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==Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet==
=== July 20, 2010 ===
<pre>[11:12] <+Lauren> time to go beat up my boyfriend
[11:12] <+Kitanali> >.>
[11:12] * +Kitanali wonders if she should hand Lauren the baseball bat, or the squeaky bat.
[11:12] <+Miriam_office> say a big thank you for him again
[11:13] <+Lauren> hah.... i will... sometime when i'm not so irritated with him
[11:14] <+Lauren> he should have been up like 2 hours ago...i've tried to wake him up multiple times.. and i've expressed my irritation already -_-
[11:14] <+Indirik> I would imagine that, if you get creative, you can think of some ways that will surely wake him up
[11:15] * +Kitanali votes for throwing ice packs at him. :D
[11:15] <+Lauren> i've thought about throwing stuff at him.. but that seems somewhat uncharacteristic for me
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> water
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> :p
[11:15] <+Lauren> anyway... time to go get angry
[11:16] <+Miriam_office> dont be Lauren, is not worthy
[11:16] <+Indirik> Don't get angry, get sexy.
[11:16] <+Lauren> lol
[11:17] <+Lauren> it's not worth it, or he's not worth it XD</pre>

== Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet ==
===April 1st 2010===
<pre>[00:28] <}Kai{> wait is that the real tom?
[00:28] <}Kai{> nah, can't be
[00:28] <}Kai{> it's april fools
[00:28] <_Tom_> No, never. I just pretend to be me on the Internet.</pre>

===July 2008===
===January 2010===
<pre>* +Stabbity kicks the door in and hugtackles Lauren
* +Andrew^ averts his eyes from this awkward scene
* +Lauren is hugtackled
* +Andrew^ sits down on Lauren's sofa and watches television, eating her food.
* +Stabbity sprawls out on Lauren's bed
* +Andrew^ changes all the radio presets on lauren's stereo and car stereo.
* +Andrew^ leaves the fridge open
* +Stabbity leaves his dirty laundry all over the room
* +Andrew^ thinks its awkward that stabbity took his clothes off, but ignores this..
* +Stabbity doesn't wash his dishes
* +Stabbity clogs the sink
* +Andrew^ plays baseball in the house and breaks 2 lamps and a window
* +Lauren moves out
* +Andrew^ follows
* +Stabbity does too
* +Andrew^ hopes Justin put clothes on first
<+Stabbity> we're preparing you for college life Lauren
* +Lauren ( Quit (Signed off)
<+Andrew^> She's not ready.</pre>

[11:19] * ELV could care less about whether avamar was gone or not<br>
===March 2010===
[11:19] <ELV> but bring back the war<br>
<i>March 18, 2010</i>
[11:20] <Veritek> especially since Tom theretened to intantly delete any new realm that had that as part of it's name<br>
<pre>[20:28] <Prat> I mean, what?
[11:20] <ELV> and use avamar as an excuse to blame things on<br>
[20:28] <Prat> xD
[11:20] <ELV> and to hide behind<br>
[20:28] <Vita> haha
[11:20] <ELV> he did?<br>
[20:29] <Vita> I think I'd prefer that to what you may not have originally mewant
[11:20] <Veritek> yep<br>
[20:29] <Vita> if they are both jerking off, it at least means they are getting along.
[11:20] * ELV missed theat<br>
[20:29] <Vita> despite the...awkwardness of the getting along.
[11:20] <ELV> that*<br>
[20:29] <Prat> Well you hope so :p
[11:20] <Veritek> it was after Avamar Selective<br>
[20:29] <Prat> maybe getting along a little too well
<b>[11:20] <ELV> so...some new guy in about 5 years will secede the duchy of avamar, create avamar<br>
[20:29] * Octavius has joined #battlemaster
[11:20] <ELV> and zap!<br></b>
[20:29] * Q sets mode: +v Octavius
[11:20] <Veritek> :p<br>
[20:29] <Vita> well, what else would happen
<b>[11:20] <Veritek> Those who fail to learn from history...</b><br>
[20:29] <Vita> masturbing towawrds each other?
[11:20] <ELV> lmfao<br>
[20:29] <Vita> to fight
<b>[11:20] <Veritek> will get bolted.</b>
[20:29] <Vita> "I'll cum on you before you cum on me!"
[20:30] <Prat> honestly if a cop pulls someone over and starts masturbating with them, i probably have even less confidence in that cop than if they're just jerks and wave their gun around or something
[20:30] <Prat> between waving their gun and waving their penis, i''ll take the gun
[20:30] <Vita> this is going to be quoteworthy an\drew
[20:30] <Prat> :p
[20:30] <Vita> and you['ll yet again want the topic to be open
[20:30] <Vita> but
[20:30] * Vita would rather take the penis.
[20:30] * Prat whines a little about not being able to put that in the topic
[20:31] <Octavius> clearly i chose the wrong time to join the channel
[20:31] <Octavius> bye
[20:31] <Vita> you could put it in Quotes, but I'll make damn sure its in context.
[20:31] <Octavius> :p
[20:31] * Octavius has quit IRC (Signed off�)
[20:31] <Vita>
[20:31] <Prat> I guess if its just waving around, I'd take the gun, but if it comes down to firing at me, I'd have to go with the penis, though only because its the lesser of the 2 evils</pre>

===May 2008===
==Archived Quotes==
03[23:35] * Innoova is now known as Hiding
�06[23:37] * +Kylie kicks Hiding
*[[/Falasan|Falasan Quotes]]
�03[23:39] * Vistuvis is now known as Pillaging
*[[/Dev|Dev Channel Quotes]]
�03[23:40] * Aarth (~chatzilla@ has joined #battlemaster
�03[23:40] * Pillaging is now known as Kylie2
�03[23:40] * Hiding is now known as Kylie3
[23:40] <Aarth> lol
�03[23:40] * Aarth is now known as Kylie4
�03[23:40] * Kylie4 is now known as TherealKylie
[23:40] <+Kylie> ?
�03[23:40] * Kylie3 is now known as TheFakeKylie
[23:40] <TherealKylie> :)
[23:41] <+Kylie> :~(
[23:41] <TherealKylie> Hi fake kylie
�01[23:41] <TheFakeKylie> :-)
�03[23:41] * _fodder_ is now known as NotKylie
�01[23:41] <TheFakeKylie> Hello Real Kylie
�03[23:41] * Kylie2 is now known as IsKylie
[23:41] <+Kylie> Hi
[23:41] <TherealKylie> Hi kylie kylie :)
[23:41] <+Kylie> ;s
�03[23:41] * mesohungee is now known as Kyliessextoy
[23:41] <TherealKylie> heh
[23:41] <+Kylie> teasing me?
�01[23:41] <TheFakeKylie> We would never tease you.
[23:42] <IsKylie> Never ever
�06[23:42] * +Kylie points at Zekio
[23:42] <+Kyliessextoy> we lpve you
[23:42] <TherealKylie> Nick stealer!
[23:42] <+Kyliessextoy> *love
[23:42] <+Kylie> I wonder who is the real Zekio? ;)
�01[23:42] <TheFakeKylie> Zekio is the real Zekio.
�01[23:42] <TheFakeKylie> No distracting.
�06[23:42] * +Kylie sighs
�01[23:42] <TheFakeKylie> I don't know her enough to harass her as yet.
�03[23:42] * Kyliessextoy is now known as Zek1o
[23:42] <+Zek1o> bwahaha
[23:42] <+Kylie> I can still tell who is Innoova
[23:43] <+Kylie> by the way he writes :P
�01[23:43] <TheFakeKylie> Damn my Capitalization.
�01[23:43] <TheFakeKylie> And my strange style of writing.
�03[23:43] * Kylie is now known as Innoova
[23:43] <+Innoova> muhahaha
�03[23:43] * TheFakeKylie is now known as FatKylie
�03[23:43] * Zek1o is now known as Kylie
�01[23:43] <FatKylie> now il type like resy of room.
[23:43] <TherealKylie> lol
[23:43] <+Innoova> The US Army poos on you all
�01[23:43] <FatKylie> c how ifn u can stil tell.
�03[23:44] * TherealKylie is now known as SillyKylie
�06[23:44] * +Zekio returns thouroughly confused
[23:44] <+Kylie> Hi Zekio
�01[23:44] <FatKylie> Zekio cant spel.
[23:44] <SillyKylie> Hi Zekio
[23:44] <+Zekio> hi kylie
�06[23:44] * +Innoova wigglels eyebrows at Zekio
�01[23:44] <FatKylie> I DO NOT WIGGLE!
[23:44] <SillyKylie> LO;
�06[23:44] * +Zekio waves to ALL the kylies
[23:44] <+Innoova> nudge, nudge, wink, wink
[23:44] <SillyKylie> LOL
�06[23:44] * +Kylie flashes boobs at Innoova
[23:44] <IsKylie> haha
[23:44] <+Innoova> hehehe
�01[23:44] <FatKylie> lol
�06[23:44] * SillyKylie walks sexily
�03[23:45] * IsKylie is now known as TheGEP
[23:45] <+Innoova> haha
[23:45] <+Kylie> LOL
[23:45] <SillyKylie> lol
[23:45] <TheGEP> Hello
�06[23:45] * SillyKylie punches THEGEP
�03[23:45] * FatKylie is now known as GEPPIE
[23:45] <+Innoova> hey sexy TheGEP
�01[23:45] <GEPPIE> Score.
[23:45] <TheGEP> Ow, my layers of fat!
�03[23:45] * Zekio is now known as CunfuZd
�06[23:45] * +Kylie slaps TheGEP on the bum
�06[23:45] * GEPPIE jiggles man boobs.
[23:45] <+Innoova> I love your fat layers
�03[23:45] * SillyKylie is now known as Gepius
[23:45] <+Kylie> sexy man!
[23:46] <TheGEP> Thank you
�06[23:46] * Gepius flexes nonexistant musles
�06[23:46] * +Innoova grabs GEPPIE's man boobs
�01[23:46] <GEPPIE> lmao, even i've lost track of who's who now..
[23:46] <+Kylie> lol
[23:46] <+Innoova> haha
�01[23:46] <GEPPIE> I think Kylie is me..
[23:46] <+Innoova> me too :P
[23:46] <Gepius> lol
[23:46] <TheGEP> lol
�01[23:46] <GEPPIE> And Geppie is Kylie..
�01[23:46] <GEPPIE> And errm..
[23:46] <TheGEP> I think im Inoova
[23:46] <Gepius> Innoova is SillyKylie
�01[23:46] <GEPPIE> Thats obvious.
[23:46] <TheGEP> Innoova*
[23:46] <+Innoova> I'm Innoova!
[23:47] <Gepius> Kylie is FatKylie
[23:47] <+Kylie> and I'm Zekio
�01[23:47] <GEPPIE> See, if you spell the name wrong.
[23:47] <Gepius> Zekio is RealUlli
�01[23:47] <GEPPIE> you can't be innoova.
�01[23:47] <GEPPIE> innoova never spells his name wrong.
[23:47] <Gepius> GEPPIE is Kylie
[23:47] <+Innoova> I spelt it right ;)
[23:47] <TheGEP> Maybe, I did it intentionally, to confuse you?
[23:47] <Gepius> TheGEP is INNOOVA
�01[23:47] <GEPPIE> Ok Innoova is really Innoova.
[23:47] <+Innoova> ask me anything, I'm Innoova
�03[23:47] * Kylie is now known as Zekio
�03[23:47] * Gepius is now known as Aarth
�03[23:47] * TheGEP is now known as Xolotl
[23:48] <Aarth> Nice :D
[23:48] <+Innoova> Xolotl?
�03[23:48] * GEPPIE is now known as Kylie
[23:48] <Xolotl> Yes. I am Xolotl
�01[23:48] Xolotl is * Guy
�01[23:48] Xolotl on #Tlahtocayotl #oldgrehk #battlemaster #BloodStars
�01[23:48] Xolotl using * QuakeNet IRC Server
�01[23:48] Xolotl End of /WHOIS list.
[23:48] <+Innoova> Hey Kylie
[23:48] <+Zekio> spell your religion...
[23:48] <Aarth> Zoltl is Vistuvis!
�01[23:48] <Kylie> yes innoova?
�03[23:48] * Xolotl is now known as Aarth2
[23:48] <Aarth> :?
[23:48] <+Innoova> I only have 7 weeks of activity left
[23:49] <+Innoova> then Mikial will be Marshal
[23:49] <+Innoova> ;)
�01[23:49] <Kylie> Wrong, 6!
�01[23:49] <Kylie> noob.
�06[23:49] * +CunfuZd wonders who she is
�01[23:49] <Kylie> Innoova says it all the time
[23:49] <+Innoova> how would you know?
[23:49] <Aarth2> pwned
[23:49] <Aarth> Pfft. Suxx00r
�01[23:49] <Kylie> because Innoova's said it about 8 times...
�01[23:49] <Kylie> little whiner.
[23:49] <+Innoova> have I?
[23:49] <+Innoova> nah... not that much
[23:49] <Aarth> I @m 133t hax00r
�01[23:49] <Kylie> yea.
�03[23:49] * Aarth2 is now known as TheGEP
[23:49] <+Innoova> obviously you didn't pay attention
�01[23:49] <Kylie> you don't even imitate Innoova well
[23:49] <+Innoova> because I said SEVEN weeks
�01[23:50] <Kylie> you lose.
[23:50] <+Innoova> well, you don't sound like Kylie either!
[23:50] <Aarth> RoF got 3 new recruits today!
[23:50] <TheGEP> Im siding with Kylie on this one.
[23:50] <+Innoova> Kylie wouldn't have gotten how long until Innoova leaves right :P
�03[23:50] * Aarth is now known as Tom_
�01[23:50] <Kylie> TheGEP better.
[23:50] <Tom_> Guy!
[23:50] <Tom_> Server shutdown!
�03[23:51] * Tom_ is now known as Aarth
[23:51] <Aarth> Whoa! server shutdown...
[23:51] <+Zekio> CunfuZd... who are you?
[23:51] <Aarth> Whoa Kylie, ure chars were deleted... Bug...
[23:51] <+Innoova> I'm Innoova
�01[23:51] <Kylie> I'm Kylie.
�06[23:51] * +Innoova comforts Zekio
[23:51] <+Innoova> its alright hunny
[23:51] <TheGEP> Im TheGEP
�06[23:51] * +Zekio gropes Zekio
�06[23:51] * Aarth taps Innoova on the head
�01[23:51] <Kylie> Innoova doesn't spell honey with a u. noob.
[23:52] <+Innoova> sure I do
�01[23:52] <Kylie> he's called me honey enough to notice that.
[23:52] <Aarth> Newb. Honey has no a
�06[23:52] * +CunfuZd is entranced by the self lovin of the Zekio clones
�06[23:52] * +Zekio finishes
�03[23:52] * Aarth is now known as Xolotl
[23:52] <Xolotl> I Kill you all!
[23:52] <+Innoova> I've decided to change the way I write a bit
�03[23:52] * TheGEP is now known as Aarth
[23:52] <+Innoova> I was always a bit boring tbh
[23:52] <Xolotl> Sacrifice fo Teacotl!
�01[23:52] <Kylie> yet you still fail to use punctuation.
[23:52] <Aarth> Death to the blood cult!
[23:52] <+Zekio> Tea cosy?
�01[23:52] <Kylie> you suck at mikey imitatino.
[23:53] <Xolotl> Death to LJ!
�06[23:53] * Xolotl stabs self
�03[23:53] * CunfuZd is now known as Tlynn
[23:53] <+Innoova> you fail at Kylie imitation....
[23:53] <Aarth> Fwuvoghor can own Enweil!
[23:53] <+Innoova> but do you see me hassling you about it!
�01[23:53] <Kylie> this is true.
�06[23:53] * Xolotl whispers receive my sacrifise Teacotl!
�05[23:53] -Q- AUTH is not available once you have authed.
�06[23:53] * Xolotl rolls over and dies
�06[23:53] * Aarth flashes
�03[23:53] * Xolotl is now known as deadXoltotl
�06[23:53] * Kylie flashes the room
�06[23:53] * +Innoova flashes
[23:53] <+Innoova> hehe
06[23:53] * deadXoltotl starts stinking
06[23:54] * +Zekio sits back and watches
06[23:54] * +Tlynn gots to see lotsa flashes
06[23:54] * +Innoova flashes Zekio
06[23:54] * deadXoltotl is picked up by Innoova
01[23:54] <Kylie> man, if only Innoova actually were that fun...
06[23:54] * deadXoltotl is frilled by Kylie
03[23:54] * Aarth is now known as KylieMan
06[23:54] * +Tlynn sprays air freshener around the dead smell
06[23:54] * +Zekio points and laughs at Innoova
06[23:54] * +Innoova flashes Kylie
[23:54] <KylieMan> I have come to save the day!
[23:54] <+Innoova> anyone else want me to flash them/
06[23:54] * deadXoltotl gets cooked
03[23:54] * deadXoltotl is now known as Cooked
[23:54] <+Innoova> free Innoova flashes...
06[23:54] * KylieMan uses laser vision
03[23:54] * Cooked is now known as Cooked_Xolotl
06[23:55] * +Innoova flashes KylieMan
06[23:55] * Cooked_Xolotl is cut into pieces
[23:55] <+Innoova> there you go honey
[23:55] <KylieMan> :O
[23:55] <KylieMan> I am KylieMan, champion!
06[23:55] * Cooked_Xolotl is eaten by KylieMan
[23:55] <+Innoova> I am champion!
[23:55] <+Innoova> PT every day
[23:55] <+Innoova> look at me
06[23:55] * +Innoova flexes
[23:55] <+Zekio> lol
01[23:55] <Kylie> lmao
03[23:55] * Cooked_Xolotl is now known as PieceofcookedXo
01[23:56] <Kylie> he spends more time whining about pt than being impressive with it.
03[23:56] * PieceofcookedXo is now known as pieceofXoltl
[23:56] <+Innoova> don't laugh Zekio... I am sex-y
06[23:56] * KylieMan throws a punch at Innoova
[23:56] <+Zekio> lulz
06[23:56] * pieceofXoltl travels down KylieMan's throat
06[23:56] * +Innoova flexes again and watches the girls swoon
01[23:56] <Kylie> ...
01[23:56] <Kylie> LMAO!
06[23:56] * +Innoova struts around the room
06[23:56] * pieceofXoltl gets caught in KylieMan's large intestine
[23:57] <+Innoova> KylieMan is just jealous
[23:57] <+Innoova> he wishes he had a butt like this
06[23:57] * +Innoova wiggles butt
06[23:57] * pieceofXoltl gets pood out, but large piece of pieceofXolotl chockes up KylieMans intestine
[23:57] <pieceofXoltl> KylieMan rolls over and dies
06[23:57] * pieceofXoltl becomes XololtlPOO
03[23:58] * pieceofXoltl is now known as XolotlPoo
06[23:58] * KylieMan dies
[23:58] <+Innoova> my butt did that?
[23:58] <+Innoova> well... I knew it was impressive
06[23:58] * XolotlPoo XolotlPoo jumps on Innoova
[23:58] <+Innoova> eek... poo
03[23:58] * KylieMan is now known as KylieDead
[23:58] <+Innoova> where's my big gun?
06[23:58] * +Zekio admits she's 35!
01[23:58] <Kylie> in your pants.
[23:58] <+Innoova> and my tank
06[23:58] * XolotlPoo jumps in Innoova' mouth
01[23:58] <Kylie> I DO NOT RIDE IN A TANK!
01[23:58] <Kylie> NO FAIR!
[23:58] <+Innoova> and my beret
06[23:59] * Kylie grumbles.
03[23:59] * Kylie is now known as Inn|HatesYouAll
06[23:59] * +Innoova puts on his beret, picks up his big gun and hopes in his tank
01[23:59] <Inn|HatesYouAll> Saying i ride in a tank.
06[23:59] * XolotlPoo watches at people recoil fro stinking Innoova
[23:59] <+Innoova> *hops
01[23:59] <Inn|HatesYouAll> I DO NOT RIDE IN A TANK!
[23:59] <+Innoova> stryker?
06[23:59] * XolotlPoo join Kylie
03[23:59] * XolotlPoo is now known as Kylie
01[23:59] <Inn|HatesYouAll> Yes Stryker, or APC.
01[23:59] <Inn|HatesYouAll> Calling it a tank is insulting.
01[23:59] <Inn|HatesYouAll> :(
06[23:59] * Kylie merges with XoltolPOO
06[23:59] * +Innoova uses his stryker tank to drive over XolotlPOO
Session Time: Sat May 24 00:00:00 2008
06[00:00] * Kylie formed into Super Kylie
[00:00] <+Innoova> oh right... its not a tank?
06[00:00] * Kylie cyberpunches Innoova
[00:00] <+Innoova> stupid army taught me wrong I suppose
06[00:00] * Kylie is brown in color due to Poo
[00:00] <+Innoova> careful Kylie, I have my beret on
[00:00] <+Innoova> I spent all night brushing it!
06[00:00] * Kylie sparays bitt of poo on Innoova's beret
06[00:00] * +Innoova carefully removes his beret
[00:01] <+Innoova> ooh... now you're in trouble Kylie
06[00:01] * Kylie watches Innoova crying with his pood on beret
06[00:01] * Kylie giggle
06[00:01] * Kylie pieces of poo fall out...
[00:01] <+Innoova> Inn|HatesYouAll: I made you flex and strut around the room
[00:01] <+Innoova> but you got most annoyed when I called your stryker a tank?
01[00:02] <Inn|HatesYouAll> Yes.
[00:02] <+Innoova> hehe
[00:02] <Kylie> Inn|HatesYouall trips on Poo
06[00:02] * Kylie becomes self
03[00:02] * Kylie is now known as Aarthj
06[00:02] * +Innoova hugs Inn|HatesYouAll
03[00:02] * Aarthj is now known as Aarth
[00:02] <+Innoova> mmm... hugging myself
03[00:02] * Innoova is now known as Kylie
03[00:02] * Inn|HatesYouAll is now known as Innoova
[00:02] <+Kylie> It was fun being you Innoova
01[00:02] <Innoova> You were not nearly authentic enough.
[00:03] <+Kylie> you should show off more...
01[00:03] <Innoova> You missed one key thing.
06[00:03] * Innoova humps Kylie's face.
[00:03] <+Kylie> its fun
01[00:03] <Innoova> See.
[00:03] <+Kylie> hehehe
01[00:03] <Innoova> Show off what more? lol
[00:03] <+Kylie> the flexing and stuff
[00:03] <+Zekio> spose I should give back Tlynns nick...
03[00:03] * Zekio is now known as _fodder_
===April 2008===
<pre>[16:46] * Lavigna tried her Goddess-like voice
[16:46] <Lavigna> who asked for me?
[16:46] * Lavigna slaps Aarth around a bit with a large trout
[16:46] <Aarth> Yes?
[16:46] <Aarth> You are goddess?
[16:47] <Lavigna> ya
[16:47] <Aarth> Huh :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> don't i look like one?
[16:47] <Aarth> I havent seen a pic :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> and you won't either
[16:47] <Lavigna> you must have blind faith in me
[16:47] <Aarth> Heh
[16:47] <Lavigna> :)
[16:47] <Aarth> :P
[16:47] <Aarth> damnit. Dinner time. Mom shouting.
[16:48] <Aarth> Brb.</pre>
===February 2008===
[01:15] <Uceek> I'm back
[01:15] <Uceek> you all missed me, I can tell
[01:15] <Uceek> its so quiet
[01:15] <Annaej> lol
[01:15] <Uceek> you're all depressed wondering when I'd be home from shopping
[01:15] <Uceek> ;)
[01:15] <Uceek> either that, or you didn't even notice I left :P
[01:16] <Annaej> I think everyone either got drunk or went to bed, or both
[01:16] <Uceek> lol
[01:16] <SniperChief> I'm arguing with Reilwin about infinity
[01:16] <Uceek> really?
[01:16] <SniperChief> really really
[01:16] <Uceek> so... afterall I don't think the orders changes are too bad
[01:16] <Uceek> how about everyone else?
[01:17] <Annaej> lol good Uceek
[01:17] <SniperChief> (it's taking a while)
[01:17] <Uceek> small realms it means nothing to
[01:17] <Uceek> big realms, it kinda shares the workload
[01:17] <Uceek> though, when 2ICs can send orders it will be better
[01:17] <Reilwin> lol, Uceek : really really
[01:18] <Uceek> really to infinity? :P
[01:19] <Reilwin> to the infinity equal to that of the set which comprises all
natural numbers, yup
[01:19] * Reilwin refuses to continue till the infinity equal to the set which
comprises all real numbers
===January 2008===
<pre>[14:44] <+VinnieThePooh> sting
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> uh
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> stop stealing my nickname
[14:44] <Baraedor> VinnieThePooh ftw
[14:44] <Baraedor> !
[14:44] Fi|in is now known as VinnieTheWood
[14:45] Baraedor is now known as VinnieTheSquirr
[14:45] <VinnieTheSquirr> damn
[14:45] VinnieTheSquirr is now known as VinnieTheKoala
[14:47] L sets mode: +o VinnieTheDark
[14:47] <VinnieThePooh> oh-oh :)
[14:48] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +ib #battlemaster!*@*
[14:48] <VinnieTheDark> arrrgh
[14:48] <VinnieTheWood> Arrrrrg
[14:48] <VinnieTheKoala> Arrrrrg
[14:49] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +b Vinnie*!*@*
[14:49] <VinnieTheDark> ha
[14:50] VinnieTheWood (~chatzilla@ has left #battlemaster
[14:50] V|nnieTheDark (~chatzilla@ has joined #battlemaster
[14:50] <VinnieThePooh> Someone care to translate what Vinnie is doing? I don't speak IRC :P
[14:51] VinnieTheKoala ( has left #battlemaster
[14:51] Vinn1etheKoala ( has joined #battlemaster
[14:51] <Hoensbroeck> VinnieTheDark is trying to protect his nickname;) so that others can't
use 'Vinnie-something'
[14:51] VinnieThePooh is now known as PrincessVinnie
[14:51] <PrincessVinnie> ?
[14:51] <Vinn1etheKoala> ?
[14:51] VinnieTheDark sets mode: -b+b Vinnie*!*@* *Vinnie*!*@*
[11:16] <Ragnell> hi Peny
[11:17] VinnieTheDark ( has joined #battlemaster
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> hm
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> was a little hard to join
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> with having my own nickname banned and all
[11:18] <Esorp> Your nicjname was banned?
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Vinnie banned his own nick :P
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Hi Ragnell :)
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Yesterday 3 of us changed our nicks to VinnieThe*
[11:27] <Real-e-three> And so...
[11:27] Real-e-three is now known as Peny
[11:28] <Peny> Was fun :D
[11:28] <Esorp> lol
[11:28] Ragnell is now known as VinnieTheJerk
[11:28] <Esorp> I saw someone called VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <Peny> That's me :)
[11:29] <Esorp> :D
[11:29] <Peny> I do that when Vinnie is online :)
[11:29] <Peny> Oh
[11:29] Peny is now known as VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <VinnieTheJerk> :-P
[11:29] <VinnieThePooh> He's online :P
[11:29] <Esorp> This is tempting.</pre>
<pre>[13:13] <Kai> moo
[13:17] Peny pets the cow
[13:20] m2rt milks the cow
[13:24] m2rt is now known as Esorp
[13:24] Esorp f*cks the cow
[13:24] Esorp is now known as m2rt
[13:24] Peny grabs a big butcher-knife
[13:24] Peny is now known as Cow_Butcher
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs again
[13:24] Silverhawk starts the fire on a BBQ
[13:25] Cow_Butcher is now known as Cow_
[13:25] Cow_ dies
[13:25] m2rt brings the ketchup :P
[13:25] Cow_ is BBQ-d
[13:25] Cow_ is now known as Peny
[13:25] Silverhawk grabs a plate and cuts of a piece for m2rt
[13:26] m2rt takes the piece and thanks Silverhawk
[13:26] <Peny> Milk, anyone?
[13:26] m2rt enjoys the fine meat
[13:27] <Peny> Kai-aw tastes good
[13:43] <Peny> Aw, was someone here yesterday when Vinnie banned his own nick?
[13:43] <Peny> I need a log of that :P</pre>
<pre><Andrasta>      :.:.:.:.:.:
<Andrasta>      you will never take the ramparts!
<Andrasta>      i fart in your general direction
<Veritek>      \_/------/|==|\  (catapult)
<Veritek>      O (big boulder)
<Veritek>      :.:... . . . ...:.:.: (what's left of your castle walls)
<Ragnell>      hmmm
<Andrasta>      damn you!
Andrasta retreats to the keep
Ragnell builds the stupid pillow wall again.
<Andrasta>      an ally!
<Andrasta>      now you are doomed, Veritek!
<Andrasta>      sally forth, brave warriors, and crush thine enemies!
<Veritek>      .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| (my pikemen of DOOOM!)
<Andrasta>      0|0|0|0|0|0| (shield wall!)
<Veritek>      ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ (my crows that will feast on your bodies!)
<Veritek>      >>>=====> (Ballista bolts to scatter your shield wall)
<Andrasta>      |) -> ^-^ (archers picking off the crows)
<Ragnell>      O-}-< (sleeping Raggy)
<Andrasta>      drats, my ally is defeated!
<Veritek>      <,,_,,)--- (Mice to scare your soldiers)
<Andrasta>      \o/ \o/ \o/ (surrendering troops)
<Andrasta>      |||||) (||||| (opened gates)
<Veritek>      o/ \o (victorious troops giving high 5s)</pre>
===November 2007===
<Ragnell> it just sucks when a professor claims I'm better than my peers. <br>
<^ban^> thank him for the compliment<br>
<Veritek> Was he looking at your face when he said it, or your chest?<br>
<Alanna_at_Work> Ragnell, it's fine to accept that you have superior intellect to those around you—as long as you also accept the possibility that you're wrong<br>
<Alanna_at_Work> you're only being an arrogant jerk if you actually brag about it<br>
<Alanna_at_Work> or otherwise rub other people's faces in it<br>
<Ragnell> Veritek, I have superior boobs.  I know that. <br>
<Alanna_at_Work> I mean, I'm way smarter than all you poor sods here, but you don't see me lording it over you do you?<br>
<Alanna_at_Work> ...err, wait--<br>
<Veritek> Ragnell: Will you rub your superiority in my face?<br>
===October 2007===
[12:51] <Nemrus> hmm... Exile, I cast that wololo spell in Thormegor and it revolted<br>
[12:51] <Nemrus> WTF<br>
[12:51] <Nemrus> i mean WTHell<br>
[12:51] <Nemrus> sigh<br>
=== August 2007 ===
[16:32] <Veritek> Rule #34 of the Internet: If you can imagine it, there is porn of it.<br>
[16:38] <Alanna_at_Work> Veritek, rule #35 of the internet: if you can't imagine it, there is *still* porn of it<br>
[16:39] <LilWolf> Squid porn with chocolate pudding ftw!<br>
=== April 2006 ===
20:45:37 <+Tokanan> LilWolf I think we are taking over the head of Ragnell
20:45:55 <+Ragnell> yes you are.
20:46:45 <+LilWolf> I hope it's a friendly one and not a brutal one. Though we could go looting then :p
20:47:06 <+Tokanan> *talking
20:47:13 <+LilWolf> Oh..
[16:19] * _Yavanna_ is about to slap Nightwish with everything she finds infront of her
[16:19] * _Yavanna_ slaps Nightwish with Peakki
[16:19] <Nightwish> I always have that effect on women ;)
[16:20] <_Yavanna_> they slap you with peakki??
[16:20] * Peakki hates that
=== Prior to April 7th ===
[17:02] <+Tokanan> One of the things I have learned about TOM is he is like a bear
[17:02] <+VinnieTheDark> lol
[17:02] <+Tokanan> Big floffy and warm
[17:03] <+Tokanan> but has sharp teeth and claws and a short temper
[17:03] <+Tokanan> especially when it feels it is being pushed into a corner
[17:03] <+Tokanan> and then it is to large and powerfull to wresle with
05/11/21 14:50:15 <Ragnell> but compared to other countries, I think I can claim Mexico was never at war with another country<br>
05/11/21 14:50:21 <Lorgan> mexico was ally in WWII wasn't it?<br>
05/11/21 14:50:25 <Lorgan> well<br>
05/11/21 14:50:25 <MarcJ> Umm... Santa Anna<br>
05/11/21 14:50:28 <Ragnell> yeah, we had allies but we sort of never have had sufficient CS<br>
20:41:29 < Ragnell> and I am monogamous
20:41:31 < Ragnell> and monoamorous
20:41:45 <+Alanna_at_Work> but not monosyllabic
20:41:56 <+Alanna_at_Work> nor monoglot
20:41:56 <+AjAxed> lol
20:42:28 <+Alanna_at_Work> nor (I would expect) monochrome
20:43:50 <+VinnieTheDark> what on earth
20:43:53 <+VinnieTheDark> a lot of mono words
20:44:36 <+VinnieTheDark> and I thought we were living in a time were everyone had Stero sound!
20:44:44 <+VinnieTheDark> (everyone should smile at such an overly silly joke.)
20:44:52 <+Alanna_at_Work> well, I'm certainly not monoaural ;-)
20:46:08 <+AjAxed> lol
20:46:52 <+AjAxed> this conversation is becoming "mono"tonic
20:47:01 < Ragnell> I am monochromatic, btw
20:47:03 < Ragnell> I'm all brown
20:47:16 <+Alanna_at_Work> all the same colour of brown?
20:47:24 < Ragnell> similar
20:47:37 <+AjAxed> lol!! What a question =))
20:47:49 < Ragnell> no,
20:47:51 < Ragnell> I am brown
20:48:08 <+Alanna_at_Work> well, if you're not all the same colour of brown, you're not truly monochromatic
20:48:13 < Ragnell> enough to still be called brown.
20:48:41 <+Alanna_at_Work> and just being similar enough to be called "brown" all over, I think, isn't really quite good enough
20:48:59 < Ragnell> lol
20:49:21 < Ragnell> no, it is not the same color of brown
20:49:29 < Ragnell> my eyes and hair are the same brown brown
20:49:33 < Ragnell> my skin is only brown-ish
20:49:38 < Ragnell> and my nails are pink
20:49:44 < Ragnell> and my teeth are white
20:49:47 <+VinnieTheDark> :D
20:49:52 < Ragnell> so no, I am not monochromatic after all
20:50:04 <+Alanna_at_Work> then you're polysyllabic, polyglot, and polychromatic
20:50:15 < Ragnell> I am still not polyamorous
20:50:21 <+LilWolf> That has to be one of weirdest discussion ever held in this channel..
[20:01] Nosferatus: Invisibility is the Unknown, However everything visible doesn't excist
[20:01] Nosferatus: that one keeps cracking my brain
[20:02] Sparky-king: I disagree
[20:02] Nosferatus: haha
[20:02] Nosferatus: you cant
[20:03] Nosferatus: it's philosophy
[20:03] VinnieTheDark: ^^
[20:52] Sparky-king: we're teaming with caligus
[20:52] Sparky-king: and have to put akesh temple and sir temple under heavy guard
[20:53] *** Weylyn has left #Battlemaster.
[20:54] Bisshop: lol sparky
[20:54] Bisshop: Im ruler and i dont know any of these plans
[20:55] Sparky-king: well
[20:56] Sparky-king: I am marquis and I talk to lycastus a lot
[20:57] Bisshop: lol
[21:08] Ragnell: I am queen and I talk to no one
[21:11] qp-moon: ^^

Latest revision as of 15:30, 20 July 2010

Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet

July 20, 2010

[11:12] <+Lauren> time to go beat up my boyfriend
[11:12] <+Kitanali> >.>
[11:12] * +Kitanali wonders if she should hand Lauren the baseball bat, or the squeaky bat.
[11:12] <+Miriam_office> say a big thank you for him again
[11:13] <+Lauren> hah.... i will... sometime when i'm not so irritated with him
[11:14] <+Lauren> he should have been up like 2 hours ago...i've tried to wake him up multiple times.. and i've expressed my irritation already -_-
[11:14] <+Indirik> I would imagine that, if you get creative, you can think of some ways that will surely wake him up
[11:15] * +Kitanali votes for throwing ice packs at him. :D
[11:15] <+Lauren> i've thought about throwing stuff at him.. but that seems somewhat uncharacteristic for me
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> water
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> :p
[11:15] <+Lauren> anyway... time to go get angry
[11:16] <+Miriam_office> dont be Lauren, is not worthy
[11:16] <+Indirik> Don't get angry, get sexy.
[11:16] <+Lauren> lol
[11:17] <+Lauren> it's not worth it, or he's not worth it XD

April 1st 2010

[00:28] <}Kai{> wait is that the real tom?
[00:28]	<}Kai{>	nah, can't be
[00:28]	<}Kai{>	it's april fools
[00:28]	<_Tom_>	No, never. I just pretend to be me on the Internet.

January 2010

* +Stabbity kicks the door in and hugtackles Lauren
* +Andrew^ averts his eyes from this awkward scene
* +Lauren is hugtackled
* +Andrew^ sits down on Lauren's sofa and watches television, eating her food.
* +Stabbity sprawls out on Lauren's bed
* +Andrew^ changes all the radio presets on lauren's stereo and car stereo.
* +Andrew^ leaves the fridge open
* +Stabbity leaves his dirty laundry all over the room
* +Andrew^ thinks its awkward that stabbity took his clothes off, but ignores this..
* +Stabbity doesn't wash his dishes
* +Stabbity clogs the sink
* +Andrew^ plays baseball in the house and breaks 2 lamps and a window
* +Lauren moves out
* +Andrew^ follows
* +Stabbity does too
* +Andrew^ hopes Justin put clothes on first
<+Stabbity> we're preparing you for college life Lauren
* +Lauren ( Quit (Signed off)
<+Andrew^> She's not ready.

March 2010

March 18, 2010

[20:28] <Prat> I mean, what?
[20:28] <Prat> xD
[20:28] <Vita> haha
[20:29] <Vita> I think I'd prefer that to what you may not have originally mewant
[20:29] <Vita> if they are both jerking off, it at least means they are getting along.
[20:29] <Vita> despite the...awkwardness of the getting along.
[20:29] <Prat> Well you hope so :p
[20:29] <Prat> maybe getting along a little too well
[20:29] * Octavius has joined #battlemaster
[20:29] * Q sets mode: +v Octavius
[20:29] <Vita> well, what else would happen
[20:29] <Vita> masturbing towawrds each other?
[20:29] <Vita> to fight
[20:29] <Vita> "I'll cum on you before you cum on me!"
[20:30] <Prat> honestly if a cop pulls someone over and starts masturbating with them, i probably have even less confidence in that cop than if they're just jerks and wave their gun around or something
[20:30] <Prat> between waving their gun and waving their penis, i''ll take the gun
[20:30] <Vita> this is going to be quoteworthy an\drew
[20:30] <Prat> :p
[20:30] <Vita> and you['ll yet again want the topic to be open
[20:30] <Vita> but
[20:30] * Vita would rather take the penis.
[20:30] * Prat whines a little about not being able to put that in the topic
[20:31] <Octavius> clearly i chose the wrong time to join the channel
[20:31] <Octavius> bye
[20:31] <Vita> you could put it in Quotes, but I'll make damn sure its in context.
[20:31] <Octavius> :p
[20:31] * Octavius has quit IRC (Signed off�)
[20:31] <Vita>
[20:31] <Prat> I guess if its just waving around, I'd take the gun, but if it comes down to firing at me, I'd have to go with the penis, though only because its the lesser of the 2 evils

Archived Quotes