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In the beginning there was darkness. A grotesque world shaped by the greed, lust and power of the Old Gods. Busy in Their eternal chaotic struggle, They ignored the children of mud that came and inhabited that world. The new creations were like flies: small, insignificant and weak. Probably an occasional result as many other that have emerged from the titanic clashes of a wild dispute. The powerful gods were too busy to notice those little worms crawling on the face of Creation.

Humans. Mankind. It's how they came to be known and called each other when they were able to express something more than intelligible grunts. They were born in a savage world. A world were time and space had no meaning and the stars never seemed to form the same patterns in the night sky. They were lost, cold and hungry. But there was something special that would take them forward. Of all the creations, they were the only ones able to show adoration and worship. And when the night is gone, a Lesser Deity looked at those creatures. He realized that humans worshiped the sun. The heat and light. And that was the first flash. The first time that a chaotic deity influenced the mankind and was influenced by them, becoming an object of worship. Becoming the Sun, receiving a name: Dazzog, The Unconquered Sun. When He heated them with the caress of His protection and with the light of His divinity, He felt by the first time an advantage of being protected. And it made ​​Him even more proud. Below Him those rude creatures worshiped His power.

At the dawn of these new times the Old Gods walked the world in search of the little humans to show Their influence, power and to be worshiped. To receive the sacrifices of blood. And in these days of savage the mankind become a weapon to the whims of the Old Gods. Hysterical rites and macabre dances filled the world with flames. The great monoliths were temples where the humankind celebrated its faith and reaped the fruits of its patrons. And inevitably, they fought against each other. Not only by the wish of the supernatural influence of its rulers. That was born in their own nature from their twisted and primitive creation.