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Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 22 days, 17 hours, 27 minutes ago Throw away the Key

Apollyon offered a small smile to the guard “My thanks.”

He picked up the tray gently and put it on the small table, leaving enough space for the paper and ink.

He had one sheet already and as the drawer opened and Apollyon extracted the paper, he counted and now had twenty two sheets.

He set the stack of papers on the table and thought for a moment, he could write letters to his fellow nobles, but the books he was given were either boring, uninteresting or a religious tome and none interested him.

He smiled, no one had ever written the Great Tale of House Daubeny before, maybe it was time, it was a tale worthy of writing, maybe even worth a song.

Apollyon paused, thinking as it was traditionally the job of the head of the House to write down the stories of old but none ever had except for Malin the Wise, Apollyon’s Great, Great Granduncle, but the book had been burnt to ash in the Siege of Sunstone five years prior,but not only was he not the Head but also a Blackstone, it was his sect of the family that had caused this strife amongst the Daubenys, strife which spilled into his home realm in Perdan.

He bit his lower lip in thought, he shouldn’t, it was right but then again...no, it was time for the story to see some light again, maybe he could find some solace in the Legends of Old.

He thought about how to write the beginning of the story, he realised he had just answered his question and began to write.

This is a tale of Hero’s of old and of a Kingdom of Rock and Earth that had long since fallen.

And it all began off the coast of Dwilight, on a small rocky island, it was a hard land, plagued with monsters that stalked the Jungles.

Only in the Valley of Twilight were the human settlers safe for the monsters and with their new found safety came prosperity and Lords of the Island would form together an alliance, trading and helping one another.

It was at this time that the Great Smiths of Mount Enarion would craft weapons and armor of near unparalleled quality as gifts to the great lords.

Apollyon heard voices in the hallway and stopped writing, his ears peeking up and scanning the air for sounds, a minute paused and he sighed, he would finish this later he thought as his stomach growled in hunger.

He rested his quill in the ink pot and turned to his meal, he took the cheese and bread putting the cheese into the bread after tearing it open. He bit into the stale roll and appreciated the richness of the cheese which slightly offset the stale bun, it was not a great quality meal but it was most certainly a finer meal then what he used to have when imprisoned before.

He thought he heard voices again and waited, no one came to visit him, he shrugged to himself and went back to writing, pushing his meal to the side.

The Valley Lords were led by three noble families, on the mountain tops above the clouds ruled House of Sun, in white marble towers and a mighty city, built more like a fortress then a city.

The City of Princeps Porta or as it was known as in High Gate stood resolute as the self proclaimed Capital of the Valley Lords.

Down in the Valley stood proud the House of Stone, farmers and blacksmiths, they lived peaceful lives as the trade hub between the House of Sun and the House of Moon.

The House of Moon, ruled the caverns, they were miners and warriors, fighting deep in the tunnels. They made their home in the Cavern of Stars, a cavern whose roof was covered in so many gems it looked like the night’s sky.

It was a peaceful time, the three houses lived together in harmony.

Until one day, the House of Moon dug too deep.

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 21 days, 23 hours, 35 minutes ago The Great Tale of House Daubeny: They dug too Deep

It was a cold winter’s morning when the miners had struck into the cavern, the rock wall falling away to reveal a surface of red gem-like scales.

It was said a miner struck into the red gems and his pick axe cracked and split against it as from beyond the scales came a rumble and the surface began to shift.

It roll around until a piercing gold eye stared at the four miners, the creature let out a ferocious roar and the mountain itself shook.

The miners fled warning their kin to flee, the House of Moon and their servants escaped the caverns and mountain, pouring into the valley as the earth beneath their feet quaked.

The earth whines as the mountain began to crack and split, purple fire licking out from the cracks.

Suddenly a gargantuan form burst from the mountain, all but tearing the top off it, it bellowed out purple fire and massive wings unfurled from its shimmering red back.

The Great Dragon J’ezbelus had been awoken.

Apollyon ran some sand onto the paper to absorb the wet ink, he set the three pages of work he had written.

He shook sand off them and put them together, he walked close to the door and called out “Excuse me Jailer, would you have a look at this for me?”

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 21 days, 21 hours, 38 minutes ago Throw away the Key

[The Great Tale of House Daubeny: They dug too Deep]

He placed down the current novel on the growing stack and he walked down the long hallway to look at his only prisoner. Storm gray eyes peruse the cell interior looking for anything out of place, "Look at what?" if one were to look closely the guard didn't where the standard uniform of Perdan. Instead he had a well made purple gambeson and black hood that would be familiar to some, with black gauntlets tucked in his belt.

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 21 days, 21 hours, 23 minutes ago Throw away the Key

Apollyon handed the guard the three papers “I was writing a story, oh and here, I have a letter I wish to send.”

He leaned back into the chair and grabbed another piece of paper and handed it to Jailer also.

He looked at the Guard’s uniform “So you serve Lady Dustiria, for those are her colours you wear no?”

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 21 days, 19 hours, 30 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

"I can mail that and look at your tale. As for Lady Dustiria no I don't serve her. She knows better than that. Now favors that I will do for her like this one. After all what is family for" he smiles with a cheeky grin, "I am Robert Noire. Unlike my dear sister I am no knight." and with that he heads off to mail the letter.