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(New page: '''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell''' It had been some time since Deianarah had last seen Thain. After they had gone to Silmeriel’s mansion, they had been shown many surreal things; sh...)
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'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
It had been some time since Deianarah had last seen Thain. After they had gone to Silmeriel’s mansion, they had been shown many surreal things; she still hadn’t quite recovered from, and had been told equally interesting facts.
Now here she was in Pates, with her men, waiting… she was growing restless from the long days of sitting, doing nothing but watching. She thought of going to see Thain but changed her mind he was probably busy anyway.
She got up, and started to pace her tent. It was a few minutes before she stopped that and sat once more. Not long after, she started pacing again, and sat with a sigh.
This was ridiculous. Did she need a reason to go see him? She could pretend she was walking by and oh… go visit his tent.  If anything he would be all too polite and speak to her...
Decision made, she grabbed her green cloak and left.
It wasn’t long after, she was facing a guard, asking him if Thain was available.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain so happened to be within earshot, and walked towards Deianarah. He was fully armored, his white-gold armor, furs and his white cloak brought to mind images of divine beings, old stories. He held his crested helmet in hand, and kept his other hand on the handle of his blade. He smiled at Dei, and spoke
"My lady Dei, what brings you here?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Upon seeing him, her eyes lit up and she smiled. <i> I couldn’t stay away from you. </i> she thought, but instead bit her lip. “I uhm, was in the area,” she paused, her hands coming together, “and I noticed your camp,” she motioned, and looked around. <i> I’m rambling, please don’t let me ramble, </i> she turned pleading eyes on him. “I’m very restless, I have all this energy and…” she sighed and bit her lip again. “How are you?” she finally asked awkwardly.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I am well, a little busy, but well. You caught me at a bad moment, though, I'm sorry but I have a small detail to attend to. I'll be right with you though, it won't be long. Captain Volkin here will escort you to my tent."
Thain bowed slightly and walked off towards a group of soldiers, and Captain Volkin led the lady towards Thain's tents.
"A word of advice m'lady, if you're trying to say something to him, look at his feet. If you made eye contact, you'll forget what you're trying to say."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“You noticed that, didn’t you…” she gave a light laugh, her cheeks blushing and shook her head. “Apart from finding out where his feet have taken him that day, I still believe it’s the eyes that reveal everything.” She joked and Captain Volkin laughed. “In this case Captain, it’s not just his eyes…” she admitted honestly and continued to walk to Thain’s tent. Captain Volkin, then left her and she waited for Thain to return.
While she did, she took back to pacing and chewed her thumbnail.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain returned before long, and doffed his armor, sinking into a chair, and closing his eyes for a moment.
"This whole ordeal is exhausting. I cannot wait for this war to be over, and Conan and his ilk brought to justice."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“Yes it is. I came at a bad time, I’m sorry,” she apologized and turned towards the door. “I should let you rest, you look really tired, and I think me being here, isn’t exactly going to be relaxing for you, seeing as I’m so full of energy, and I can’t… seem… to … stop… talking.” She gave a sheepish smile and closed her mouth. “I didn’t mean to impose.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain shook his head, and smiled at Dei.
"Nonsense, I was about to come get you anyway. I find your company..." he paused, looking for the right word. "Refreshing. I have business with you. Nighthelm's King has always been advised by the Senate... But it is a political body, and therefore unreliable. I am forging an informal body of advisers... Four of them to be precise. Each different in manner. Most importantly though... Each a warrior. This group, this... Mournival, as it is called, is hand picked by me... And I want you to be its first member."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Dei didn’t realize she had sat, until she felt the chair hit her backside. She blinked back at Thain, unable to speak. She looked down to the ground, her brows furrowing.  It took her a moment to let what he said, sink in and she looked up. “I am…I don’t know what to say,” she paused.
“I’m honored…” she finally let out and smiled. “Each different in manner? To represent something specific?” she wondered and cocked her head. “I’m not sure I understand precisely, but which would I be? Or better yet, why me?”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain smiled and shook his head.
"No, nothing specific. I just want four different personalities so I can get four different points of view. I've been assessing candidates for some time now, and I've chosen you as the first. This is an unofficial body, but an honor. On your helm you are to place the badge of your station. You will bear the badge of the full moon, over the right eye."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah smiled and nodded at his last words. “I shall…” Now that she was sitting, she crossed her ankles and watched him, watching her. She could only wonder what he saw when he looked at her, and what he made of her personality.
He had to be an extremely good judge of character, and to have observed her more than she thought to have come to this decision.
“Thank you,” she said simply. “Have you chosen the other three already?”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"As a matter of fact I have. Quite a bunch, this Mournival, will be. I do hope you don't get shy in front of famous individuals."
Thain said teasingly, and called for a servant to prepare tea.
"Four aspects, the full moon, the waxing, waning, and the crescent moon. You'll meet the other three during the rite of initiation."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She could only smile in answer. Deianarah wasn’t exactly shy, she was only put off balance whenever she was in his presence. “I shall do my best,” she grinned back.
“<i>Iomlán gealaí,</i>” she said pensively, using her native tongue, “full moon,” she translated at the look of interest on his face.
She then became curious, wondering about the rite of initiation and what it entailed. 
It was a few moments and a servant reappeared with some tea. She took the cup offered with a nod. 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain sipped his tea, and let out a satisfied sigh.
"An interesting tongue. What is it, if you don't mind me asking? And where did you learn to speak it?"
He leaned forward, interested.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah smiled, “it’s Gaelic…” she took a sip of her tea. “My ancestors were very firm in their beliefs and customs. We have kept most of them, but as you know over the years some traditions fade… As for the language, my entire family speaks it. Of course, I do not have much of an accent, but sometimes it slips through. Usually when I’m agitated or angry and speak too quickly.” She grinned, “I’m not as bad as my brother Alec though.”
She gave a thought to her older brother with a small pang of regret. “My childhood has always revolved around sacred traditions, they are strongly intertwined with every aspect of my life.”
She looked down to the ring on her left hand. “This ring for example, my Guardian and the battle prayer on it, down to my horse,” she chuckled lightly. “When one knows how to look, you could probably see me as an extreme sentimentalist, but it is all I know.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I am much the same way, raised in the traditions of my father. My faith, my armor, my weapons... All passed onto me from my predecessors. History and tradition was drilled into me from a young age. My brother and I both were raised the same way. It was a rough existence, the training was harsh and unforgiving... Nearly deadly at several times. Though we both made it through. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, and he wouldn't be here either."
Thain said nostalgically.
"Then of course we found out our first instructor was actually working for the Chaos Requiem and almost killed my father."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“I have also known harsh training, I sometimes felt like happy childhoods were something people talked about but it was not reserved for someone like me. Which is probably why I was so close to my brother… he showed me the importance of finding joy in life, even in the smallest thing,” she gave a small sigh and looked to the dark liquid in her cup.
“We had similar upbringings, you and I,” she said. “But it is what has made us who we are today. I am grateful for me... and for you.”
“I am sorry to hear of your instructor.” She set the cup on the table beside her and absently played with the ring on her finger. 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain shrugged off the last comment.
"He didn't succeed, so... Meh. I'll put him to the sword if I ever find him again, but otherwise, it doesn't matter much."
Thain leaned back in his chair again.
"You mentioned your battle prayer earlier... You have a faith?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“I wouldn’t call it a faith exactly,” she glanced up from her ring. “When we reach a certain age, we are gifted with a guardian. It is a weapon with which we excel above all others. This weapon is engraved with a battle prayer, it can also be a prayer of protection depending on the circumstances in which it is given.”  She gave him a solemn gaze.
“My family’s beliefs are that it should ward off and frighten your enemies, or protect you from them.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain nodded, pulling his chair closer to the fire to ward off the cold. He stared absently into the flames for a while, enjoying the warmth. He gestured for her to sit next to him.
"Sit with me for awhile." he said, his voice gentle, and his eyes sparkling.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Thain seemed to appear lost in thought and Deianarah watched him silently. She wondered what had made him so silent. Could it have been something she said or was the weariness hitting him? She did as he asked and brought her chair closer to sit beside him. Her hands gripped the side of the chair and she leaned slightly forward. She could feel his warmth near her but didn’t dare move. Turning, she gave him a warm smile and looked back to the fire. “This is nice, I’m not exactly looking forward to going back out there now,” she grinned.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain smiled gently, and took her hand in his, gently.
"Then don't." he said softly, just as the wind picked up outside, cold and howling.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Thain took her hand in his and her eyes followed its trajectory. She looked to his hand, cradling hers. His rough calloused fingers were made for wielding a blade but they now turned to velvet with a tender touch. She looked to his arm and then up to his face, and her eyes looked into his. Her other hand reached in and she took his in both of hers.
“I don’t want to…I never do,” she admitted with a whisper, passing her lower lip through her teeth. Her fingers lightly traced his hand, her thumbs brushing his palm.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain admired Deianarah’s figure for a moment, before looking into her eyes. His heart was pounding so hard he was sure his guards outside could hear it. Poor bastards out in this wind... He'd have to make sure they got an extra ration of wine... Later... His mind jumped back to the situation at hand, and he hoped she hadn't noticed his momentary distraction.
"I know." he said, and leaned in and kissed her.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
The way Thain looked at her made Dei's heartbeat accelerate while everything around her seemed to slow. He leaned closer to her and she felt herself being drawn in and instinctively closed her eyes. His soft lips pressed against hers and she returned the intimate kiss.
The moment was perfect. She no longer heard the popping of the flames or the wind outside, all she could hear was the racing of her heart, all she could feel was the warm tingle on her skin. Her hands tightened around his briefly, one hand trailed along his arm to his neck and with the other she intertwined their fingers.
For some time now she had realized how she felt about Thain but she wasn’t sure he would return the emotion, she was pleasantly surprised. She didn’t want this moment to end.
Roleplay from Thain Himoura
Thain let the kiss drag on for a long moment not wanting it to end. He finally managed to pull himself away, and he gazed into her eyes.
"I've been wanting to do that for some time." he shyly admitted. "Ever since I first laid eyes on you."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
As Thain pulled away, Deianarah licked her lips indulging in the ethereal impression of his mouth to hers, she could still taste him.
Slowly she opened her light brown eyes. Smiling at his words, she lowered her hand back, now holding both of his in hers. “So have I…” she whispered to him in turn and then bit her lip, her eyes lowering to look at their hands.
“It was… everything I imagined and more,” she told him softly looking up through long eyelashes. “It was as you are… perfect.”
Already she wanted to kiss him again. After his admission some of her recent shyness subsided, and after their first kiss she also felt braver. She stared into his eyes for a long time, unable to look away. As if in a trance she leaned in again, closing her eyes, this time initiating the kiss.
Lightly she brushed her mouth over his. Parting her lips, she took his bottom lip between hers and then repeated the motion to his upper lip. Releasing his hands, she reached up to touch his neck, the kiss deepened and she slid her tongue along his lips, savoring the sensation. The kiss was more heated than the first, deeper and lasting longer. When she pulled away from him this time, she was only a few inches from his face.
She could feel the heat on her cheeks, but it wasn’t from shyness. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself,” she told him. “And now I know…” she breathed “…I'm not dreaming,” she smiled.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain struggled every man's struggle, trying to keep his eyes on her face, instead of on her other attributes.
"How long have you dreamt of this?" he asked, teasingly, and pulled her back in for another kiss, without waiting for an answer.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah never got the chance to answer him, and was caught up again by his enticing kiss. She gladly gave in to him and her hands made it around his neck holding on to him. It was a good thing she was sitting, because she was definitely weak in the knees. The first kiss had been perfect, but amazingly they kept getting better.
His lips slowly moved back, and she let out a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling from the reflection of the firelight.  “Truth?” she grinned shyly and he watched with a smile, waiting for her answer. “The first time we met, you took me to a small establishment to eat, remember?” He nodded and she smiled. “When we parted you kissed my hand, and all I could think of at that moment was how much I wanted to feel your lips with mine instead.”
Her cheeks were already flushed, and she was grateful he couldn’t tell just how much telling him that small piece of information made her blush. “There were other times as well,” she admitted, gazing into his eyes and grinned mischievously, “but I shouldn’t be telling you all of my secrets, you have to work for them.” She laughed at the expression on his face and lowered her hands to touch his chest.
She was trying hard to resist moving in to kiss him again. so instead she forced herself to talk, not really knowing what else to say. But his lips felt so good against hers, not to mention how good he made her feel.
“From the moment you laid eyes on me…” she repeated with a pleased smile.  Was this really happening to her? She had made sure she wasn’t dreaming, so it had to be. Her stomach seemed to be filled with a flutter of butterflies and her eyes then admired his handsome face. “The first time I laid eyes on you, all I could think of was how handsome you were. You looked so magnificent in your pristine whites. Powerful and so determined and I felt so small and insignificant in your presence,” she said the last softly, watching her hand, now absently on his chest. “So I told myself, Dei a man like that deserves perfection, an extravagant Queen…” Now she was afraid of looking into his eyes. Deep down, she knew he still deserved perfection, a beautiful queen, and she was neither. Instead of dwelling on it, she threw the careful thought into the cold wind she could still hear on the outside of the tent and kissed him. He may find her yet, but for now, she wanted to take with her what she could.

Latest revision as of 14:27, 17 December 2012

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