuckle to herself, she did not know the Duke very well but she knew he was a warrior and you cannot change a warrior's heart. But on this very day something was strange from the Duke he had an air of exhaustion and he almost seemed nervous, she leaned and reached for the wooden sword and shield.
"What an honor Duke Mathias" she smiled "With your talented skills I believe she would be able to face anything" she looked at the little sword and examined them.
"She might even practice on MoMo, I thank you for your gift Duke I'm sure she will enjoy it very much" she paused and looked at Mathias "Although I wish her to have a simple life filled with education and riding, one should never pass up the opportunity to be taught the skills of battle" she smiled again happy with his gift.
"Again Thank you" she sat back in her seat and sipped her tea
Maurice leaned in and whispered a few words in Kisharianda's ear and she nodded and thank him.
"Well it seems all your rooms are ready, I will have dinner served in a couple hours it should give you enough time to freshen up and ready for dinner" she smile "Misha will see you all to your quarters" she nodded at Misha and grabbed her tea cup
"If you'll kindly excuse me I will tend to a few things and see you all at dinner" she gave a small head bow to Cenarious and walked through the garden path back to her room.

Revision as of 02:28, 7 July 2009

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

The morning had been quite eventful with Selena and Misha took her back to her room for a long deserved nap. Kisharianda sat in the library looking over books on different artifacts that had been mysteriously lost around the islands. One in particular caught her attention. The "Scholar of truth" she examined the pages and looked at the pictures that had been drawn. It was funny that this item had so much information on it but had never been found. It was known to hold powers or both light and darkness Kisharianda read on when Damien entered the room to announce Sir Lycan's request to see her.

"See him in the library" she stood up and put the book back on the shelf and asked for Misha to bring some tea for her guest.

Lycan entered the room and greeted her with a bow and she smiled offering him a chair.

"Sir Lycan, please have a seat" she walked around the chair "I hope everything is alright?" she asked curiously and sat across from him.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan was shown into the library and sat after being offered a chair.

“Yes, your Majesty,thank you for receiving me. First of all I apologize for not being able to be present for little Selena’s Birthday.” He said obviously bothered by it. “Please make sure the King knows how sorry I am” . And then he added. “ I came here to offer you my best wishes to your soon to be born child. May he turn out a great warrior just like his father and have a great heart just like his mother.”

“And If I may I would like to present your majesty with my gifts.” Turning to a servant he nodded for him to bring Selena’s gift. A large wrapped box was placed next to them by two servants. Seeing the little girl is not present, please deliver it to her when possible. It’s a dollhouse looking exactly like your majesty’s palace.

He then presented the Queen with a gold necklace which had little baby shoes as pendants. The smile she gave him assured him she was pleased. “I have also brought this bottle of rare wine for the King. It is traditional to have it opened on your son’s 18th birthday. May you both live a long happy life to savor it in his company.” He smiled showing the bottle to the Queen.

“And now your majesty if I may, here is my gift for the new baby.” He handed the Queen the blue velvet box. Opening it her face showed surprise. Lycan was hoping she would find it appropriate. The Queen took out a tiny outfit that looked exactly like the King’s ceremonial garments. With a tiny blue cape, little leather boots and a crown to finish the entire outfit.

Lycan waited for their majesty’s reaction.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

The servants placed a large box between them and Kisharianda's head cocked to the side in wonder as she listened to Lycan tell her of the present.

"It's a dollhouse looking exactly like your majesty's palace" he said as he turned and presented the Queen with a gold necklace with baby shoes as pendants.

Kisharianda smiled and took the necklace from Lycan's hand. "ohhh that is so beautiful" her eyes lit up at the present and she quickly lifted her loose hair up for Lycan to tie it for her "What wonderful gifts Sir Lycan" after he was done he proceeded to hand over a bottle of rare wine for the King just as Cenarious was walking into the library to join them both

"My dearest husband would you look at the wonderful gifts Sir Lycan has brought for us" she lifted her chin for Cenarious to take a closer look at the gold baby shoes Lycan had crafted for her as he approached them both. Lycan's face brightened with a smile

"And now your majesty if I may, here is my gift for the new baby" handing her a velvet box. Kisharianda quickly opened the box to reveal a tiny outfit that looked exactly like the King's garments and she smiled as she looked at every piece. She held up the crown for Cenarious to have a better look.

"What exquisite craftsmanship Lycan" she smiled warmly as she handed the small crown over to Cenarious "Now it seems I must give birth to a son" she smiled as her eyes filled with water.

"These gifts are..they are truly beautiful and" Kisharianda tried to show her gratitude in words but she couldn't find the right words and was left speechless and with watery eyes.

Looking up at the King she was hoping he would have a better chance to express their gratitude seeing as she was choking up and trying to contain her emotions.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha presented herself to the Palace guard, and just as she was about to identify herself. Mathias ran up behind her. She noticed he was carrying her bags and nodded with satisfaction. She then returned her gaze to the guard with a grin. “Inform the King and Queen that Sorsha McDowell and Duke Mathias Ridder request an audience.”

The guard gave her a long look and nodded in the Duke’s direction. After he left, Sorsha gave Mathias a sidelong look and noticed the small toy sword and shield in his hand and smirked. She didn’t say anything else, she refused to.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Cenarious held back a bit as Lycan and Kisharianda walked out into the garden.

"And make certain you keep an eye on that Maurice.. I've been looking forward to it all day and I hate to see it burn without getting a taste.." Cenarious said over his shoulder as he exited the chamber. "And bring out to me as soon as it is finished!"

Lengthening his stride to catch up Cenarious had another sip of wine to keep his mouth from watering.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Upon being shown into the Palace, Sorsha asked the Guard if she could first freshen up. Nodding, he showed her to a room and she took her bags from Mathias’ hands without a word.

It was a short while later when she emerged, this time her braid was freshly plaited, her blood red leather had been replaced with brown. She flexed her fingers and nodded for the guard to show them the way. Mathias had waited for her and they were shown to a garden.

She did not notice the scenery or take note of its beauty, her gaze found the royals immediately and then Lycan. Her brow rose with interest upon seeing him, but he would never be able to gauge her mood for her face was completely impassive. “Your Majesties,” she said flatly and bowed. Mathias in turn followed suit.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Watching the serious Sorsha bow so formally Cenarious couldn't help but chuckle softly. As he was still wearing the black leather armor he preferred to wear while hunting, her brown leather outfit wasn't quite so out of place as it might otherwise have been. Stepping forward and clasping her shoulders tightly in his large hands Cenarious straightening her up so he could grin down into Sorsha's ever so slightly widening eyes.

"If you wanted to go out hunting with me all you had to do was ask my dear! No need to paint yourself into that get up!" Cenarious said with a hearty laugh. Without waiting for a reply he clapped her on the shoulder and gestured back to his wife. "As I'm sure you heard the news best let you speak to my little lady about the coming Stormrage aye! Even a King can't interfere with ladies talk eh?"

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda grinned as she watched Cenarious go on about his hunting to Sorsha, there was something different about the lady from the last time she had seen her. Her eyes she thought to herself they were different somehow, something about the way she looked at Cenarious's comment made her look more attentively at her. Duke Mathias was different also, his freshly shaven face and his hair all placed neatly it wasn't the Mathias she knew but she could get accustomed to his new look it fit him well.

"Oh my love, you know hunting is no place for a lady" she grinned and stood up to greet their guest

"Lady Sorsha" she gave a nod of the head "Duke Mathias" she repeated the nod

"What brings you to Port Raviel on such a wonderful day" she smiled as she offered them a chair around the wicker table

"Can I offer you something to drink, wine perhaps" she looked at Maurice who stood near Cenarious

"Maurice would you" she smiled at him and looked back at her guests

"Sir Lycan has just recently arrived himself" she looked over at Lycan and back to the Duke and Sorsha

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

When the King grabbed Sorsha by the shoulder, she was a bit surprised by the ease in which he took her appearance. Kisharianda on the other hand had a more calculating gaze. At Kisharianda’s words she spoke up, “on the contrary your majesty, I think I would enjoy it, perhaps you will allow me to accompany you on your next hunt?”

She faced Cenarious with a rare smile. Perhaps Lycan and Mathias would be shocked by the gesture, but all should know that there was only one man who would now receive any form of compliance on her part and that was the King. “I have heard of the news, and I came here to personally offer my congratulations to the both of you.”

She took one of the chairs offered and looked out the corner of her eye to see Lycan looking at her. She wondered how long he had been licking his wounds and smirked. She would make sure to ask if the opportunity presented itself.

“I apologize for not being able to attend the Princess’ birthday celebration, I was detained,” she explained and held out a small black satin box and slid it before the Queen and King. The Queen opened the box, and the King curiously peered inside with her.

It was a beautiful hand crafted bracelet of thick gold with exquisite and intricate detail. On it dangled several small charms. “Each charm represents values by which every McDowell warrior lives by. Strength, Honor, and Love,” she faltered at the last word and reached out to hold the bracelet in the palm of her hand. Picking one charm larger than the rest, they could see that both sides had a symbol on it. “Both McDowell and Stormrage crests, as one,” she explained and then lifting it, the sun reflected strange markings on the inside, Gaelic.

“This bracelet does not represent much but yours and my family crest if merely looked at, but it is a sacred promise made by myself. Princess Selena may never use it, but should she ever need help of any kind…” She raised an eyebrow, “and I mean any kind,” she emphasized. “All she needs is to present this bracelet to any McDowell and they will immediately recognize her need. No matter where she is and no matter the task, protection or assistance will be provided. It is a call to arms.”

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

The day was truly eventful for Kish she didn't know whether it was her condition but everything seemed to bring a lump to her throat. The gifts she was presented with were truly beautiful and spoke out individually from the person it represented and they couldn't have chosen anything better to offer Selena or the Queen to celebrate her pregnancy.

I guess this is what they mean when they refer to a delicate condition she thought to herself trying to contain the tears.

"Lady Sorsha" she said clearing her throat "Truly magnificent" she looked up at Cenarious once again.

"It is nice to know that our daughter will always have the security of knowing that she will always be cared for or protected no matter where her destiny may lead her" she paused and swallowed again "We are blessed to have been surrounded by such loyalty and love" she took a tissue to her eyes to wipe the falling tears

"I really did not expect all these wonderful gifts today, I must admit that I am at a lost for words" she looked at the bracelet again and smiled

"Please get Selena out here so she may enjoy the gifts these fine people have brought her Misha" she ordered in a small voice still trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

"Right away M'Lady" Misha bowed and left to get their daughter

"My Lord" she looked at the King "I think it would be suitable to have dinner prepared for our guest since they have traveled all this way to see us and maybe accommodation for the night?" she looked at her husband and waited for his reply

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"Of course my dear!" Turning to speak over his shoulder to his servant Maurice Cenarious continued, "Prepare suites for our guests and check on supper wont you."

Looking back to his wife Cenarious brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes before speaking again. "Dinner will be quite a treat my dear. I made the arrangements personally so I know you will love it.." Looking down at her belly Cenarious continued lovingly, "you'll both love it."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha sat in silence watching the exchange between Cenarious and Kisharianda and a part of her bled inside… not for what was happening but for seeing something she may have very well lost herself and would never find. She gave Mathias a cold look but refrained from speaking.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias noticing that Sorsha was doing her best to ignore him, yet still clearly failing at stepped forward and presented him self to his King and Queen. Bowing to a near 90 degree angle Mathias presented out a wooden sword in his left hand and a wooden shield in his right. "My Lords, I have brought these gifts for your adopted daughter Selena. Though I know you plan to raise her to be a fine young lady one can never be unprepared. I bought these toy weapons so that she may begin training as soon as she is able to hold them. If you would be willing I would teach her myself. I am no master at swordsmanship this is true, but I am skilled, and would be honored if you allowed me this privilege."

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Looking at the Duke offer his gifts she couldn't help but chuckle to herself, she did not know the Duke very well but she knew he was a warrior and you cannot change a warrior's heart. But on this very day something was strange from the Duke he had an air of exhaustion and he almost seemed nervous, she leaned and reached for the wooden sword and shield.

"What an honor Duke Mathias" she smiled "With your talented skills I believe she would be able to face anything" she looked at the little sword and examined them.

"She might even practice on MoMo, I thank you for your gift Duke I'm sure she will enjoy it very much" she paused and looked at Mathias "Although I wish her to have a simple life filled with education and riding, one should never pass up the opportunity to be taught the skills of battle" she smiled again happy with his gift.

"Again Thank you" she sat back in her seat and sipped her tea

Maurice leaned in and whispered a few words in Kisharianda's ear and she nodded and thank him.

"Well it seems all your rooms are ready, I will have dinner served in a couple hours it should give you enough time to freshen up and ready for dinner" she smile "Misha will see you all to your quarters" she nodded at Misha and grabbed her tea cup

"If you'll kindly excuse me I will tend to a few things and see you all at dinner" she gave a small head bow to Cenarious and walked through the garden path back to her room.