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'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Conrac quietly walked and finally found Sorsha.
"Finally...I've been looking halfway across the islands for you."
He looked around and snapped his fan. "I would make you Lady of, there's no need to thank me. I assure you it’s not much of an honor. I plan on having you building and working until your arms fall off, paying me taxes from your region and essentially defending me against all attackers both verbal and physical; while I sit in Port Nebel and wench myself to an early death."
Conrac's sword came flashing out and quietly tapped Sorsha on the shoulder. "The question of course is whether you will accept this oath. Will you become my liege woman of life and limb and truth and earthly honors, bearing to me against all men that love, move or die?"
Conrac's sword moved back as his eyes carefully examined Sorsha. "I will be utterly honest, I am a demanding Duke, while Nebel will be yours, your life will be mine."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha was extremely surprised to see Conrac and staggered back at his sudden appearance. She heard every word and weighed each carefully. She stood proudly on the outside but inside she had never been so aware of herself. She was terribly shy, more so now.
Focusing on Conrac, she closed her palms lightly, trying to still the trembling of her hands. Her blue eyes focused on the planes of his face, the serious look in his eyes she knew could still be playful if he let his guard down. And the way he stood; proudly, and very aware of his standing in life. He was handsome, she had admitted it before, she felt warmth by his presence, this she also had noticed but it was familiarity, and comfort. The butterflies in her stomach though, were new. She realized what it was now, it was him. The fluttering intensified but she couldn’t concentrate on that now. Her life was about to change and everything else in it, the butterflies would be forced to recede whether she wanted them to or not.
Ignoring everything around her, Sorsha stared into his eyes and began speaking with a soft voice, “I do. To the whispering winds of D’hara and any present, I, Sorsha McDowell swear to you Lord Conrac Amcastra, Duke of Port Nebel.” Her voice grew with strength as courage filled her, “from this moment, I will be your liege woman, I will be faithful to you with regards to your safety, and protect your life with my own. From this day what battles you fight whether they be on the battlefield, in wits or honor, their outcome shall become my concern and I will fight with you. I promise to always be pure of heart and look for the truth and never allow fear to let me keep it from you. I will obey your wishes in good faith and without deception so long as they do not hinder any previous oaths to my Queen. I will be faithful to Nebel and the territory that belong within its entire boundaries as long as there is breath within me or I am no longer Lady of Nebel.”
Closing her eyes, she swallowed nervously, fearing her words hadn’t conveyed her oath as much as she felt it. Like when she had given her oath to the Queen, she still hadn’t felt like it was enough.
Deep within, she just didn’t feel worthy she could only pray that time would allow her to prove it. When she opened her eyes again, Conrac simply stared at her silently. She would have given anything to hear his thoughts at the precise moment. She stared back, remaining silent as well as if truly expecting his thoughts to come forth.
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Conrac laid his sword on her shoulder, his eyes stared at her before he nodded with approval. "Then rise Lady of Nebel".
His eyes closed, Conrac began chanting softly.
"In the name of my house, I in turn vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth and meat and mead at my table."
"I grant you mercy in times of weakness, help in times of helplessness and justice at all times."
As he quietly slid his sword back into its sheath, he stated quietly. "There is much work to be done. And we cannot ignore it nor can we shun it. I expect much from you, despite your youth."
"That said." Conrac's eyes softened. "I see you tremble, that is good. Ruling is never something, that one without fear should do."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
The oath was given and yet somehow she didn’t feel any different. The area around her was the same, the continuous fluttering in her stomach was ever present, and Conrac had not changed one bit. He still stood before her, proud and handsome and incredibly serious.
She mentally laughed at herself. What had she really expected? Lightning to crash and thunder to peal through the skies to announce it? She almost did laugh out loud at the absurd thought but refrained herself showing a small smile instead. No she was still the very simple Sorsha, incredibly shy but not with fear as he assumed, for she was no longer alone in a sense.
She looked straight into his eyes. “Aye… fear is necessary I am sure it will strike me soon enough,” she answered softly, feeling as if being tested already, “but is not fear Milord that makes me tremble so.” He frowned at her words and she smiled weakly at the admission, “I will not disappoint you.” she gave a small nod and started to turn away, ignoring the tumultuous emotions coursing through her. 
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Now that was awkward. Conrac had fought battles, sworn oaths but this was one of the few times he had actually been sworn too. Conrac puzzled over the words a bit. He had received letters from some of the finest knights in the realm, it had been difficult. He felt particularly bad for his old friend Rathan. But with new expansion in the west he'd probably get another chance at that temple of his.
As Sorsha began turning away, Conrac stared at the sky. It was dark.
"It’s going to rain...probably a thunderstorm too..." Conrac stated in a matter-of-fact tone. He wondered whether that was a sign of good luck.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha’s smile was obvious now and she stopped to look up to the sky with him. Conrac was right! As if in answer to his words, a jagged purple light flashed across the sky and shortly after the ground beneath them trembled.
She breathed with excitement as the first raindrop touched her cheek and raised her hands to the sky as if waiting to catch more. “I don’t believe it,” she whispered with awe and suddenly a feeling of complete calmness covered her like a shroud.
“My mother used to say rainstorms are a sign of good luck and that this is the way the Gods voice their approval.” She couldn’t help grinning shyly thinking of the foolish notion. It had been a story her mother told her so she wouldn’t fear thunder and lightning. “A child’s story,” she said softly and wondered how crazy that sounded for him. “Maybe you should seek shelter milord,” she laughed as both of them stood unmoving in the light rain. She actually found solace in rain, taking time to enjoy the small pleasures of freedom in life. She wondered if that was the case with him.
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
"Nah let's enjoy the rain, unless of course you would rather not". Conrac stared at her questionably.
"The Amcastra household is very strict. All children have to learn swordplay, poetry, writing, horseback riding, archery, along with things such as political studies and history. My older brother was very strict indeed, he would often challenge everyone who so much as sneezed on him. Its a good thing he was the semi-finalist and a finalist in two swordsman tournaments, he would have otherwise been killed by now." He chuckled at the thought of his honor-rigid older brother challenging three different men at the same time to a duel, so confident in his ability to defeat them.
"I use to run away and hide out in the family gardens, and dirty my clothes, my brothers would hate that...but I loved the few times I could slip away and just stare at the sky."
Conrac stared at the lightning storm. "So beautiful and yet so dangerous, much like our realm. Tell me lady Sorsha what was your childhood like?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
She closed her eye enjoying the sensation as each raindrop touched her face. “No, I would rather stay,” she answered as lightning flashed again.
“Mmm,” she sighed and eventually looked back at him. She could understand where his seriousness stemmed from now. “My childhood?” she asked surprised that he even asked.
It had been so long since anyone had even bothered to ask her about herself, she wasn’t sure where or how to start.
“Well… it wasn’t strict,” she began slowly, “but, every McDowell is taught from a young age how to fight and defend oneself. When we are old enough the lessons get harder and we are expected to master as many weapons as we can.” Her eyes grew distant as if the words had taken her back to her lessons and remembered others who didn’t share her opinion.
“I guess some would disagree with me and say it was a strict childhood after all, but I always did see the benefit. How else would I learn to protect my loved ones?” Her eyes burned with a touch of violet as she thought of the reason behind her family’s traditions. It wasn’t always so, but it was all she knew.
“Though, I never felt the suffocation like the others. My brother, Alec, is a free spirit, he is…” she laughed quietly looking for a word to describe him. “Let’s just say he doesn’t take life all too seriously.” She smiled at the memory of her blond haired, green eyed brother. With the devil may care attitude and the knack for always finding trouble.
“My cousin Kaylan had it harder than the rest of us…” she didn’t tell him why and continued. “I always did have empathy for her you could say. I felt it was my duty to protect her. She is my sister in every sense. I tried to give ease her suffocation by giving her a carefree childhood. She was in a sense always stronger than the rest of us, but sometimes I think they forgot there was a little girl inside. It was for her I learned to make dolls,” she added quietly. 
She grew silent for a moment, hoping both were well. It wasn’t long and she returned to the previous topic. “When they think us ready, we are presented with a guardian. A weapon blessed by a loved one, engraved with a battle prayer. Usually it is one with which you excel at. In a sense you are given the highest honor. Kaylan was younger than any of us when she received her father’s war bow. Alec carries a sword and I…the dagger you now carry as your own.” She bit her lip and sighed. “I apologize, I’ve rambled on,” her cheeks reddened and she turned away embarrassed.

Latest revision as of 18:58, 31 August 2017

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac quietly walked and finally found Sorsha.

"Finally...I've been looking halfway across the islands for you."

He looked around and snapped his fan. "I would make you Lady of, there's no need to thank me. I assure you it’s not much of an honor. I plan on having you building and working until your arms fall off, paying me taxes from your region and essentially defending me against all attackers both verbal and physical; while I sit in Port Nebel and wench myself to an early death."

Conrac's sword came flashing out and quietly tapped Sorsha on the shoulder. "The question of course is whether you will accept this oath. Will you become my liege woman of life and limb and truth and earthly honors, bearing to me against all men that love, move or die?"

Conrac's sword moved back as his eyes carefully examined Sorsha. "I will be utterly honest, I am a demanding Duke, while Nebel will be yours, your life will be mine."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha was extremely surprised to see Conrac and staggered back at his sudden appearance. She heard every word and weighed each carefully. She stood proudly on the outside but inside she had never been so aware of herself. She was terribly shy, more so now.

Focusing on Conrac, she closed her palms lightly, trying to still the trembling of her hands. Her blue eyes focused on the planes of his face, the serious look in his eyes she knew could still be playful if he let his guard down. And the way he stood; proudly, and very aware of his standing in life. He was handsome, she had admitted it before, she felt warmth by his presence, this she also had noticed but it was familiarity, and comfort. The butterflies in her stomach though, were new. She realized what it was now, it was him. The fluttering intensified but she couldn’t concentrate on that now. Her life was about to change and everything else in it, the butterflies would be forced to recede whether she wanted them to or not.

Ignoring everything around her, Sorsha stared into his eyes and began speaking with a soft voice, “I do. To the whispering winds of D’hara and any present, I, Sorsha McDowell swear to you Lord Conrac Amcastra, Duke of Port Nebel.” Her voice grew with strength as courage filled her, “from this moment, I will be your liege woman, I will be faithful to you with regards to your safety, and protect your life with my own. From this day what battles you fight whether they be on the battlefield, in wits or honor, their outcome shall become my concern and I will fight with you. I promise to always be pure of heart and look for the truth and never allow fear to let me keep it from you. I will obey your wishes in good faith and without deception so long as they do not hinder any previous oaths to my Queen. I will be faithful to Nebel and the territory that belong within its entire boundaries as long as there is breath within me or I am no longer Lady of Nebel.”

Closing her eyes, she swallowed nervously, fearing her words hadn’t conveyed her oath as much as she felt it. Like when she had given her oath to the Queen, she still hadn’t felt like it was enough.

Deep within, she just didn’t feel worthy she could only pray that time would allow her to prove it. When she opened her eyes again, Conrac simply stared at her silently. She would have given anything to hear his thoughts at the precise moment. She stared back, remaining silent as well as if truly expecting his thoughts to come forth.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac laid his sword on her shoulder, his eyes stared at her before he nodded with approval. "Then rise Lady of Nebel".

His eyes closed, Conrac began chanting softly.

"In the name of my house, I in turn vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth and meat and mead at my table."

"I grant you mercy in times of weakness, help in times of helplessness and justice at all times."

As he quietly slid his sword back into its sheath, he stated quietly. "There is much work to be done. And we cannot ignore it nor can we shun it. I expect much from you, despite your youth."

"That said." Conrac's eyes softened. "I see you tremble, that is good. Ruling is never something, that one without fear should do."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

The oath was given and yet somehow she didn’t feel any different. The area around her was the same, the continuous fluttering in her stomach was ever present, and Conrac had not changed one bit. He still stood before her, proud and handsome and incredibly serious.

She mentally laughed at herself. What had she really expected? Lightning to crash and thunder to peal through the skies to announce it? She almost did laugh out loud at the absurd thought but refrained herself showing a small smile instead. No she was still the very simple Sorsha, incredibly shy but not with fear as he assumed, for she was no longer alone in a sense.

She looked straight into his eyes. “Aye… fear is necessary I am sure it will strike me soon enough,” she answered softly, feeling as if being tested already, “but is not fear Milord that makes me tremble so.” He frowned at her words and she smiled weakly at the admission, “I will not disappoint you.” she gave a small nod and started to turn away, ignoring the tumultuous emotions coursing through her.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Now that was awkward. Conrac had fought battles, sworn oaths but this was one of the few times he had actually been sworn too. Conrac puzzled over the words a bit. He had received letters from some of the finest knights in the realm, it had been difficult. He felt particularly bad for his old friend Rathan. But with new expansion in the west he'd probably get another chance at that temple of his.

As Sorsha began turning away, Conrac stared at the sky. It was dark. "It’s going to rain...probably a thunderstorm too..." Conrac stated in a matter-of-fact tone. He wondered whether that was a sign of good luck.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha’s smile was obvious now and she stopped to look up to the sky with him. Conrac was right! As if in answer to his words, a jagged purple light flashed across the sky and shortly after the ground beneath them trembled.

She breathed with excitement as the first raindrop touched her cheek and raised her hands to the sky as if waiting to catch more. “I don’t believe it,” she whispered with awe and suddenly a feeling of complete calmness covered her like a shroud.

“My mother used to say rainstorms are a sign of good luck and that this is the way the Gods voice their approval.” She couldn’t help grinning shyly thinking of the foolish notion. It had been a story her mother told her so she wouldn’t fear thunder and lightning. “A child’s story,” she said softly and wondered how crazy that sounded for him. “Maybe you should seek shelter milord,” she laughed as both of them stood unmoving in the light rain. She actually found solace in rain, taking time to enjoy the small pleasures of freedom in life. She wondered if that was the case with him.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

"Nah let's enjoy the rain, unless of course you would rather not". Conrac stared at her questionably.

"The Amcastra household is very strict. All children have to learn swordplay, poetry, writing, horseback riding, archery, along with things such as political studies and history. My older brother was very strict indeed, he would often challenge everyone who so much as sneezed on him. Its a good thing he was the semi-finalist and a finalist in two swordsman tournaments, he would have otherwise been killed by now." He chuckled at the thought of his honor-rigid older brother challenging three different men at the same time to a duel, so confident in his ability to defeat them.

"I use to run away and hide out in the family gardens, and dirty my clothes, my brothers would hate that...but I loved the few times I could slip away and just stare at the sky."

Conrac stared at the lightning storm. "So beautiful and yet so dangerous, much like our realm. Tell me lady Sorsha what was your childhood like?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

She closed her eye enjoying the sensation as each raindrop touched her face. “No, I would rather stay,” she answered as lightning flashed again.

“Mmm,” she sighed and eventually looked back at him. She could understand where his seriousness stemmed from now. “My childhood?” she asked surprised that he even asked. It had been so long since anyone had even bothered to ask her about herself, she wasn’t sure where or how to start.

“Well… it wasn’t strict,” she began slowly, “but, every McDowell is taught from a young age how to fight and defend oneself. When we are old enough the lessons get harder and we are expected to master as many weapons as we can.” Her eyes grew distant as if the words had taken her back to her lessons and remembered others who didn’t share her opinion.

“I guess some would disagree with me and say it was a strict childhood after all, but I always did see the benefit. How else would I learn to protect my loved ones?” Her eyes burned with a touch of violet as she thought of the reason behind her family’s traditions. It wasn’t always so, but it was all she knew.

“Though, I never felt the suffocation like the others. My brother, Alec, is a free spirit, he is…” she laughed quietly looking for a word to describe him. “Let’s just say he doesn’t take life all too seriously.” She smiled at the memory of her blond haired, green eyed brother. With the devil may care attitude and the knack for always finding trouble.

“My cousin Kaylan had it harder than the rest of us…” she didn’t tell him why and continued. “I always did have empathy for her you could say. I felt it was my duty to protect her. She is my sister in every sense. I tried to give ease her suffocation by giving her a carefree childhood. She was in a sense always stronger than the rest of us, but sometimes I think they forgot there was a little girl inside. It was for her I learned to make dolls,” she added quietly.

She grew silent for a moment, hoping both were well. It wasn’t long and she returned to the previous topic. “When they think us ready, we are presented with a guardian. A weapon blessed by a loved one, engraved with a battle prayer. Usually it is one with which you excel at. In a sense you are given the highest honor. Kaylan was younger than any of us when she received her father’s war bow. Alec carries a sword and I…the dagger you now carry as your own.” She bit her lip and sighed. “I apologize, I’ve rambled on,” her cheeks reddened and she turned away embarrassed.