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Regent of the Faith Brance Indirik called for the commencement of a Magistratum trial to investigate the possible abuse of authority in the excommunication, and abuse of religious authority in the auto de fe. The Magistratum was seated with Regent of the Faith Brance, Light of the Auspicious Star Constantine Meneldur, and Light of the Austere Star Varchilde Esotericus.
Regent of the Faith Brance Indirik called for the commencement of a Magistratum trial to investigate the possible abuse of authority in the excommunication, and abuse of religious authority in the auto de fe. The Magistratum was seated with Regent of the Faith Brance, Light of the Auspicious Star Constantine Meneldur, and Light of the Austere Star Varchilde Esotericus.
'''''OOC Info:''' The following message exchange was provided to several Elders of Sanguis Astroism during the course of the investigation. It was never publicly shared beyond those few Elders that received it: [[/AllisonMagistratum/]].''
== Verdict ==
== Verdict ==

Latest revision as of 20:15, 3 August 2010


During the process of restructuring the Warders of the Temple, a militant order of Sanguis Astroism charged with the defense of the church, Duke Aram Stein was ordered to step down from his Elder rank to a lower Elder rank. This would allow the restructuring of the ranks of the Warders to more easily allow the guild to meet their obligations. Over the course of the next few months, many attempts were made to get Duke Aram to demote himself. However, he never did so. Multiple times he delayed, and offered excuses that did not seem to make sense. Finally, direct orders were given. When Duke Aram did not comply, Light Allison Kabrinski traveled to Eidulb. Once there, she kicked Aram Stein out of the church, and then conducted an auto de fe to strip the title of Duke of Eidulb from him.

Regent of the Faith Brance Indirik called for the commencement of a Magistratum trial to investigate the possible abuse of authority in the excommunication, and abuse of religious authority in the auto de fe. The Magistratum was seated with Regent of the Faith Brance, Light of the Auspicious Star Constantine Meneldur, and Light of the Austere Star Varchilde Esotericus.

OOC Info: The following message exchange was provided to several Elders of Sanguis Astroism during the course of the investigation. It was never publicly shared beyond those few Elders that received it: AllisonMagistratum.


Report from Sir Brance Indirik
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (125 recipients)
Nobles of Sanguis Astroism,

Following a review of all pertinent evidence, and of submitted testimony in response to an official summons, The Magistratum of the Church of Sanguis Astroism hereby announces their verdict in the matter of the trial of Lady Allison Kabrinski, Light of the Maddening of the Church.

The Magistratum has been called to investigate charges of the abuse of religious authority on the part of Light Allison in the matter of the Excommunication of Duke Aram Stein, and the subsequent removal of Duke Aram through the religious rite of auto de fe. The Magistratum has been composed of myself, Light Varchilde, and Light Constantine. It is noted that this composition was requested by the Accused herself, and the composition approved by Light Constantine and Light Varchilde.

The Magistratum has addressed two separate charges:

  • That Light Allison exceeded her authority in excommunicating Duke Aram Stein from the Church of Sanguis Astroism due to the disobedience of orders in matters concerning the Warders of the Temple.
  • That Light Allison abused her religious authority in conducting an auto de fe of Duke Aram Stein, raising a peasant mob to remove him from the non-religious, feudal office of Duke of Eidulb.

It is noted that following the official commencement of the Magistratum trial, Light Allison declined to provide an accounting of her actions. As such, we have taken the many messages she sent regarding the affair, both public and private, as her testimony in the trial. During the process of holding the trial, Light Allison has pleaded guilty to all charges brought against her. Nevertheless, once the Magistratum has been called, it is the duty of the Magistratum to investigate and rule in these matters. To not do so would be a dereliction of duty on the part of the Magistratum. Therefore the Magistratum refuses to accept the the guilty pleas of Light Allison.

It is also noted that the Magistratum is operating under the guidelines of a draft Magistratum procedure that has been provisionally accepted by the Elders of Sanguis Astroism.

Therefore, the Magistratum rules as follows:

Firstly: To the charge of exceeding of her authority in the excommunication of then Duke Aram, the Magistratum finds Light Allison innocent. The individual members of Warders of the Temple, the order being an officially recognized affiliate of the Church of Sanguis Astroism, must indeed be subject to the authority of, and any punishments decreed by, the Church of Sanguis Astroism. Furthermore, Light Kabrinski did indeed inform the Elders of her intention to conduct an excommunication of Duke Aram for his actions by her authority as head of the Order and, though the exact laws governing excommunication have not been made clear to date, there was no public dissent.

The Magistratum acknowledges that methods for the official chartering of militant orders must be formalized, including matters of authority over the order, and punishment of order members within the Church, to prevent such unclarities in the future. Consul Rowan Geronus has already begun work on the draft of procedures to officially charter such militant orders.

Secondly: The the charge of the abuse of religious authority in the conducting an auto de fe to remove Duke Aram Stein from the non-religious, feudal office of Duke of Eidulb, the Magistratum finds Light Allison guilty. During the investigation, it was revealed that Light Allison fully intended to conduct the auto de fe from the earliest records of her plans. She deliberately withheld this information from the Elders, revealing only her plans for the excommunication.

Furthermore, it was revealed that the secular authorities of Astrum, namely Vasilif Ysgarren and then-Strategos Rowan Geronus privately acknowledged and endorsed Light Kabrinski's plan to conduct an auto de fe of Duke Aram. This "permission", however, is irrelevant in the scope of the authority of the church of Sanguis Astroism. The office of Duke of Eidulb is a feudal office, unaffiliated with the church. Therefore the use of religious authority to remove someone from that office is clearly inappropriate. Were the Duchy of Eidulb an appointed church position, such as is the lordship of the townsland of Caiyun, the removal of the Lord through religious means may be appropriate.

For her part in the abuse of religious authority, Light Allison is hereby stripped of her position as Light of the Maddening, and demoted to Full Member status. In addition, Lady Allison is hereby barred from holding any Elder rank in the Church of Sanguis Astroism for a period of six months.

The Magistratum hereby charges Light of the Austere Varchilde, to carry out the judgment of the Magistratum.

Having delivered these verdicts in this trial, the Magistratum has discharged its duly appointed duties, and is hereby dissolved.
Sir Brance Indirik (Regent of the Faith of Sanguis Astroism, Duke of Libidizedd)