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[This is too long to put here, so I've stuck it on a separate page for [[Grindle Family/CripRP/Ash Sea Islands War/Skat and a Chat|Skat and a Chat]].  This involved Lady [[Kindon Family|Ain]] and Sir [[Tinsley Family|Friedroch]].
[This is too long to put here, so I've stuck it on a separate page for [[Grindle Family/CripRP/Ash Sea Islands War/Skat and a Chat|Skat and a Chat]].  This involved Lady [[Kindon Family|Ain]] and Sir [[Tinsley Family|Friedroch]].
===Just Before Battle in Aja===
28 Feb 2008
''Crip has plenty to think about.''
Where is Haragh?
Where is the rest of the Brandy?
How many enemy troops are yet to appear on the horizon?
What lies ahead in my Falasan career?
Will I survive this battle?
Is it right and proper that the smallest troop in the Black Army is that of the new King?
What's inside this pyramid?
Why didn't I wonder about what was inside this pyramid before now?
Are my newer recruits going to be as strong in battle as the veteran soldiers from the Eston war?
When you refuse the first skat card in tournee, what are the options if you then turn up one of the wentzels?
''His thoughts drift on randomly, as the enemy soldiers come ever closer to his defensive position.''

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''Crip feels the pain in his stomach.  And the pain in his leg.  And his head starts to throb, as he sees some of Sir Freidroch's men's arrows passing over his head, the only things he can see other than clouds, as he's carried away to safety.  Yet he he is content with his honourable performance.  And those wentzels, probably would have the options of declaring that suit the trump, or going for grand tournee.  And must not remember to eat squirrel ever again, and... quite comfortable this...''
''Crip feels the pain in his stomach.  And the pain in his leg.  And his head starts to throb, as he sees some of Sir Freidroch's men's arrows passing over his head, the only things he can see other than clouds, as he's carried away to safety.  Yet he he is content with his honourable performance.  And those wentzels, probably would have the options of declaring that suit the trump, or going for grand tournee.  And must not remember to eat squirrel ever again, and... quite comfortable this...''
===Returning to the Capital===
1 March 2008
''Crip trod wearily towards Barad Gardor, with his scribe Liert, Haragh (for once remembering who his master was), and the last six of his men.  Only Prutu, Lerati and Junn, along with captain Werner, still remained from the original troop he'd recruited all that time ago in the middle of the war with Eston.  Many had died since then, most of them valiantly defending the realm, and a few of them less-valiantly trying to ward off a grotesque group of undead.''
'''Liert''': No, sir, nothing yet.
'''Crip''': No news at all, Liert?  Nothing from the King?
'''Liert''': No, sir, sorry.  But, we've not had the most recent post from today yet.  It's waiting for us in Barad Gardor.  We'll can pick it up as soon as we arrive.
'''Crip''': [''smiling happily'']  Ah, good.  Yes, make that a priority on arrival, please, Liert.  Second on the list after arranging a comfortable bed for the night.  I'm exhausted.
'''Junn''': [''looking up at Crip's horse as he walks alongside with the other men, and muttering''] ''You're'' tired.
'''Crip''': Sorry, Junn?
'''Junn''': Just agreeing you were tired, sir.  You look as if you could do with a good rest.  And a fine meal.  And someone to fetch your post.
'''Crip''': [''choosing to ignore the sarcasm he half-senses'']  That I could, Junn.  Time to recover from my battle wounds, and rest from this long journey.  And brush up on the rules surrounding the declaration of Grand Tournee.  And I have a few other papers from the Duke to read.  Tiring life, Junn.
'''Junn''': [''trying to ignore the blisters on his feet'']  Yes, sir.
===Box Formation===
16 March 2008
[This followed a small [ battle in Chuca].]
''Crip opens the enormous book to the page about fighting cavalry.''
'''Crip''': Ah, men, here we are, this might help... last-minute advice could be handy, couldn't it?
'''Junn''': [''under his breath'']  No, not really.  Last-minute reinforcements, maybe.  Last-minute surrender of the enemy, probably.
'''Crip''': When dealing with cavalry, remember that horses are bigger than men.  So you must expect to be attacked from higher up than usual.
'''Teniah''': I think we're aware of that, sir.
'''Crip''': Ah, yes.  Well, there's a lot of information here.  It seems to start at quite a basic level.  What about the bit about the different breeds of horse?  Is everyone aware of the difference between a [[Bitana]] horse and a [[Mattlu]] horse?
'''Junn''': I know the different between a dead horse and an alive horse.  That enough for you?
'''Teniah''': I think perhaps there are more useful chapters in the book, sir?
'''Crip''': Ah, yes, well, perhaps horse breeding is a finer point to be considered at another time.  Now, then,
'''Lerati''': Sorry, sir, not wanting to interrupt or anything, sir, but, well, they're charging, sir.
''Crip looks up and sees the horses - whatever breed they are - more like the description of Mattlu horses, but not quite the same head shape perhaps - staring a trot towards them.  As Crip continues to look through the book, the trot changes to a canter.''
'''Crip''': Er, well, just kill them all, then!
''The canter changes to a gallop as the horses come in close, and there's a massive sound of shouts and metal and horse, as the charge hits home.  With higher numbers, the Falasan infantry hold firm, and defeat the cavalry, but not without some casualties.  Crip continues to read the book as the wounded are taken away.''
'''Crip''': Ah!  Chapter 157, sub-chapter 21 - Using a Box Formation against Cavalry in Open Land.
''Fortuntely for Junn, his barrage of cursing is not heard by Crip.''
===The Book of Abundance Provides More Advice===
7 April 2008
[This refers to the [ Battle in Picnu] on 6 April 2008 between Falasan and the Cagilan Empire]
''Yesterday, at sunset''
'''Crip''': Right then, men.  Listen carefully.  Today we will stand strong against an army of greater size, but lower intelligence.  For that, there is good advice in this book!  So listen with all your ears.
''Crip hauls the Book of Abundance into view, and turns through page after page before settling on one bit.''
'''Crip''': Ah!  Here we are.  Chapter 34192.  How to Overcome Stupid but Numerous Barbarians in the Hills.
'''Prutu''': Hills, sir?
'''Crip''': Ah, yes.  hang on.
'''Werner''': Troops!  Advance!
''Crip continues forward with his attention still in the book.  The Cagilan Empire forces come closer, and his horse begins to look uneasy.''
'''Crip''': Got it!  Chapter 34201.  How to Overcome Stupid but Numerous Barbarians on the Plains!
'''Prutu''': Sir - the...
''An arrow passes close to Crip, but he doesn't even notice it.''
'''Crip''': Section One.  Definitions of Stupid.  A Stupid troop is one whose intelligence is lower than that of your own.  This means that Stupidity, as it is taken here, is a relative term - and troops that are Stupid against one highly intelligent army, may not be Stupid when compared to a lesser army.  And... gah, this goes on a bit.
'''Crip''': [''flicking on a page'']  Section Two.  Definitions of Numerous.  Like Stupidity, this is a relative term.  Ten troops could be numerous if you are yourself alone.  And...  yes, yes, ok, what next?
'''Crip''': Section Three.  Definitions of Barbarians.  Section Four.  Definitions of Plains.  Section Five.  Definitions of Overcoming (Setting Expectations).  Gosh.
'''Crip''': [''Flicking past page after page'']  Aha!  Section 27.  Tactics to use when facing Stupid but Numerous Barbarians in Battle on the Plains.  Sub-section 27 dot 1.  Cavalry tactics.  No.  Archery tactics.  No.  Twenty-seven dot three.  Infantry tactics.  Ok.  27 dot 3 dot 1.  Downhill.  Are we going downhill, do you think, Lerati?
'''Lerati''': Well, sir, I'm not too sure, sir, it's slightly down hill, isn't it, sir, but it, well, rises again in a bit, sir.  And then if you look closer, the ground is uneven, so you keep going up and down a bit.  Or you could go further and look at the blades of grass and lumps of mud - each one goes up and down quite a lot... sorry, sir.
'''Crip''': [''turns away from Lerati with a shake of his head''] Let's say this is downhill then.  So.  Tactic 1.  Because you are heading downhill, it is vital...
'''Werner''': Troops!  Charge!
''Crip, still trying to balance the book open, cuts down at one of the Empire men.  He is happy as he sees his trained troops doing much damage.  But he's not so sure that Falasan are holding their ground as a group.''
'''Crip''': vital that you use you advantage with a strong charge.  Yes, done that bit... Yaah!
''His blade pushes another man away, injuring him in the process.''
'''Crip''': Where was I, yes, strong charge.  And you should also use loud war-cries to scare the enemy as you charge.
'''Werner''': Sir!
'''Crip''': Bit louder than that, Werner, I think.  And probably different words.
'''Werner''': Sir!!!
'''Crip''': Much more lik--oowaargh!
''A couple of arrows come flying in.  One catches Crip on the leg; the other catches his horse, and the combination of the two cause him to fall from his horse.  Werner manages to find someone to take him to safety, and then leads the men as they continue to do so much damage to the Empire.  He sees Falasan falling away, he sees his master being carried to safety, but he won't retreat, and nor will the men.  He sees that once again, he's fighting next to Sir Lasten's men.  The two groups of troops try their best to hold ground and allow others to retreat, but a massive surge from the Empire breaks their formation, and Werner remembers nothing from that moment until the following evening when he regains consciousness.''

Latest revision as of 11:02, 7 April 2008

Ash Sea Islands War

Skat and a Chat before the Battle

26-27 Feb 2008

[This is too long to put here, so I've stuck it on a separate page for Skat and a Chat. This involved Lady Ain and Sir Friedroch.

Just Before Battle in Aja

28 Feb 2008

Crip has plenty to think about.

Where is Haragh?

Where is the rest of the Brandy?

How many enemy troops are yet to appear on the horizon?

What lies ahead in my Falasan career?

Will I survive this battle?

Is it right and proper that the smallest troop in the Black Army is that of the new King?

What's inside this pyramid?

Why didn't I wonder about what was inside this pyramid before now?

Are my newer recruits going to be as strong in battle as the veteran soldiers from the Eston war?

When you refuse the first skat card in tournee, what are the options if you then turn up one of the wentzels?

His thoughts drift on randomly, as the enemy soldiers come ever closer to his defensive position.

Battle in Aja

28 Feb 2008

[This refers to the battle in Aja, the first battle of Falasan's involvement in the Ash Sea Islands War.]

Yesterday, at sunset.


Crip's thoughts soon focus on the troops appearing on the horizon. So many of them. And so many siege engines in their midst. Crip looks at his sword. Not bad, but he could have done with Haragh's expertise on the blade today. Talking of Haragh, where was he?

But no - no time to worry about him now - he could make out the familiar Talerium banners, and saw a few others he recognised to be Taran and Darkan. Even a couple of Eston ones in the mix, though they seemed to be off to one side. Probably Arturius, off to hide somewhere.

The approaching army is immense, and the arrows start to rain in. Crip stands on one side of the pyramid, leaving the archers to do some damage back, and wonders how strong the structure is. And what is it? Who built this enormous thing right here, and how long has it...

Werner: Charge!

Crip's captain runs forward with the men, and Crip goes with them, as his mind turns to his belly. Hungry? At a time like this? No - not hunger, more a slight sickness. Nervousness? Him? Surely not.

Werner: Sir!

Crip is jolted back to the fight, and just has time to duck from a Taran sword. So far, so good, the army is holding together well, only one casualty, one of the new recruits, too slow with his lunge. Crip's brain links from swords to sword-sharpeners to Haragh. Where can he have got to. And with the brandy too, and... damn, where did they come from.

Crip: To me! Regroup!

Crip expertly brings his men back into line, just in time, and they deal a big blow to the advancing lines of the enemy, without sustaining any more casualties. But the enemy keep coming. Soldier after soldier, appearing through the siege engines, through the barrage of swords, arrows and stones. Stones? Where are they coming from? Crip looks for the source, and almost swallows his tongue.

Crip: Haragh!

Sir Loronzo's cavalry have come up right next to his position, and there, lurking at the back on his excuse for an animal, is Haragh. With a whole sack of stones he's clearly been collecting, hurling them at the enemy.

Crip: Haragh, come here and...

Oh, never mind, he's actually quite a good shot with those rocks. Crip has to let out a grin as a Darkan warrior is stunned on the head by one of Haragh's rocks for long enough for one of Loronzo's men to cut him down. Crip looks to his right, expecting to see his King, but there's a gap where they used to be. Crip hopes the King is ok, for he can't see any of his small troop of men still standing. That would be the shortest even reign of a King, or indeed any council member. Talking of council members...

Werner: Sir! Left!

Crip: Oh? Oh! Left! Turn!

Crip's men turn to their left, but too late to prevent damage. Five men go down as a Talerium assault knocks them flying. Right, time to prove why you're in the Black Army, Crip, he tells himself.

Crip: To me! Prutu, Lerati, cover the rear. The rest of you, hold... hold... Now!

The eight remaining men run headlong into a flurry of Taran swords, cutting a path through the men. He looks to his right, and is shocked to see the number of Talerium forces still standing, and heading for Loronzo. He hears some unnatural horse sounds as he keeps his attention on his Taran opponents, and is relieved to see many of them lying dead, and his remaining men still standing, with Prutu and Lerati fending off a couple of eager young Talerium soldiers. He looks back to Loronzo's men. They've been less fortunate - the huge bunch of Talerium soldiers have slaughtered the horses, and, oh!

Crip: Haragh! Take him! Go!!

Crip motions to Haragh to leave the stones, and tend to Sir Loronzo, though he needn't have bothered, Haragh was already on his way. Crip turns back to the fight. Damn his stomach. He pauses a moment, unsure of whether he's going to vomit, but fortunately the moment passes. Can't be nervousness, surely, not in the middle of battle. Hmm... I wonder what _was_ in those pies...

Crip's men finish off the group of Tarans that they had surprised, and leave them all dead or retreating. Only one more of the newer recruits had been wounded; the rest were ready for more. Crip takes a moment to look around. So many dead and wounded everywhere; the battle is looking to be won by the attackers, and only five other troops of infantry still seem to be functioning. And yet still there are a few more troops coming through the siege engines. A never-ending supply of reinforcements.

Crip: Werner! We have to group together with Sir Lasten's men - too few of us here!

Crip's heart pounds, and his stomach gurgles unplesantly, as he rushes to try to move towards Sir Lasten before he's cut off. But he's not in time. Too long spent finishing off the Tarans, he didn't leave enough time to regroup to the rest of the army. He curses himself, and makes a note not to make the same mistake again. If he gets a chance to.

The huge mob of Talerium soldiers, finished with Sir Loronzo's troop, block his path. Prutu and Lerati give warning of some Darkan troops coming in to reinforce their Taran comrades from Crip's rear. And Crip and Werner can't go forward any further. Trapped, Crip can't see a way out.

Yuji, blood dripping from his sword, runs from the ranks, right into the Talerium soldiers. With his huge strength, he lifts one soldier clean off his feet, and dumps him on top of another. Taken aback by the ferocity, the Talerium soldiers pause for just long enough for Crip's men to try an escape. Werner leads them on, with Crip and Yuji bringing up the rear. Yugi, trying to protect his leader, takes on one too many, and like ants attacking a large spider, the Talerium soldiers finally get in the fatal blow they've been threatening.

Crip is only twenty metres away from Sir Lasten when the Talerium soldiers close in on them. Only the threat of Lasten's troops cause them to leave quickly, just wounding Crip and his men, rather than adding them to the total of the deceased.

Crip feels the pain in his stomach. And the pain in his leg. And his head starts to throb, as he sees some of Sir Freidroch's men's arrows passing over his head, the only things he can see other than clouds, as he's carried away to safety. Yet he he is content with his honourable performance. And those wentzels, probably would have the options of declaring that suit the trump, or going for grand tournee. And must not remember to eat squirrel ever again, and... quite comfortable this...

Returning to the Capital

1 March 2008

Crip trod wearily towards Barad Gardor, with his scribe Liert, Haragh (for once remembering who his master was), and the last six of his men. Only Prutu, Lerati and Junn, along with captain Werner, still remained from the original troop he'd recruited all that time ago in the middle of the war with Eston. Many had died since then, most of them valiantly defending the realm, and a few of them less-valiantly trying to ward off a grotesque group of undead.

Liert: No, sir, nothing yet.

Crip: No news at all, Liert? Nothing from the King?

Liert: No, sir, sorry. But, we've not had the most recent post from today yet. It's waiting for us in Barad Gardor. We'll can pick it up as soon as we arrive.

Crip: [smiling happily] Ah, good. Yes, make that a priority on arrival, please, Liert. Second on the list after arranging a comfortable bed for the night. I'm exhausted.

Junn: [looking up at Crip's horse as he walks alongside with the other men, and muttering] You're tired.

Crip: Sorry, Junn?

Junn: Just agreeing you were tired, sir. You look as if you could do with a good rest. And a fine meal. And someone to fetch your post.

Crip: [choosing to ignore the sarcasm he half-senses] That I could, Junn. Time to recover from my battle wounds, and rest from this long journey. And brush up on the rules surrounding the declaration of Grand Tournee. And I have a few other papers from the Duke to read. Tiring life, Junn.

Junn: [trying to ignore the blisters on his feet] Yes, sir.

Box Formation

16 March 2008

[This followed a small battle in Chuca.]


Crip opens the enormous book to the page about fighting cavalry.

Crip: Ah, men, here we are, this might help... last-minute advice could be handy, couldn't it?

Junn: [under his breath] No, not really. Last-minute reinforcements, maybe. Last-minute surrender of the enemy, probably.

Crip: When dealing with cavalry, remember that horses are bigger than men. So you must expect to be attacked from higher up than usual.

Teniah: I think we're aware of that, sir.

Crip: Ah, yes. Well, there's a lot of information here. It seems to start at quite a basic level. What about the bit about the different breeds of horse? Is everyone aware of the difference between a Bitana horse and a Mattlu horse?

Junn: I know the different between a dead horse and an alive horse. That enough for you?

Teniah: I think perhaps there are more useful chapters in the book, sir?

Crip: Ah, yes, well, perhaps horse breeding is a finer point to be considered at another time. Now, then,

Lerati: Sorry, sir, not wanting to interrupt or anything, sir, but, well, they're charging, sir.

Crip looks up and sees the horses - whatever breed they are - more like the description of Mattlu horses, but not quite the same head shape perhaps - staring a trot towards them. As Crip continues to look through the book, the trot changes to a canter.

Crip: Er, well, just kill them all, then!

The canter changes to a gallop as the horses come in close, and there's a massive sound of shouts and metal and horse, as the charge hits home. With higher numbers, the Falasan infantry hold firm, and defeat the cavalry, but not without some casualties. Crip continues to read the book as the wounded are taken away.

Crip: Ah! Chapter 157, sub-chapter 21 - Using a Box Formation against Cavalry in Open Land.

Fortuntely for Junn, his barrage of cursing is not heard by Crip.

The Book of Abundance Provides More Advice

7 April 2008

[This refers to the Battle in Picnu on 6 April 2008 between Falasan and the Cagilan Empire]

Yesterday, at sunset

Crip: Right then, men. Listen carefully. Today we will stand strong against an army of greater size, but lower intelligence. For that, there is good advice in this book! So listen with all your ears.

Crip hauls the Book of Abundance into view, and turns through page after page before settling on one bit.

Crip: Ah! Here we are. Chapter 34192. How to Overcome Stupid but Numerous Barbarians in the Hills.

Prutu: Hills, sir?

Crip: Ah, yes. hang on.

Werner: Troops! Advance!

Crip continues forward with his attention still in the book. The Cagilan Empire forces come closer, and his horse begins to look uneasy.

Crip: Got it! Chapter 34201. How to Overcome Stupid but Numerous Barbarians on the Plains!

Prutu: Sir - the...

An arrow passes close to Crip, but he doesn't even notice it.

Crip: Section One. Definitions of Stupid. A Stupid troop is one whose intelligence is lower than that of your own. This means that Stupidity, as it is taken here, is a relative term - and troops that are Stupid against one highly intelligent army, may not be Stupid when compared to a lesser army. And... gah, this goes on a bit.

Crip: [flicking on a page] Section Two. Definitions of Numerous. Like Stupidity, this is a relative term. Ten troops could be numerous if you are yourself alone. And... yes, yes, ok, what next?

Crip: Section Three. Definitions of Barbarians. Section Four. Definitions of Plains. Section Five. Definitions of Overcoming (Setting Expectations). Gosh.

Crip: [Flicking past page after page] Aha! Section 27. Tactics to use when facing Stupid but Numerous Barbarians in Battle on the Plains. Sub-section 27 dot 1. Cavalry tactics. No. Archery tactics. No. Twenty-seven dot three. Infantry tactics. Ok. 27 dot 3 dot 1. Downhill. Are we going downhill, do you think, Lerati?

Lerati: Well, sir, I'm not too sure, sir, it's slightly down hill, isn't it, sir, but it, well, rises again in a bit, sir. And then if you look closer, the ground is uneven, so you keep going up and down a bit. Or you could go further and look at the blades of grass and lumps of mud - each one goes up and down quite a lot... sorry, sir.

Crip: [turns away from Lerati with a shake of his head] Let's say this is downhill then. So. Tactic 1. Because you are heading downhill, it is vital...

Werner: Troops! Charge!

Crip, still trying to balance the book open, cuts down at one of the Empire men. He is happy as he sees his trained troops doing much damage. But he's not so sure that Falasan are holding their ground as a group.

Crip: vital that you use you advantage with a strong charge. Yes, done that bit... Yaah!

His blade pushes another man away, injuring him in the process.

Crip: Where was I, yes, strong charge. And you should also use loud war-cries to scare the enemy as you charge.

Werner: Sir!

Crip: Bit louder than that, Werner, I think. And probably different words.

Werner: Sir!!!

Crip: Much more lik--oowaargh!

A couple of arrows come flying in. One catches Crip on the leg; the other catches his horse, and the combination of the two cause him to fall from his horse. Werner manages to find someone to take him to safety, and then leads the men as they continue to do so much damage to the Empire. He sees Falasan falling away, he sees his master being carried to safety, but he won't retreat, and nor will the men. He sees that once again, he's fighting next to Sir Lasten's men. The two groups of troops try their best to hold ground and allow others to retreat, but a massive surge from the Empire breaks their formation, and Werner remembers nothing from that moment until the following evening when he regains consciousness.