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|caption=Greater Aenilia advancing upon Nighthelm
|caption=Greater Aenilia advancing upon Nighthelm
|date=26th February
|date=26th February
|place=[[Far East/Cutnipaniel|Cutnipaniel]]
|casus=Let's meet the "Brave" King of Nighthelm.
|casus=Let's meet the "Brave" King of Nighthelm.
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==The Great King==
==The Dream==

It was a windy day when the High Marshal of Greater Aenilia, [[Frostnova Family/Tharion|Lord Tharion Frostnova]], Count of Ornaz, gave the orders to march to Idaol to wipe out Gul'Dan and his men who seemingly did not make it to the earlier conflict in Bataesor. His exact words.
Tossing on his bedroll in Azohib, strange visions and dreams race through Fredrick's mind while he sleeps. Visions of troops, a battle in a forest he thinks, but he can't tell yet. The longer he "watches" what's happening, the more clear it becomes. He sees swirls of colour, banners of inidentifiable markings, but only at first...
<table width="70%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 24px" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 6px 10px 12px; border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-bottom: 0px none #DDDDDD; background-color: #FBFBFC"><div style="font-size:160%; float:left; width: 80%">Important Orders from Tharion  </div><div style="font-size:87%; width: 20%; text-align: right; float:right">25th February</div></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" style="border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; "><div align="justify">Alright it's time to go home but we think it's only right we pay our respects to Gul'Dan who bravely sat in Idaol while his army was destroyed. Everyone move out to Idaol and then straight for home the following turn.<br><br>Tharion<br>High Marshal of Greater Aenilia, Count of Ornaz</div></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size: 90%; text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD; border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;"></td></tr></table>

After the orders were given everyone prepared for the battle and set out for Cutnipaniel. When the troops arrived, they found the powerful forces of [[Nighthelm]] with their King, Gul'Dan, at the front of the battlefield, inspiring his troops and boosting their morale to amazing amounts. However Kazuma, Marshal of the attacking troops, had tricks of his own and set up his troops to make sure he collided with Gul'Dans far bigger unit. With the troops from Nighthelm so ready to fight, the Aenilian forces started to doubt how easily they could take down the smaller group.
As things clear up he sees two distinct banners. One he thinks belongs to GA and the other belonging to Nighthelm. As his "dream" continues, the red banners move towards the fortifications in the wooded region which he realizes is Idoal. Seeing his cousin's banners amoung the defenders, he frowns. Why would he be dreaming bout his cousin? Unless....

However the battle commenced and the troops ran in and collided. As the settings had dictated, Kazuma and Gul'Dan's unit clashed on the side of the battlefield. As the troops of Kazuma's unit fell, Kazuma realized he had to severely drop the other unit's morale if he was to win this war and escape with his life. Kazuma then took his opportunity and leaped off his horse and smashed Gul'Dan off his horse.
As he watches, much to his surprise at what he'd do to be first into a battle, his cousin's unit leaves the fortifications and charges straight into the middle of the attacking forces. Arrows fly and men begin to drop everywhere. He can finally make out the vision of Gul'Dan at the front of his unit where he leads the charge straight into the enemy lines. Going for his own blade but realizing it's not there he watches the waves of men connect yet there's no sound of clattering steal, it's eerily silent. What was this damned demon trying to tell him and why did it do it while he was sleeping?

The men both got up from the ground, ignoring the troops fighting around them, the two men charged and started to fight. The big man and the Great King battled for hours and watched so many of their unit die around them but after the King grew weary. Kazuma leaped forward and delivered a horizontal blow with [[Shenron Family/Kazuma/Ryozouji|Ryozouji]] and gave Gul'Dan a clean slice to the belly. Kazuma then stepped over the king and delivered a finishing blow to the heart.
His vision blurs again and he seems to move closer to the battle he thought until he realizes he IN the battle. Franticaly looking around for someon to take out, his eyes lock onto his cousin once again. An arrow moves nearly in slow motion through the air, ripples almost eminating off of it. As it approaches Gul'Dan, everything returns to normal and the arrow flies into his shoulder, taking him back a few steps to be caught by one of his men. Immediately standing back up, he looks down at the arrow and yells out something he can't understand, likely an order. Rushing back into the fight, he takes a few swings with the sword in his good arm until another arrow comes sailing through the air and connects with his stomach, apparently punching a hole through the armour.

As the troops realized their king had fallen their moral started to greatly decrease and Kazuma's forces obliterated the rest of the forces from Nighthelm of Cutnipaniel.
Fredrick tries to call to him, to cryout but nothing excapes his mouth. He tries to move closer to him, but his feet won't respond. Helpless, he looks on, trying to reach a hand out to him or push his way through the mass of troops. As he watches, Gul'dan falls to his knees, his sword drops from his hand. Looking down at the blood now spreading across his armour, Gul'Dan pauses a long moment as the battle continues around him, again seemingly in slow motion.
As his gaze returns upwards, his eyes slowly growing more dim as his life slips away, his eyes focus directly on Fredrick. A slightly confused look slips across his face but quickly fades to a small smile. "Fredrick...?" his voice whispers, almost a shout in the otherwise silence around them. Reaching out his hand as if getting to him might help him, their fingers almost touch as Fredrick does the same. Eyes locked, Fredrick strains to touch him, to take his hand and pull him back up. Just as their fingers meet, Gul'Dan's eyes roll back and he falls forward to the ground, never to rise on his own again.
Waking up in a pool of sweat, Fredrick lets out an angry and surprised yell. In the back of his mind he can hear the demon chuckling slightly, but he knows deep down that what he just saw wasn't a dream, but a vision. Had it happened yet? Quickly getting dressed he tossed on his clothing, strapped on his armour and armed himself with a variety of weapons.
Heading out of his tent he shouts loudly over his sleeping men. "Get your asses up! You have 10 minutes to break campt and get yourselves moving for Cutnpaniel! You can sleep when you're dead!"
Taking a look at the other banners around him, knowning that Ziode would want to know, he shakes his head. He had to go alone. Packing his own few belongings and checking again that his men were getting ready, he makes his way towards Cutnipaniel.

Latest revision as of 17:53, 13 March 2010

Gul'Dans Demise
Part of The Great Southern War
Gul'Dans Death.png
Greater Aenilia advancing upon Nighthelm
Date 26th February
Location Idaol
Weather Windy
Result After 6 rounds, Attacker Victory.
Attackers Defenders
Nighthelm Greater Aenilia
N/A Kazuma Shenron
2299 9640
N/A Infantry Charge
The King.... N/A

The Dream

Tossing on his bedroll in Azohib, strange visions and dreams race through Fredrick's mind while he sleeps. Visions of troops, a battle in a forest he thinks, but he can't tell yet. The longer he "watches" what's happening, the more clear it becomes. He sees swirls of colour, banners of inidentifiable markings, but only at first...

As things clear up he sees two distinct banners. One he thinks belongs to GA and the other belonging to Nighthelm. As his "dream" continues, the red banners move towards the fortifications in the wooded region which he realizes is Idoal. Seeing his cousin's banners amoung the defenders, he frowns. Why would he be dreaming bout his cousin? Unless....

As he watches, much to his surprise at what he'd do to be first into a battle, his cousin's unit leaves the fortifications and charges straight into the middle of the attacking forces. Arrows fly and men begin to drop everywhere. He can finally make out the vision of Gul'Dan at the front of his unit where he leads the charge straight into the enemy lines. Going for his own blade but realizing it's not there he watches the waves of men connect yet there's no sound of clattering steal, it's eerily silent. What was this damned demon trying to tell him and why did it do it while he was sleeping?

His vision blurs again and he seems to move closer to the battle he thought until he realizes he IN the battle. Franticaly looking around for someon to take out, his eyes lock onto his cousin once again. An arrow moves nearly in slow motion through the air, ripples almost eminating off of it. As it approaches Gul'Dan, everything returns to normal and the arrow flies into his shoulder, taking him back a few steps to be caught by one of his men. Immediately standing back up, he looks down at the arrow and yells out something he can't understand, likely an order. Rushing back into the fight, he takes a few swings with the sword in his good arm until another arrow comes sailing through the air and connects with his stomach, apparently punching a hole through the armour.

Fredrick tries to call to him, to cryout but nothing excapes his mouth. He tries to move closer to him, but his feet won't respond. Helpless, he looks on, trying to reach a hand out to him or push his way through the mass of troops. As he watches, Gul'dan falls to his knees, his sword drops from his hand. Looking down at the blood now spreading across his armour, Gul'Dan pauses a long moment as the battle continues around him, again seemingly in slow motion.

As his gaze returns upwards, his eyes slowly growing more dim as his life slips away, his eyes focus directly on Fredrick. A slightly confused look slips across his face but quickly fades to a small smile. "Fredrick...?" his voice whispers, almost a shout in the otherwise silence around them. Reaching out his hand as if getting to him might help him, their fingers almost touch as Fredrick does the same. Eyes locked, Fredrick strains to touch him, to take his hand and pull him back up. Just as their fingers meet, Gul'Dan's eyes roll back and he falls forward to the ground, never to rise on his own again.

Waking up in a pool of sweat, Fredrick lets out an angry and surprised yell. In the back of his mind he can hear the demon chuckling slightly, but he knows deep down that what he just saw wasn't a dream, but a vision. Had it happened yet? Quickly getting dressed he tossed on his clothing, strapped on his armour and armed himself with a variety of weapons.

Heading out of his tent he shouts loudly over his sleeping men. "Get your asses up! You have 10 minutes to break campt and get yourselves moving for Cutnpaniel! You can sleep when you're dead!"

Taking a look at the other banners around him, knowning that Ziode would want to know, he shakes his head. He had to go alone. Packing his own few belongings and checking again that his men were getting ready, he makes his way towards Cutnipaniel.