McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/AlecandIsabel: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' Thain rode ahead of his men, into Azros, his side heavily bandaged. He dismounted and waved off the flock of servants and healers urging him to get to...)
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'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Thain rode ahead of his men, into Azros, his side heavily bandaged. He dismounted and waved off the flock of servants and healers urging him to get to bed. He searched for Dei, and poked his head into her office.
"You wanted to see me?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah had been looking out the window, looking in the direction of Leod wondering how Thain was doing. Only that morning she had received a letter from him, informing her he was well at last. She had spend the entire night awake, the worst scenarios playing over in her head. The moment she saw him standing at the door, she rushed off her chair and into his arms. “Oh thank the gods you’re safe,” she whispered into his neck, her arms holding him tightly. “I was so worried,” she told him and swallowed, her fear now dissipating.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
"I'm sorry. But yes, I'm fine. Now what did you have to tell me, love?"
He hid a grimace a bit as she wrapped her arms around him, the wound on his side still healing. He wasn't about to let her know it bothered him though.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah backed up out of his arms to look at him. “I think it’s better if you take the time to fully recover, it really can wait until you’re well. Besides I had planned an evening in order to tell you the news. I still wish this moment to be special… and not rushed, your getting wounded had not been calculated in my preparations.”  She led him to the large sofa, noticing the bandage, knowing he needed to be off his feet. She closed the door, and returned to sit with him, taking his hand in hers. “I don’t want to hinder your recovery by being the lovesick girl who can’t stand to be a moment away from the man she loves, I can be a little more patient,” she smiled weakly. Truth was, now that he was before her, she was a bit nervous about telling him the news she had known for several days now.  Of course, she knew she didn’t have reason to be nervous, but the emotion was still there.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I'm fine, really. I'll sit down for a bit, but I have work to do." Thain pulled her in close and kissed her.
"Here you had me worried, and now you're making me wait. You are quite the tease." Thain laid back and closed his eyes, and dozed off for a while. He woke, and stood.
"We have some guests that need talking to. We'll talk to Alec first."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Dei tried not to let his easy agreement bother her, yes maybe she needed a bit more time, to word it properly. He then lay onto the sofa, and she sat beside him, watching him sleep. Occasionally she would run a hand into his hair, trace the lines of his face, and her heart swelled with happiness. She eventually stopped, not wanting to wake him.
She walked away, to stand before the window once more, looking to the city below. All the while she thought of how she was going to tell him. It was a while but he woke, almost instantly ready to get back to his work. She turned to face him and her smile slipped at his words. “Yes… I believe they’ve waited long enough…” she murmured, deep down she had wished time would soften his outlook on her brother, and he would have been given more time to consider possibilities. She had after all made sure of it by her request to have them taken away and separated. 
She took his hand, and realized how much warmer his was in contrast to hers and together they returned to the room Alec was being held in. As they neared it, they could hear a soft tapping emanating from the room. She secretly grinned, Alec was quite talented in the arts of music and it seemed not even this captivity could take that from him.
When they entered the room, Alec stopped what he was doing and looked up as light filled the room. He seemed to squint and then rose to stand tall before them.
“Well it seems you didn’t forget me after all,” he said almost sarcastically and cocked his head.
Maybe she had not seen it the first day, but she could now see a bit of a shadowed difference on her brother’s features. His eyes seemed dark, his skin pale, and he was much larger than she remembered him. What kind of life had he led before arriving here?
Standing beside Thain, she let go of his hand, and waited for him to speak first.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira''' 
Isabel rose from her spot where she was sitting against the cold wall as she heard steps approaching. They passed by her door and continued only stopping a few metres down the hall. She could only guess that they were now coming for them. She hoped they wouldn't hurt Alec trying to seek for information he didn't remember.
She got closer to the door and leaned against it trying to listen for anything that was going on in Alec's room.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain pulled up a chair and sat down.
"Sit down, please." he said calmly.
"You're Dei's brother, and seeing as we're going to be family soon enough, I'm not going to hurt you unless you force my hand. Now, please, explain. Why have you left the Netherworld, what were you doing there in the first place?"
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec took a chair and then frowned at Thain’s words. <i> Family…</i> He then realized what the man was saying and looked up.  “Why do you keep insisting I was in the Netherworld,” he said his voice no longer coated with his usual humor. Dei and Thain seemed both convinced that’s where he was from, and this scared him because for one he didn’t remember anything, what if they were right?
“I don’t remember anything,” he said softly, trying to keep a calm tone. “I just remember being on Beluaterra, I was in Enweil. We were attacking a city, Athol Margos, we were attacked by daimons and then I woke up here, where you found me.” Alec’s green eyes watched his sister’s expression. She reached over to touch Thain’s arms, as if in reassurance or to get comfort from him, he wasn’t sure. “I don’t know what else to tell you,” he shrugged, he wasn’t even sure they’d believe him. “Is Isabel alright?” he then asked, hoping to get news of her.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain frowned, and stood, leaving the room without a word. He walked into the room where Isabel was being held.
"Sit." he said, and sat down in a chair.
"Explain. Everything. Your comrade there doesn't appear to remember anything, so its up to you to decide your fate, and his."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah followed behind Thain and gave her a brother a sympathetic look before she left the room.
She then entered, seeing Isabel and waited for this woman’s explanation. Did she also forget? She remained silent, her eyes not revealing any of her fear and anticipation.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira''' 
Isabel steeped away from the door when she heard someone turning back from the other room.
King Thain entered and told her to sit down as he sat. Not wanting to disrespect him she did as she was told.
As he asked her to explain everything she sighed and looked at him.
"Well, I might as well start from the beginning." she passed her hand through her forehead and looked away as if remembering their journey.
"We were in Enweil, we and several units attacked Athol Margos to form a colony. All of the sudden, Daimons converted us into their realm. For all we knew we were dead and in hell and Daimons forced us to join their armies and serve them. We refused to of course but... " she sighed and looked at his face again.
Would he believe any of it?
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain leaned forward as she spoke, his expression changing from blank and uncaring to concerned.
"Go on, what happened next? How did you manage to become government members?"
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira''' 
Isabel frowned at how easily he was taking it. Who in their sane mind would believe it? She looked at the Lady standing behind the King and she looked concerned.
Turning back to the King she continued.
"We were there, lost for months, we couldn't make sense of what was happening to us. We forced ourselves to... keep our soul, our humanity. But many succumbed to the evil around us." She got up and started pacing.
"The darkness feeds on our fears and soul. I could see them change some slowly others faster, I could see some change in me too." she turned away to hide a tear that slipped down her cheek. "The Gods of the Netherworld gave us no choice, either we joined their cult and army or they'd have no use for us other than to entertain them."
"And trust me, their idea of entertainment isn't a pretty sight." she paused a bit and closed her eyes at the memory of the torture and sadistic games they came up with. Taking a deep sigh she looked at them and continued as their faces were impassive. "So, Alec and I played along, pretending to serve them until we could find a way out. We kept ourselves human by never forgetting how much we loved each other." she paused and looked at her half of the McDowell family ring.
"It was pretty difficult at keep the façade, the things we had to do... they ended up eating us inside..." she let it trail off and waited for their reaction
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain nodded solemnly, then stood. He walked out of the room, motioning for Dei. He spoke to the guards.
"Get them some food, and water. Wine too, if they want it." He said, and walked down the hall, out of earshot.
"What do you think?" he said to Dei, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her in close.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah followed Thain out of the room, and gave Isabel a long look before leaving. When Thain spoke to her, she lowered her eyes and he took her in his arms. “I don’t know her Thain… She seems sincere enough, but why would Alec not remember any of it? Oh gods…” her hand came up to her stomach and she covered it, the sensation she got was one of horror. “What if what she says is truth, what have they done to my brother?” she whispered and her hands trembled. “That poor woman, did you see the look in her eyes when she thought of it? The fear there… that was genuine.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
"I know" he whispered, and put his hands on her stomach. "What's the matter?" he said, concern in his eyes.
"We'll ask her why Alec doesn't remember anything... And... Let them go. I see no reason to hold them. They will be watched, though."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah’s hands covered his and she found comfort in his touch. “I’m just… sensitive lately,” she said softly and then looked up. “Especially when it concerns my brother…” her eyes filled with moisture and she gave a weak smile. “Thank you,” she whispered and reached up to put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I would honestly prefer keeping him close to me for the time being, just so I can see for myself. If what she says is true, and he does eventually remember, he will need me…us. Because if anyone can show him goodness and a new purpose in life, it is you mo’cuishle.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
He kissed her back, and wrapped his arm protectively around her, and walked with her into Isabel's room.
"Why doesn't Alec remember anything then?" he inquired, as a servant brought in a tray with a glass of water, a glass of wine and a platter of meats and cheeses.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira''' 
Isabel watched as the servant put down the plate of food and drinks. She heard the King's question but she took the water first. She hadn't drank or eaten in two days. She drank all the water first and then answered.
"Because he was changing. I could only see humanity in him when we were together, other than that... I saw him do things that weren't him. Not my Alec." she looked down remembering the human sacrifices when he joined their cult.
"That was it, I had to find a way to get us out of there. Or it would be too late for him." she swallowed at the thought of losing him and looked at the fear the Lady's eyes shown.
"One day I found a strange old man who was wandering through my region. I approached him and he seemed lost. The look in his eyes... it was of someone who was still fighting. Who remembered what it was like to be human." she looked back at them and their attention wasn't diverted by anything at that point.
"I took him in and fed him. He stayed for sometime and eventually started telling me stories about the ancient times. At first I thought he was just mad with all he'd been through but this one time, a word peeked my interest. "Portal." he said in the middle of his mumbling.
"I asked more about it and he told me it wasn't real. It was only a story. Nevertheless I saw hope in his eyes. He too was looking for a way out. After a few months, with what he told me and with what I had been reading in their ancient books, we believed we had found it. There was only one thing keeping us from using it, we had to take a potion to cross it safely and there was the risk of losing our memories."
She sat down and continued. "The old man and I worked on finding all the ingredients but we found only enough for two vials. At this point I was willing to risk it. Some of Alec's men were starting to get suspicious."
"As soon as we had the potion I went to Alec to tell him but I was afraid he wouldn't follow me. So I asked him to trust me, it took him a while to believe everything I was telling him but he followed me and the old man to the place where the supposed portal would be."
"Unfortunately we were followed by his captain and six of his men." She gritted her teeth. "We fought them as the old man chanted these ancient words who would open the portal."
"Out of nowhere one soldier killed the old man just as the portal opened. We killed all of them but when we reached the old man there was only one vial left. The other was broken."
"Alec wanted me to take it but seeing he was the one who had changed the most I begged him to take it instead. I didn't want him to remember what he had done if we made it out."
"The portal was closing and seeing I'm more stubborn he took it. We both walked in and after that all I remember is ending up here unconscious." she took a deep breath and looked back at the King and the Lady next to him wondering if that was it. Had she just given them enough reason for a death sentence?
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain nodded.
"I've heard of similar things. You're free to go. But you walk a very fine line. If I suspect for one second that you've lied to me and are acting on the behalf of the Netherworld, you and Alec will be burned at the stake."
Thain walked with Dei over to Alec's room.
"You're free to go. Isabel is next door. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You two are welcome to stay here as long as you like."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah listened to Isabel’s tale with extreme interest. It was such a story, how in the world could someone fabricate something so unreal so farfetched, it had to be true. “Alec began to change?” she asked and the other woman nodded.
“But with you, he was able to hold on to his humanity?” she asked, clarifying again, and the small brunette’s eyes appeared shadowed as if remembering it all again. Deianarah had noticed the McDowell ring on her hand, indication that she and Alec were to be wed, or had already been. “You must really love him to sacrifice so much to be with him,” she stated and as she did, she couldn’t help taking Thain’s hand in hers. Knowing how much she would sacrifice for him.
Deianarah then leaned her head against his arm, and rested her other hand on his bicep. “I believe you,” she said softly, “but I have to admit, it is a lot to take in. I would prefer if you remained here, in the palace with us for the time being. There is still much that needs to be answered. She then left Isabel and followed Thain back to Alec.
When he told Alec he was free to go, he appeared extremely confused, and stopped chewing his food long enough to quirk an eyebrow. He then left his food and Deianarah approached Alec and this time they were able to finally hold one another. “I’m so happy that you’re well and safe,” she whispered to him.
Alec tightened his embrace and picked her up off the floor. “It’s so good to be here with you. Look at you sister,” he said proudly, “beautiful, and a Duchess. I couldn’t be prouder,” he kissed her cheek and she couldn’t help but cry at his words.
Deianarah had a small heartfelt embrace, but soon Alec left the room to join Isabel.
Turning to Thain, Dei then returned to his side and took his hands with hers. “Now we need to take care of you,” she said sweetly, knowing he was probably tired again, and he needed to recover.

Latest revision as of 14:29, 17 December 2012

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