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Latest revision as of 08:00, 22 March 2014

Above The Fold

June 16, 2013
Thesaurum Venari Guild
Blank.png Treasure hunters guild founded!
Recently appointed Lord Axylia Dundrave has founded a treasure hunters guild in Asylon, Thesaurum Venari Guild will provide a place for commoners to sell their goods to nobles and a nobles to hire commoners for services.
June 15, 2013
Diplomatic News
DDWar.png The realms of Phantaria and Asylon have joined into an alliance.
June 11, 2013
Huge Battle Fought
DDWar.png Rumours ſpread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Chesland.
ſaffalore vs. D'Hara, Farronite Republic
Estimated ſtrengths: 330 men vs. 310 men
The Royal Army of ſaffalore, ſponsored by Gillian Wader, Queen of ſaffalore, Ducheß of the Lowlands, Margravine of Chesney, were led into battle by Marshal Erasmus La Pointe.
Gillian Wader, Queen of ſaffalore, is ſpotted wearing the ſacred Belt of Ice.

Defender Victory!
June 10, 2013
New Ruler
Blank.png Græth Geg, Ambaßador of Asylon, Duke of Berserk Bear, Margrave of Echiur, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon has appointed Axylia to the vacant lordship position in Gonophor.

New Knight
Blank.png A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Asylon nobles. Brynden Tully is ſtarting his career today.
June 9, 2013
Region Exchange
Blank.png Haktoo has handed over the region of Gonophor to Asylon. The people are not very happy.

New Ambaßador
Blank.png Grimrog Bjarnson, King of Asylon, Royal of Asylon, Duke of Bloodmoon, Earl of Via has promoted Græth Geg, Ambaßador of Asylon, Duke of Berserk Bear, Margrave of Echiur, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon to ambaßador of the realm.

Huge Battle Fought
Blank.png Rumours ſpread and tales are ſung about a huge battle in Madina. Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Luria Nova vs. The Falkirkian Freestate. Estimated ſtrengths: 1160 men vs. 210 men. The Fißoa Privateers (Grand Duchy of Fißoa), ſponsored by ſir Eldrond Nabarl, Royal of Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Earl of Fißoa Fields, were led into battle by Marshal Edward Blackmane. Loathin Fantom, Duke of Fißoa, Margrave of Fißoa is ſpotted wielding the Brilliant Axe of Bloodletting. Attacker Victory!

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of Terran has elected Alaster Kabrinski as its new Grandmaster.

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of D'Hara has elected Pierre von Genf as its new Prime Minister.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Libero Empire has reconfirmed Veles ſobczek in the position of King.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Barca has reconfirmed Julius Galvez in the position of ſuffete.
Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Farronite Republic has reconfirmed Khari Kye in the position of Governor General.
New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of ſwordfell has elected ſilas Kain as its new Lord Imperator.
Royal Rebuke for Religious Revolution, Rapprochement with Republican Realms June 15, 2013
Hearldic H floral sm.gifis Majesty King Grimrog rebuffed overtures from the former King of Iashalur, now known as Niselur. Ser Turin Erickson, Keeper of the Sword of Terran, Knight of Chateau Saffalore, did not get the response he was hoping for when he reached out to King Grimrog seeking support for a campaign to unseat the sitting sovereign of Niselur, King Leopold Arrakis. Niselur was founded by King Leopold's grandfather, King Boreal. The realm was lost in the Ninth Year of Dwilight, but was recreated in the spring of Year 16 under the name of Iashalur. After the battle for the throne between House Erickson and House Arrakis, Niselur was officially reborn with victory of House Arrakis. According to a letter shared by King Grimrog with Asylon nobility, Ser Turin's softened stance on Asylon was precipitated by the abrogating of the alliance between Asylon and Aurvandil. Viscount Glaumring Apasurain, a former ruler of Asylon and lord of Vakreno Heaps said "it felt good to see that ex-ruler come sniveling to Asylon and then to be rebuked." King Grimrog told Ser Turin in no uncertain terms that the hand previously extended to him by Viscount Glaumring was not the hand of Asylon, and that Ser Turin was not welcome in Asylon. "I believe you wish to use Asylon as a tool for your own personal revenge and for the cause of your Church, Asylon does not deal with petty plots of personal revenge nor do we wage war or fight over religion, Asylon is a greater realm then that," he wrote. In case anyone should question His Majesty's seriousness, the King announced a new alliance with Niselur later that day, and endowed the Harbingers of the Storm war chest with 300 gold. Viscount Glaumring issued the following statement: "King Grimrog is the king and I his servant. Everything I do is for the greater good of Asylon and it felt good to see that ex-ruler come sniveling to Asylon and then to be rebuked. We are a team and though at times communication can be misunderstood we are all aware of our good intentions, hail the king! Long live Asylon the bear of the westlands!"
Comment on this story. by Lord Willhelm  Blank.png
Viscountess Kwa Injures Nobles June 16, 2013
Heraldic V sm.gifiscountess Kwa Comacho of tournament fame may be the single biggest threat to Asylon nobility. After taking second place at a continent-wide tournament and assassinating countless enemies, Lady Shuberstone has engaged in a series of training matches. Countess Kwa's opponents include Earl Willhelm (defeated), Sir Roose (defeated and wounded), and Viscount Maron (defeated and gravely wounded). Countess Kwa believes she is providing valuable training to the realm, but given the outcome of her most recent duel to the pain with Viscount Maron, it is unlikely that nobles will be queuing up to skin the iron cobra. Of course, a true noble must possess a quick wit as well as a sword. Therefore the first person to correctly answer the following skill-testing question in a message to Earl Willhelm will receive a prize of 50 gold. The question is: What unique item did Viscount Glaumring possess until it was destroyed by monsters? If you don't know the answer, it is public information if you know where to look.
Comment on this story. by Lord Willhelm 
Gonophor Returns to the Fold June 9, 2013
Hearldic H floral sm.gifis Majesty King Grimrog accepted Gonophor, the prodigal ſon of Duchy of the Berserk Bear, back Into The Fold in a ceremony ſteeped in tradition and mysticism. Lord Axylia Dundrave was appointed Lord of Gonophor. Early reports ſuggest that Lord Axylia will have a hard row to hoe as he takes control of a region with plodding production (10%), bleak morale (1%) and a disdainful view of Asylon (35%). Glaumring Apasurain, Royal of Asylon, Viscount of Vakreno Heaps, who was on hand to help with the take-over, described a region denuded of animal life and polluted by an era of ſolitude and neglect. "The effects of being ſeparated for ſo long under the Zuma ſhewed on the peasants faces," reported Viscount Glaumring. "Especially the moonies as they called themselves a tribe from the ſouth of Gonophor, especially ſavage looking with dyed red ſkin and bone jewellery and furs." Despite a ſignificant language barrier, the Viscount and the tribal Chief ſhared a bowl of the notoriously virulent Zuma Bloodmoon. On the bright ſide, Earl Wulfric Lucifer, Treasury Logothete of Asylon reported that the granary contained about 200 bushels of food, which ſhould be enough to ſustain the population until ſpring. It will allow Lord Axylia to concentrate his efforts restoring the loyalty of the population and crushing dißenters.
Comment on this story. by Lord Willhelm 
Lord Aspar Escapes Harrowing Assault June 9, 2013
Heraldic w floral sm.gifhilst conducting routine land ſurveys in Phantaria, Lord Aspar received word that monsters had invaded his home region. Willhelm led his men acroß Vaßar to the edge of the Gonophor woodlands, which was, at that time, under the dominion of the Zuma Coalition and a treacherous wasteland inhabited by hordes of monsters and undead. Ignoring the remonstrations of his unit captain, Earl Willhelm bravely ordered the Devil's Brigade to cross Gonophor into Aspar. The men, who were mostly young and untested, were quickly dismembered, eaten, shat out, and eaten again, however Willhelm somehow escaped without injury and probably without ever drawing his sword. Willhelm later recruited a replacement unit of infantry styled the Black Devils.
Comment on this story. by Lord Willhelm 
Thesaurum Venari Guild June 15, 2013
Heraldic R sm.gifecently appointed Lord Axylia Dundrave has founded a treasure hunters guild in Asylon, Thesaurum Venari Guild will provide a place for commoners to sell their goods to nobles and a nobles to hire commoners for services. Commoners who join will get a monthly grant of 5 gold to help them search for things and also a debt of up to 100 gold so that they can improve things. So now the 5 gold paperwork fee is a small investment into the wage they will receive.
Comment on this story. by Lord Axylia Dundrave