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! Tournament for Ancients
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City Gates, Capital of the Five Lands
|Content=The Foederati woman had earned a ride in the rumbling cart after saving the horse from a scyther. Hunched over a spear, her cloak pulled tight, she peers about the strange city of towers. Despite the crumbling remains of the outer walls the place was clean, cleaner than Mhed at least. Though that was probably in preparation for the tournament.  
|Content=As winter turns to spring, the cloaked woman from the mountains has learned a thing or two about the lowlands. Stark lessons in the treachery of old women, the kindness of relieved mothers, and the helplessness of the people. Yet though she had bloodied her spear in the service of others countless times, she still had no answers to her own questions. And so desperation put the huntress on the path of very different prey: an old greybeard, Bob Baceolus, Duke of Agyr.
Under normal circumstances a man of his rank would never meet with a vagabond like her, but Bob complicates things further, by never standing still. The ancient Warrior-Duke is always on the road, marching from battle to battle killing monsters. So, if she could not chase him, time to set an ambush; even a Duke can't avoid attending the Royal Tournament.
Of course getting there ahead of him might be tricky. The trek from the eastern foothills to the capital of the Five Lands will take some time. A little less time after the Twinkling Gaze graced her with a peasant to save. The down on his luck caravaneer hadn’t been able to afford proper guards and nearly became lunch for a Scyther. She slew the slithering beast after it tore through one of his horses, earning her a trip to the city of towers, Fronepu.
The towers of the coastal city loom across the plains. Some are of polished stone, smooth and straight. Others twist and bend like gnarled trees supported by timber and prayer. Between each are low homes and shops fashioned from wood and dark brick. Ringing the entire thing are the crumbling remains of the outer walls, manned by far too few sluggish militia dressed in parade finery. So this is the seat of the Crown. It’s cleaner than Mhed at least, but compared to Agyr, it is like a child dressed in their father’s clothes.

A chill draws her attention to the looming stronghold, still marred by the wolf paw, even as she hisses under her breath, “What now?” 
Passing through the outer gates, the familiar warm wind draws her attention up to the faded wolf paw carved in the stone. A mark of the past. A past that haunts her still.

Twisting about to consider the tournament grounds she nods to herself, before eyeing the repurposed militia barracks anew. She was here for a reason after all, and maybe she could get the proper vantage from a high perch… After all, scuttling into that old stronghold should be child's play.  
As does her light purse. Everything about living in the lowlands is just so expensive and, with a tournament underway, prices are even higher. No matter. As she'd learned weeks ago, even this shining city had a dark underbelly that would pay a huntress well.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City Castle, Royal Quarters
|Content= It's good to see knights already arriving for the tourney. Feast and be welcome my friends, the alehouses and dancehalls of Fronepu await your gold and your good humour.
|Content=Her Majesty, Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Protector of the Five Lands and Crusader of the Metal Gods of Daishi, relaxes atop her balcony to admire the Royal Tournament. Basking in the feel of spring sunlight along her midnight-jet hair, the queen’s silhouette upon the wall is that of a warrior. Indeed her reputation alone had summoned a steady stream of knights from all the kingdoms even before she declared the tournament of joust and blade. She can see from here the growing crowds who will soon be enjoying the feast and drink of her city.
|Title= Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona
Her people need such festivity after the long, cold winter. Yet though she would care for nothing more than to relax herself, the Crown will not allow it. There’s always so much to do, and so few she could trust to do it.
Speaking of, she’d best head to the fairgrounds and make a royal appearance. Toying with her blade she smiles to herself. Maybe she could find time for a duel or two… 
|Title= Queen of Ar Agyr

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
|Content=Best laid plans...
|Content=Best laid plans…
Swinging around her spear to strike down the last rattler, Nerta sighs and inspects the dusty catacombs in flickering torch light. Did the Valentic Order burrow in every city they entered? First Mhed, then Agyr, and now here…  
Turning toward the chill Nerta rolls her eyes, “Finally done? She couldn’t have been that great of a conversationalist. Well I’ve finished up so let’s head back upstairs where I can get some stew.”
Nerta’s spear smashes through the ancient skeletal attacker, scattering bones and the last of the rusty blades. The dusty catacombs silent once again, she inspects the gloom in torch light. The Valentic Order of old seemed more termite than temple. Burrowing deep into every city they entered. First Mhed with Captain Egan, then Agyr after her escape from the hag, and now here…  
Pulling her cloak back around her as she goes, the young Foederati makes her way back above ground toward one of those famed alehouses that everyone was hawking about.

|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
A warm wind whistles through the shattered bones, calling the huntress to dig and her compliance is rewarded with old coins. Like the tower looming over the gate, these are marked with a wolf's paw on one side, but the other is a blazing sun. Bouncing the spoils in her palm she listens, either to their jingle, or something else. Either way, at least she can afford a hot meal.

Pulling her cloak back around her as she exits the underground, the young woman picks one of the alehouses at random. It's down a side street and thus the wide round room filled with tables is mostly empty.

It's cosy, if sparse, with the only real decoration being an old banner nearly as ratty as her cloak. It's black, and carries the symbol of a wolf, but at this point that isn't a surprise. No matter where she goes she can't escape old ghosts and the lingering remains they leave behind.  
|Sender=Achille de Medici
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Free beer at the tavern! Knight Achille de Medici invites everyone for a round of drinks at the local taverns, a great show of his lavishness and hospitality.
|Title= Knight

A thick bowl of victory-stew clomping onto the table, pulls Nerta back to the here and now. A few coins later and she gets to relax with a tasty mea-...

A vessel with a pestle thumps on the table. "Well, well, someone let a pretty little thing in without getting her a drink? A shame that, but don't you worry." The bearded man dressed in blue breaks into a crooked grin. "I'm a proper gentleman and happy to keep a lady, lubricated."
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Oh great, it’s a party.

When she sat down to her victory stew, the cozy alehouse had only a few patrons, but that had changed quickly once the Patrician swaggered in.  
The glittering gaze narrows and Nerta puffs aside a stray hair. “Well I'm not a lady and I'm not looking for company so why don't you go bother someone else.”

Slapping down more money than she’d ever seen, this Achille de Medici had called for a round of drinks. That much beer sloshing around drew in quite the crowd of riotous revelers and within minutes a party was well under way.  
The man holds a chalice that seems fancy enough to come from the palace and positively overflowing with frothy ale. "Naa lass, this here's my table and I do like your eyes."

A party that backed Nerta into a corner..  
Nerta's grip tightens on her spoon as her skin crawls. But before she could respond the door of the alehouse bangs on the wall. It draws every eye in the place to the puffed up patrician waddling in. No doubt just as intended. Dressed from head to toe in resplendent clothing of a dozen colours, the sword on his hip seems more for show then combat. As is the hefty purse he tosses onto the counter.  

She’d been jostled by a cutesy couple looking to find a bit of space themselves, and at least one frothy flagon emblazoned with a dragon had been thunked down on her table. At this rate someone was going to ask her to dance or worse!
"Let it be known effendi; Achille de Medici, Knight of Keffa, buys the house a round or twelve!"

Puffing aside a stray hair and keeping her travel cloak pulled tight, the woman eyes her possible routes of escape: The front door was swamped with people, both coming and going; but she could head upstairs and maybe slip out of a window or something.
All but two cheer at the news, Nerta and the bearded man dressed in blue. Turns out free ale is effective bait for a crowd, and a growing crowd, effective cover for a letch in blue.
Taking a moment to eye the stuffed shirt, Nerta rises and makes her way for the stairs.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

The man tries to slip into the chair next to her, but Nerta is having none of it and kicks it back. "Seats taken."

Catching the sliding seat he laughs. "Feisty! But that's alright, I'll just stand." He toasts and leans against the wall, his hand resting on her spear. "So. Not from around here, not a lady, but still armed." Nerta's glare earns another grin. "And ya, a spicy kitten. Means you must be an adventurer, and broke. I know a few ways you can make easy money."
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Nerta had to shove her way through the crowd and duck past a couple in the staircase, but she was able to make it to the top floor despite the calls and shouts of Achille for more beer and the roar that followed.  

Wonder what he has to prove?  
Nerta sneers and rises from her seat. “You mean by killing you and collecting a bounty? Because there's generally good pay in slaughtering monsters.”

Slipping out with little trouble, the wandering woman makes her way into the city growing ever more festive as the tournament draws near.   
The man swirls his cup and yawns before taking a drink. “If your bite was as bad as your bark you’d not be buying stew here. If you’re broke, you’re probably bad at this, so stop pretending.” A cute couple hunting for a quiet corner get a bit close, encouraging the man to lean in. “Face it little girl, you're not leaving until I say you can.  
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Gritting her teeth hard enough they might crack, Nerta calmly plucks a dagger from her belt and slashes at the man. His reflexes are pretty quick, so she only catches the back of his hand. It's enough for him to drop his drink leaving the chalice to shatter on the ground while he lets out a surprised oath.

“You bitch! I was going to go easy on you, but now…”
|Sender=Godfrey Greybrook
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=One could find a man studying scrolls and other iconography in a shaded corner of the marketplace, occasionally sending ravens across the continent. Some say he is the priest of blood, others say he preaches the saviour of humanity. Yet, no one would truly know unless they asked the prophet of Vordulism, which none of the peasants anyway dared to ask.

|Title= Prophet of [[Vordulism]]
The commotion catches the attention of the couple, and the man holding a flagon with a dragon interjects. “Sounds like someone's had a bit too much to drink.” His voice has an almost musical quality. “Why don't you take a walk?”
The bearded man in blue spins around to snarl at the intrusion only to pause. He seems to recognize the pair and smirks still clutching his hand. "Not a bad idea, but don't worry, spicy kitten; I'll be back.”

The bearded man in blue leaves while the couple lingers. The man is younger than the others, perhaps closer to her own age, though his grey eyes seem stormy. His dark hair is cut short and he wears a livery she doesn’t recognize. Some sort of knight then.

Tipping over the vessel with the pestle, the amber ale spills across the floor as his melodic voice calls. “Sorry, miss. I'll buy you a replacement.
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Something was strange.

The market platz near Achille's party lacked the usual bustle. Maybe everyone was just in the alehouse but then…. The sudden chill set her hairs on edge, pulling her gaze toward the slender man shaded by the tree in the corner.  
“As I told your friend, I'm not interested.

He was reading, so he was probably noble born, yet he did not look the part of a warrior especially in those robes. But despite all of that there was something else about him that seemed, familiar. Ignoring the chill, Nerta glances around the square and frowns in realization. The Plebeians were leaving the man well alone just like they did for her. How…. typical.  
His jaw sets, eyes glancing toward the retreating figure. “Fair enough,” he bows, “though he’s no friend of mine. Either way I hope your day goes well.

In a way it is surreal to feel a kinship with a stranger purely on the grounds that they are both excluded. Thoughts of home brought a familiar melody to her fingers as they drum on her spear, Gods she missed them. Stuck here in these alien lands on the outside just like this stranger. She knew nothing of the man really, and yet it looked as though no one else would take the time to learn of him.
With that the pair leave and Nerta can finally finish her meal. Not that she has the appetite any more. Better to get out of here, she has work to do after all.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Pushing aside the contemplation least the homesickness swells to despair, Nerta wavers. Could she afford a detour? The ache pulls her to at least try but…
|Sender=Soren Navaar
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
|Content=Anger churns in Soren’s gut, though it doesn’t show until the trio meet outside. He’d long ago perfected the mask of tranquillity under the watchful eye of his father. It means the bearded man in blue is taken aback when Soren confronts him in the small alley between the tavern and a local shop.

Twisting again to glance toward the old stronghold, Nerta’s ears twitch. Something.. a trumpet perhaps? Had her quarry arrived?  
“What was that disgusting display?” Soren’s lip curls in a sneer, “Have you no shame?

Glancing from one to the other she scowls and stalks out of the square. The stranger didn’t look like he was going anywhere and if that was Bob, he probably wasn’t going to sit still for long.
The bearded man scoffs. “Right because you Blue Tower boys are such paragons of virtue.The man dabs at his cut hand, but it seems to have nearly healed. “I get that I’m to help you with some daimon hunt or the like, but my faction is interested in Foederati monsters like her. Bringing them in pays well.”
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Soren’s companion from the Blue Tower shakes her head, setting dark curls to dance. Her voice is rough, so unlike her youthful appearance. “Well enough to be worth the scene? I’m surprised your handlers would just sign off on poisoned drinks during a tournament, and really; did you think that entire routine would work?”

Soren had to agree. The bear of a man lounging in front of him may have knowledge about some dark cult in the north, but his recklessness made him question everything about this mission, including its veracity.
|Sender=Achille de Medici
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=It was high time for the drinks to continue pouring.  
|Title= Knight

“Look lass, I don’t tell you how to run your little pony show, you don’t tell me how to run mine.” The man’s grin is dark. “Besides, I like it when they squirm in the net.”

“This is why I hate working with you Factorium lunatics.” Soren sneers. “Everything’s an experiment to you! It’s like you’ve got no morals at all.
|Sender=Godfrey Greybrook
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Once a man too mighty to hold his tongue, silence in the mountains taught restraint to the man known as Godfrey, speaking to groups when deemed correct to do so.

As a noble he did not truly know showered drinks for all, Godfrey humbly accepted the gesture and continued observing the crowds with a form of ale.
Scratching at his cheek, the bearded man in blue snorts. “We live in the north, not your soft south, no time to worry about morals. We get results.” Jabbing Soren’s chest. “Besides, your Blue Tower bosses know what we’re about: human supremacy, at any cost.

One stopped to stare, were they noble born? No... probably not as otherwise they would of approached? Yet, peasants and their ilk are needed for the great plan.
Soren’s grey gaze storms for two heartbeats before his fist cracks the man in the jaw. “What good is human supremacy if you divorse yourself from the human race to get it?”

A turn of the observer's heel saw Godfrey continue to watch the market as the trumpets played in the distance.
Stalking out of the alley, Soren glowers at the man working his jaw and jabs a finger at the woman with the rough voice. “Tell Silas I'm not working with these lunatics…”
|Title= Prophet of [[Vordulism]]
|Title= Knight of Nothoi

|Sender=Gustav Kuriga
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Across from Wolf Tavern
|Content=In the shaded corner of the marketplace sits a man robbed in black with trim of both crimson & blue. Despite the festivities around him, none dare disturb his reading. Rumours claim he’s the Prophet of the Bloody Prince from the distant land of Vordul Sanguinus. Others say he offers salvation for humanity. Yet the smiling man would happily answer their questions about the tenets of Vordulism if they only found the courage to ask.
|Title= Prophet of [[Old Gods/Legends/Vordulism|Vordulism]]

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Across from the Wolf Tavern
|Content=So...this was the infamous Bob.  
|Content=Nerta finishes pushing her way through the crowd only to find the market plaza lacks the usual bustle. Maybe everyone is just in the alehouse but… A familiar warm breeze pulls her gaze toward the slender man shaded by the tree in the corner.
He’s reading, so is probably noble born, yet the robes are not the dress of a warrior. Yet despite the differences there seems a thread, a connection of sorts. Ignoring the warm breeze, Nerta glances around the square and frowns in realisation. The Plebeians are leaving the man well alone, just like they did for her.

Gripping a windowsill of the old Stronghold in a few places, Nerta peers down from her perch at the unassuming precession. The grey beard riding a black charger was probably the leader of the roving band. Looked pretty comfortable in the saddle and there was a wariness about him that reminded her of a cat. Even relaxed, he seemed ready to ambush something. And play with it. Still he was certainly old though. I mean she’d thought the Old Man was just that, but next to this guy he seemed positively spry.  
It is surreal to feel kinship with a stranger purely due to being equally excluded. Thoughts of home bring a familiar melody to her fingers, by the Gods she missed the mountains. Stuck here in these alien lands on the outside just like this stranger. She knows nothing of the man really, and yet it looks as though no one else would take the time to learn of him.

Shielding her eyes from the glare Nerta traces his path through town. At last Bob was out from his manor with only a token handful of, admittedly sturdy looking, guards. Not people to mess with but she wasn’t getting much of a choice if she wanted any sleep.
Nerta pushes aside the thoughts of home least homesickness becomes despair, but wavers. Could she afford a detour? The ache of kinship pulls her to at least try but…

Climbing back down she sets her jaw and heads after the man.  
The blare of trumpets pulls her attention toward the walls. Has her quarry arrived at last?

Time to get this done.
Glancing from one to the other she scowls and stalks out of the square. The stranger didn’t look like he was going anywhere and if that was Bob, he probably wasn’t going to sit still for long.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Yxevarii Auru'in
|Sender=Godfrey Greybrook
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Across from the Wolf Tavern
|Content=Silenced by gracefully-donated ale her watchful eyes sweep across the assemblage of banners and oddities. Truly all manner and ilk, attendant nobles provide a bountiful glimpse at Belluaterra's rich cultural tapestry. Sturdy assistants collect last-minute orders for repairs while wenches saunter to and fro with a flowing flagon cupped in each hand. Smiles abound - fueled by the near-endless flood of alcohol - while others ponder in silent isolation.
|Content=Pain is an excellent teacher. Godfrey learned that and more in the southern hills. Once a man too proud to hold his tongue, the cult of Vordulism had shown him the error of his ways. Thus the man dressed in black and crimson merely bows his head as Achille de Medici showers the alehouse with drinks.
Stepping back outside, the man trimmed in crimson checks on his peer from Vordul Sanguinus. The dark-haired young woman from the corner of the tavern is drawn to the great prophet and yet too cowardly to approach.  

Alone, Yxevarii watches a fellow watcher and wonders why the relic of a man interests her so. Ever the curious one, she drains the last drops of amber, leaves a gold coin upon the table, and takes her sweet time aimlessly wandering in the general direction of those too otherwise engage to preoccupy themselves with ale-drowned banter.
Her tattered cloak is peasant garb. A rough spun wool that screams ‘hand-me-down’ The crude spear she carries is no better, giving her the distinct appearance of a wastrel down on her luck. Yet her cloak seems bulky, far in excess to the brief glimpses of her slender face and firm arm. Combined with her general twitchiness he can only draw one conclusion: She must be an adventurer, no doubt carrying her gear under her cloak. Perhaps a rudimentary attempt to deter thieves. It is no doubt uncomfortable either way.  

The only question now; should he intervene least she try to rob the holy man of Vordulism? The call of trumpets answers the question for him and as the young woman leaves he turns his attention back to the trio who’d left earlier.
|Title= Knight of Vordul Sanquinus

|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Having heard of the tournament Bob and his men enter the city of Fronepu to attend the event as observers and representatives of Ar Agyr and the city of Agyr.
|Content=The shining ranks of the Ballistic Hooligans march into the tournament grounds. At the head of the column rides Bob Baceolus, Duke of Agyr and Seneschal of the Five Lands. Many would scoff at the old greybeard claiming age had melted his frame, and dulled his wit. But those blue eyes are sharp and his body, though lean, is strong as a bow.  

Seeing the festivities brings back memories of days when he was able to enter as a participant, although he'd be unlikely to keep up with all the younger knights these days.
The festivities remind the man of his youth. A simpler time when his banner carried the mark of the wolf and his blood ran hot. He rarely competed in those days, too busy slaying  monsters, and such tournaments are  closed to the officers of the royal court. But it's probably for the best;  he'd be unlikely to keep up with all the younger knights these days.

He makes his way into the city to get settled before heading over to check out the grounds to welcome everybody to Ar Agyr, his men eager for a few days off from travelling the wilderness hunting down rogue forces to enjoy the festivities.
Settling his men in barracks, and giving them leave, the old duke and his guards ride down to fairgrounds to welcome all to the Five Lands.  
|Title=Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr
|Title= Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Trailing after the procession as it winds through the city, Nerta attempts more than once to reach the man and his stallion, but every time she has to break off the approach either due to a group or the guards.  
|Content=So...this is the infamous Bob.
Gripping a windowsill of the old Stronghold in a few places, Nerta peers down from her perch at the unassuming precession. The greybeard riding a black charger looks pretty comfortable in the saddle and there is a wariness about him that reminded her of a cat. Even relaxed, he seems ready to ambush something. And play with it. Still he was certainly old. In fact he made the Old Man seem positively spry.

Finally there was a window; his tour of the fairgrounds had only a token force and someone needed to fetch things, so when he called for water for his horse Nerta happily obliged.  
Shielding her eyes from the glare, Nerta traces his path through town. At last Bob is away from his battlefields with only a token handful of, admittedly sturdy looking guards. Not people to mess with, but she has little choice if she wants any sleep.

The sloshing pail was actually fairly large, but she had a solid grip, or three, letting her slide up to the small group at a brisk waddle. Frowning at the final approach the woman wonders how to even begin, it’d been months of work getting to this moment, how to even…
As the man reaches the fairgrounds she scales back down the tower and attempts an approach, but the guards are well paid and sharp of eye. They see her off promptly since a vagabond has no business bothering a duke.  

An errant splash of water soaks into her cloak causing her to glance down and curse only to turn into a light chuckle at the irritated reflection staring back up at her. Shifting to nod at the empty air, Nerta makes a quick gesture with her head before finally reaching her goal.
But Nerta is stubborn and the heated breeze draws her attention to the man’s horse. That is her window. Someone needs to fetch things, so she lingers close at hand and when the mighty Bob calls for water Nerta happily obliges.

“Pardon me Patrician, I have your water, and a message from an old friend. Strangely they are one and the same, if you would just take a look.
The sloshing pail is actually fairly large, but she has a solid grip, or three, letting her approach the group like a crab. As the horse looms overhead, Nerta can’t help but wonder how she might begin but the thought is cut short by an errant splash that soaks into her cloak. Cursing, the closest guard menaces a spear her way. They take Bob’s safety seriously indeed. Thus she waits, the duke not even looking at her.  
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

“Think I saw her earlier, Captain.” The stern veteran sweeps her cloaked figure with his gaze.

The man sporting a wickedly sharp goatee frowns. “Really? Then step back lass. His Grace’s horse can get water from a bucket without you.”

Months of work for this opportunity only to be denied? No, but what can she…
|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=“Father! I did it! I have an estate!”

Father sat in his study.  
The warm wind answers her racing thoughts with an echoing call. “So this is what became of the Beloved Hidden Sage of War, the Guardian of the Flame, the Last Sentinel of Rengo…”

Mielba bounded towards him, holding the deed.  
Bob has been ignoring the slip of a girl, but this icy litany focuses his attention like a hawk on a mouse. And the titles keep coming.

From across the hall she heard her mother’s voice, “Are you certain it is in Ar Agyr this time?
“…Imperator Primus, the White Walker of Lin Helon, the Dancer of Daimons, Champion of the Ancestors, Shield of Thalmarkin, Saviour of Avalon, Reaper of Emperors, Scourge of Tyranny, and how can any forget, the Grinning Fool.

“Yes! Yes! Come see!”

Mielba placed the document on her father’s desk as mother ushered in to stand besides him.  
|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=The litany ends like the death of a song leaving the guards alert, and Bob thoughtful. Wordlessly he signals for the captain to hold, and strokes his beard. “Haven’t heard that list in a long time. A nice trick. I would have your name, and your source.

Father began scrutinizing the paperwork in detail; mother needed only a glance to check the realm and name of the estate.  
Eyeing the guards each in turn the woman sets her teeth. “I’m Nerta, and if you want to know my source, take a look in the bucket.

Again silence stretches, but curiosity encourages the ancient warrior to wave her through the spears. Alas, thanks to his high horse, Nerta must hoist the pail to her shoulder. Can’t have His Grace bend.

“Bay... tzeera?” she asked.
Reflected in the peasant’s grail, Bob can see how his face is lined and weathered from decades out in the field. Inspection of his thinning white hair is cut short by the arrival of an altogether different figure floating just behind his shoulder.  

“Y-yes. Chancellor Bob let me name it. He said we could always change it. What do you think?”
The partially translucent man has a neatly trimmed beard, and long dusty grey hair pulled in a tail along his back. The lines of his face are not nearly so deep as the ancient warrior, though his violet eyes seem to burn with even greater intensity. The grave dust that scatters from his sturdy figure makes his black jacket trimmed in delicate gold & silver seems more grey, and about his throat is a  partially torn cravat set with an onyx that shimmers in the light of his eyes.  

Lady Cordenata looked outward with a faraway gaze. Eyes closed she moved her head slowly from side to side.  
“It is good to see you again, old friend.” His rumbling voice echos as a warm breeze. “But I must say, the years have not been kind to you, and coming from me that is saying something.

She looked back at Mielba and deigned a small nod.  
Bob arches a brow at the snide comment and addresses his guards without taking his eyes off the eerie figure in the water. “I assume there is nothing behind me, Captain. Which means either this is a poor illusion attempting to trick an old warrior, or Consul Aldo has at last returned. I'm not rightly sure which is worse.

Father looked up, “This is a sizeable parcel of land! The Chancellor must have taken a liking to you!”
The guard affirms Bob’s guess while the spectre chuckles. "Come on Bob, my Imperator, where's your sense of adventure? The king-under-the-mountain has returned and you know that means things are going to get exciting."

“I daresay so, though mayhaps this is a token of goodwill in light of the embarrassment?offered mother cautiously.  
“Maybe the reflection of exciting,” Bob calms his horse, “you aren’t exactly all here.

“Oh! Um, neither,” replied Mielba bashfully. “Chancellor Bob explained that giving me this estate would bring in more gold for the realm.”
Nerta scowls under the weight of the bucket as the pair banter and curls her fingers around the lip for a better grip. The shaking sees the ghostly man rippling in the water. He waits for the image to clear before straightening his jacket. “Yes well, turns out when you steal from the Gods they notice. Even if they wait a bit to collect their due.”

“The Gods have seen to bless you, child,” whispered Father. He carefully made the effort to stand. He was beaming, standing tall and proud, appearing for a moment as he had when she was a child. “Now you are truly a proper noblewoman!
“See? This is why I never bothered with the Gods, it only leads to mischief.”  

Mother smiled wanly.
“Condeming mischief? Oh that’s rich coming from the near avatar of the Twinkling Gaze. Has age blunted your mischievous nature? What happened to the man who catapulted zombies into a party just to liven things up?”

|Title= Knight of Agyr
The memory of that crashed ball has Bob smile, but three heartbeats later the grin fades. “It really is you, old friend. Then I am truly sorry. I failed you, failed everyone. Tyrants came after you were gone and I am a warrior, not a leader. I could do nothing to protect your legacy. Everything you built has been destroyed. Everyone you shielded is exposed. And I-” He sighs, “I was unable to save even you in the end.”

The reflection of the ghost flares. “Bob. I know you did all that you could. If you failed, it is not for lack of trying, but for the lack of grace in the world. Though much has been lost, I am happy that I could see you even one last time.”

Nerta mutters and sags under the weight of the bucket, setting the reflection to waver. “Gods… old men won't shut up…”

The ethereal equivalent of a sigh bubbles up from the blurry image, but slowly the reflection returns to focus. “Don't mind Nerta, she tries but…” Trailing off he presses on. “It doesn’t matter. Yes Bob, I’m back.
|Title= Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr
|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Stopping his horse to go touring the tournament grounds, Bob barely pays the slip of a girl any mind as she staggers over with the pail, and even less when she starts talking but then there comes an eerily familiar voice.....
"It is good to see you again old friend. But I must say, the years have not been kind to you, and coming from me that is saying something."

Bob casts a sideways glance over at the reflection on the water in the pail. It looks oddly familiar... And so he leans in for a good, long, look.

Smiling up from the water is more than Bob's reflection, there is another man with a neatly trimmed beard and somewhat dishevelled hair. His eyes seem to sparkle with violet light so akin to the flame that warmed Bob's city, and when he spoke his voice echoed through the wind.
|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Cordenata Family Manor
|Content=The old manor by the sea is airy and bright despite the signs of genteel decay. Scampering through the halls of white stone is a young woman dressed in gold and orange. Her blonde hair bounces nearly as much as the letter she carries.  

In response Bob lets out a simple harrumph and retorts, "You'll not fool me with the same old illusions, go entertain someone else for your coin."
“Father! I did it! I have an estate!”

The specter chuckles, "Age took your vigor and sense of humour did it? This sour tone is a far cry from the man who catapulted some zombies into Fallan's party just because things were getting dull."
The elderly Cordenata sits in his study as his lovely daughter Mielba bounds towards him, holding the deed.

"Oh really, and where have you been? I didn't give you permission to die. That was my job."
From the garden a woman’s voice mingles with the bracing sea air. “Are you certain it is within the Five Lands this time?

The reflection laughs, "No it wasn't, unless you're Morgan in which case I take back what I said, you look great for that old bureaucrat."
Mielba is far too excited to notice the pointed question. “Yes! Yes! Come see!”

A faint smile seems to creep up on Bob, "Well he had the money, I had the army. So really who was going to overthrow you in a bloody revolt?"
Her father takes his time reviewing the deed while the excitable Mielba bounces as a gull on the waves. Eventually her mother arrives, casting a casual glance to ensure her wayward daughter hadn’t ended too far-afield.  

"Why neither one of you. Only a fool would want my job, and though you were eccentric, you were never a fool."
“Duke Bob of Agyr, Seneschal of the Five Lands, hereby offers Dame Mielba the estates of Bay... tzeera?”

Nerta mutters and sags under the weight of the bucket, setting the reflection to waver, "Gods... old men won't shut up..."
“Y-yes.” This causes the young lass to pause. Had she messed up somehow? “Seneschal Bob let me name it. He said we could always change it. What do you think?”

Letting out a sigh, or the ethereal equivalent, the reflection slowly returns to focus, "Don't mind the girl, she tries but...." Trailing off he presses on, "Yes Bob, it's me. Turns out when you steal from the Gods they notice, even if they wait a bit to collect their due."
The critical Lady Cordenata looks outward with a faraway gaze. Eyes closed she shakes her head slowly from side to side, but finally grants a small nod.
|Title= Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr

Keeping out of the discussion, Lord Cordenata pokes his head out from the letter as the salvo concludes. “This is a sizable parcel of land, my dear. The Senechal must have taken a liking to you.”

“As well he should, though,” Lady Cordenata frows, “Mayhaps this is a token of goodwill in light of the embarrassment? Really my dear accidentally swearing fealty to a foregin lord of this Vordulism cult is most, unbecoming… ”

“Oh! Um, neither,” replies Mielba bashfully. “The Senechal’s man explained that this is purely for administrative reasons, but that His Grace Bob looks forward to my continued success.
|Sender=Godfrey Greybrook
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=The city was in full swing with the tournament atmosphere, even able to reach the palace where Gustav had been assisting Sworn Elios. Taking advantage of a momentary break in the talks, he set out to explore the old city and see what remained of the ancient realm of Fronen.  

As he walked through the outer city, Gustav noticed a small shack, clearly rundown and seemingly abandoned for years. What drew his eyes was not the shack itself, but the golden feather above it's entrance, aged but still intact. He sat down for a time, sketching the shack as he had the outer walls for around ten minutes. Finishing the main lines of the drawing, he put the journal away. Carefully he would enter, praying that the whole edifice wouldn't come down on him. Inside, he saw iconography of a dragon, along with that of an eagle, hawk, and crow. The shack seemed to be barren otherwise, with nothing of value or note. As the place seemed nothing more than a curiosity, he began to make his way out when a glint of something shining beneath the rubble brought his attention. Picking it up, he was surprised to find a necklace with two amulets, that of a golden dragon, and that of a golden feather.
“Ah. Well no matter! The Gods have seen fit to bless you, child.” Lord Cordenata carefully made the effort to stand. He beams, standing tall and proud, appearing for a moment as he had when she was a child. “Now you are truly a proper noblewoman!”

Kuriga stared in admiration at the workmanship of the necklace and amulets, before putting them in a pocket. He would have time to study it later, but for now he still had diplomacy to perform. He would much rather be studying the history of this city, but that was fine with him.
Mother smiles wanly.
|Title= Prophet of [[Vordulism]]
|Title=Knight of Ar Agyr

|Sender=Elios Everlight
|Sender=Elios Everlight
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Stables
|Content=The burly sandy-haired knight dismounted just outside the tournament ground, admiring the banners and pennants caught high in the coastal breezes of Fronepu. It was comfortably warm here, the air smelled sweet and salted off the eastern sea. Stout was in fine spirits despite the long ride; the chestnut mare tossed her head and gave him a sidelong glance as though to say, "I know there's a stable in there with oats for me, get a move on!"
|Content=The sandy-haired, burly knight dismounts just outside the tournament ground to admire the banners and pennants caught high in the coastal breezes of Fronepu. Compared to his wooded land to the north, it is comfortably warm here with a sweet smell of the eastern sea. His horse Stout is in fine spirits despite the long ride though the chestnut mare tosses her head and fixes him with a sidelong glance as though to say: "I know there's a stable in there with oats for me, get a move on!"

Elios led Stout through the gate on foot, presented his admission fee for the tournament to a clerk, and then stepped away confidently and looked about for a stablehand.
Elios leads Stout through the gate on foot, presenting his admission fee for the tournament to a clerk, and then steps away confidently to look for a stable-hand.

"You'll be wanting the stable boarding for your mount then, Sir?" came the reedy voice of the clerk just behind him.
"You'll be wanting the stable boarding for your mount then, Sir?" came the reedy voice of the clerk just behind him.

Elios reddened, then straightened his shoulders and turned. "Why yes, of course."
Elios reddens, then straightens his shoulders to turn. "Why yes, of course."

The clerk stood by his small podium, and there was a finely-liveried stable-hand in attendance. Elios didn't know how he could have missed the girl, and he stared at her for several moments.
The clerk stands by his small podium, flanked by a finely-liveried stable-hand. Gaze lingering on the girl, Elios wonders how he’d missed her…

"Cinda will be honoured to see your mount and tack well cared for, Sir." the clerk prompted.
"Cinda will be honoured to see your mount and tack well cared for, Sir." The clerk prompted.

"Ah, yes..." the blush of embarrassment was hot under his beard, and Elios handed--nearly threw--the reins to the girl. She caught them deftly and stood at attention, waiting for any instruction. The blonde knight's brows furrowed together at her silent behaviour and his eyes cast about, thinking hard. A tip? He shoved a hand into his pocket and retrieved a silver piece, and flipped it to her as well. The girl caught it without comment and maintained her stance calmly.
"Ah, yes..." the blush of embarrassment is hot under his beard, and Elios handed--nearly threw--the reins to the girl. She catches them deftly and stands at attention, waiting for any instruction. The blonde knight's brows furrow together at her silent behaviour and his eyes cast about, thinking hard. A tip? He shoved a hand into his pocket and retrieved a silver piece, and flipped it to her as well. The girl caught it without comment and maintained her stance calmly.

"There is no boarding charge nor tip requirement for tournament competitors, Sir," came the reedy voice again, this time with a tone of long trained patience and a hint of patronization. "She waits for the mount's name, and any instruction as to her care."
"There is no boarding charge nor tip requirement for tournament competitors, Sir," came the reedy voice again, this time with a tone of long trained patience and a hint of patronization. "She waits for the mount's name, and any instructions as to her care."

His mouth felt hot and dry, contrasting the palms sweaty with nerves.
His mouth feels hot and dry, contrasting the palms sweaty with nerves.

"S-Stout. She eats whatever. Oats." The knight whirled on his heel and began to depart quickly. He'd gone several steps when another thought occurred. He stopped abruptly and called over his shoulder, "Uh, Thanks," then continued away at a brisk walk to find the nearest tavern.
"S-Stout. She eats whatever. Oats." The knight whirls on his heel and begins to depart quickly, but only gets a few steps when another thought occurs. "Uh, Thanks." He continues his escape at a brisk walk, hunting for the nearest tavern. If not for the weight of thousands of imagined eyes on him, he would run.
If he hadn't felt the weight of thousands of imagined eyes on him, he would have run.
|Title= Count of Wailing Woods
|Title= Count of Wailing Woods

|Sender=Gustav Kuriga
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Gustav watches as a sandy-haired knight blusters into the same tavern as the others. A popular destination ever since that Keffan in the bright surcoat had started handing out free drinks. He idly wonders what happened to the cloaked figure from earlier, but if the Gods saw fit to bring them together it would come to pass. For now he finishes signing off on absolving this ‘Mielba Cordenata’ from her ill-timed oath of fealty. Such a bubbly young lady, and so full of passion. Hopefully she put his gift of coin to good use. Finishing the paperwork, the prophet rises to explore the mysteries of this old city.

One of the original settlements along the east coast of what became known as Beluaterra, the shining city of Fronepu has a long history. Yet despite being the royal seat of the Five Lands there are many signs of decay in the outer city. Such as the strange shrine carved into the side of a factor’s warehouse. What draws his eyes is not the shine itself, which seems more a shack against the rain, but the stylized wolf paw above it's entrance, aged but still intact. He sits down for a time, sketching the shack as he had the outer walls for around ten minutes. Finishing the main lines of the drawing, he returns the journal and carefully approaches praying all the while that the whole edifice wouldn't come down on him.

Within he finds an assortment of household items and wooden carvings depicting: a crown, a wolf, a flame, a mask, and a lantern. The shack seems barren otherwise, with nothing of value or note. Yet something catches his eye in the back. It shines in a dark shadow, away from others. It seems to be a necklace of blue lapis lazuli.

Gustav marvels at the workmanship, the links of the chain seem to pour between his fingers and something, something calls him to pocket the simple necklace. He will have time to study it later, but for now he should see about visiting her Majesty.
|Title= Prophet of [[Old Gods/Legends/Vordulism|Vordulism]]

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Glaring off at what seems empty air rather than the reflection, Nerta drops the bucket, spilling the water across the parade grounds before biting out, "I tried but; it was pretty heavy."
|Content=Her Majesty, Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Protector of the Five Lands and Crusader of the Metal Gods of Daishi, smiles behind the faceplate of her helm. Practice swords clash as she locks guard with Prince Marcus Daubney from the distant southern Theocracy of Obia'Syela. Steam rising from his visor, the callow youth moves to shoulder check the Queen, but Her Majesty pivots around to smash him across the back. The blow sends him teetering forward into the arena railing, but the man recovers quickly.

Turning back to Bob, she ignores the silent chilly retort, "Look I get that you two are having a grand old time catching up but I'm not his Crystal-Maiden-damned chauffeur."
“Your Majesty fights well! But then I should expect nothing less from the tireless crusader. The only pity is that you battle for the Metal Gods, not the Lady Oracle. You would make a fine Templar.

Nerta's voice climbs as she continues, talking over the unseen, "I want him gone, I want my life back and I was told you could help me. So: if you two want to talk, take him; and if it was a lie, tell me so I can get on with it."
Her blade held firm between them, the Queen of the Five Lands keeps her gaze squarely on his shoulders. “Conversion by the sword is it Prince Marcus? Thanks to your tireless efforts your Lady Oracle has little need for a champion such as I.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Marcus’ sword dips as he stretches an arm. “Little need, but much desire…” The man inclines his head and the blade flashes once more in the sun.

The clang of metal, and the pivot of feet pushes Aibhlidhn back to the centre of the arena. However as the routine grows more sluggish she is able to once again deflect his blade into the dirt. “A Lady’s desires can be quite mysterious, young Prince. But those of a Prince quite direct.”

“Too true, but I note Your Majesty has not said ‘no’.” His blade still trailing behind, the man lunges forward suddenly. Apparently his lack of readiness was an attempt at a ruse.  
|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=The shade on the stone front steps of the Long Trough Inn was cool. Peaceful. Wren heard the bustle of the tournament several blocks away, across the square, and she was glad to be far away from it. It made her nervous. Too many highborn. Too many people! She couldn't watch them all! She was staying away, relaxed after paying for a safe sleep in the Inn, and considering maybe even paying an extravagant couple of silver to a street food peddler. Smells good.

Then she heard her name.
Her Majesty deflects the charge, disarming him in the process. “One hardly needs to say things that are self-evident, Prince Marcus.”

"...wren twittering on for every hour of the day.”
The seconds observing the match raise flags, signalling the match has ended in the favour of the Queen. If the thrashing, both physical and verbal, upsets the young Prince he doesn’t show it. “Fair enough, Your Majesty. Truly you are akin to the warrior-queens of old legend. How do the myths go? Cold as ice and twice as deadly…”

She started, and was on her feet at over to the corner of the building so fast, it was as though she hadn't touched the ground at all.
Aibhlidhn’s helm hides her smile, but not her salute. “Those legends are older than warrior-queens, or so my Senechal claims. But I shall take it as a compliment all the same. Now excuse me Prince, I must greet this Prophet of Vordulism and no doubt here his proselytising next.”
|Title= Queen of Ar Agyr
Around the corner, a very old nobleman conversed with a heavily cloaked figure. There was a large bucket on the ground, and a puddle. The cloaked one--a female?--spoke.
Nerta lets out a sigh and eventually looks up at the ancient warrior, “Can you help me, please? I just want to go home.”
Wren looked curiously at the cloaked one, double-blinked, and double-blinked again. That one moved differently. Familiar somehow. Curious as her namesake, Wren took little hesitant steps out from the building, vaguely in the direction of the pair. Nobody notice Wren. Listening. Watching.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Today, she would taste her first mead, one of the drinks of choice among the brave heroes of now and yore.
|Content=The clash of steel rings across the rapidly filling fairground as Nerta glares up at the empty gap above Bob’s shoulder. Suddenly, the irritable vagabond drops the bucket, spilling water across the parade grounds before biting out. "I tried but; it was pretty heavy."

Unfortunately, she entered the tavern just in time to be served a round of ale, on the house.  
The guards seem quite bewildered but Nerta ignores their spears to round on Bob. "I get that you two are having a grand time catching up, but I'm tired of being the Old Man’s Crystal-Cursed chauffeur."

She took her first sip, making sure to do so when the handsome knight who ordered the rounds looked in her direction.
Nerta's voice climbs as she continues, talking over the unseen. "I want him gone, I want my life back and I was told you could help me. So: if you two want to talk, take him; and if it was a lie, tell me so I can get on with it.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
Fronepu‘s famous ale had always been too bitter for her tastes. However, it was considered an insult to refuse Fronenite ale from an Ar Agyrian or anyone within the realm. Within the capital itself, a refusal of the ale might be considered treason. She had never seen anyone refuse.
Pouted slightly at the fading foam, she considered her options, then took another strategic sip of ale. A barmaid walking by became the perfect opportunity to shyly ask about the protocol for ordering a round of drinks. Specifically mead, if possible, she added hopefully.
Surely if it was made with honey, it could not be too bitter?
Feeling safe amongst the many nobles in the tavern, she indulged in a fantasy that she could be a renowned knight or even adventurer- rather than a foolish young dame who sent men to perish in battle and did not even save the town.
Stealing another glance at the young knight, she wondered if he, too, had regrets from the battlefield.
|Title= Knight of Agyr

|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content="Aldo my old friend. For a wise man you can certainly play the fool... And angering the Gods no less." Bob said laughing to himself, "He always did have a way with the unusual."
|Content=Bob lets the reins slap down across his saddle and carefully adjusts his glove as the woman ends her outburst. His expression is unreadable, the anguish from earlier fading to his usual intensity, but eventually the man lets out a short barking laugh. "All that knowledge and you want to throw it away? I wonder which of you is more cursed." Patting the neck of his charger he continues. “I’m not sure what Aldo thought I could do to help. My problem solving skills are usually quite abrupt.” His eyes sparkle. “Fatally abrupt. However I might have an idea or two. But first, if you would indulge my curiosity: Where did you find the," he smiles and savours the moment, "Old Man anyways?"
|Title= Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr

"For whatever reason the Gods have chosen to bestow his ghost upon you, after the tournament you are welcome to study the records of the Old Gods still remaining in the Agyrian Academy in my city. The Followers may not be as predominant as they once were but they are still out there in the wilderness, ever watchful for the return of the Children."
|Sender=Elios Everlight
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
|Content=Elios sits at the end of the bar, back against the wall, mug of ale in both hands, to watch the busy tavern. It’s packed with Knights, Ambassadors, Nobles, and Royals, their retinues and many servants. This is twice as big as any of the feasts he’d ever had at home, and there are Royals here! He scans the room looking for any familiar faces or tabards but only spots a couple. There’s that blonde woman in orange… About to hail her, a sobering thought stops him mid call. Were they familiar because he’d seen them on his side of a battle, or the other side? Staring into his mug, cheeks puff out as he lets out a slow breath. Hoo boy...

"Perhaps there you shall find the information you seek," he calls before riding past a twitchy woman off to visit the guests at the tournament as the preparations for the big day draw near.
"A round on the house, courtesy of the generous Dame Mielba!" Comes a loud call from the head barkeep, to a raucous cheer.

|Title=Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr
His head snaps up to see who this no doubt wealthy lady is, yet he could not spot her through the thronging crowd. Royals in taverns, and wealthy Dames buying rounds? Anyone who looked at the young bearded knight would see a man with eyes unfocused, deep in thought, as though his world had just been turned on its head.
|Title= Count of Wailing Woods

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Left in the midst of the soggy field with a vague disquiet, Nerta can only watch as Bob rides off with his words ringing in her ears.
|Content=Nerta fidgets with her cloak. “He was foisted on me at an awkward time by a… shadow.
She had answers, of a sort. Though like any true horror each minor victory became two more questions to wrestle with.
The sudden blare of trumpets leaves Nerta to jump, her head whipping around to try and see… Oh! The tournament must be about to begin. Heart racing she scuttles off to hide in the shadow of a low building.  

Shrouded in relative safety as the parade of patricians begins, she rests her brow against the timber jam and closes her eyes. For once the chill was quiet. For once.
Hissing sharply at her silent companion, the Crystal-Cursed chauffeur amends. “Yes, a shadow which claimed to be the Dark-Mistress and who also said he was being punished. However since that day I’ve been the one stuck in the Abyss with an ancient wren tittering on for every hour of the day.

After a few more moments she straightens. Agyr it is then.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nerta lets out a sigh and eventually looks up at the ancient warrior. “I came to the lowlands seeking the answers from the Temple to the Old Gods, but they are gone and I am lost. Can you help me, please? I just want to go home.”

And promptly turns around to crash into Wren.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
|Content=The old nobleman mounted a horse and rode off without another word to the cloaked one. Wren paused in her approach. Then trumpets sounded, and she fled back to the shade. Curled up against the bottom of the wall in her mottled brown cloak, she may as well have been a little burlap sack of flour.
|Content=The shade of the towers is cool. Peaceful. Though Wren is curious about the tournament, she dare not mingle in the crowd. It makes her nervous. Too many highborn. Too many people! She can't watch them all! She is staying away, walking by the edge of the fairground and sniffing at the tasty air. Should she spend an extravagant pair of silver for street food?

The cloaked one scuttled to hide by the wall as well. They--she?--did not seem to notice the Wren. The little adventurer opened her round dark eyes to peer up at the oddly hunched stranger. Blink-blink. Such broad shoulders.
Then she hears her name on the warm breeze.

The figure stood up straight, and startled Wren, who also stood, leaning back away from the creature.
"...wren tittering on for every hour of the day.

It whirled and crashed into her. Wren was thrown a step backward, she flung her arms out to the sides and flapped them to catch herself, then crouched defensively, looking at the woman with wide alert eyes. The face she saw was dusky, grumpy. Haunted.
What’s this? What’s this? The slender woman in a mottled cloak twists around sharply at the call of her name. Wren doesn’t titter. Wren watches. And now she watches the very old man seated atop a horse. A noble, no doubt, but he speaks with a lumpy cloak standing in a puddle of water? Curious.  

"How you know my name?" Wren chirped in her thin, high-pitched voice.
There’s something familiar about the lump. The woman? Woman. Something familiar about the woman. Curious as her namesake, Wren sneaks up to the fence around the fairground and settles against the timber to watch.  
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Elios Everlight
|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
|Content=Elios reclined on the bench at the edge of the tournament ground with several others. He was breathing heavily from the exertion of the joust, rolling his shoulder experimentally. Not a bad showing for his first tournament. Though after years of monopolizing the family sword-fighting coach he's have thought he'd do better than fourth round.
|Content=Today, she would taste her first mead, one of the drinks of choice among the brave heroes of now and yore.

He tossed his sandy brown hair back and ran both hands through it, then scratched his sweaty beard. Maybe there was time for one more round at the tavern. He stood and stretched, armor unbuckled and hanging carelessly halfway off his shoulders.
Unfortunately, she entered the tavern just in time to be served a round of ale, on the house. Courtesy of some other knight, perhaps that handsome man by the bar… Mielba makes sure to take her first sip when the blonde knight looks in her direction.  

A face turned in his direction caught his eye. He looked sidelong to see who it was. The Dame who had bought a round the first night! Cordenata? ...was staring at him. He looked away from her and straight ahead pointedly, cleared his throat, and made as though to beat a hasty retreat.
She’d always found Fronepu‘s famous ale too bitter for her tastes. However, it was considered an insult to refuse Fronenite ale, why within the capital itself, a refusal of the ale might be considered treason. In her twenty years she’d never seen anyone refuse.
|Title= Count of Wailing Woods

Pouting at the fading foam, she considers her options, and takes another strategic sip of ale. A barmaid walking by became the perfect opportunity to shyly ask about the protocol for ordering a round of drinks. Specifically mead, if possible. Surely if it was made with honey, it would not be too bitter?

Feeling safe amongst the many nobles in the tavern, she indulged in a fantasy that she could be a renowned knight or even hero- rather than a foolish young dame who sent men to perish in battle and did not even save the town.

Stealing another glance at the young knight, she wonders if he, too, has regrets from the battlefield.
|Title= Knight of Agyr
|Sender=Mulki Laraak
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Peers out from behind the bush, gazing intently toward Wren and Nerta. "Frands...?"
|Title= Adventurer

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Bob Baceolus
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu city, Tournament Grounds.
|Content=Bob can’t help the dry laugh. “The Dark Mistress you say? My my Aldo, punished by the Goddess of Death herself. That little expedition of yours all those years ago is still causing chaos even now. For a wise man you can certainly play the fool quite well…”

Clutching her meager purse Nerta scowls up at the would-be-thief, “Your name? What are you on about…?” The sudden jolt had sent her sprawling into the dirt, but the fluttering step of the stranger was, familiar.  
Instinct draws the eye of the old warrior. There nestled against a fence by the fareground is a sack. Or so it seems at first, but poking out from the mottled cloak are bright eyes. Another cloaked vagabond? Interesting. His gaze flickers back to the surly woman at his feet.  

Blinking a few times herself Nerta pulls back her hood and slowly begins to sit up, even as the stranger hops back.  
“My knowledge of ghosts is limited to creating them but the usual trick is to find their anchor and smash it. Of course that seems to be you. However, most ghosts aren’t sent by the Gods, so perhaps if you complete whatever task he is assigned they’ll reel him back in. I can’t speculate what that task is, but perhaps the old Agyrian Academy that Aldo spent so long building might hold answers.

"You… are of the Tribes,” wide eyes roam, “Southern forest? I-I have not seen anyone for months.” A sharp move brings a hand to her chest, “I’m from the mountains… the Roof of the World.”  
“Also, though the Followers of the Old Gods may not be as obvious as they once were,” Turning his horse, Bob fishes in his shirt and pulls out a pendant depicting the Eternal Flame, “they are still out there, doing what must be done to protect the land.”

The stranger’s eyes go wide, head cocked to one side at the mention of the Roof of the World.
The man smiles then, broadly. “Welcome to the hunt, Nerta. But now I must take my leave. For my current Queen, calls.”
|Title=Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr

Laughter accompanies a fresh hand pushing back short hair, “Another. Another…” Rising from her balanced sprawl, Nerta clambers to her feet to step closer, reaching for the stranger, “But your name! I don’t know your name, I’m sorry, but have we met? I’m Nerta...
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
|Content=Left in the midst of the soggy field with a vague disquiet, Nerta can only watch as Bob rides off with his words ringing in her ears.
She has answers, of a sort. Though like any battle, each minor victory becomes two more challenges. If Bob’s right, death will release the irritating ghost. Which isn’t much use to her since she rather likes being alive. That leaves finishing his mission. The thought of helping the Old Man irritates. He’d done nothing to endear himself.  

The strange woman seems skittish, shrinking away even as she mimics, “Neear-taaa? Nairrrr-ta? Nerta? Nerta”
Her glare at the floating spectre only she could see, is interrupted by the sudden blare of trumpets. Oh! The tournament must be about to begin. Scuttling off to hide in the shadow of the fence away from the parade of Knights, Nerta rests her brow against the timber. She can feel the heat of the ghost at her back, oh he must be pleased with himself. “You must be pleased with yourself, Old Man. I can see why you wanted me to speak with Bob. Such options, either kill myself or do what you want. Either way there’s a noose around my neck.”
Nerta pauses at the reaction to her enthusiasm and pulls her hands back, fingers curling into her palms, “Were, were you listening to my conversation about...?” Nerta’s gaze darts to the side towards the chilly presence as she trails off.
Taking a moment to adjust her cloak and regain that hunched posture, Nerta sighs, “I can explain…”
The rest was cut off as yet another presence pops out of the undergrowth leaving Nerta to clutch her cloak tight.  
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Mulki Laraak
|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Ground
|Content=Mulki saunters out of the bushes - or at least, that's how it went in her mind. In reality, she half-stumbles only to fall face-first into the mud. As she gets up and brushes the offending goop out of her eyes, she waves at the assembled adventurers and manages a sheepish grin.
|Content=A head suddenly pokes up from the sack by the fence causing Nerta to stumble back in shock. The round dark eyes peer at the oddly hunched stranger with such broad shoulders.

"Uhh... Hai. Is it safe for us to come out now? Are the nobles gone?"
"How you know my name?" Wren chirps in her thin, high-pitched voice. “And what noose?
|Title= Adventurer
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
|Content=Wren’s mind was racing, circling. Roof of the World. Another. Another like me!
|Content=Startled by the questions, Nerta catches herself on the fence and draws a knife, which in turn encourages the slender woman to jump back and crouch low.  

A second wordy stranger fell out of the bushes and into the wet ground nearby. Wren’s heart was already racing so this time, she did not jump. She looked sharply at the newcomer.  
“Crystal-Cursed!” Nerta hisses and tightens her grip on the blade. “Who are you? Know your name? What are you on about…?”

"Uhh... Hai. Is it safe for us to come out now? Are the nobles gone?”
“Why knife?” The round eyes blink-blink rapidly. “You call me.
Blink-blink. Nod. Then Wren looked back to Nerta and spoke again in the delicate, high-pitched voice.

“Nerta. Don’t know you. But familiar. You said wren. I am Wren. Southern Forest by plains. Tree Shaper.” The words were melodious, delivered in short bursts. She paused for a breath, and continued. “Only heard wren. Followers, Children. Who old man?
“Call you?” Nerta scowls. This stranger dressed in mottled browns and with an angular nose must have heard her speaking to the Old Man. “Look I don’t know you and I don’t want any trouble. So why don’t we…” The nagging sense that there’s something important she’s missing finally comes into focus. Her dark eyes. Big, round dark eyes like that of a bird. Realisation hits Nerta like the Scyther that first horse. “… Y-You, you’re Foederati.”  

The lightly-built young woman stood up from her crouch and shook out her shoulders, the dappled brown cloak rustling, and looked from Nerta to the other and back.
The slender Wren panics at the word, at being discovered, and hops back again to run. Yet Nerta drops her knife and spreads her arms wide, lifting her cloak. “No please. You’re like me.”
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Ground
|Content=Wren gasps. Like her. Like her. Like her. To find someone else, such fortune must be the Twinkling Gaze!

“You and me, Foderati. Happy Wren. Who you?”
|Sender=Mulki Laraak
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Smiling warmly, Mulki gestures toward Nerta and Wren before dropping two wrapped packages on the ground between them.

She points to one from whose corners a tuft of fur erupts, and then to Nerta. "Gift for new frand."
"Wren! You are Wren, which means you must be from the southern forest!” Grinning, Nerta brings a hand to her chest. “I’m from the mountains… the Roof of the World. You can call me Nerta.” Laughter accompanies a fresh hand pushing back short hair, “Another. Another…”

The other, wrapped in carefully-laid moss, she lays closer to Wren with a humble bow. "For forest frand."
The Roof of the World. The slender woman imagines those foreboding peaks and notes how similar they are to this grumpy sister. “Nerta. Ner-ta. Nur-ta. Near-ta. Yes I from forest. Masked One send north. Dark Mistress send Near-ta?”
|Title= Adventurer

Nerta freezes, as though winter grips her anew. “T-The Masked One? Oh no. Are you also haunted by a ghost?”

“No.” The response is abrupt and paired with a confused tilt to Wren’s head. “Ghost. Ah! Talking with ghost before, not me. Where ghost? What ghost?”

Nerta sighs and rubs her temple. “That’s a long story. Let’s just say the Dark Mistress made sure I didn’t ignore her quest. A quest that you share?”
|Sender=Wren the Watcher
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Content=Wren blink-blinked at the newcomer (Mulki) again, and at the mossy parcel.

“Thank you? Who are you?” she chirped. “From wild family too?” She looked pointedly to Nerta. "We are wild family. Far cousins. Travel together?"
Wren blink-blinks and nods. “Yes. Maybe. Told go north. Visit Eternal Flame. Long road, but close!”
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Fronepu
|Recipients=Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
|Content=Nerta pinches her nose as eyes dart from one strange figure to the other. Why was nothing in this world ever simple? She wanted the shade gone, but yet he lingered. She had finally found one of her people after so many months, here of all places Yet… she had found another as well. A strange one even by the standards of the ‘civilized’ folk. 
|Content=“The Gods are playing games…" Nerta grimaces and bends to collect her knife as the tournament roars to life in the middle of the joust. And they are cruel games indeed… “Well, I’m heading that way too. Come on, I’ll explain more once we’re out of the crowd.
The gods are playing games... Nerta grimaces through the chilly shade to Mulki. And they are cruel games indeed...
But the tournament would be even more crowded, and she’d had enough of crowds for one day. It was time to move on, to get those answers Bob had promised.
Eventually she lets out a sigh and waves the two to follow, "I will explain on the way, I need to get to Agyr."
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Latest revision as of 19:02, 24 June 2022

Tournament for Ancients
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City Gates, Capital of the Five Lands
As winter turns to spring, the cloaked woman from the mountains has learned a thing or two about the lowlands. Stark lessons in the treachery of old women, the kindness of relieved mothers, and the helplessness of the people. Yet though she had bloodied her spear in the service of others countless times, she still had no answers to her own questions. And so desperation put the huntress on the path of very different prey: an old greybeard, Bob Baceolus, Duke of Agyr.

Under normal circumstances a man of his rank would never meet with a vagabond like her, but Bob complicates things further, by never standing still. The ancient Warrior-Duke is always on the road, marching from battle to battle killing monsters. So, if she could not chase him, time to set an ambush; even a Duke can't avoid attending the Royal Tournament.

Of course getting there ahead of him might be tricky. The trek from the eastern foothills to the capital of the Five Lands will take some time. A little less time after the Twinkling Gaze graced her with a peasant to save. The down on his luck caravaneer hadn’t been able to afford proper guards and nearly became lunch for a Scyther. She slew the slithering beast after it tore through one of his horses, earning her a trip to the city of towers, Fronepu.

The towers of the coastal city loom across the plains. Some are of polished stone, smooth and straight. Others twist and bend like gnarled trees supported by timber and prayer. Between each are low homes and shops fashioned from wood and dark brick. Ringing the entire thing are the crumbling remains of the outer walls, manned by far too few sluggish militia dressed in parade finery. So this is the seat of the Crown. It’s cleaner than Mhed at least, but compared to Agyr, it is like a child dressed in their father’s clothes.

Passing through the outer gates, the familiar warm wind draws her attention up to the faded wolf paw carved in the stone. A mark of the past. A past that haunts her still.

As does her light purse. Everything about living in the lowlands is just so expensive and, with a tournament underway, prices are even higher. No matter. As she'd learned weeks ago, even this shining city had a dark underbelly that would pay a huntress well.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Fronepu City Castle, Royal Quarters
Her Majesty, Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Protector of the Five Lands and Crusader of the Metal Gods of Daishi, relaxes atop her balcony to admire the Royal Tournament. Basking in the feel of spring sunlight along her midnight-jet hair, the queen’s silhouette upon the wall is that of a warrior. Indeed her reputation alone had summoned a steady stream of knights from all the kingdoms even before she declared the tournament of joust and blade. She can see from here the growing crowds who will soon be enjoying the feast and drink of her city.

Her people need such festivity after the long, cold winter. Yet though she would care for nothing more than to relax herself, the Crown will not allow it. There’s always so much to do, and so few she could trust to do it.

Speaking of, she’d best head to the fairgrounds and make a royal appearance. Toying with her blade she smiles to herself. Maybe she could find time for a duel or two…
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
Best laid plans…

Nerta’s spear smashes through the ancient skeletal attacker, scattering bones and the last of the rusty blades. The dusty catacombs silent once again, she inspects the gloom in torch light. The Valentic Order of old seemed more termite than temple. Burrowing deep into every city they entered. First Mhed with Captain Egan, then Agyr after her escape from the hag, and now here…

A warm wind whistles through the shattered bones, calling the huntress to dig and her compliance is rewarded with old coins. Like the tower looming over the gate, these are marked with a wolf's paw on one side, but the other is a blazing sun. Bouncing the spoils in her palm she listens, either to their jingle, or something else. Either way, at least she can afford a hot meal.

Pulling her cloak back around her as she exits the underground, the young woman picks one of the alehouses at random. It's down a side street and thus the wide round room filled with tables is mostly empty.

It's cosy, if sparse, with the only real decoration being an old banner nearly as ratty as her cloak. It's black, and carries the symbol of a wolf, but at this point that isn't a surprise. No matter where she goes she can't escape old ghosts and the lingering remains they leave behind.

A thick bowl of victory-stew clomping onto the table, pulls Nerta back to the here and now. A few coins later and she gets to relax with a tasty mea-...

A vessel with a pestle thumps on the table. "Well, well, someone let a pretty little thing in without getting her a drink? A shame that, but don't you worry." The bearded man dressed in blue breaks into a crooked grin. "I'm a proper gentleman and happy to keep a lady, lubricated."

The glittering gaze narrows and Nerta puffs aside a stray hair. “Well I'm not a lady and I'm not looking for company so why don't you go bother someone else.”

The man holds a chalice that seems fancy enough to come from the palace and positively overflowing with frothy ale. "Naa lass, this here's my table and I do like your eyes."

Nerta's grip tightens on her spoon as her skin crawls. But before she could respond the door of the alehouse bangs on the wall. It draws every eye in the place to the puffed up patrician waddling in. No doubt just as intended. Dressed from head to toe in resplendent clothing of a dozen colours, the sword on his hip seems more for show then combat. As is the hefty purse he tosses onto the counter.

"Let it be known effendi; Achille de Medici, Knight of Keffa, buys the house a round or twelve!"

All but two cheer at the news, Nerta and the bearded man dressed in blue. Turns out free ale is effective bait for a crowd, and a growing crowd, effective cover for a letch in blue.

The man tries to slip into the chair next to her, but Nerta is having none of it and kicks it back. "Seats taken."

Catching the sliding seat he laughs. "Feisty! But that's alright, I'll just stand." He toasts and leans against the wall, his hand resting on her spear. "So. Not from around here, not a lady, but still armed." Nerta's glare earns another grin. "And ya, a spicy kitten. Means you must be an adventurer, and broke. I know a few ways you can make easy money."

Nerta sneers and rises from her seat. “You mean by killing you and collecting a bounty? Because there's generally good pay in slaughtering monsters.”

The man swirls his cup and yawns before taking a drink. “If your bite was as bad as your bark you’d not be buying stew here. If you’re broke, you’re probably bad at this, so stop pretending.” A cute couple hunting for a quiet corner get a bit close, encouraging the man to lean in. “Face it little girl, you're not leaving until I say you can.”

Gritting her teeth hard enough they might crack, Nerta calmly plucks a dagger from her belt and slashes at the man. His reflexes are pretty quick, so she only catches the back of his hand. It's enough for him to drop his drink leaving the chalice to shatter on the ground while he lets out a surprised oath.

“You bitch! I was going to go easy on you, but now…”

The commotion catches the attention of the couple, and the man holding a flagon with a dragon interjects. “Sounds like someone's had a bit too much to drink.” His voice has an almost musical quality. “Why don't you take a walk?”

The bearded man in blue spins around to snarl at the intrusion only to pause. He seems to recognize the pair and smirks still clutching his hand. "Not a bad idea, but don't worry, spicy kitten; I'll be back.”

The bearded man in blue leaves while the couple lingers. The man is younger than the others, perhaps closer to her own age, though his grey eyes seem stormy. His dark hair is cut short and he wears a livery she doesn’t recognize. Some sort of knight then.

Tipping over the vessel with the pestle, the amber ale spills across the floor as his melodic voice calls. “Sorry, miss. I'll buy you a replacement.”

“As I told your friend, I'm not interested.”

His jaw sets, eyes glancing toward the retreating figure. “Fair enough,” he bows, “though he’s no friend of mine. Either way I hope your day goes well.”

With that the pair leave and Nerta can finally finish her meal. Not that she has the appetite any more. Better to get out of here, she has work to do after all.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
Anger churns in Soren’s gut, though it doesn’t show until the trio meet outside. He’d long ago perfected the mask of tranquillity under the watchful eye of his father. It means the bearded man in blue is taken aback when Soren confronts him in the small alley between the tavern and a local shop.

“What was that disgusting display?” Soren’s lip curls in a sneer, “Have you no shame?”

The bearded man scoffs. “Right because you Blue Tower boys are such paragons of virtue.” The man dabs at his cut hand, but it seems to have nearly healed. “I get that I’m to help you with some daimon hunt or the like, but my faction is interested in Foederati monsters like her. Bringing them in pays well.”

Soren’s companion from the Blue Tower shakes her head, setting dark curls to dance. Her voice is rough, so unlike her youthful appearance. “Well enough to be worth the scene? I’m surprised your handlers would just sign off on poisoned drinks during a tournament, and really; did you think that entire routine would work?”

Soren had to agree. The bear of a man lounging in front of him may have knowledge about some dark cult in the north, but his recklessness made him question everything about this mission, including its veracity.

“Look lass, I don’t tell you how to run your little pony show, you don’t tell me how to run mine.” The man’s grin is dark. “Besides, I like it when they squirm in the net.”

“This is why I hate working with you Factorium lunatics.” Soren sneers. “Everything’s an experiment to you! It’s like you’ve got no morals at all.”

Scratching at his cheek, the bearded man in blue snorts. “We live in the north, not your soft south, no time to worry about morals. We get results.” Jabbing Soren’s chest. “Besides, your Blue Tower bosses know what we’re about: human supremacy, at any cost.”

Soren’s grey gaze storms for two heartbeats before his fist cracks the man in the jaw. “What good is human supremacy if you divorse yourself from the human race to get it?”

Stalking out of the alley, Soren glowers at the man working his jaw and jabs a finger at the woman with the rough voice. “Tell Silas I'm not working with these lunatics…”
Soren Navaar (Knight of Nothoi)
Roleplay from Gustav Kuriga
Message sent to Fronepu City, Across from Wolf Tavern
In the shaded corner of the marketplace sits a man robbed in black with trim of both crimson & blue. Despite the festivities around him, none dare disturb his reading. Rumours claim he’s the Prophet of the Bloody Prince from the distant land of Vordul Sanguinus. Others say he offers salvation for humanity. Yet the smiling man would happily answer their questions about the tenets of Vordulism if they only found the courage to ask.
Gustav Kuriga (Prophet of Vordulism)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Across from the Wolf Tavern
Nerta finishes pushing her way through the crowd only to find the market plaza lacks the usual bustle. Maybe everyone is just in the alehouse but… A familiar warm breeze pulls her gaze toward the slender man shaded by the tree in the corner.

He’s reading, so is probably noble born, yet the robes are not the dress of a warrior. Yet despite the differences there seems a thread, a connection of sorts. Ignoring the warm breeze, Nerta glances around the square and frowns in realisation. The Plebeians are leaving the man well alone, just like they did for her.

It is surreal to feel kinship with a stranger purely due to being equally excluded. Thoughts of home bring a familiar melody to her fingers, by the Gods she missed the mountains. Stuck here in these alien lands on the outside just like this stranger. She knows nothing of the man really, and yet it looks as though no one else would take the time to learn of him.

Nerta pushes aside the thoughts of home least homesickness becomes despair, but wavers. Could she afford a detour? The ache of kinship pulls her to at least try but…

The blare of trumpets pulls her attention toward the walls. Has her quarry arrived at last?

Glancing from one to the other she scowls and stalks out of the square. The stranger didn’t look like he was going anywhere and if that was Bob, he probably wasn’t going to sit still for long.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
Message sent to Fronepu City, Across from the Wolf Tavern
Pain is an excellent teacher. Godfrey learned that and more in the southern hills. Once a man too proud to hold his tongue, the cult of Vordulism had shown him the error of his ways. Thus the man dressed in black and crimson merely bows his head as Achille de Medici showers the alehouse with drinks.

Stepping back outside, the man trimmed in crimson checks on his peer from Vordul Sanguinus. The dark-haired young woman from the corner of the tavern is drawn to the great prophet and yet too cowardly to approach.

Her tattered cloak is peasant garb. A rough spun wool that screams ‘hand-me-down’ The crude spear she carries is no better, giving her the distinct appearance of a wastrel down on her luck. Yet her cloak seems bulky, far in excess to the brief glimpses of her slender face and firm arm. Combined with her general twitchiness he can only draw one conclusion: She must be an adventurer, no doubt carrying her gear under her cloak. Perhaps a rudimentary attempt to deter thieves. It is no doubt uncomfortable either way.

The only question now; should he intervene least she try to rob the holy man of Vordulism? The call of trumpets answers the question for him and as the young woman leaves he turns his attention back to the trio who’d left earlier.
Godfrey Greybrook (Knight of Vordul Sanquinus)
Roleplay from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
The shining ranks of the Ballistic Hooligans march into the tournament grounds. At the head of the column rides Bob Baceolus, Duke of Agyr and Seneschal of the Five Lands. Many would scoff at the old greybeard claiming age had melted his frame, and dulled his wit. But those blue eyes are sharp and his body, though lean, is strong as a bow.

The festivities remind the man of his youth. A simpler time when his banner carried the mark of the wolf and his blood ran hot. He rarely competed in those days, too busy slaying monsters, and such tournaments are closed to the officers of the royal court. But it's probably for the best; he'd be unlikely to keep up with all the younger knights these days.

Settling his men in barracks, and giving them leave, the old duke and his guards ride down to fairgrounds to welcome all to the Five Lands.
Bob Baceolus (Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
So...this is the infamous Bob.

Gripping a windowsill of the old Stronghold in a few places, Nerta peers down from her perch at the unassuming precession. The greybeard riding a black charger looks pretty comfortable in the saddle and there is a wariness about him that reminded her of a cat. Even relaxed, he seems ready to ambush something. And play with it. Still he was certainly old. In fact he made the Old Man seem positively spry.

Shielding her eyes from the glare, Nerta traces his path through town. At last Bob is away from his battlefields with only a token handful of, admittedly sturdy looking guards. Not people to mess with, but she has little choice if she wants any sleep.

As the man reaches the fairgrounds she scales back down the tower and attempts an approach, but the guards are well paid and sharp of eye. They see her off promptly since a vagabond has no business bothering a duke.

But Nerta is stubborn and the heated breeze draws her attention to the man’s horse. That is her window. Someone needs to fetch things, so she lingers close at hand and when the mighty Bob calls for water Nerta happily obliges.

The sloshing pail is actually fairly large, but she has a solid grip, or three, letting her approach the group like a crab. As the horse looms overhead, Nerta can’t help but wonder how she might begin but the thought is cut short by an errant splash that soaks into her cloak. Cursing, the closest guard menaces a spear her way. They take Bob’s safety seriously indeed. Thus she waits, the duke not even looking at her.

“Think I saw her earlier, Captain.” The stern veteran sweeps her cloaked figure with his gaze.

The man sporting a wickedly sharp goatee frowns. “Really? Then step back lass. His Grace’s horse can get water from a bucket without you.”

Months of work for this opportunity only to be denied? No, but what can she…

The warm wind answers her racing thoughts with an echoing call. “So this is what became of the Beloved Hidden Sage of War, the Guardian of the Flame, the Last Sentinel of Rengo…”

Bob has been ignoring the slip of a girl, but this icy litany focuses his attention like a hawk on a mouse. And the titles keep coming.

“…Imperator Primus, the White Walker of Lin Helon, the Dancer of Daimons, Champion of the Ancestors, Shield of Thalmarkin, Saviour of Avalon, Reaper of Emperors, Scourge of Tyranny, and how can any forget, the Grinning Fool.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
The litany ends like the death of a song leaving the guards alert, and Bob thoughtful. Wordlessly he signals for the captain to hold, and strokes his beard. “Haven’t heard that list in a long time. A nice trick. I would have your name, and your source.”

Eyeing the guards each in turn the woman sets her teeth. “I’m Nerta, and if you want to know my source, take a look in the bucket.”

Again silence stretches, but curiosity encourages the ancient warrior to wave her through the spears. Alas, thanks to his high horse, Nerta must hoist the pail to her shoulder. Can’t have His Grace bend.

Reflected in the peasant’s grail, Bob can see how his face is lined and weathered from decades out in the field. Inspection of his thinning white hair is cut short by the arrival of an altogether different figure floating just behind his shoulder.

The partially translucent man has a neatly trimmed beard, and long dusty grey hair pulled in a tail along his back. The lines of his face are not nearly so deep as the ancient warrior, though his violet eyes seem to burn with even greater intensity. The grave dust that scatters from his sturdy figure makes his black jacket trimmed in delicate gold & silver seems more grey, and about his throat is a partially torn cravat set with an onyx that shimmers in the light of his eyes.

“It is good to see you again, old friend.” His rumbling voice echos as a warm breeze. “But I must say, the years have not been kind to you, and coming from me that is saying something.”

Bob arches a brow at the snide comment and addresses his guards without taking his eyes off the eerie figure in the water. “I assume there is nothing behind me, Captain. Which means either this is a poor illusion attempting to trick an old warrior, or Consul Aldo has at last returned. I'm not rightly sure which is worse."

The guard affirms Bob’s guess while the spectre chuckles. "Come on Bob, my Imperator, where's your sense of adventure? The king-under-the-mountain has returned and you know that means things are going to get exciting."

“Maybe the reflection of exciting,” Bob calms his horse, “you aren’t exactly all here.”

Nerta scowls under the weight of the bucket as the pair banter and curls her fingers around the lip for a better grip. The shaking sees the ghostly man rippling in the water. He waits for the image to clear before straightening his jacket. “Yes well, turns out when you steal from the Gods they notice. Even if they wait a bit to collect their due.”

“See? This is why I never bothered with the Gods, it only leads to mischief.”

“Condeming mischief? Oh that’s rich coming from the near avatar of the Twinkling Gaze. Has age blunted your mischievous nature? What happened to the man who catapulted zombies into a party just to liven things up?”

The memory of that crashed ball has Bob smile, but three heartbeats later the grin fades. “It really is you, old friend. Then I am truly sorry. I failed you, failed everyone. Tyrants came after you were gone and I am a warrior, not a leader. I could do nothing to protect your legacy. Everything you built has been destroyed. Everyone you shielded is exposed. And I-” He sighs, “I was unable to save even you in the end.”

The reflection of the ghost flares. “Bob. I know you did all that you could. If you failed, it is not for lack of trying, but for the lack of grace in the world. Though much has been lost, I am happy that I could see you even one last time.”

Nerta mutters and sags under the weight of the bucket, setting the reflection to waver. “Gods… old men won't shut up…”

The ethereal equivalent of a sigh bubbles up from the blurry image, but slowly the reflection returns to focus. “Don't mind Nerta, she tries but…” Trailing off he presses on. “It doesn’t matter. Yes Bob, I’m back.”
Bob Baceolus (Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from Mielba Cordenata
Message sent to Fronepu City, Cordenata Family Manor
The old manor by the sea is airy and bright despite the signs of genteel decay. Scampering through the halls of white stone is a young woman dressed in gold and orange. Her blonde hair bounces nearly as much as the letter she carries.

“Father! I did it! I have an estate!”

The elderly Cordenata sits in his study as his lovely daughter Mielba bounds towards him, holding the deed.

From the garden a woman’s voice mingles with the bracing sea air. “Are you certain it is within the Five Lands this time?”

Mielba is far too excited to notice the pointed question. “Yes! Yes! Come see!”

Her father takes his time reviewing the deed while the excitable Mielba bounces as a gull on the waves. Eventually her mother arrives, casting a casual glance to ensure her wayward daughter hadn’t ended too far-afield.

“Duke Bob of Agyr, Seneschal of the Five Lands, hereby offers Dame Mielba the estates of Bay... tzeera?”

“Y-yes.” This causes the young lass to pause. Had she messed up somehow? “Seneschal Bob let me name it. He said we could always change it. What do you think?”

The critical Lady Cordenata looks outward with a faraway gaze. Eyes closed she shakes her head slowly from side to side, but finally grants a small nod.

Keeping out of the discussion, Lord Cordenata pokes his head out from the letter as the salvo concludes. “This is a sizable parcel of land, my dear. The Senechal must have taken a liking to you.”

“As well he should, though,” Lady Cordenata frows, “Mayhaps this is a token of goodwill in light of the embarrassment? Really my dear accidentally swearing fealty to a foregin lord of this Vordulism cult is most, unbecoming… ”

“Oh! Um, neither,” replies Mielba bashfully. “The Senechal’s man explained that this is purely for administrative reasons, but that His Grace Bob looks forward to my continued success.”

“Ah. Well no matter! The Gods have seen fit to bless you, child.” Lord Cordenata carefully made the effort to stand. He beams, standing tall and proud, appearing for a moment as he had when she was a child. “Now you are truly a proper noblewoman!”

Mother smiles wanly.
Mielba Cordenata (Knight of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Elios Everlight
Message sent to Fronepu City, Stables
The sandy-haired, burly knight dismounts just outside the tournament ground to admire the banners and pennants caught high in the coastal breezes of Fronepu. Compared to his wooded land to the north, it is comfortably warm here with a sweet smell of the eastern sea. His horse Stout is in fine spirits despite the long ride though the chestnut mare tosses her head and fixes him with a sidelong glance as though to say: "I know there's a stable in there with oats for me, get a move on!"

Elios leads Stout through the gate on foot, presenting his admission fee for the tournament to a clerk, and then steps away confidently to look for a stable-hand.

"You'll be wanting the stable boarding for your mount then, Sir?" came the reedy voice of the clerk just behind him.

Elios reddens, then straightens his shoulders to turn. "Why yes, of course."

The clerk stands by his small podium, flanked by a finely-liveried stable-hand. Gaze lingering on the girl, Elios wonders how he’d missed her…

"Cinda will be honoured to see your mount and tack well cared for, Sir." The clerk prompted.

"Ah, yes..." the blush of embarrassment is hot under his beard, and Elios handed--nearly threw--the reins to the girl. She catches them deftly and stands at attention, waiting for any instruction. The blonde knight's brows furrow together at her silent behaviour and his eyes cast about, thinking hard. A tip? He shoved a hand into his pocket and retrieved a silver piece, and flipped it to her as well. The girl caught it without comment and maintained her stance calmly.

"There is no boarding charge nor tip requirement for tournament competitors, Sir," came the reedy voice again, this time with a tone of long trained patience and a hint of patronization. "She waits for the mount's name, and any instructions as to her care."

His mouth feels hot and dry, contrasting the palms sweaty with nerves.

"S-Stout. She eats whatever. Oats." The knight whirls on his heel and begins to depart quickly, but only gets a few steps when another thought occurs. "Uh, Thanks." He continues his escape at a brisk walk, hunting for the nearest tavern. If not for the weight of thousands of imagined eyes on him, he would run.
Elios Everlight (Count of Wailing Woods)
Roleplay from Gustav Kuriga
Message sent to Everyone in Fronepu
Gustav watches as a sandy-haired knight blusters into the same tavern as the others. A popular destination ever since that Keffan in the bright surcoat had started handing out free drinks. He idly wonders what happened to the cloaked figure from earlier, but if the Gods saw fit to bring them together it would come to pass. For now he finishes signing off on absolving this ‘Mielba Cordenata’ from her ill-timed oath of fealty. Such a bubbly young lady, and so full of passion. Hopefully she put his gift of coin to good use. Finishing the paperwork, the prophet rises to explore the mysteries of this old city.

One of the original settlements along the east coast of what became known as Beluaterra, the shining city of Fronepu has a long history. Yet despite being the royal seat of the Five Lands there are many signs of decay in the outer city. Such as the strange shrine carved into the side of a factor’s warehouse. What draws his eyes is not the shine itself, which seems more a shack against the rain, but the stylized wolf paw above it's entrance, aged but still intact. He sits down for a time, sketching the shack as he had the outer walls for around ten minutes. Finishing the main lines of the drawing, he returns the journal and carefully approaches praying all the while that the whole edifice wouldn't come down on him.

Within he finds an assortment of household items and wooden carvings depicting: a crown, a wolf, a flame, a mask, and a lantern. The shack seems barren otherwise, with nothing of value or note. Yet something catches his eye in the back. It shines in a dark shadow, away from others. It seems to be a necklace of blue lapis lazuli.

Gustav marvels at the workmanship, the links of the chain seem to pour between his fingers and something, something calls him to pocket the simple necklace. He will have time to study it later, but for now he should see about visiting her Majesty.
Gustav Kuriga (Prophet of Vordulism)
Roleplay from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
Her Majesty, Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Protector of the Five Lands and Crusader of the Metal Gods of Daishi, smiles behind the faceplate of her helm. Practice swords clash as she locks guard with Prince Marcus Daubney from the distant southern Theocracy of Obia'Syela. Steam rising from his visor, the callow youth moves to shoulder check the Queen, but Her Majesty pivots around to smash him across the back. The blow sends him teetering forward into the arena railing, but the man recovers quickly.

“Your Majesty fights well! But then I should expect nothing less from the tireless crusader. The only pity is that you battle for the Metal Gods, not the Lady Oracle. You would make a fine Templar.”

Her blade held firm between them, the Queen of the Five Lands keeps her gaze squarely on his shoulders. “Conversion by the sword is it Prince Marcus? Thanks to your tireless efforts your Lady Oracle has little need for a champion such as I.”

Marcus’ sword dips as he stretches an arm. “Little need, but much desire…” The man inclines his head and the blade flashes once more in the sun.

The clang of metal, and the pivot of feet pushes Aibhlidhn back to the centre of the arena. However as the routine grows more sluggish she is able to once again deflect his blade into the dirt. “A Lady’s desires can be quite mysterious, young Prince. But those of a Prince quite direct.”

“Too true, but I note Your Majesty has not said ‘no’.” His blade still trailing behind, the man lunges forward suddenly. Apparently his lack of readiness was an attempt at a ruse.

Her Majesty deflects the charge, disarming him in the process. “One hardly needs to say things that are self-evident, Prince Marcus.”

The seconds observing the match raise flags, signalling the match has ended in the favour of the Queen. If the thrashing, both physical and verbal, upsets the young Prince he doesn’t show it. “Fair enough, Your Majesty. Truly you are akin to the warrior-queens of old legend. How do the myths go? Cold as ice and twice as deadly…”

Aibhlidhn’s helm hides her smile, but not her salute. “Those legends are older than warrior-queens, or so my Senechal claims. But I shall take it as a compliment all the same. Now excuse me Prince, I must greet this Prophet of Vordulism and no doubt here his proselytising next.”
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
The clash of steel rings across the rapidly filling fairground as Nerta glares up at the empty gap above Bob’s shoulder. Suddenly, the irritable vagabond drops the bucket, spilling water across the parade grounds before biting out. "I tried but; it was pretty heavy."

The guards seem quite bewildered but Nerta ignores their spears to round on Bob. "I get that you two are having a grand time catching up, but I'm tired of being the Old Man’s Crystal-Cursed chauffeur."

Nerta's voice climbs as she continues, talking over the unseen. "I want him gone, I want my life back and I was told you could help me. So: if you two want to talk, take him; and if it was a lie, tell me so I can get on with it.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in Fronepu
Bob lets the reins slap down across his saddle and carefully adjusts his glove as the woman ends her outburst. His expression is unreadable, the anguish from earlier fading to his usual intensity, but eventually the man lets out a short barking laugh. "All that knowledge and you want to throw it away? I wonder which of you is more cursed." Patting the neck of his charger he continues. “I’m not sure what Aldo thought I could do to help. My problem solving skills are usually quite abrupt.” His eyes sparkle. “Fatally abrupt. However I might have an idea or two. But first, if you would indulge my curiosity: Where did you find the," he smiles and savours the moment, "Old Man anyways?"
Bob Baceolus (Seneschal of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from Elios Everlight
Message sent to Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
Elios sits at the end of the bar, back against the wall, mug of ale in both hands, to watch the busy tavern. It’s packed with Knights, Ambassadors, Nobles, and Royals, their retinues and many servants. This is twice as big as any of the feasts he’d ever had at home, and there are Royals here! He scans the room looking for any familiar faces or tabards but only spots a couple. There’s that blonde woman in orange… About to hail her, a sobering thought stops him mid call. Were they familiar because he’d seen them on his side of a battle, or the other side? Staring into his mug, cheeks puff out as he lets out a slow breath. Hoo boy...

"A round on the house, courtesy of the generous Dame Mielba!" Comes a loud call from the head barkeep, to a raucous cheer.

His head snaps up to see who this no doubt wealthy lady is, yet he could not spot her through the thronging crowd. Royals in taverns, and wealthy Dames buying rounds? Anyone who looked at the young bearded knight would see a man with eyes unfocused, deep in thought, as though his world had just been turned on its head.
Elios Everlight (Count of Wailing Woods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
Nerta fidgets with her cloak. “He was foisted on me at an awkward time by a… shadow.”

Hissing sharply at her silent companion, the Crystal-Cursed chauffeur amends. “Yes, a shadow which claimed to be the Dark-Mistress and who also said he was being punished. However since that day I’ve been the one stuck in the Abyss with an ancient wren tittering on for every hour of the day.”

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nerta lets out a sigh and eventually looks up at the ancient warrior. “I came to the lowlands seeking the answers from the Temple to the Old Gods, but they are gone and I am lost. Can you help me, please? I just want to go home.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
The shade of the towers is cool. Peaceful. Though Wren is curious about the tournament, she dare not mingle in the crowd. It makes her nervous. Too many highborn. Too many people! She can't watch them all! She is staying away, walking by the edge of the fairground and sniffing at the tasty air. Should she spend an extravagant pair of silver for street food?

Then she hears her name on the warm breeze.

"...wren tittering on for every hour of the day.”

What’s this? What’s this? The slender woman in a mottled cloak twists around sharply at the call of her name. Wren doesn’t titter. Wren watches. And now she watches the very old man seated atop a horse. A noble, no doubt, but he speaks with a lumpy cloak standing in a puddle of water? Curious.

There’s something familiar about the lump. The woman? Woman. Something familiar about the woman. Curious as her namesake, Wren sneaks up to the fence around the fairground and settles against the timber to watch.
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)
Roleplay from Mielba Cordenata
Message sent to Fronepu City, Wolf Tavern
Today, she would taste her first mead, one of the drinks of choice among the brave heroes of now and yore.

Unfortunately, she entered the tavern just in time to be served a round of ale, on the house. Courtesy of some other knight, perhaps that handsome man by the bar… Mielba makes sure to take her first sip when the blonde knight looks in her direction.

She’d always found Fronepu‘s famous ale too bitter for her tastes. However, it was considered an insult to refuse Fronenite ale, why within the capital itself, a refusal of the ale might be considered treason. In her twenty years she’d never seen anyone refuse.

Pouting at the fading foam, she considers her options, and takes another strategic sip of ale. A barmaid walking by became the perfect opportunity to shyly ask about the protocol for ordering a round of drinks. Specifically mead, if possible. Surely if it was made with honey, it would not be too bitter?

Feeling safe amongst the many nobles in the tavern, she indulged in a fantasy that she could be a renowned knight or even hero- rather than a foolish young dame who sent men to perish in battle and did not even save the town.

Stealing another glance at the young knight, she wonders if he, too, has regrets from the battlefield.
Mielba Cordenata (Knight of Agyr)
Roleplay from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Fronepu city, Tournament Grounds.
Bob can’t help the dry laugh. “The Dark Mistress you say? My my Aldo, punished by the Goddess of Death herself. That little expedition of yours all those years ago is still causing chaos even now. For a wise man you can certainly play the fool quite well…”

Instinct draws the eye of the old warrior. There nestled against a fence by the fareground is a sack. Or so it seems at first, but poking out from the mottled cloak are bright eyes. Another cloaked vagabond? Interesting. His gaze flickers back to the surly woman at his feet.

“My knowledge of ghosts is limited to creating them but the usual trick is to find their anchor and smash it. Of course that seems to be you. However, most ghosts aren’t sent by the Gods, so perhaps if you complete whatever task he is assigned they’ll reel him back in. I can’t speculate what that task is, but perhaps the old Agyrian Academy that Aldo spent so long building might hold answers.”

“Also, though the Followers of the Old Gods may not be as obvious as they once were,” Turning his horse, Bob fishes in his shirt and pulls out a pendant depicting the Eternal Flame, “they are still out there, doing what must be done to protect the land.”

The man smiles then, broadly. “Welcome to the hunt, Nerta. But now I must take my leave. For my current Queen, calls.”
Bob Baceolus (Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Tournament Grounds
Left in the midst of the soggy field with a vague disquiet, Nerta can only watch as Bob rides off with his words ringing in her ears.

She has answers, of a sort. Though like any battle, each minor victory becomes two more challenges. If Bob’s right, death will release the irritating ghost. Which isn’t much use to her since she rather likes being alive. That leaves finishing his mission. The thought of helping the Old Man irritates. He’d done nothing to endear himself.

Her glare at the floating spectre only she could see, is interrupted by the sudden blare of trumpets. Oh! The tournament must be about to begin. Scuttling off to hide in the shadow of the fence away from the parade of Knights, Nerta rests her brow against the timber. She can feel the heat of the ghost at her back, oh he must be pleased with himself. “You must be pleased with yourself, Old Man. I can see why you wanted me to speak with Bob. Such options, either kill myself or do what you want. Either way there’s a noose around my neck.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Ground
A head suddenly pokes up from the sack by the fence causing Nerta to stumble back in shock. The round dark eyes peer at the oddly hunched stranger with such broad shoulders. "How you know my name?" Wren chirps in her thin, high-pitched voice. “And what noose?”
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
Startled by the questions, Nerta catches herself on the fence and draws a knife, which in turn encourages the slender woman to jump back and crouch low.

“Crystal-Cursed!” Nerta hisses and tightens her grip on the blade. “Who are you? Know your name? What are you on about…?”

“Why knife?” The round eyes blink-blink rapidly. “You call me.”

“Call you?” Nerta scowls. This stranger dressed in mottled browns and with an angular nose must have heard her speaking to the Old Man. “Look I don’t know you and I don’t want any trouble. So why don’t we…” The nagging sense that there’s something important she’s missing finally comes into focus. Her dark eyes. Big, round dark eyes like that of a bird. Realisation hits Nerta like the Scyther that first horse. “… Y-You, you’re Foederati.”

The slender Wren panics at the word, at being discovered, and hops back again to run. Yet Nerta drops her knife and spreads her arms wide, lifting her cloak. “No please. You’re like me.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Ground
Wren gasps. Like her. Like her. Like her. To find someone else, such fortune must be the Twinkling Gaze!

“You and me, Foderati. Happy Wren. Who you?”

"Wren! You are Wren, which means you must be from the southern forest!” Grinning, Nerta brings a hand to her chest. “I’m from the mountains… the Roof of the World. You can call me Nerta.” Laughter accompanies a fresh hand pushing back short hair, “Another. Another…”

The Roof of the World. The slender woman imagines those foreboding peaks and notes how similar they are to this grumpy sister. “Nerta. Ner-ta. Nur-ta. Near-ta. Yes I from forest. Masked One send north. Dark Mistress send Near-ta?”

Nerta freezes, as though winter grips her anew. “T-The Masked One? Oh no. Are you also haunted by a ghost?”

“No.” The response is abrupt and paired with a confused tilt to Wren’s head. “Ghost. Ah! Talking with ghost before, not me. Where ghost? What ghost?”

Nerta sighs and rubs her temple. “That’s a long story. Let’s just say the Dark Mistress made sure I didn’t ignore her quest. A quest that you share?”

Wren blink-blinks and nods. “Yes. Maybe. Told go north. Visit Eternal Flame. Long road, but close!”
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Fronepu City, Near the Tournament Grounds
“The Gods are playing games…" Nerta grimaces and bends to collect her knife as the tournament roars to life in the middle of the joust. And they are cruel games indeed… “Well, I’m heading that way too. Come on, I’ll explain more once we’re out of the crowd.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)