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Letter from Kole Kalmar
This is an agreement between the high judges of [[Morek]], [[Springdale]], and [[Virovene]] enforced during the War of Succession. The following articles are to guide judges decisions during this conflict.
Message sent to: Allison, Sammael
Fellow Judges,

I agree with inquisitor Sammael's idea that treatment of Infiltrators should be separate from other nobles if captured, and would allow torture and Gold confiscation.
[[Dwilight/Diplomacy/Codes of War for Morek, Springdale, and Virovene/Letters of Conversation|Letters of Conversation]] are also stored for perspective on how the contents of the codes were reached.
I also agree that government officials and dukes should be exempt, but all other nobles should be considered open for their dark work (ooc: we can't stop them from playing the game, it would not be fair)

It is my view that troop leaders should not be exempt from banning, as I believe it is still necessary. We must show fellow members our realms that we are doing something to the prisoners, and prevent any of us being accused of treason. However, I do not advocate these prisoners being executed or deported if recaptured, as a banning will be shame enough I feel (again it still should be different for infiltrators, and i would advocate deportation/ execution for these people).
===Prisoner Exchange===
1. No soldier of either realm will be held for longer than 2 days (OOC: 4 turns). If direct exchanges wish to be negotiated for earlier release, judges are free to do so.

I also think Priests should be exempt for these rules, as they are not fighting, but converting, not an honourable method of acquiring a region. They should be able to be banned/ deported/ executed, in my opinion as member of a theocracy.
2. Troopleaders of either realm will not be tortured. A troop leader or knight can be banned from the realm if the judge so wishes, but there is to be no torture or deportation of the knight.

We also must agree on a pair of foreign mediators to decide on disputes between us, and agree to be bound by their decisions. Chosen via a continent wide announcement, maybe.
3. Soldier of either Realm will not have their gold stolen during their time held captive, unless 150 golds or more is held.

Other then that I agree to the terms we have previously set out. should we draw up a formal document to show to realm mates when we finish debating?
4. Professions not included in this agreement are : Priests and Infiltrators.

Faith and Honor
1) When an infiltrator is first caught a ban is the maximum penalty.

2) When an infiltrator is caught a second time deportation is the maximum penalty

Kole Kalmar
3) An infiltrator may be executed if they return after a deportation. If caught in multiple assaults upon council members or dukes, an infiltrator may be executed without having been deported.
Justiciar of Virovene, Count of Croton

4) An infiltrator should be tortured once and only if caught assaulting a duke or a council member or if a duke or council member has been assaulted in a region bordering the one the infiltrator was caught in.

5) Infiltrator gold is not protected.

6) If both parties are agreeable then exchange deals can be reached. i.e. :- Bans lifted or Prisoner exchanges. However, even if bans are lifted or deportations excised, if an infiltrator is caught for multiple attacks upon council members or dukes, then the infiltrator can be executed.

Letter from Sammael Haine 
Message sent to: Allison, Kole
1) Priests can preach in regions as long as the priest has the permission of the region lord.
Fellow Judges:

I believe two days imprisonment would be a sufficient time as well.
2) If a priests is arrested, then the priest is to be released within 1 day (OOC 2 turns).

I have already made a statement regarding No Looting and that any such actions can result in severe penalties, up to and including Banishment.
3) No sacking, looting or pillaging of temples of active religions. Additional temples/shrines can be built in regions with the permission of the region lord.

As for infiltrators, I do believe that the 4 key government positions should be sacrosanct and safe from assault. To be honest, I believe Dukes should be as well, but am not certain how either of you would feel about that.
4)Any preist breaching these rules may be arested and banned from the realm in question

With regards to torture, I believe it should be forbidden on all nobles unless it is an infiltrator that has actually been caught in an attempt to assassinate a government member (or duke) in violation of this agreement. For example, if the infiltrator is actually caught either sneaking around the encampment of said government member (or duke) or is actually caught in the act of assault.
This agreement became defunct after Springdale lost its last [[Nifelhold|region]] on February 11, 2009.

As for taking of gold, I think that should be forbidden as well from knights, but what about from Infiltrators? I have noticed that oft times, there are different guidelines for dealing with an infiltrator versus a knight.
[[Category:Legal Instruments]]
And what is the policy for banning/deporting captured knights? Personally, I am against it, let the issue be resolved on the fields of battle, as is proper, but what are your opinions? And what about infiltrators?
What do you two think? Did I miss any important points?
Ex Oblivione,
Letter from Kole Kalmar 
Message sent to: Allison, Sammael
I agree that war is no reason for ones such as ourselves to lose our dignity whilst conducting legal affairs. I believe that 1 day is too short, and gives the impression that it is not a punishment, I believe 2 days is an acceptable length and defiantly no longer then 4 days, and I agree that torture or stealing of gold is completely immoral, and so would agree to this being suspended for all prisoners of war (prisoners of circumstance should not be bound to these rules).
By council members do you refer to the executives of government (i.e. the General/Banker/ruler e.t.c). If so I agree that ut is not in our interests to perform underhand deeds such as this,  and so would agree to these terms.
I would like to discuss looting. I have banned it in Virovene, it is far to destabilising, and could get out of hand, making regions useless to all. What are your thoughts.
We also need to discuss mediation in the case of a breach of these disputes. I would elect a fellow judge from a neutral realm in order to settle these disputes without them becoming nullified by conflicting interests.
Furthermore, we should not mention any military matters during disputes, as it would cloud our judgments.
I await your responses
Faith and Honor
Kole Kalmar
Justiciar of Virovene, Count of Croton
Letter from Allison Kabrinski 
Message sent to: Kole, Sammael
I think we should conduct ourselves as civilly as possible. I think nobles should be held for 1 day. No taking of gold and no tortures. Infils are not allowed to attack Council members.
What do you think of that?
Letter from Kole Kalmar  (1 day, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to: Allison, Sammael
Cirtainly, What do you propose?
Faith and Honor
Kole Kalmar
Justiciar of Virovene, Count of Croton
Request from Sammael Haine 
Message sent to: Allison, Kole
Since it seems we are going to be engaging in martial conflict, should we set a base set of rules for prisoners and exchanges?
Ex Oblivione,
Sir Sammael Haine
Imperial Inquisitor of Springdale, Duke of Springdale

Latest revision as of 20:01, 8 March 2014

This is an agreement between the high judges of Morek, Springdale, and Virovene enforced during the War of Succession. The following articles are to guide judges decisions during this conflict.

Letters of Conversation are also stored for perspective on how the contents of the codes were reached.


Prisoner Exchange

1. No soldier of either realm will be held for longer than 2 days (OOC: 4 turns). If direct exchanges wish to be negotiated for earlier release, judges are free to do so.

2. Troopleaders of either realm will not be tortured. A troop leader or knight can be banned from the realm if the judge so wishes, but there is to be no torture or deportation of the knight.

3. Soldier of either Realm will not have their gold stolen during their time held captive, unless 150 golds or more is held.

4. Professions not included in this agreement are : Priests and Infiltrators.


1) When an infiltrator is first caught a ban is the maximum penalty.

2) When an infiltrator is caught a second time deportation is the maximum penalty

3) An infiltrator may be executed if they return after a deportation. If caught in multiple assaults upon council members or dukes, an infiltrator may be executed without having been deported.

4) An infiltrator should be tortured once and only if caught assaulting a duke or a council member or if a duke or council member has been assaulted in a region bordering the one the infiltrator was caught in.

5) Infiltrator gold is not protected.

6) If both parties are agreeable then exchange deals can be reached. i.e. :- Bans lifted or Prisoner exchanges. However, even if bans are lifted or deportations excised, if an infiltrator is caught for multiple attacks upon council members or dukes, then the infiltrator can be executed.


1) Priests can preach in regions as long as the priest has the permission of the region lord.

2) If a priests is arrested, then the priest is to be released within 1 day (OOC 2 turns).

3) No sacking, looting or pillaging of temples of active religions. Additional temples/shrines can be built in regions with the permission of the region lord.

4)Any preist breaching these rules may be arested and banned from the realm in question


This agreement became defunct after Springdale lost its last region on February 11, 2009.