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Dinner at Ilya's Seat, in Nazia, during the early april (04/04/2008) occupation of the region by Cagilan and Talerium troops. Lady Ilya Bluelake, Baroness of Nazia, is the host, and Sir Khaludh Telrunya, Baron of Nardil, Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles is the guest. Sir [[Bluelake Family/IlyaRP/Tan Serrai|Tan d'Serrai]], Duke of Ptaphoc, showed up in the next night, for roleplaying purposes.
Dinner at Ilya's Seat, in Nazia, during the early april (04/04/2008) occupation of the region by Cagilan and Talerium troops. Lady [[Bluelake Family/Ilya|Ilya Bluelake]], Baroness of Nazia, is the host, and Sir [[Telrunya Family|Khaludh Telrunya]], Baron of Nardil, Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles is the guest. Sir [[Serrai Family|Tan d'Serrai]], Duke of Ptaphoc, [[Bluelake Family/IlyaRP/Tan Serrai|showed up in the next night]], for roleplaying purposes.

==Invitation from Ilya Bluelake==
==Invitation from Ilya Bluelake==
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"Don't worry about the meal, my Lady. I'm sure it will be very fine. It looks very delicious already. Its a pity nobody else could join us, but so be it. They will surely regret missing this."
"Don't worry about the meal, my Lady. I'm sure it will be very fine. It looks very delicious already. Its a pity nobody else could join us, but so be it. They will surely regret missing this."
[[Category: Roleplay]]

Latest revision as of 16:29, 28 August 2009

Dinner at Ilya's Seat, in Nazia, during the early april (04/04/2008) occupation of the region by Cagilan and Talerium troops. Lady Ilya Bluelake, Baroness of Nazia, is the host, and Sir Khaludh Telrunya, Baron of Nardil, Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles is the guest. Sir Tan d'Serrai, Duke of Ptaphoc, showed up in the next night, for roleplaying purposes.

Invitation from Ilya Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in the region Nazia

Talerium and Cagilan nobles and Councilors,

Again, I ask that you do not bring any harm upon my people, and pledge for their lives. I have sent word of advice for our noble families not to fight to keep their gold, but I cannot hold their anger, should you threaten their lives and the lives of their children or vassals.

I shall gladly open my castle's doors and ask my cook to prepare a meal for those who agree with keeping the violence to a minimum. Yes, I invite you for dinner. I shall also make up to you, when I find myself in your region's estates, and keep your families out of harm.

Those of you who would not want to loot at all are invited to spend the evening at the court's activities. There will not be any hunting, but the ladies of our lesser families are good in creating games, and the gentlemen are great sportsmen as well.

There is one extra request I would like to make: the last time you've been vacationing through my lands, my mare and foal went missing. The one who finds them and brings them here will be greatly rewarded, the opposite of what I was planning, should I find both in battle. The mare is a blue roan, and the foal a blue piebald.

Anything you may need, ask nobly and you may have it. War is war, but we don't have to forget our education over it.

I wish both our armies the best of luck. Regards,

Ilya Bluelake Baroness of Nazia


After another tiring evening at the Hall of Complaints, trying to convince her people not to take on arms, for Falasan army would come for them, Ilya mounted Miriel as to give her some exercise. The mare was too athletic to make a good war horse, but was a fine mountaineer, not as smart or prompt as Fealith, yet quite agile. The baroness rode for about an hour, enjoying the time to think about her people, and how to better rule them. She knew a few things: they were stubborn, they were proud. They craved for war times, when she usually managed to see the highest loyalty reports from her clerks. The morale counters would be low as long as enemy troops were around, but Ilya attributed that to the hunger, and the fierce looks on their faces, instead of happy smiles. When she heard the first clamors of the small group that joined arms, she knew it would happen already, specially with some of the enemies looting small external settlements.

Returning to the beautiful stone construction that climbed the mountains, like it was part of the mountain itself, she smiled. Her servants had prepared the Grand Hall quite well, considering the state of things, and a few grooms were waiting for the horses, to take them to the stables. Robert was at the door greeting a distinguished noble, when the baroness dismounted and entered through the lateral doors.

Her armor was not as polished as it could, and she would rather change to her light leather one, that would protect her and accentuate her woman traces, together with the fitting dress, gloves and cloak she wore for courts. In a few minutes, Ilya was back at the hall, wondering how many of the invading nobles would have thought themselves deserving of accepting her invitation, and hoping it would be more than those who had answered her letter. The lady didn't want to be alone that evening. Gladly, Robert would be around, as the good steward he was.

Khalud arrives

Khaludh walked towards the castle he was invited to. His men were busy counting the loot they had taken, trying to give everyone a fair share, while at the same time hiding as much valuables as they could from the others. Khaludh had little interest in it. While the current campaign had at least proved to be somewhat entertaining, the lack of battles still annoyed him. The Falasan Army appeared to be ignoring his army and the Talerium forces, so there was little to be gained. Getting rid of the few militia and whomever took up arms against them could hardly be called a battle.

He had not taken any clothes with him for occasions like this, so he had to wear his leather armour that he wore most of the times. Not that he had any problem with it. It was more comfortable to wear. He carried a two-handed sword, which he used in smaller skirmishes where Archers were not much of a problem.

The streets were mostly deserted due the presence of his army. Khaludh had one hand close to his sword, in case anything happened. He approached the castle of Nazia. The guards were alerted by his approach and quickly took up arms to defend themselves should he attack. Staying out of reach of their weapons, Khaludh informed them of his business:

"I am Khaludh Telrunya from the Cagilan Empire, Baron of Nardil and Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles. I've been invited by Baroness of Nazia Bluelake herself to join her at dinner. I mean no harm, so allow me entrance."

Khaludh waited. He assumed they would have to check if he was speaking the truth. Letting a enemy Noble wander within the castle wouldn't always be very healthy for anyone inside it after all.

Wine or ale

In the Hall, one of the men at guard came to Ilya, asking which nobles should be allowed entrance. Looking at his small training sword, wondering about the well equipped units outside the entrance, and sighing for the loss of her fine militia, the baroness gave the man three names, and an order:

- You'll allow every one of them entrance through those doors, except the drunk. Get the other carpenter, Thom, I believe you two can do finely to open and close the inner gate.

The man went off, and Ilya, turning to Robert, gave her last instructions before Lord Telrunya was announced.

- Robert, please gather the other able men and set them at the door to the private section of the Seat, I can always head...

- Baron of Nardil, my lady!

The baroness adjusted her leather armor a last time, and greeted the stranger with a smile and a very light bow to her head. Slowly, she approached.

- Welcome, Lord Telrunya! While we wait for the other expected guests, please allow me to serve you a glass of wine. - she stopped to think - Though I also have ale, which seems to be preferred by the warrior kind. Which would you rather?


Khaludh bowed. The Baroness of Nazia was defending her region in whatever way she could, had invited the enemy for dinner and now stood face to face with the one noble that had brought this upon her and her people and still she treated him as a guest. He was glad to see such noble behaviour in a realm that had such a treacherous history.

"My greetings, Baroness. I think the occasion calls for a glass of wine. I'll save the Mapon Ale for my tent. I truly hope for you others will show up, but I haven't heard from them. At least your invitation hasn't completely fallen on deaf ears."

He looked at the Baroness. She had dressed herself well and it made him remember the celebrations in Nida. He wondered how the evening would continue. He could already imagine the loaded atmosphere at the dinner table.

Serving the wine

Ilya smiled to the man in front of her, while directing him to his seat and pouring wine to his glass herself.

- My lord, I did get a few responses, and am expecting at least one more of you to my table, should he have the time to spare.

For a moment, she regretted not changing from her court dressings to something more military, for she was in front of the Marshal commanding the invading army. Serving now a glass of wine to herself, the baroness looked right into his eyes.

- Lord Telrunya, I invited you so I can get to know the noblemen from Cagilan Empire. I believe both our countries have grudges, and neither of us must have the other in quite a high account... Yet, I enjoy knowing if my enemies fight with their hearts and live their lives with honour, for then I can accept that they die under my sword or I fall under theirs.

Lifting her glass and allowing a gentle smile out of her face, Ilya continued:

- However, I would rather not enter the political subject just yet, Sir. I pictured this as a moment for us to leave the war outside. So, tell me, where does your family come from?

Khaludh's introduction

Khaludh smiled. This goal of the Baroness was certainly nice. It would allow him the chance to figure out how the Nobles behind the Government were. Perhaps he could even convince her of the reason why the Cagilan Empire was doing this, though that would probably not succeed.

Before answering the Baroness, Khaludh looked at his wine. He played with the glass for a few seconds, watching the wine in the glass and then took a small sip of it. The wine wasn't as good as the one Samuel had managed to find, but they could hardly be compared. The wine was good. After this small pause he answered:

"My family originates from Ansalle and thats also where I grew up peacefully. Wanting to serve the Empire that allowed me such a youth, I started my career on my 17th year. As a young lad I entered and fought alongside the other Nobles, eventually reaching the status of Hero.

My Brother set out to the East Continent, wanting to go away from his roots. He always had disagreements with the rest of the family. I fear that continent poisoned him even more and after he disgraced our family name, my father decided that we'd no longer acknowledge him as part of the family. We sometimes receive some news from him, but none of us has a clue where he exactly is.

My nephew set out the Colonies, but quickly emigrated to Beluaterra. There he's serving Riombara as good as he can, but we lost contact with him some time ago. The last letters we received talked about another Undead and Monster Invasion, so I can only pray he's safe.

As you might know, due my service to the Realm I have managed to gain a regional title and become Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles. When things started to get better, my family decided to move to the Capital of the Cagilan Empire, where they lived happily for a long time. I dedicated myself to the Duchy of Eaglin and some time ago I managed to convince my family to move to Eaglin after I found a place to live for them there."

Khaludh smiled uneasily as he realized he had been telling a very short summary of his and his family's life instead of only answering the question. Yet it had already happened, so there was little to be done against anymore.

"Now that you know the very short version of my life, Baroness of Nazia, do you mind telling me yours? I'm sure dinner will be better if we know more of each other then strangers do of each other."

Ilya's story

Ilya recognized a strong man in front of her, perhaps hardened by many battles and by the leading of many men. Though he did seem rightful and honourable, she could not let go of the image of a resting lion, with sweet friendly eyes, that could emerge at any time against his foes. She had followed Willem's recommendation of keeping her dagger with her always, but expected it would not be necessary. Listening to his review of his family, she tilted her head, slowly sipping the wine, unfortunately part of the last few left in her stock, not by far as fine as the one produced by Dame Galatia in her estate.

Listening to the words, she admired the man in front of her. He had been a Cagilan from his early life, and she would guess around ten years of service, from his marked traces, the few gray hair mingled with the rest, the body strength of a formed man, not by far an inconsequent lad. She smiled before she answered.

- Your family seem quite an interesting one, Baron, while my story is much shorter. I was born in Menedor, just two years before my sister. My parents always lived from horse-raising, selling their produce to many of the noble families of Falasan, Minas Ithil or the eastern Eston. Their estate has always served, as far as I can recall, as training grounds for soldiers and militia, so I have always lived side by side with warriors.

- When I turned ten, my brother was born, and thus the burden of inheriting the land was taken from me. I focused on my military training, and when I first got the chance, also on my 17s, I gathered a small group of archers and joined the Eston x Falasan war. It didn't take me long to join the Black Army, and after a few battles, I got to meet these mountains.

The baroness smiled at the memory. While she talked, Robert had ordered the entreé to be served, and now she parted the bread, passed it in the olive oil sauce, and offered her guest.

- I cannot describe my awe in travelling through the scarps for the first time, and meeting the small village, the river spreading at the bottom, ill treated by weeks of anarchy. It reminded me of a place my grandmother used to tell of in her stories... Called Rivendell.

Once again, a smile came to the baroness' face.

- We worked here, hard, and the people impressed me for their will and pride. They restored their village and their farms, while we tried to coordinate and provide any help. My lord, those short weeks were enough to show me the best place to be called home. It took a couple of years until I was mature enough, recognized enough, to be appointed Lady. And here I have been ever since...

Thinking a little, after taking another sip of her glass and eating a small piece of bread, she continued.

- As for my family, my young sister left home just as she could, and I believe she must be making us proud, wherever she is. Her first realm was Taselak, in one of those islands that are believed to have sinked... And I haven't heard much from her ever since she sent me letter of arriving to a new continent.

- As you can see, it isn't a story as interesting as yours, Baron of Nardil. - a playful smile came across - Yet, at least. But at core, not as different either. Also, forgive me if dinner isn't as fine as you are used to, but we do face unusually hard times. I believe there shall be only the two of us, by now.

With a hand sign from his mistress, Robert went to fetch the actual meal.


Khaludh accepted the bread the Baroness offered him and looked at her. It was truly a pity she had landed in Falasan instead of the Cagilan Empire. He agreed with himself she would do very well. However as soon as he remembered the less pleasant times, he got mixed feelings and decided fate would probably have made the right choice, even though it wasn't clear.

"My Lady. Perhaps you're story isn't as interesting as mine, but at least that saves you the less pleasant experiences to. I'm sure your story will become as interesting, if not more interesting, as mine as time passes. I just hope it will only be a tale of pleasant things. To be honest, I've never been a fan of Mountains. They are truly an awful thing to march through. My sincere respect for spending so much time here. I can't wait as soon as I reach the flat lands again, even if that would mean I can't spend much time with you."

Khaludh looked at the meal that arrived. He hadn't eaten much of high standards lately and was glad he could get a proper meal again. He smiled.

"Don't worry about the meal, my Lady. I'm sure it will be very fine. It looks very delicious already. Its a pity nobody else could join us, but so be it. They will surely regret missing this."