Falasan Inquirer/March07: Difference between revisions

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(added article-->Victory & Conspiracy)
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<u>[[Falasan Inquirer/Archive|Archives]]</u>
<u>[[Falasan Inquirer/Archive|Archives]]</u>
{{Template:Falasan News Minor Right
|date=<center>The pulse of Falasani nobility</center>
*<b>Reilwin's comment: </b>
:Alas, I was wounded in the Second Battle of Menedor, and was unable to contribute an article in time for publication.
*<b>Rathkanouros' comment: </b>
:Things don't look so good for them Estonite fellows at the moment, eh?
*<b>Edwardo's comment: </b>
:I would advise Eston to give back immediately the regions they took from us, and turn in Amdor and Barad Lacirith, as compensation and apology for their dirty backstabbing.
*<b>Leto's comment: </b>
:Those ignorant enough to mock us, on the account of our banner, as rabbits and bunnies, and as such cowards, must be blind with rage and disbelief. For our might has repulsed the united forces of three realms. The Estonians must pay for their arrogance and crimes against us and our people. We may forgive them in time, but for now, our fierce rage can only be satisfied with the return of our land and possibly some Estonite lands in compensation as well. With our hearts true and our allies at our side, victory is a matter of time!
*<b>Innoova's comment: </b>
:Following their repeated defeats on the field of valor and honor, the Estonites show their true devious nature. Upon being pushed back painfully in Menedor, the crooks and assassins of Eston renew their secretive action with a passion.  The Estonites show their fear, preferring to attack our nobles, leaving them in serious condition, or simple slaughtering of innocent guardsmen, rather than facing us on the field of battle.
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Battle in Belegmon
|date=March 31st, 2007
A joint attack by Carelia and Falasan occurred in Belegmon yesterday, defeating the Estonite and Taran troops gathered there.
Twas a victory turned bittersweet, with the fall of Raven, the Royal Treasurer of Carelia, just as Carelian and Falasani warriors were preparing to assault the walls.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Reilwin Merytis]]
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=The Fall of a Hero
|date=March 31st, 2007
Having been sent ahead to view the assault for the Falasan Inquirer, it was my pleasure to be part of a resounding victory in Belegmon, and my sorrow to witness the fall of a hero of the likes of Raven.
Ever bold, he marched ahead, taunting those gathered at the walls. They were such the captain of a mere militia troop, was brash enough to challenge him, sortieing out from the shadows of the palisade.
Although treachery occurred, as is only to be expected in battles involving Eston, with a swarm of arrows darkening the skies and wounding Raven before the challengers could meet, his sword arm was not affected, and he pressed on despite his injuries, slaying not only the puny militia captain reckless enough to defy him, but all that captain's 'warriors' as well.
At this point, Galin and Solton of Tara finally gathered up their courage (quite simple, when the target of their fury had already been wounded and exhausted from the previous trials) and exited the safety of Belegmon's walls, attacking Raven both at once.
In spite of their onslaught, he persevered,  giving back as good as he got. Alas, the arrow which struck him must have been poisoned, or the footing uncertain, for in the end he was overcome.
At the sight of Raven's fall, his own men, and all of the surrounding friendly troops were so enraged that Solton and Galin's retinues were slaughtered to the man. It is unknown how Galin and Solton escaped such a massacre, but escape they did.
Even though their leader had been slain, Raven's men were a tribute to his courage and tenacity, pressing forward to lead in the assault against the walls, clearing the way for many other soldiers, but unfortunately they did not live to see the fruit of their deeds, falling soon after to Estonite and Taran blades.
The Second Battle of Belegmon occurred in the death of a great hero, and the world shall mourn his fall. May his exploits never fade.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Rathkanouros Kalantis]]
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Dreams of Menedor
|date=March 30th, 2007
As I gaze from the walls of Menedor out across the river I can see the smoke rising from the enemy's
encampment in Amdor. It has grown thicker these last days as Eston and their mercenary parasites, Darka,
gather. The attention of these Realms is now focused on the bridge linking Menedor and Amdor as two great
armies face each other.
Menedor, gateway to the eastern regions of the Realm, is proud to host the armies of Falasan and our allies from the
Ash Sea Islands. Food is in short supply and taxes are high but the population don't complain.....no more
than usual anyway!
The fortifications are repaired and adorned with a fine array of Darkan skulls which serve to remind the
enemy of their fate. How will they know they are Darkan? Well the eyes are set very close together so they
cannot see past their purses, the mouth is wide as in a permanent grin so there is room for two tongues and
the back is scored with wound marks received as they ran from previous enemies.
Morale is high and loyalty is unquestioned. Our victory will be complete and sung of for thousands of
years....something like.....
:In days of old
:When Knights were bold
:And honour not in question
:We fought the Devil and his Trolls
:And then we called them Eston
:In days of old
:When Knights were bold
:And evil cloaked us over
:All was gloom and shade and cold
:We thought the Darkans darker.
:But in those days
:Of soothing-says
:We killed them all, every man
:I hear the cry, still these days
|author=[[Carmel Family|Ronan Carmel]]
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Monsters and Undead Rampant
|date=March 29th, 2007
Falasan has been stricken by a horde of monsters and undead for the past week. Even though brave nobles constantly venture forth to eliminate this threat, including even warriors from the Ash Sea Islands and Carelia, more appear as soon as others are hacked down. Their numbers seem endless, and the realm is slowly grinding to a halt as peasants huddle in their homes.
The sudden appearance of these nefarious creatures in Falasan, especially when compared to the peace and quiet which reigned during the preceding monster invasion, bring to mind the thought that perhaps this is the gods' manner of balancing Falasan's previous good fortune. Or perhaps the foul monsters realized that they had forgotten to terrorize one of the realms of Atamara. Whatever the reason, they remain an annoying itch to be scratched.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Reilwin Merytis]]
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Estonite Sorcery Manifest
|date=March 29th, 2007
For the past week, monsters and undead have been rampaging throughout Falasan. In spite of repeated attempts to drive them off, with the corpses dismembered and burned, these bodies somehow reassemble and reanimate themselves overnight, attacking the next day. Monsters are repulsed, only to reappear in greater numbers. Peasants fear for their lives, while nobles scramble about to get a hold on this infestation.
I fear that this plague may not be natural. The appearance of these monsters at just the right moment to distract Falasan, just as Eston is reeling from its double defeat, is extremely suspicious. In fact, the last invasion may have been a failed attempt to so assault Falasan; but which, by fortunate circumstances, backlashed spectacularly. Given the nature of the preceding demonic onslaught, it would be in the best interests of all of Atamara to extinguish Estonite sorceries forever.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Rathkanouros Kalantis]]
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Victory and Conspiracy
|date=March 24th, 2007
Following the removal of a small but significant portion of Eston's strength in Nazgorn, Darkan troops assaulted Menedor's walls, aided by troops from Eston and the Barony of Makar. Of course, they were repulsed in the face of Falasan's might, a crushing victory with 86% of their men slaughtered. Is there not a condition in their contract that stipulates that they will not be sent into suicide attacks? Because this is the second time they've been sent into one.
Although hopes ran high in Falasan in the aftermath of the two victories, the recent appearance of Taran troops in Belegmon may quell them to a more reasonable level. Bound by the treaty originally proposed by King Tank, it wouldn't be a surprise to see another 'miscommunication' occur and find Tara participating in an attack on Barad Falas.
The continuing presence of viking troops from the Barony of Makar was quite a surprise. Having previously attempted to assault Lothruin via Menedor, violating Falasan neutrality in the process, Sordnaz, the Makaran dictator, fobbed off responsibility on his general, declaring that he would remove his troops thenceforth.
However, as battle with Darkan mercenaries loomed on the horizon, did they move? No, the sounds of their festivities continued to ring loud and clear from their campsites in Menedor. Yes, most of them did attempt to evade combat, undoubtedly in opposition to orders, but that is clearly due their overindulgence in spirits and fist-fights.
Why would the Barony of Makar involve itself in Menedor? The evidence points to an attempt to sway the battle in the favour of their confederated partner, Eston, all the while maintaining their 'peaceful' stance with Falasan--with only their addiction to drink withholding the majority of them from battle.
Their actions lead to an even more disturbing conclusion: rather than the declaration of war by Norland on Minas Ithil, and that of Eston on Falasan, being two separate incidents, recent events make it seem more and more likely that behind these declarations is a highly coordinated effort by the Northern Federation to destroy, or at least greatly reduce the influence of the Eastern Alliance.
In this light, Redspan's sudden assault on Rogeshore appears highly suspicious...the Northern Federation may have added to Tony's greed for land with the tinkle of Northern gold. His disappearance is also of interest; did he decide to leave the game while he was still ahead?
With all this deception and subterfuge--what has become an Estonite trademark--it has become difficult to see past all their veiled illusions. Yet the Falasan Inquirer is dedicated to truth, and advises the Northern Federation thusly: honesty is the best policy.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Rathkanouros Kalantis]]

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*<i>Votes: 1 (25%)</i>
*<i>Votes: 1 (25%)</i>
{{Template:Falasan News Major Left
|title=Victory and Conspiracy
|date=March 24th, 2007
Following the removal of what of a small but significant portion of Eston's strength in Nazgorn, Darkan troops assaulted Menedor's walls, aided by troops from Eston and the Barony of Makar. Of course, they were repulsed in the face of Falasan's might, a crushing victory with 86% of their men slaughtered. Is there not a condition in their contract that stipulates that they will not be sent into suicide attacks? Because this is the second time they've been sent into one.
Although hopes ran high in Falasan in the aftermath of the two victories, the recent appearance of Taran troops in Belegmon may quell them to a more reasonable level. Bound by the treaty originally proposed by King Tank, it wouldn't be a surprise to see another 'miscommunication' occur and find Tara participating in an attack on Barad Falas.
The continuing presence of viking troops from the Barony of Makar was quite a surprise. Having previously attempted to assault Lothruin via Menedor, violating Falasan neutrality in the process, Sordnaz, the Makaran dictator, fobbed off responsibility on his general, declaring that he would remove his troops thenceforth. However, as battle with Darkan mercenaries loomed on the horizon, did they move? No, the sounds of their festivities continued to ring loud and clear from their campsites in Menedor. Yes, most of them did attempt to evade combat, undoubtedly in opposition to orders, but that is clearly due their overindulgence in spirits and fist-fights.
Why would the Barony of Makar involve itself in Menedor? The evidence points to an attempt to sway the battle in the favour of their confederated partner, Eston, all the while maintaining their 'peaceful' stance with Falasan--with only their addiction to drink withholding the majority of them from battle. Their actions lead to an even more disturbing conclusion: rather than the declaration of war by Norland on Minas Ithil, and that of Eston on Falasan, being two separate incidents, recent events make it seem more and more likely that behind these declarations is a highly coordinated effort by the Northern Federation to destroy, or at least greatly reduce the influence of the Eastern Alliance. In this light, Redspan's sudden assault on Rogeshore appears highly suspicious...the Northern Federation may have added to Tony's greed for land with the tinckle of Northern gold. His disappearance is also of interest; did he decide to leave the game while he was still ahead?
With all this deception and subterfuge--what has become an Estonite trademark--it has become difficult to see past all their veiled illusions. Yet the Falasan Inquirer is dedicated to truth, and advises the Northern Federation thusly: honesty is the best policy.
|author=[[Merytis Family|Rathkanouros Kalantis]]

Line 129: Line 262:
A combined Falasan/Ashlantean force attempted to reclaim Belegmon yesterday, with disastrous results.  In a public address to the realm, High Marshal Yavuz reported on the events which led to the defeat. Taking responsibility for the points which caused that loss, in particular, his perceived inability to inspire enough Falasani troop leaders to follow orders, he tendered his resignation and apologized for the casualties suffered by those knights who did follow his orders.
A combined Falasan/Ashlantean force attempted to reclaim Belegmon yesterday, with disastrous results.  In a public address to the realm, High Marshal Yavuz reported on the events which led to the defeat. Taking responsibility for the points which caused that loss, in particular, his perceived inability to inspire enough Falasani troop leaders to follow orders, he tendered his resignation and apologized for the casualties suffered by those knights who did follow his orders.

Soon afterwards, a outsurge of support was raised by many nobles to encourage Lord Yavuz to remain at his post.  
Soon afterwards, a out surge of support was raised by many nobles to encourage Lord Yavuz to remain at his post.  

|column2= In the words of Edwardo, a Falasani noble:  
|column2= In the words of Edwardo, a Falasani noble:  
Line 149: Line 282:

Although Tara's own general attempted to rescind those orders as soon as he was informed of them, several nobles had already travelled to far for the messengers to reach them in time.
Although Tara's own general attempted to rescind those orders as soon as he was informed of them, several nobles had already traveled to far for the messengers to reach them in time.

As a result of this near-breach in the treaty, Taran troops have been withdraw from Eston, and Tara has agreed to an additional delay of one week in the transfer of Chagasu.
As a result of this near-breach in the treaty, Taran troops have been withdraw from Eston, and Tara has agreed to an additional delay of one week in the transfer of Chagasu.
Line 169: Line 302:
In the words of King Tony of Redspan:  
In the words of King Tony of Redspan:  

:<i>We will know when Rosegarden guy is out of our lands by the mere fact that he has no followers left within our borders. Once that is done, plus the buffer zone of Rogeshore in our possession then the war will end. Although ASI will more than likly carry ont he war until Rogeshore is in their possession.</i>
:<i>We will know when Rosegarden guy is out of our lands by the mere fact that he has no followers left within our borders. Once that is done, plus the buffer zone of Rogeshore in our possession then the war will end. Although ASI will more than likely carry on the war until Rogeshore is in their possession.</i>

The Ash Sea Islands have proclaimed their outrage over the manner in which Redspan attacked, invading Ashlantean lands before formally declaring war.
The Ash Sea Islands have proclaimed their outrage over the manner in which Redspan attacked, invading Ashlantean lands before formally declaring war.
Line 189: Line 322:
The very suddenness of this outbreak of war appears dishonourable. King Malice of the Ash Sea Islands asserts that there had been no prior discussion as to Redspan's dissatisfaction with the extent of the penetration of Magnus Serpaensism into Redspan:  
The very suddenness of this outbreak of war appears dishonourable. King Malice of the Ash Sea Islands asserts that there had been no prior discussion as to Redspan's dissatisfaction with the extent of the penetration of Magnus Serpaensism into Redspan:  

:<i>This declaration of war also is the first I have heard of RedSpaniard disastisfaction with a peaceful coexistence with Magna Serpænsism</i>
:<i>This declaration of war also is the first I have heard of RedSpaniard dissatisfaction with a peaceful coexistence with Magna Serpænsism</i>

Following up with Redspan's sudden attack without even formally proclaiming itself in a state of war with Redspan, this coincidence of events becomes very suspicious indeed.  
Following up with Redspan's sudden attack without even formally proclaiming itself in a state of war with Redspan, this coincidence of events becomes very suspicious indeed.  
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Although Menedor's defenders were but scratched, Reilwin was unable to comment on these events as he accidently leaped into an arrow during the fighting and is currently in the care of the healers.
Although Menedor's defenders were but scratched, Reilwin was unable to comment on these events as he accidentally leaped into an arrow during the fighting and is currently in the care of the healers.

|author= Rathkanouros Kalantis
|author= Rathkanouros Kalantis


Latest revision as of 00:44, 10 October 2007

Price: 15 silver Editors: Reilwin Merytis, Rathkanouros Kalantis Date of Issue: March 2007
The Pen: Mightier than the Sword?

Editor's note: While other papers may employ sorcery and witchcraft to instantaneous transport their news across the continent, the Falasan Inquirer refuses to stoop to such a level and contents itself with simple carts and wagons. As such, do not be surprised if you encounter new articles that are released at an older date than is current.


Falasan Flag mini.png Commentaries
The pulse of Falasani nobility

  • Reilwin's comment:
Alas, I was wounded in the Second Battle of Menedor, and was unable to contribute an article in time for publication.

  • Rathkanouros' comment:
Things don't look so good for them Estonite fellows at the moment, eh?

  • Edwardo's comment:
I would advise Eston to give back immediately the regions they took from us, and turn in Amdor and Barad Lacirith, as compensation and apology for their dirty backstabbing.

  • Leto's comment:
Those ignorant enough to mock us, on the account of our banner, as rabbits and bunnies, and as such cowards, must be blind with rage and disbelief. For our might has repulsed the united forces of three realms. The Estonians must pay for their arrogance and crimes against us and our people. We may forgive them in time, but for now, our fierce rage can only be satisfied with the return of our land and possibly some Estonite lands in compensation as well. With our hearts true and our allies at our side, victory is a matter of time!

  • Innoova's comment:
Following their repeated defeats on the field of valor and honor, the Estonites show their true devious nature. Upon being pushed back painfully in Menedor, the crooks and assassins of Eston renew their secretive action with a passion. The Estonites show their fear, preferring to attack our nobles, leaving them in serious condition, or simple slaughtering of innocent guardsmen, rather than facing us on the field of battle.


Falasan Flag mini.png Battle in Belegmon

March 31st, 2007

A joint attack by Carelia and Falasan occurred in Belegmon yesterday, defeating the Estonite and Taran troops gathered there.

Twas a victory turned bittersweet, with the fall of Raven, the Royal Treasurer of Carelia, just as Carelian and Falasani warriors were preparing to assault the walls.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png The Fall of a Hero

March 31st, 2007

Having been sent ahead to view the assault for the Falasan Inquirer, it was my pleasure to be part of a resounding victory in Belegmon, and my sorrow to witness the fall of a hero of the likes of Raven.

Ever bold, he marched ahead, taunting those gathered at the walls. They were such the captain of a mere militia troop, was brash enough to challenge him, sortieing out from the shadows of the palisade.

Although treachery occurred, as is only to be expected in battles involving Eston, with a swarm of arrows darkening the skies and wounding Raven before the challengers could meet, his sword arm was not affected, and he pressed on despite his injuries, slaying not only the puny militia captain reckless enough to defy him, but all that captain's 'warriors' as well.

At this point, Galin and Solton of Tara finally gathered up their courage (quite simple, when the target of their fury had already been wounded and exhausted from the previous trials) and exited the safety of Belegmon's walls, attacking Raven both at once.

In spite of their onslaught, he persevered, giving back as good as he got. Alas, the arrow which struck him must have been poisoned, or the footing uncertain, for in the end he was overcome.

At the sight of Raven's fall, his own men, and all of the surrounding friendly troops were so enraged that Solton and Galin's retinues were slaughtered to the man. It is unknown how Galin and Solton escaped such a massacre, but escape they did.

Even though their leader had been slain, Raven's men were a tribute to his courage and tenacity, pressing forward to lead in the assault against the walls, clearing the way for many other soldiers, but unfortunately they did not live to see the fruit of their deeds, falling soon after to Estonite and Taran blades.

The Second Battle of Belegmon occurred in the death of a great hero, and the world shall mourn his fall. May his exploits never fade.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Falasan Flag mini.png Dreams of Menedor

March 30th, 2007

As I gaze from the walls of Menedor out across the river I can see the smoke rising from the enemy's encampment in Amdor. It has grown thicker these last days as Eston and their mercenary parasites, Darka, gather. The attention of these Realms is now focused on the bridge linking Menedor and Amdor as two great armies face each other.

Menedor, gateway to the eastern regions of the Realm, is proud to host the armies of Falasan and our allies from the Ash Sea Islands. Food is in short supply and taxes are high but the population don't complain.....no more than usual anyway!

The fortifications are repaired and adorned with a fine array of Darkan skulls which serve to remind the enemy of their fate. How will they know they are Darkan? Well the eyes are set very close together so they cannot see past their purses, the mouth is wide as in a permanent grin so there is room for two tongues and the back is scored with wound marks received as they ran from previous enemies.

Morale is high and loyalty is unquestioned. Our victory will be complete and sung of for thousands of years....something like.....

In days of old
When Knights were bold
And honour not in question
We fought the Devil and his Trolls
And then we called them Eston
In days of old
When Knights were bold
And evil cloaked us over
All was gloom and shade and cold
We thought the Darkans darker.
But in those days
Of soothing-says
We killed them all, every man
I hear the cry, still these days

--Ronan Carmel

Falasan Flag mini.png Monsters and Undead Rampant

March 29th, 2007

Falasan has been stricken by a horde of monsters and undead for the past week. Even though brave nobles constantly venture forth to eliminate this threat, including even warriors from the Ash Sea Islands and Carelia, more appear as soon as others are hacked down. Their numbers seem endless, and the realm is slowly grinding to a halt as peasants huddle in their homes.

The sudden appearance of these nefarious creatures in Falasan, especially when compared to the peace and quiet which reigned during the preceding monster invasion, bring to mind the thought that perhaps this is the gods' manner of balancing Falasan's previous good fortune. Or perhaps the foul monsters realized that they had forgotten to terrorize one of the realms of Atamara. Whatever the reason, they remain an annoying itch to be scratched.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Estonite Sorcery Manifest

March 29th, 2007

For the past week, monsters and undead have been rampaging throughout Falasan. In spite of repeated attempts to drive them off, with the corpses dismembered and burned, these bodies somehow reassemble and reanimate themselves overnight, attacking the next day. Monsters are repulsed, only to reappear in greater numbers. Peasants fear for their lives, while nobles scramble about to get a hold on this infestation.

I fear that this plague may not be natural. The appearance of these monsters at just the right moment to distract Falasan, just as Eston is reeling from its double defeat, is extremely suspicious. In fact, the last invasion may have been a failed attempt to so assault Falasan; but which, by fortunate circumstances, backlashed spectacularly. Given the nature of the preceding demonic onslaught, it would be in the best interests of all of Atamara to extinguish Estonite sorceries forever.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Falasan Flag mini.png Victory and Conspiracy

March 24th, 2007

Following the removal of a small but significant portion of Eston's strength in Nazgorn, Darkan troops assaulted Menedor's walls, aided by troops from Eston and the Barony of Makar. Of course, they were repulsed in the face of Falasan's might, a crushing victory with 86% of their men slaughtered. Is there not a condition in their contract that stipulates that they will not be sent into suicide attacks? Because this is the second time they've been sent into one.

Although hopes ran high in Falasan in the aftermath of the two victories, the recent appearance of Taran troops in Belegmon may quell them to a more reasonable level. Bound by the treaty originally proposed by King Tank, it wouldn't be a surprise to see another 'miscommunication' occur and find Tara participating in an attack on Barad Falas.

The continuing presence of viking troops from the Barony of Makar was quite a surprise. Having previously attempted to assault Lothruin via Menedor, violating Falasan neutrality in the process, Sordnaz, the Makaran dictator, fobbed off responsibility on his general, declaring that he would remove his troops thenceforth.

However, as battle with Darkan mercenaries loomed on the horizon, did they move? No, the sounds of their festivities continued to ring loud and clear from their campsites in Menedor. Yes, most of them did attempt to evade combat, undoubtedly in opposition to orders, but that is clearly due their overindulgence in spirits and fist-fights.

Why would the Barony of Makar involve itself in Menedor? The evidence points to an attempt to sway the battle in the favour of their confederated partner, Eston, all the while maintaining their 'peaceful' stance with Falasan--with only their addiction to drink withholding the majority of them from battle.

Their actions lead to an even more disturbing conclusion: rather than the declaration of war by Norland on Minas Ithil, and that of Eston on Falasan, being two separate incidents, recent events make it seem more and more likely that behind these declarations is a highly coordinated effort by the Northern Federation to destroy, or at least greatly reduce the influence of the Eastern Alliance.

In this light, Redspan's sudden assault on Rogeshore appears highly suspicious...the Northern Federation may have added to Tony's greed for land with the tinkle of Northern gold. His disappearance is also of interest; did he decide to leave the game while he was still ahead?

With all this deception and subterfuge--what has become an Estonite trademark--it has become difficult to see past all their veiled illusions. Yet the Falasan Inquirer is dedicated to truth, and advises the Northern Federation thusly: honesty is the best policy.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Falasan Flag mini.png Poll
March 21th, 2007

How do you like the changes to the Falasan Inquirer? Go to the discussion page to add your vote. If you wish to add your vote to this page directly, please be sure to add your vote on the discussion page as well.
-Great! I love it!

  • Votes: 3 (75%)

-It's an improvement.

  • Votes: 0 (0%)

-Meh. Nothing much, it's all the same to me.

  • Votes: 0 (0%)

-It could be better.

  • Votes: 0 (0%)

-It's terrible! It was better before!

  • Votes: 0 (0%)

-Some parts are good, some are bad.

  • Votes: 1 (25%)


Falasan Flag mini.png The Falasan Inquirer Returns Anew!

March 21th, 2007

I would like to proffer my personal thanks to my cousin Proslyn of Taselak, for informing me of the fine work done in the revision of the Toren Herald on the South-East Island,

and most of all to Nami, the Editor of the Toren Herald, for her aid in sending me the printing molds on which I could work on to produce the latest edition of the Falasan Inquirer.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Galadia Liberated!

March 21th, 2007

The few Estonite turncoats were finally driven out of Galadia today, left abandoned after their military forces were vanquished yesterday. The speed with which Galadia returned to Falasan's control,

and the heartfelt gratitude expressed by many of the peasants to the work crews labouring to rebuild their homes, is a testament to the brutality of Estonite rule.

However, Estonite forces continue to mass in Belegmon, and Darka has yet to be seen…

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Falasan Flag mini.png Tempers Cooled by Flood…Or Are They?

March 21th, 2007

The conflict raging between Minas Ithil and the Viking realms came to an abrupt halt when floods destroyed every bridge, preventing all attempts at troop movement. The warriors of the Barony of Makar in particular used this event to engage in more lively festivities at their pubs.

However, the bridges have been repaired since and the war is expected to continue at any time, if it has not already. Although inquiries were sent to all the realms concerned, only Sordnaz, dictator of the Barony of Makar bothered to reply to the questions posed by yours truly; King Dead Angel3 declined to comment and Wulf-gar, prime minister of Norland, failed to respond at all.

Most expectations in Falasan were that the Barony of Makar was aiding Norland out of federated obligations.

However Dictator Sordnaz revealed that the truth of the matter lay in the attack on the Hõrgr of Makar's founder, Salem, by infiltrators from Minas Ithil.

The Barony of Makar's main interest in the conflict lies in the loot it can obtain, and Sordnaz has stated his disappointment that his "raider horde" has been tied down in the battles with Minas Ithil. However, his plans for it if it had been free remained undisclosed.

Due to the lack of input from Norland, little can be discussed other than their stated intentions to absorb Minas Ithil to form a new Hasland. Minas Ithil's goal is quite obvious, to defend their lands from the invaders, although if the war goes in their favour, they may yet demand gold or regions in compensation.

See page 66 for a complete copy of Sordnaz's reply

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Duke of Tucha Appointed

March 8th, 2007

The recipient of the duchy of Tucha, gifted to Falasan by the Ash Sea Islands, was proclaimed by heralds sent throughout the realm

to be Tank, formerly king and High Marshal of Falasan.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png General Admits Failure

March 6th, 2007

A combined Falasan/Ashlantean force attempted to reclaim Belegmon yesterday, with disastrous results. In a public address to the realm, High Marshal Yavuz reported on the events which led to the defeat. Taking responsibility for the points which caused that loss, in particular, his perceived inability to inspire enough Falasani troop leaders to follow orders, he tendered his resignation and apologized for the casualties suffered by those knights who did follow his orders.

Soon afterwards, a out surge of support was raised by many nobles to encourage Lord Yavuz to remain at his post.

In the words of Edwardo, a Falasani noble:

I call, therefore, upon all of our realm mates, to join me in declaring confidence, and asking general Yavuz to reconsider his resignation. He did all that was possible to ensure success, and it was our best chance in the circumstances. His willingness to assume full responsibility only proves that he is well suited for this leadership position.

Perhaps Lord Yavuz will experience a change of heart. In the meanwhile, nobles in Barad Falas stand ready to repel any assaulting force.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Miscommunications Results in Treaty Modifications

March 6th, 2007

Taran authorities explained the presence of Taran troops attacking Galadia, in violation of the cease-fire treaty signed some time ago, as a mistake. Apparently, the situation occurred when Eston's High Marshal ordered an attack into Galadia.

Although Tara's own general attempted to rescind those orders as soon as he was informed of them, several nobles had already traveled to far for the messengers to reach them in time.

As a result of this near-breach in the treaty, Taran troops have been withdraw from Eston, and Tara has agreed to an additional delay of one week in the transfer of Chagasu.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Redspan Invades the Ash Sea Islands

March 5th, 2007

Nobles throughout Falasan were surprised today as news reached them of Redspan's sudden declaration of war on the Ash Sea Islands. We at the Falasan Inquirer lived up to its name, as inquiries were sent to the realms involved as to the events which led up to the present situation.

Redspan affirms that it has gone to war in order to prevent any more of its priests from being harmed by followers of Magna Serpaensism, who have been declared followers of "the Rosegarden Guy". To achieve this goal, Redspan has determined to drive out all followers of Magna Serpaensism from Redspaniard lands and to claim the region of Rogeshore as a buffer zone.

In the words of King Tony of Redspan:

We will know when Rosegarden guy is out of our lands by the mere fact that he has no followers left within our borders. Once that is done, plus the buffer zone of Rogeshore in our possession then the war will end. Although ASI will more than likely carry on the war until Rogeshore is in their possession.

The Ash Sea Islands have proclaimed their outrage over the manner in which Redspan attacked, invading Ashlantean lands before formally declaring war.

--Reilwin Merytis

Falasan Flag mini.png Worship or Die!

March 5th, 2007

Redspan's declaration of war on the Ash Sea Islands seems as senseless as it is childish. Redspan claims to be attacking in retaliation for the sufferances of the priests of Da Goat...which occurred on Redspaniard lands, at the hands of their very peasants!

That the nobles of Redspan would not let the priests of Da One be treated so is laudable, especially when those priests were humiliated by simple peasants...but the target of their outrage is entirely questionable. Why blame the Ash Sea Islands, and by extension Magna Serpaensism, when the true perpetrators are found on their own lands? What pride, to accuse all others before oneself. There is little to support the idea that priests of the serpent were behind those commoner uprisings, and many rumours circulate as to the attempts to forcibly convert commoners to Da Way.

The very suddenness of this outbreak of war appears dishonourable. King Malice of the Ash Sea Islands asserts that there had been no prior discussion as to Redspan's dissatisfaction with the extent of the penetration of Magnus Serpaensism into Redspan:

This declaration of war also is the first I have heard of RedSpaniard dissatisfaction with a peaceful coexistence with Magna Serpænsism

Following up with Redspan's sudden attack without even formally proclaiming itself in a state of war with Redspan, this coincidence of events becomes very suspicious indeed.

Furthermore, Redspan has stated that it will be unwilling to end the war until all religions other than those which follow Da Way have been driven out of Redspan, and it has taken Rogeshore as a buffer zone. Redspan begins to seem less and less of an idyllic realm of goatdom, and more a realm of enforced hairiness.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Falasan Flag mini.png Eston Sent Fleeing!

March 2th, 2007

Eston attacked Menedor earlier today, and were repulsed with heavy casualties to their side. One wonders at their supreme overconfidence in sending such a smaller force heavy with cavalry units. Estonite hopes to overawe the defenders with horsed popinjays fell into ruins as their steeds cantered back and forth alongside the walls of Menedor, as well as the lives of their men.

Although Menedor's defenders were but scratched, Reilwin was unable to comment on these events as he accidentally leaped into an arrow during the fighting and is currently in the care of the healers.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis